14:03:06 #startmeeting 2012-07-05 - DIG Monthly Meeting Evergreen Documentation Interest Group (DIG) Monthly Meeting. The agenda can be found here http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_meeting_20120705-agenda 14:03:06 Meeting started Thu Jul 5 14:03:06 2012 US/Eastern. The chair is yboston. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:06 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:03:19 #topic Introductions 14:03:28 Please feel free to start introducing yourselves... 14:03:36 * jenny is Jenny Turner, PALS 14:03:40 * rsoulliere is Robert Soulliere, Mohawk College 14:04:01 * yboston Yamil Suarez - Berklee College of Music 14:04:48 I don't expect many people today because of the US holiday :( 14:05:01 * fortin is Sally Fortin, Equinox Software 14:05:36 moving on(?) 14:06:01 #topic Updates from Content Coordinators 14:06:04 Hi, I am Glen from Ann Arbor, Michigan. We are not using Evergreen but we are watching its progress. 14:06:26 I can go first 14:06:32 #info Conversion Coordinator Report 14:06:32 Btw, I want to continue experiment with having the content corrdinators try out the "#info" Meetbot command for their reports 14:06:34 So content coordinators, please use "#info" for every chat post 14:06:45 rsoulliere++ 14:06:47 Documentation for 2.2 now pulling and processing from code repository master branch 14:06:57 hold on Robert 14:07:16 please type "#info" for every post/line 14:07:37 #topic this is a test report first post/line 14:07:40 #topic this is a test report second post/line 14:07:46 sorry, go on... 14:07:49 #info I plan to create an outline for the EG 2.3 documentation in the next week for us to update in regards to what can be merged from 2.2. 14:08:04 #info At this point, only developers might have the answers until others get a chance to play with 2.3. 14:08:21 #info I submitted a pull request via launchpad a few weeks ago related to an update to the upgrade instructions for 2.2. See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1015248 14:08:21 Launchpad bug 1015248 in Evergreen "update Evergreen upgrade instructiosn for 2.2.0" (affected: 1, heat: 6) [Undecided,New] 14:08:41 #info I was hoping for some checking and pulling or some feedback. I didn’t get any. :-( 14:09:06 #info I would like to get the upgrade instructions fixed up a bit for the latest edition of 2.2.0. 14:09:24 I will try to give you feedback, once I have the right git and RSA key set up, as soon as I can 14:09:24 #info I was also wondering of the install page could point the the official docs chapter on upgrading -- if it is fixed and cleaned up? 14:09:58 yboston++ 14:10:08 #info Another question is whether we should have a section for upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2 and a separate for going from 2.0 to 2.2 since many might be jumping directly from 2.0 to 2.2? 14:10:48 that sounds like a good idea. I know we decided to skip 2.1 entirely. 14:11:04 #help rsoulliere says: Another question is whether we should have a section for upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2 and a separate for going from 2.0 to 2.2 since many might be jumping directly from 2.0 to 2.2? 14:12:00 yboston: should I give more time for feedback or continue? 14:12:02 #help rsoulliere says: I was hoping for some checking and pulling or some feedback. I didn’t get any. [on] upgrade instructions for 2.2. See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1015248 14:12:02 Launchpad bug 1015248 in Evergreen "update Evergreen upgrade instructiosn for 2.2.0" (affected: 1, heat: 6) [Undecided,New] 14:12:53 sorry for my meetbot, experimentation. Today, lets do feedback on your report at the end, sorry for jumping the gun 14:13:05 #info I am hoping to do some doc work in the next few weeks to fill in some 2.2 gaps. 14:13:29 #info Are Devs. Comfortable with me doing lots of commits in the docs folder on the master or rel_2_2 branches in the next 2 weeks? I’ll try to follow proper procedure for commits. 14:14:28 That is all I had for my report, but I might send more question on the lists in the next few weeks. 14:14:40 #help rsoulliere says: Are Devs. Comfortable with me doing lots of commits in the docs folder on the master or rel_2_2 branches in the next 2 weeks? I’ll try to follow proper procedure for commits. 14:14:58 thanks Robert; any comments on Robert's report? 14:15:12 rsoulliere++ 14:16:09 who would like to give the next content coordinator report? 14:16:16 I can go 14:16:33 go ahead.. (remember to use #info at every line) 14:16:35 #info Reports Coordinator Report 14:17:09 So meta 14:17:16 :) 14:17:27 #info I reviewed the functional documentation for reports from 2.1 (folders, templates, outputs) and gave rsoulliere the go-ahead to move those to 2.2 14:17:50 #info I need volunteers to review the admin side of reporting 14:18:27 #help jenny says: I need volunteers to review the admin side of reporting 14:18:53 and that's about it. 14:19:03 rsoulliere: did you get my email message? 14:19:07 Jenny++ 14:19:11 Thanks for the the documentation you submitted, I hope to convert it to asciidoc in the next few weeks. 14:19:24 jenny: thanks for your report 14:19:27 rsoulliere: thanks! 14:19:37 any comments? 14:20:44 any other person that wants to give a report can do so at this time (remember to use #info at every line) 14:20:58 unless it is a comment 14:21:00 'etc 14:22:28 rsoulliere: did you want to say anything more about rour report or ask anyone here any other questions? 14:23:17 If any devs were around I would like some info on the process to merge the ocs folder from master to rel_2_2? 14:23:23 "docs" 14:23:47 If not, I can send a question on the dev list. 14:24:40 rsoulliere: did you send an email to the dev list about your Git branch/launchpad post? 14:24:56 ... to specifically ask for feedback? 14:25:03 (you might have, I just don't remember) 14:25:19 not yet, I got bogged down on my upgrade of EG so did not get a chance to properly follow up. I will soon... 14:25:54 In the few days I hope. 14:26:04 no problems, just wondering. Also, like I said earlier, I want to give you feedback on your changes though I have no experience with running an upgrade. I will do my best when I can 14:27:02 rsoulliere: I was thinking that we might want to collaboratively right a letter to the DIG list mentioning the transition to 2.3, even if it is preliminary so we can get more feedback 14:27:19 s/right/write/ 14:28:13 #idea to rsoulliere and others: I was thinking that we might want to collaboratively write a letter to the DIG list mentioning the transition to 2.3, even if it is preliminary so we can get more feedback 14:29:05 Good idea. I hope post a few Q's in the next week to move things along. 14:30:17 #action rsoulliere & yboston (& others) will write letters to DIG list to solicit comments and share ideas of how to handle the 2.3 transition 14:30:27 #idea I might also point out some of the critical 2.2 gaps we need to fill in a posting. 14:30:54 #action rsoulliere & yboston (& others) will write letters to DEV list to solicit help & ideas of how to handle the 2.3 transition 14:32:52 we have reached the 30 minute mark. Perhaps we can wrap up early today because of sparse attendance, but I am willing to coontiue 14:33:01 (continue) 14:33:41 #action new content outline has to be created for EG 2.3 14:34:11 anything else for now? 14:35:01 NOTE: following our meeting schedule the next meeting will be Thursday, August 2nd 14:36:54 OK, it looks like we could finish early today. Talk to you all in a month at the latest 14:36:58 yboston++ 14:37:08 yboston++ 14:37:09 yboston++ 14:37:09 rsoulliere++ 14:37:16 rsoulliere++ 14:37:33 #endmeeting