1. Evergreen 3.14.4

This release contains bug fixes and documentation fixes improving on Evergreen 3.14.3.

1.1. Upgrade notes

  • The fix for Bug 2088529 requires running an upgrade script.

  • The fix for Bug 1975852 requires running an upgrade script.

  • The fix for Bug 1695911 requires running an upgrade script.

  • The fix for Bug 2009066 requires running an upgrade script.

1.2. Acquisitions

  • Refresh line item status and color coding when Purchase order is activated. (Bug 1991801)

  • Fixes incorrect calculation of the line-item level cost and amount paid that can occur when creating an invoice from a purchase order or a line item. (https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/2097049[Bug 2097049

  • Use words for Acq PO search Expand|Collapse All button (Bug 2042988)

  • Makes the foreign key relationship between acq.invoice_item and acq.fund_debit deferrable so that fund debits can be deleted in the same transactions as the invoice items. (Bug 2009066)

  • Fixes color styling for on-order line items (Bug 2096727)

1.3. Administration

  • Fix borders, wrapped button text in org unit settings grid. Add class name @Input to org unit selector component. (Bug 2083725)

  • Fix an issue in the Shelving Location Group admin screen that caused keyboard focus to disappear. (Bug 2098550)

  • Limits browse entry values to 1000 characters (Bug 1695911)

1.4. Catalog

  • Hides facet options when viewing basket in the staff catalog (Bug 2093108)

1.5. Cataloging

  • Ensures tag order in the authority.generate_overlay_template function output. (Bug 2088529)

  • Removes the Z39.50 search source autosave to match the previous version of the interface. (Bug 2094284)

  • The Clear Form button on the Import Record from Z39.50 interface now only clears the search fields, not the services and credentials inputs. (Bug 2084348)

  • Adds workstation setting for Monograph Parts grid preferences (Bug 1975852)

  • Fix an issue that caused MARC editor interface to change unexpectedly when a record is saved. (Bug 2093128)

  • Fixes an issue that caused the "Include items?" option when exporting records from the Record Buckets interface to be ignored. (Bug 2097391)

  • Fixes changed-field styling in the Holdings Editor (Bug 2091194)

  • Fixes performance issue when opening add-to-bucket dropdown (Bug 2093899)

1.6. Circulation

  • Fix Text/SMS Carrier label type in the Modify Hold’s dialog box. (Bug 2091111)

  • Patron barcode file uploads in the User Bucket’s Pending User(s) list are now able to retrieve patrons whose barcode value contains embedded spaces. (Bug 2087873)

  • Makes "Clear Form" button on patron search more visible (Bug 2089192)

  • Prevent hold reset entries from blocking hold aging and and user merges and purges (Bug 2097622)

1.7. Documentation

  • Refactor booking module documentation for clarity and updated visuals.

  • Replace npm install with npm ci in the For Developers installation instructions (Bug 2089160).

  • Updates links between refund and void billing (Bug 2092238)

  • Updates screenshots in Shelving Location Groups documentation (Bug 2092450)

  • Fixes headings in Batch Import MARC documentation (Bug 2094835)

1.8. Installation

  • Remove unused dependency that caused logins to fail. (Bug 2095046)

  • New installs will now have table actor.usr_mfa_exception (Bug 2095215)

1.9. OPAC

  • Fixes whitespace issue with empty list descriptions in the patron’s lists in their OPAC account. (Bug 2088180)

  • Fixes basket buttons on OPAC item details page (Bug 2093791)

  • Hides SMS test success message until after test is sent. (Bug 2096772)

  • Remove spellcheck attribute from password fields. (Bug 2002327)

  • Fixes the alignment of the Opac’s Search & History Preference form. (Bug 2097154)

  • Fixes broken select all button on OPAC search results. (Bug 2097384)

  • Fixes bug where user could not add multiple new search rows in OPAC Advanced Search. (Bug 2097131)

  • Restores missing Shelving Location filter to Advanced Search (Bug 2089178)

  • Fix to allow expert search to add and delete rows (Bug 2097555)

1.10. Reports

  • Fixes duplication of Share / Unshare buttons (Bug 2081883)

  • Fixes typo in bibliographic record source in IDL. (Bug 2086227)

  • Fixes reporting source Item’s link for last captured hold (Bug 2097281)

1.11. Self Checkout

1.12. Staff Client

  • Remove noise from the browser developer console when saving Angular grids. (Bug 2095026)

  • Fixes typo in AngularJS Booking > Pick Up Reservation (Bug 2095190)

  • Fixes Retrieve Recent Patrons link (Bug 2091174)

1.13. Acknowledgements

We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, testing, documentation, and patches to the 3.14.4 point release of Evergreen:

  • Andrea Buntz Neiman

  • Bill Erickson

  • Blake Graham-Henderson

  • Carol Witt

  • Christine Morgan

  • Dan Briem

  • Galen Charlton

  • Garry Collum

  • Gina Monti

  • Ian Skelskey

  • Jane Sandberg

  • Jason Etheridge

  • Jason Stephenson

  • Jeff Davis

  • Jennifer Pringle

  • John Amundson

  • Lindsay Stratton

  • Llewellyn Marshall

  • Mary Llewellyn

  • Michele Morgan

  • Mike Rylander

  • Ruth Frasur Davis

  • Shula Link

  • Stephanie Leary

  • Steven Callender

  • Steven Mayo

  • Susan Morrison

  • Tara Kunesh

  • Terran McCanna

  • Tiffany Little

2. Evergreen 3.14.3

This release contains bug fixes and documentation fixes improving on Evergreen 3.14.2.

