14:00:23 <gmcharlt> #startmeeting Evergreen Oversight Board Meeting, 2013-05-16 14:00:23 <pinesol_green> Meeting started Thu May 16 14:00:23 2013 US/Eastern. The chair is gmcharlt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:23 <pinesol_green> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:23 <pinesol_green> The meeting name has been set to 'evergreen_oversight_board_meeting__2013_05_16' 14:00:32 <gmcharlt> #topic Roll call 14:00:40 <gmcharlt> OK, let's first see who's here 14:00:49 <kmlussier> #info kmlussier is Kathy Lussier MassLNC 14:00:56 <gmcharlt> EOB members, please announce yourselves like kmlussier did 14:01:06 <sborger> #sborger is Shauna Borger ISL 14:01:06 <gmcharlt> #info gmcharlt is Galen Charlton, Equinox 14:01:08 <StephenGWills> #info Steve Wills Balsam Consortium 14:01:16 <bhyman> #info bhyman is Ben Hyman BC Libraries Co-op 14:01:20 <sborger> #info sborger is Shauna Borger 14:01:29 <abneiman> abneiman Andrea Buntz Neiman, Kent County Public Library 14:01:38 <montgoc1> #info montgoc1 is Chauncey Montgomery, Consortium of Ohio Libraries 14:01:46 <abneiman> oops #info abneiman Andrea Buntz Neiman, Kent County Public Library 14:01:51 <yboston> #info Yamil Suarez - Berklee College of Music 14:02:22 <abneiman> #info abneiman Andrea Buntz Neiman, Kent County Public Library 14:02:45 <gmcharlt> looks like EMcKinney is here as well 14:02:51 <yboston> #info yboston is Yamil Suarez - Berklee College of Music 14:03:46 <elfsts> elfstrand here 14:04:00 <gmcharlt> #info elfstrand is Stephen Elfstrand, PALS 14:04:11 <EMcKinney> #info EmcKinney is Elizabeth McKinney, Georgia Public Library Service 14:04:25 <gmcharlt> #info Agenda can be found at http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/eg-oversight-board/2013-May/000486.html 14:04:32 <gmcharlt> so moving on 14:04:41 <gmcharlt> #topic Financial Report 14:04:58 <gmcharlt> I haven't had a chance to pull the numbers yet, but I'll do so later today 14:04:59 <gmcharlt> so 14:05:02 <gmcharlt> #action gmcharlt to email financial summary to EOB mailing list later today 14:05:23 <gmcharlt> they'll be a bit in flux, of course, until the books on the 2013 conference are closed 14:05:41 <gmcharlt> so, moving on 14:05:43 <gmcharlt> #topic Evergreen Web Team/Communications Committee Report 14:06:02 <gmcharlt> kmlussier: StephenGWills: can you give an update of recent goings on? 14:06:26 <kmlussier> Sure. 14:06:58 <kmlussier> We are working on moving our static pages over to Wordpress, so that they can be easier for more people to maintain. 14:07:16 <kmlussier> bshum has also been working on finding a Wordpress theme for these pages. 14:07:56 <kmlussier> StephenGWills was also going to begin work on a better way to maintain a member directory. 14:09:20 <kmlussier> I don't think I have much more to report. The transfer to Wordpress seems to be working well. For future discussions, I think we need to address getting people involved in keeping content fresh. 14:09:25 <gmcharlt> do you all need any additional folks or help frmo the EOB at the moment? 14:10:09 <StephenGWills> First of all, thanks to Kathy for getting us into one spot recently. Anoop get me a tar ball of the current WP install. I have that spun up and am working on member portal/directory/social feature for it. I think there will be something to see by next month. As far as EOB goes…. 14:10:50 <StephenGWills> As member data starts being collected we might want to consider policies around that? but we aren't there yet. 14:10:57 <gmcharlt> #info Web team is working on moving the static website over to WordPress 14:11:23 <gmcharlt> StephenGWills: I think that depends on the purpose of the directory 14:11:32 <StephenGWills> nod. 14:11:47 <gmcharlt> is it (at least initially) aimed at simply being a directory of Evergreen libraries and installations? 14:12:00 <gmcharlt> or is the idea to also use it to keep track of voting members of the project? 14:12:50 <kmlussier> I was thinking the former, but the latter is an intriguing idea I hadn't thought of. It might be something to work towards. 14:14:28 <gmcharlt> for the latter, the polls from the two EOB elections can provide a seed list of people -- although obviously we'd want to be careful about hwo that data is published 14:15:07 <gmcharlt> but agreed, something to work towards -- having an easy way for libraries to simply list themselves would be a good start 14:15:23 <gmcharlt> any questions for kmlussier or StephenGWills (or other Web team members who are around)? 14:16:39 <gmcharlt> OK, moving on 14:16:41 <gmcharlt> #topic Evergreen 2014 Conference Committee Report 14:16:57 <elfsts> It would be cool if the directory entries could be tied to the stats about EG installations and the map that used to be maintained 14:18:09 <elfsts> remember this ? http://www.evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=evergreen_libraries 14:18:37 <kmlussier> elfsts: There was talk of tying it to the map. I think StephenGWills was going to look into that. 14:18:52 <EMcKinney> ≠Like that idea! 14:19:14 <StephenGWills> right. map is part of my effort 14:20:00 <gmcharlt> cool 14:20:06 <kmlussier> Should I move on to the conference report? 