1. Supported platforms

The following Linux distributions are supported:

  • Debian 6 (Squeeze)

  • Fedora 16, 17

  • Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Karmic Koala), 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)

The following platforms are no longer supported:

  • CentOS 5

  • Debian 5 (Lenny)

  • Fedora 14 and 15

  • RHEL 5

2. New features

2.1. OpenSRF Validator service (opensrf.validator)

The new opensrf.validator service offers a home for common validation routines. It includes two validators for email addresses:

  • OpenSRF::Application::Validator::EmailAddress::Regex - validates an email address using a basic regular expression

  • OpenSRF::Application::Validator::EmailAddress::DNS - validates the domain of an email address

2.2. Ingress tracking

To provide more granular logging of OpenSRF activity, the ingress (or entry point) for an OpenSRF client can now be tracked. The default value of the ingress property is opensrf, but other likely values include srfsh, translator-v1, and gateway-v1.

2.3. Java HTTP gateway client

Support has been added to the Java OpenSRF libraries for communicating with the OpenSRF HTTP gateway via the org.opensrf.net.http package.

2.4. Example Nagios plugin

An example Nagios plugin that checks every defined service for a brick for a response has been added at examples/nagios/check_osrf_services.

2.5. Log warnings for large XMPP messages

As ejabberd disconnects clients when sending very large messages, write a log message when the XMPP message will exceed the default threshold of 1,800,000 bytes. This threshold can be modified via the <msg_size_warn> element in the opensrf_core.xml configuration file.

3. Documentation improvements

The INSTALL file in the root directory is now the canonical guide to installing and configuring OpenSRF.

4. Build improvements

The source directory is now bootstrapped via the standard autoreconf -i autotools command, rather than the old autogen.sh command.

Dependencies for OpenSRF’s Java libraries have been updated to reflect modern Java.

4.1. Continuous integration support

An example configuration file for the Buildbot continuous integration server can be found in examples/buildbot.cfg. The most current version of this file will always be found in the master branch of the OpenSRF git repository.

The build steps configure and compile the code using the default arguments to configure, as well as running the unit tests for C, Perl, and Python, and running pylint against the Python source code.