2.1. Administration

  • Corrects error message in the actor.create_salt database function (Bug 2093010)

  • Corrects misleading comment explaining vis_level values in offline.js (Bug 2093358)

2.2. Cataloging

  • Serials quick receive no longer includes issues in non-receivable statuses, such as Discarded or Not Published. (Bug 2091728)

  • Includes status and location in marc_export when determining item visibility in the 852 MARC tag. (Bug 2056343)

2.3. OPAC

  • Hides alert box on public catalog holds history page when not needed. (Bug 2092227)

  • Fixes the "Add to my list" button in the public catalog (Bug 2092600)

  • Fixes the position of the "My List" selection boxes for each title in the public catalog. (Bug 2092589)

  • Prevents | fixed field codes from automatically selecting OPAC advanced search filters (Bug 2080691)

2.4. Reports

  • Restricts selectable report filter values by library ownership when applicable and possible. (Bug 2088100)

  • Fixes report template upgrade issues relating to more complex join types in older templates. (Bug 2089066)

  • Fix issues with sorting and filtering the contents of reports folders in the Reports interface. (Bug 2077438)

  • Allow paging through list of report outputs; fixes issue where this could time out in the Angular Reports interface for output folders that have many completed reports. (Bug 2086861)

  • Add a new user interface widget to provide a way for users of the Angular Reporter to select multiple values when filtering a report on a linked field. (Bug 2077357)

2.5. Acknowledgements

We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, testing, documentation, and patches to the 3.14.3 point release of Evergreen:

  • Andrea Buntz Neiman

  • Chrisy Schroth

  • Elizabeth Davis

  • Galen Charlton

  • Garry Collum

  • Ian Skelskey

  • Jane Sandberg

  • Jason Stephenson

  • Josh Stompro

  • Michele Morgan

  • Mike Rylander

  • Ruth Frasur Davis

  • Shula Link

  • Stephanie Leary

  • Steven Mayo

  • Terran McCanna

3. Evergreen 3.14.2

This release contains bug fixes and documentation fixes improving on Evergreen 3.14.1.

3.1. Acquisitions

  • Fixes the fund dropdown on invoice direct charges. (Bug 2086786)

3.2. Booking

  • Prevents reservation screen navigation if reservation confirmation fails. (Bug 2091015)

3.3. Circulation

  • Replaces the hard coded "Credit Card" payment type with the correct type from money.payment.payment_type. (Bug 1980294)

3.4. Documentation

  • Updates booking module documentation with new visuals for better usability.

  • Updates My Lists documentation (Bug 2091179)

  • Updates cross references in Reports documentation.

  • Updates broken image links (Bug 2089057)

  • Removes dead links & pages (Bug 2076271)

  • Updates to Search Results documentation.

  • Updates to Record Buckets documentation.

3.5. Release Process

  • Improves the release process. (Bug 2089305)

  • Stops including partial changelogs in official tarballs. (Bug 2082209)

  • Fixes potential failure in database upgrade script. (Bug 2086105)

3.6. Reports

  • Fixes alignment of the "Filter value" input in the new reports editor.(Bug 2085970)

  • Fixes capitalization of "New template" button in the Angular Reporter (Bug 2083702)

  • Angular report template documentation now shown (Bug 2077443)

  • Adds a Venn diagram selector for reports nullability (Bug 2077460)

3.7. Staff Client

  • Fixes bug that could result in incorrect or incomplete Fix bug that could result in incorrect or incomplete data being fetched from the database, particularly in interfaces that page through results (Bug 2089419)

3.8. Acknowledgements

We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, testing, documentation, and patches to the 3.14.2 point release of Evergreen:

  • Andrea Buntz Neiman

  • Blake Graham-Henderson

  • Galen Charlton

  • Gina Monti

  • Ian Skelskey

  • Jane Sandberg

  • Jason Boyer

  • Jason Stephenson

  • Jeff Davis

  • Michele Morgan

  • Mike Rylander

  • Ruth Frasur Davis

  • Steven Mayo

  • Susan Morrison

  • Tiffany Little

4. Evergreen 3.14.1

This release contains bug fixes and documentation fixes improving on Evergreen 3.14.0.

