1. Upgrade notes

2. New Features

2.1. Administration

2.1.1. Tablefunc Extension No Longer Required

Changes in the behavior of the connectby function in PostgreSQL 9.5 have prompted its removal from the database. It is easier for Evergreen to maintain compatibility with previous versions of PostgreSQL without this function.

By eliminating the use of the connectby function, we eliminate the requirement for the tablefunc database extension. It is no longer installed when the database is created. If you are upgrading and wish to remove it from your database, you may run the following statement in the database to drop it:


2.2. Cataloging

2.2.1. Selectable Bibliographic Source Update

During vandelay, the bib source has always recorded the record source, the time of the update and the identity of the user associated with the operation. This is not really desired for match-only merges.

This feature provides a way to control whether the bib source data is updated or not.

In MARC Import, select the "Merge / Overlay" tab. Each entry in the table has a value in the new "Update bib. source" column. If that value is "true", then the bib source data will be updated.

The two system-defined entries have been pre-set to appropriate values (Full Overlay = true; Match-Only Merge = false).

3. Acknowledgments

The Evergreen project would like to acknowledge the following organizations who commissioned developments in this release of Evergreen:

  • TO DO

We would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, documentations patche and tests to this release of Evergreen:

  • TO DO

We also thank the following organizations whose employees contributed patches:

  • TO DO

We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertantly missed, please open a bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/ with a correction.