Bill Erickson

Evergreen 3.2.0 Release Available

I’m proud to announce the official release of Evergreen 3.2.0.  The files are available on the downloads page. In addition to the features and fixes noted in the Release Candidate and Beta Release posts, one additional bug fix was added to the final release — — which fixes cases where catalog searches can fail […]

Evergreen 3.2 Release Candidate Available

The first release candidate of Evergreen 3.2 is now available on the downloads page.  Since the 3.2 Beta release, patches for 40+ bugs have been merged and a number of documentation updates and been added.  For a list of the commits since the Beta release, see the Github compare page. We also have a […]

Evergreen 3.2 first beta release available

The first beta release of Evergreen 3.2 is available from the downloads page. Evergreen 3.2 will be a major release.  Some highlights include: Auto-Renewal of loans Emergency closing handler Patron preferred names Custom permission group display in patron editor Persistent (server-stored) browser client settings Catalog batch record actions Invoice close date […]