4.1. Administration

  • Fixes dojo.tgz hangup in make release script (Bug 2085384)

4.2. Cataloging

  • Fixes vandelay background importer perl script (Bug 2078506)

  • Adds default owning org unit for copy tags and types. (Bug 1721026)

  • Trim spaces from TCN when importing Z39.50 (Bug 2049934)

  • Fixes up/down arrows, CTRL-D, context menus in MARC editor (Bug 2084199)

  • Fixes a race condition retrieving the cat.require_call_number_labels ou setting (Bug 2052742)

  • Fixes save issue with call number fields in item templates (Bug 2045989)

4.3. Circulation

  • Fixes a bug that prevented canceling holds from the Holds Shelf (Bug 2085646)

  • Checks for duplicate values and address alerts when loading staged users (Bug 2046000)

  • Fixes patron bills error that causes several settings to be skipped when Uncheck Bills setting is used. (Bug 2069358)

  • Fixes typo in Angular Pull List (Bug 2083959)

  • Adds label to shelving locations selector in Angular pull list (Bug 2086737)

4.4. OPAC

  • Fixes display conflict on OPAC home screen where autosuggest list appears behind carousel buttons. (Bug 2086709)

  • Assures a successful Stripe payment is credited when the patron record has changed (Bug 2077343)

4.5. Reports

  • Fixes an Operator display issue in the report definition (Bug 2084837)

  • Fixes report template and CCVM composite definition editor (Bug 2087562)

4.6. Staff Catalog

  • Removes undefined author links in catalog search results (Bug 2081317)

  • Refactor filter handling in search controls for more consistent performance (Bug 2087609)

4.7. Staff Client

  • Redirect to Angular staff portal from AngularJS login (Bug 1983500)

4.8. Miscellaneous

  • .gitignore DEV Docker generated signal files (Bug 2081832)

  • Fixes docker install issue with Email::Send (Bug 2086480)

4.9. Acknowledgements

We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, testing, documentation, and patches to the 3.14.1 point release of Evergreen:

  • Andrea Buntz Neiman

  • Bill Erickson

  • Blake Graham-Henderson

  • Chris Sharp

  • Dan Briem

  • Galen Charlton

  • Gina Monti

  • Ian Skelskey

  • Jane Sandberg

  • Jason Boyer

  • Jason Stephenson

  • Jennifer Weston

  • Joni Paxton

  • Josh Stompro

  • Llewellyn Marshall

  • Mary Llewellyn

  • Michele Morgan

  • Mike Rylander

  • Ruth Davis

  • Scott Angel

  • Shula Link

  • Stephanie Leary

  • Steven Mayo

  • Susan Morrison

  • Terran McCanna

5. Evergreen 3.14.0

5.1. New Features

5.1.1. Acquisitions

EDI X12 Parser

Support is added for handling X12-format ASN messages, which are generally used to deliver shipping status information about EDI-processed materials orders. Development targeted the general X12 message format standard for data parsing, and configuration suitable for processing the expected contents of ASN messages in particular. While the initially targeted production vendor test data was from Midwest Tape, the general X12 parser was built using documentation and non-production examples from several vendors, and is expected to handle X12-format ASN message from most library materials vendors.

This functionality is implemented in a way that does not require intervention or configuration by the Evergreen administrator beyond the normal EDI configuration. If an X12-format message is delivered by the vendor, Evergreen will notice and attempt to handle it transparently.

5.1.2. Administration

Remove Z39.50 target definition caching

The open-ils.search drone had the ability to cache the Z39.50 target definition data per process.

This fix removes per-child-process caching of Z39.50 target definitions to address several issues caused by the caching:

  • If any targets have a use permission attached, whether such a target is available to a user can be inconsistent based on who last fetched (and cached) service definitions from a particular open-ils.search backend.

  • Z39.50 searches may sporadically fail to use targets that were recently added.

Apache Proxy LogFormat Configuration

Two LogFormat entries have been added to the sample Apache configuration in eg.conf.in that are useful when a proxy runs in front of Evergreen’s Apache. These configurations mimic the default "common" and "combined" log formats, but log the remote client’s actual IP address when mod_remoteip is enabled. The entries are repeated here in case you prefer to manually update your Apache configuration.

LogFormat "%a %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" proxy-common
Logformat "%a %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"" proxy-combined

To use these formats, simply replace the "common" or "combined" at the end of the CustomLog entries in the eg.conf file with either the "proxy-common" or "proxy-combined" entry, depending upon which you want to use.


CustomLog "|/usr/bin/logger -p local7.info" common


CustomLog "|/usr/bin/logger -p local7.info" proxy-common

for example.

Patron Loader

A new script for bulk loading and updating patrons from the server now exists in Open-ILS/src/support-scripts called patron_loader.pl. It is installed to <prefix>/bin (/openils/bin/patron_loader.pl for standard installs). It can be run manually or from cron.

Sample invocation:

./patron_loader.pl --db evergreen --dbhost myserver -dbuser admin --dbpw demo123 --file sample.csv --org_unit INNS --date_format "MM/DD/YYYY" --default_password 4444 --alert_message "patron has left swim cap at desk"  --debug

Required parameters:

  • --file path to the CSV file used as the data source

  • --org_unit the org unit name of the org unit patrons are being loaded for used to match mapped variables

Optional parameters:

  • --help or --h shows the help

Database settings loaded by default from opensrf.xml

  • --db the Evergreen database (defaults to the one established in opensrf.xml)

  • --dbuser the user of the Evergreen database

  • --dbhost the ip or domain name of the Evergreen database

  • --dbport Evergreen database port, defaults to 5432

  • --delimiter defaults to a comma can be any other delimiter usable by TEXT::CSV

  • --debug using this will assume you do not want to commit any database transactions and will print the SQL that would do so to STDOUT

  • --matchpoint defaults to usrname, can also be cardnumber

  • --date_format used if dates are not in a YYYY-MM-DD format

  • --ident_type available as a field but rarely used in export sources so it can be specified from the command line

  • --default_password allows you to define a default password for accounts where one is not defined in the file, be very careful, this option is dangerous as it will overwrite existing passwords if some rows have a passwd value and the default is used the default will only be used where the column is null

  • --alert_message this is meant for scenarios where the script is being used for bulk loading students and an alert message is needed such as "verify address" it only adds an alert and does not check for duplications sending library will be set to the org unit used in the parameters

  • --alert_title defaults to Needs Staff Attention, only appears when --alert_message is defined

  • --profile if no profile is given in the file one can be specified by parameter, if a combination of parameter and in file is used the parameter will be used as a fall back from the file

  • --home_org if no library is provided in the file it can be overridden by this, like similar settings if a column with library is present but null in a given row this will be used instead; expects short org name

  • --fill_with_matchpoint if set will allow you to only have cardnumber or usrname but it must also be your matchpoint, e.g. if you have a cardnumber but not username and cardnumber if your matchpoint with this set the cardnumber will be used for both

  • --nobootstrap do not load DB config from opensrf.xml

Required Columns:

  • cardnumber - unless using usrname as matchpoint and --fill_with_matchpoint is used

  • usrname - unless using cardnumber as matchpoint and --fill_with_matchpoint is used

  • profile - unless --profile is used

  • home_library - unless --home_org is used

  • family_name

  • first_given_name

Although data for the above columns are optional in some situations the columns still need to exist in the file.

Optional Columns:

  • net_access_level

  • second_given_name

  • pref_first_given_name

  • name_keywords

  • email

  • day_phone

  • evening_phone

  • other_phone

  • expire_date

  • ident_type - needs id value, not string

  • ident_value

  • passwd - if not supplied for a new user a random one will be created on NULL or empty string

  • add1_street1

  • add1_street2

  • add1_cit

  • add1_county

  • add1_state

  • add1_country

  • add1_post_code

  • add2_street1

  • add2_street2

  • add2_cit

  • add2_county

  • add2_state

  • add2_country

  • add2_post_code

  • statcat_name1

  • statcat_value1

  • statcat_name2

  • statcat_value2

  • statcat_name3

  • statcat_value3

  • photo_url


Not all data sources can customize the data exported to the CSV so some mapping is allowed.

The config.patron_loader_header_map table allows for mapping incoming header names to ones that are natively expected. For example, imagine that a school wants to use the uid as password and the column header will always read uid then you can enter it like this:

import_header: 'uid'
default_header: 'passwd'

Two value types can currently be mapped as well, home_library and profile in patron_loader_value_map. These map values in their respective columns instead of the headers. For example, imagine a school who exports student profiles of Middle School and High School but both need to load as the Evergreen profile of Student. It would be represented with two entries:

mapping_type: 'profile'
import_value: 'Middle School'
native_value: 'Student'
mapping_type: 'profile'
import_value: 'High School'
native_value: 'Student'

You can also map home libraries like this:

mapping_type: 'home_library'
import_value: 'South West Elementary'
native_value: 'BR1'

As a convention the Evergreen database column names are mostly used for the actor.usr columns but it was found in testing that home_ou was very confusing so the label of library is used instead and internally adjusted to use home_ou.

The column ident_type is treated specially. It is required by actor.usr and does not have a default but usually doesn’t correspond to a exported value from others systems so it defaults to 3 or Other but you can define it through an optional parameter.


The script is very conservative checking for an existing cardnumber and usrname. If either is found on an account that differs from the one using the match point then it will skip adding or updating that user. The match point specified is considered authoritative and it will update the matching account unless debug is on.

Currently only two set of address columns are supported add1_foo and add2_foo. The script assumes the addresses being added are authoritative mailing addresses, removes any existing mailing addresses, adds these and sets the user’s mailing_address field to the one from the addr1_street1 field or addr2_street1 if there is no addr1_street1. If only a partial address is given the entire address will be written so long as there is a street1. Empty strings will be used for the other values. If there is no address given then addresses will not be touched. Part of the aggressiveness of removing non-specified addresses is to ensure identifying information for patrons is removed when updating, especially for the use case of schools bulk updating juveniles.

Database and Logging:

The database holds a actor.patron_loader_log table that logs sessions and failed rows.

Date / Time Format Settings Deprecated

The format.date and format.time org unit settings are no longer used by the staff client and have been marked Deprecated. If you are not using these OU settings in a local customization they can be removed from the database at your convenience.

5.1.3. Architecture

New PostgreSQL Minimum Version

Evergreen 3.14 no longer supports new installations on PostgreSQL versions less than 13. Evergreen 3.14 is still compatible with PostgreSQL versions of 10 or higher. Existing installations may upgrade to Evergreen 3.14 without requiring a PostreSQL upgrade.

Compatibility with obsolete PostgreSQL database versions is not guaranteed in the next major Evergreen release. Users are encouraged to upgrade to a more recent PostgreSQL version if they are running PostgreSQL versions between 10 and 12.

The PostgreSQL community recommends a dump and restore from the older PostgreSQL database to the newer one when upgrading over major versions. For more information, see the PostgreSQL upgrade documentation.

5.1.4. Cataloging

Angular Record Buckets

This work moves the Record Buckets feature into a new and reimagined Angular interface, and adds several new feature improvements.

Feature improvements include:

  • Reimplementation of the main buckets interfaces in Angular with accessibility and usability improvements.

  • New bucket sharing options, including sharing with organizational units, sharing with specific users, and read-write sharing as well as read-only sharing.

  • Transfer Bucket Ownership, where users can transfer their bucket to another user.

  • Favorites option, allowing a staff user to "star" a bucket to indicate it is a favorite.

  • Direct import of either Bib IDs or TCNs, both from a text file as well as in an upload modal.

  • Ability to send reports output directly to a new or specified bucket.

  • Addition of a new Buckets subtab in the staff catalog interface, displaying a user’s favorite and most recently viewed buckets.

  • Addition of a quick-add feature in the staff catalog search results list, where a user can add a record directly to a recent or a favorite bucket.

  • New buckets admin options available from within the buckets interface, where those with admin permissions can do the following:

    • Transfer ownership of others' buckets.

    • Edit bucket options and sharing for others' buckets.

  • Disambiguation of duplicate bucket entries via a new Bucket Entry ID field, allowing users to intentionally add duplicates and/or remove accidental duplicates.

In addition to feature improvements, this work addresses functional bugs related to record buckets, including:

  • Bug 1837933 - Record links don’t work if ID column is hidden in record bucket query

  • Bug 1771568 - Record Bucket duplicates require separate removal

  • Bug 1870151 - Open Record Bucket title in a new tab

  • Bug 1819059 - When creating a bucket, Evergreen ignores the Publicly Visible? setting

  • Bug 1824723 - No error message when retrieving non existing shared bucket

  • Bug 1870148 - Bucket contents may be removed by other users without warning

  • Bug 2027796 - When editing a record bucket the changes save without having to click on Apply Changes

  • Bug 2063146 - Record bucket contents still hang around in the Web client after you’ve deleted a bucket

This work also introduces some changes to the grid component:

  • A new option to have an actions button column at the end of each row.

  • Template areas before and after grid toolbar buttons, used here to insert inputs.

  • Aligning the right side of the grid toolbar to more closely resemble AngularJS styles, including using the word Actions for the actions menu instead of the checklist icon.

This also introduces a change to the title area in Angular screens. Instead of using the blue alert style, page titles are now left-aligned and have a template area afterward. This is intended to be used for single buttons that represent a primary action on the screen, e.g. Add New [Thing]. This change makes room for a second template area that can be placed to the right of the title, used here for a search box.

This work adds the following new permissions. Note that the CALL_NUMBER, COPY, and USER permissions are placeholders for potential future work:


















marc_export Exports Public Copy Notes and Copy Tags

Public copy notes and tags are now exported by marc_export in the 852 subfield z when the --items option is used.

Copy tags come before copy notes, and tags with a URL come before those without. The URL of a copy tag (if any) is added to 852 subfield u. The copy tags are ordered such that the first subfield z should correspond to the first subfield u and so on if there is more than one URL.

Option to Require Monograph Parts

The Require Monographic Part when Present Library Setting, circ.holds.ui_require_monographic_part_when_present, has been expanded to also require that all copies on the parent bibliographic record have a part when the setting is active.

This setting requires a patron to select a monograph part when placing a hold if any parts exist on the bibliographic record. In a logical extension of this behavior, the setting now also requires catalogers to use parts on all copies when any copy at the library have parts.

The change in behavior only affects the library/organization unit where the setting is set or its sub-units.

SuperCat/unAPI Export Public Copy Tags

SuperCat and unAPI can now export public copy tags when copies are exported.

To request the export of copy tags via unAPI, add acpt to the URL "includes" section.

5.1.5. Circulation

Hold Reset Reasons

New database tables

  1. action.hold_request_reset_reason

  2. action.hold_request_reset_reason_entry

Hold reset reasons allow staff to see when and why a hold request has been reset. Reset reasons are generated any time a hold has been reset, whether that’s a manual reset from a staff member or automatically because a hold has reached the hold retarget interval. This can be very useful for debugging the hold targeter or identifying bad actors in the system.

Types of Reset Reasons

There are ten different types of reset reasons that can be identified.











Viewing Reset Reasons

Staff can view reset reasons for a hold via a patron’s holds tab.

  1. Open patron’s page.

  2. Click holds tab.

  3. Select a hold to investigate.

  4. Click detail view.

  5. Click Reset Entries

  6. Order can be reversed to show most recent resets first.

New srfsh script

This feature includes a script that you can setup as a cron job to maintain the action.hold_request_reset_entry table:


This script defaults to "1 year" but can be overridden on a library by library basis via YAOUS.

New library settings

  1. circ.hold_reset_reason_entry_age_threshold

  2. circ.hold_retarget_previous_targets_interval

Self-Checkout Angular Port

The patron self-checkout interface is now available as an Angular port of the interface.

New Print Templates

New self-check print templates are available under Administration ⇒ Server Administration ⇒ Print Templates

  • Self-Checkout Checkouts

  • Self-Checkout Fines

  • Self-Checkout Holds

  • Self-Checkout Items Out

5.1.6. Client

Dark Mode

The staff client now supports both light and dark modes. By default, the staff client will use the color mode setting from your operating system. That is to say, if you have turned on Dark Mode for your operating system, or if your operating system defaults to Dark Mode, the Evergreen staff client will now also display in Dark Mode.

If you’d like to use a different color mode in the staff client than your operating system setting, you can do so using the color mode selector in the navigation bar at the top of the staff client. If you want to resume using your operating system’s color mode, you can set the color mode selector to "Auto".

Staff Multi-Factor Authentication

Adding support to the Staff Client for Multi-Factor Authentication. Supported factors:

  • WebAuthn (YubiKey, Paired phones/tablets, Windows Hello, etc)

  • Time-based One-Time Password (Google Authenticator, Twilio Authy, etc)

  • SMS One-Time codes

  • Email One-Time codes

5.1.7. OPAC

OPAC setting to show/hide carousels

There is a new setting to hide carousels from the public catalog. This can be useful in cases where carousels are created for use in other sites (e.g. on library websites), rather than for use in the public catalog.

You can turn off carousels in config.tt2 by setting ctx.show_carousels to 'false'.

OPAC Accessibility Bugfixes

OPAC overhaul of accessibility in several categories:

  • Headings, landmarks, and HTML structure

  • Eliminating layout tables and fixing data table semantics

  • Revised responsive layouts for better screen magnification support

  • Form field labels, fieldset groups, error message associations

  • Font size inconsistencies; respect users' browser font size settings

  • Color contrast; moving hard-coded colors to variables

  • Focus outline consistency and visibility; form focus behavior

  • New datepicker with keyboard support

  • New tooltips with keyboard support; move most tooltips to visible text

  • Clarifying instructions and hints (forms, browse case sensitivity)

  • Adding unique descriptions to item action labels ("close", "delete")

  • Revised timed logout behavior that allows users to ask for more time

Patron Self Registration Updates

Improves styling and accessiblity and adds the following library settings:

  • Hide Username field in Patron Self-Reg. - Hides the Requested Username field in the Patron Self-Registration interface.

  • Patron Self-Reg. Date of Birth Order - The order in which to present the Month, Day, and Year elements for the Date of Birth field in Patron Self-Registration. Use the letter M for Month, D for Day, and Y for Year. Examples: MDY, DMY, YMD.

5.1.8. Reports

Reports Security Enhancements

The new Report Security functionality is primarily configured through the addition of XML attributes to elements in the Fieldmapper XML file, fm_IDL.xml. These new attributes fall into three categories:

  • Field value redaction - Database functions are used to optionally redact, with NULL or an administrator-supplied alternate literal value, the original value stored in the column (field) of each row.

  • Core class row restriction - In addition to any report-supplied criteria, rows from the core reporting source are evaluated by database functions in order to determine whether they can be included in report output.

  • Joined class row restriction - JOIN and WHERE clause conditions that make use of database functions are added to the generated query to restrict access to rows on non-core sources.

All restriction definitions can make use of the full set of fields on the restricted source (LEFT side for core source and link-element projected sources, RIGHT side for class-level projection-restricted sources), the staff user that scheduled the report run, and any aribtrary liternal value, though typically the last will be a set of one or more permissions to be tested.

Many of the existing, permission-related database functions can act as redaction and join/projection restriction functions. Additional functions are supplied as part of this development in order to faciliated restrictions based on Patron Opt-In values in effect at the time a report is run.

See the Reports Security documentation for more details.

In addition to report content security restrictions, report output visibility is now, optionally, restricted based on whether the accessing user either owns the report output, or they have at least the VIEW_REPORT_OUTPUT permission at a location to which the folder in which the output lives has been shared.

Administrators can add additional required permissions via the OILSProxyPermissions Apache configuration value in the report output <Location> section of the eg_vhost configuration file.

5.1.9. SIP

Return an OK Screen Message for Users in Good Standing

If your PC management system or selfcheck looks for a screen message value of OK to evaulate user standing this can be enabled by adding the want_patron_ok value to a sip login and setting the value to true. Using a login setting like this allows you to only send this screeen message to those clients that expect it.

5.1.10. Serials

Angular Quick Receive

The Angular Staff Catalog now has a Serials Quick Receive feature, similar to the one from the traditional catalog.

5.1.11. Miscellaneous

  • Customizing the label for items with no parts (formerly "All Parts" or "Any Part") (Bug 2065448)

    • This feature creates a new table for localizable strings intended to be used in UI’s. This is not a replacement for the existing I18N system for templates, but does allow developers to choose some strings to be more easily accessible to staff/admins for dynamic localization. The string we’re focused on here is a replacement for the "All Parts" and "Any Part" label in various Place Hold interfaces when monographic parts are an option.

    • There is a UI for managing such strings under Administration → Server Administration → I18N: Localized UI Strings. An admin could change the "string" field directly, or use the existing Apply Translation mechanism to customize the string for a specific locale.

    • As a bonus feature, we also expose an alternate UI for handling entries for said Translation mechanism. This can be found under Administration → Server Administration → I18N: Localized Fieldmapper Strings.

    • These customizations are global to the Evergreen installation.

  • SVG logos; support for forced colors mode (Bug 2049657)

  • Fix an accessibility issue in staff client forms. (Bug 2067115)

  • Add a print button to the Desk and Staff User Payment grids to (Bug 2003090)

  • Improves staff catalog search preferences, including ability (Bug 1783408)

  • Changes Clear? to Delete in Manage Copy Alerts (Bug 1788063)

  • Hides Edit call number link if missing permission (Bug 2015112)

  • Makes the grid icon column header’s tooltip configurable (Bug 1861331)

  • Corrects current page ARIA in staff catalog pagination (Bug 2058747)

  • Adds User Permission Group name and ID to the AngularJS Hold Shelf list interface. (Bug 2068755)

  • Fixes the barcode input label in Scan Item as Missing Pieces. (Bug 2058287)

  • Update automated tests for the staff client. (Bug 2069098)

  • Fix bug that prevented action triggers from processing when granularity is an empty string. (Bug 2026206)

  • Patch Insecure direct object reference (IDOR) vulnerability for action trigger output in OPAC list printing feature. (Bug 2070078)

  • Remediates a reflected Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the public catalog browse feature. (Bug 2069959)

  • Mitigate a reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the public catalog. (Bug 2019157)

  • Fixes Angular Search Preferences being empty after login (Bug 2072430)

  • The setting to require a monographic part when placing a hold now also requires that all copies have parts on a record with parts. (Bug 2018014)

  • add <label> to prompt dialog text; autofocus prompt input. (Bug 2072776)

  • Increase automated test coverage of circ limit sets. (Bug 2048425)

  • Fix bug that prevented staff from placing holds for patrons with SMS notification preferences when SMS is not enabled in library settings. (Bug 2073990)

  • Fixes headings and links in staff catalog docs.

  • Update the bootstrap dependency in the staff client. (Bug 2073127)

  • Remove unintended grey stripes from popup dialogs in the staff client. (Bug 2073014)

  • Allow users to save grid settings in Acquisitions Distribution Formulas administrative interface. (Bug 2069750)

  • Hide the "Credit Available" and Patron Credit payment options when patron credit is disabled on bills screen. (Bug 1810419)

  • After checking out an item with a deposit, show the updated balance in patron summary. (Bug 2069891)

  • Show the deposit amount (if any) on the overrideable events dialog in checkout interface. (Bug 2069890)

  • Accessible toast markup; new toast duration WS setting. (Bug 1836686)

  • Fixes the OPAC Shelving Location Group sort to honor (Bug 2076357)

  • Fixes silent failure in offline mode Reprint Last Receipt. (Bug 1806780)

  • More specific "Close" labels for dialog buttons (Bug 2076677)

  • i18n for staff catalog Browse search form label (Bug 2069617)

  • i18n for BooPAC circ history "Delete Selected" button (Bug 2076420)

  • Prevent the shelving location group from being dropped in (Bug 2077998)

  • Adds keyboard shortcut hints to staff navigation menus (Bug 1622358)

  • Style keyboard shortcut hints in staff menus (Bug 1622358)

  • Allow receiving cancelled or backordered line items in Acq Search (Bug 2047940)

  • Allow users to save grid settings in Conjoined Items grid. (Bug 2069472)

  • Sort report templates grid by name, rather than create date. (Bug 2077441)

  • Fixes the Canadian Dollars currency symbol to CAD for acquisitions. (Bug 1807998)

  • updates to column picker docs (Bug 2067746)

  • Updates to Holds Pull List documentation (Bug 2067739)

  • Adds updates regarding barred and inactive accounts (Bug 2062004)

  • Fixes typo in Bib source for brief records library setting (Bug 1910580)

  • Prevents the same record from appearing in a carousel created from a bucket more than once (Bug 2059034)

  • Updates the wording on the latency test page to be a little more user-friendly. (Bug 2064355)

  • Displays permission group ID in admin page. (Bug 2077631)

  • Reporter: Normalize count and date transforms, and add round transform (Bug 2071372)

  • Improve support for report templates created using previous versions of the reporter. (Bug 2077098)

  • Allows staff to edit survey questions and answers with UPDATE_SURVEY perm (Bug 1910444)

  • Allows staff to create and delete surveys with CREATE_SURVEY and DELETE_SURVEY perms (Bug 1910444)

  • Allows staff to take survey responses with UPDATE_USER perm. (Bug 1910444)

  • Rename "View Borrowing History" privacy waiver to "Obtain Circulation Information" for accuracy. (Bug 2054595)

  • Add a --check-leader flag to marc_export to force leaders to 24 characters. (Bug 2063350)

  • Speed up Bootstrap OPAC by removing extra copy of jQuery (Bug 2078985)

  • Update a dependency in a Github action that documentation contributors use to check their work. (Bug 2979835)

  • Improve display of ebook API items in the public catalog. (Bug 1982217)

  • Consider age protection when determining if a patron can renew an item that others are waiting for. (Bug 1989740)

  • Fix bug in Merge/Overlay Profile preserve specifications. (Bug 1878984)

  • Silence console errors in staff navigation menu (Bug 2077753)

  • Check the staff client authentication session every three minutes, reducing chances of hidden eviction of the session (Bug 2034956)

  • Updates Circulating Library to Checkout / Renewal Library where relevant (Bug 2068934)

  • Improves processing of receipts with images. (Bug 2076225)

  • Changes all Concerto test data passwords to demo123. (Bug 2068740)

  • Adds creator and last editor to parts. (Bug 1962757)

  • Fixes issue with numeric usernames when AuthProxy falls (Bug 1828456)

  • Allow acquisitions vendor MARC Order record load even if some subfields are empty. (Bug 924952)

  • Updates Sip2 Patron Status to support subfields "too many items charged" subfield (05) and "too many items lost" subfield (09). (Bug 1980978)

  • Make sure the MFA screen does not display when MFA is not enabled. (Bug 2080764)

  • Allow staff to hide facets sidebar in catalog results (Bug 2073988)

  • Fixes mouse selection of autosuggest searches. (Bug 2061004)

  • Fixes issue where self check screen is blank when user’s email doesn’t contain an @ sign (Bug 2081758)

  • Automate part of the build process. (Bug 2082120)

  • Update test data. (Bug 2081634)

  • Give OPAC users more time before logging out if needed (Bug 1894900)

  • Patron status badges; persistent patron search form (Bug 2065344)

  • Shared depth selector component (Bug 2065344)

  • Angular Circulation notes, alerts, and messages (Bug 2065344)

  • Side navigation for Angular Circulation (Bug 2065344)

  • Fix line item cancellation failure due to undefined volume retrieval. (Bug 2084096)

  • DOB input compatibility for old OPAC self-reg templates (Bug 2084166)

  • Bugfix for record bucket sharing perm check. (Bug 2084835)

6. Acknowledgments

The Evergreen project would like to acknowledge the following organizations that commissioned developments in this release of Evergreen:

  • BC Libraries Cooperative

  • Evergreen Community Development Initiative (ECDI)

  • King County Library System


  • Traverse des Sioux Library

We would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, translations, documentation, patches and tests to this release of Evergreen:

  • Alberto Martinez

  • Andrea Buntz Neiman

  • Bill Erickson

  • Blake Graham-Henderson

  • Chris Hancock

  • Chris Sharp

  • Christine Burns

  • Dan Briem

  • Elizabeth Davis

  • Galen Charlton

  • Gina Monti

  • Ian Skelskey

  • Jane Sandberg

  • Jason Boyer

  • Jason Etheridge

  • Jason Stephenson

  • Jeff Davis

  • Jennifer Pringle

  • Jennifer Weston

  • Jessica Woolford

  • John Amundson

  • Josh Stompro

  • Kathy Lussier

  • kdandy1

  • Lena Hernandez

  • Linda Jansová

  • Lindsay Stratton

  • Llewellyn Marshall

  • Madison Kochel

  • Martha Driscoll

  • Mary Llewellyn

  • Michele Morgan

  • Mike Rylander

  • Rogan Hamby

  • Ruth Frasur Davis

  • Scott Angel

  • Shula Link

  • Stephanie Leary

  • Steven Mayo

  • Susan Morrison

  • Terran McCanna

  • Tiffany Little

  • Tina Ji

We also thank the following organizations whose employees contributed patches:

  • BC Libraries Cooperative

  • Bibliomation Inc.

  • C/W MARS, Inc.

  • Equinox Open Library Initiative

  • Evergreen Community Development Initiative (ECDI)

  • Georgia Public Library Service (PINES)

  • King County Library System


  • NC Cardinal



  • Princeton University

We would also like to thank the National Network for Equitable Library Service (Canada) whose employees performed accessibility testing for Evergreen:

  • David Kopman

  • Deanna Ng

  • Ka Li

  • Laetitia Mfamobani

  • Melody Shih

  • Michael Krupp

  • Patrick Bouchard

  • Riane Lapaire

  • Simon Jaeger

  • Tait Hoyem

We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertently missed, please open a bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/ with a correction.