14:20:09 <gmcharlt> kmlussier: please 14:20:42 <kmlussier> #info The SFC is still negotiating on the contract for the conference. We hope to hear back soon on that. 14:21:13 <kmlussier> #info The local planning team met a couple of weeks ago to begin work on the conference web site, sponsorships and program planning. 14:21:28 <kmlussier> #info We hope to have a conference web site up by August 1. 14:22:06 <kmlussier> That's about it. Does anyone have any questions? 14:22:26 <bhyman> any regrets so far? ;) 14:22:41 <kmlussier> bhyman: Not yet, but ask me again in a few months. :) 14:22:48 <montgoc1> Is there a theme for the conference, or title? Just curious. 14:22:49 <kmlussier> Everything seems very manageable now. 14:23:09 <kmlussier> montgoc1: We've been throwing around a few ideas but haven't decided on the final theme yet. 14:23:25 <montgoc1> OK. Thanks. 14:24:35 <gmcharlt> OK, thanks 14:24:39 <gmcharlt> #topic Evergreen 2013 Conference Committee Report 14:25:00 <gmcharlt> bhyman: final stretch of the race for you, eh? 14:25:08 <bhyman> Planning team still in recovery mode ;) Survey feedback in - very positive, on the whole. Sponsorship funds secured in full now, I believe. Thanks to all who attended, sponsored and participated - so great to see you all here! 14:25:38 <bhyman> gmcharlt: indeed! 14:25:54 <bhyman> #action bhyman to forward conference survey feedback & post mortem to eg2014 crew this week. 14:26:00 <kmlussier> bhyman++ 2013conferenceteam++ for a fabulous conference! 14:26:14 * rfrasur agrees 14:27:19 <gmcharlt> bhyman: do you have a sense of how much remains in the way of invoices and the like to be finalized? 14:28:19 <bhyman> gmcharlt: I believe all invoices are now into SFC. Sent some itemization details to Tony on Monday that should be the end of it 14:28:43 <bhyman> kmlussier: thanks! 14:29:02 <gmcharlt> bhyman: thanks 14:29:06 <gmcharlt> any other questions for Ben? 14:30:16 <gmcharlt> #info All invoices for the 2013 conference are now into SFC. Should be ready to close the books soon 14:30:48 <gmcharlt> #topic EOB positions 14:31:07 <gmcharlt> #info three EOB officer positions are defined: chair, vice chair, and secretary 14:31:43 <gmcharlt> currently, I'm chair and bhyman is vice chair, and the secretary position is vacant 14:32:31 <kmlussier> gmcharlt: Are you and bhyman staying on in your positions? 14:33:15 <gmcharlt> kmlussier: that is to be decided and formalized -- rules of governance state that the EOB shall nominate and vote on the positions, but doesn't specify a term 14:33:41 <gmcharlt> but of course it's sensible to decide the question each year 14:34:16 <gmcharlt> but to answer your question, yes, I'm interested in continuing as chair for one more year 14:34:51 <bhyman> and unless anyone covets the vc position, I am also interested in continuing as vc for one more year 14:35:50 <gmcharlt> so at this point, I'd like to ask a two-part question (a) are there other nominations for either position and (b) are we prepared to vote now, or wait until the next meeting 14:36:28 <kmlussier> I would support keeping gmcharlt and bhyman in their respective positions and could be willing to vote today. 14:36:40 <montgoc1> Agreed. 14:36:42 <kmlussier> The key question on the secretary question: we will continue to meet in IRC? 14:36:53 <kmlussier> That is, secretary position 14:37:27 <kmlussier> And, if we do meet in IRC, what exactly are the duties of secretary? 14:37:28 <bhyman> kmlussier: +1 re: continuing to meet in IRC 14:38:04 <gmcharlt> kmlussier: from the rules of gov: "The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of 14:38:04 <gmcharlt> Board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all Board 14:38:04 <gmcharlt> meetings, sending out Board meeting announcements, distributing copies of 14:38:04 <gmcharlt> minutes and the agenda to each Board member, posting meeting minutes on the 14:38:05 <gmcharlt> Project's website, and assuring that the Board's records are properly 14:38:08 <gmcharlt> maintained." 14:38:41 <gmcharlt> so meetbot makes it easy to keep minutes, but other functions like updating the website would still have to be done manually 14:40:06 <gmcharlt> OK, how about we break this down into pieces 14:40:28 <gmcharlt> #info Galen Charlton moves that nominations be taken for chair and vice chair and the vote be held today 14:41:11 <gmcharlt> any seconds? 14:41:21 <kmlussier> #info kmlussier seconds 14:41:54 <EMcKinney> +1 for Galen and Ben 14:42:09 <gmcharlt> OK, let's use +1, 0, or -1 to indicate preference for the motion 14:42:13 <gmcharlt> +1 = favor 14:42:15 <gmcharlt> 0 = abstain 14:42:20 <gmcharlt> -1 = not in favor 14:42:23 <elfsts> +1 14:42:26 <sborger> +1 14:42:28 <kmlussier> +1 14:42:33 <bhyman> 0 14:42:33 <montgoc1> +1 14:42:34 <StephenGWills> +1 14:42:36 <EMcKinney> Galen, Official Roberts Rules would dictate that the chair no make a motion. But we can agree not to be official too. 14:42:37 <yboston> +1 14:42:46 <abneiman> +1 14:43:42 <gmcharlt> EMcKinney: indeed -- then again, we currently aren't using Robert's technically speaking -- something to perhap decide later 14:43:58 <StephenGWills> #info point of procedure, StephenGWills will stand as having made Galens motion? If that becomes necessary 14:44:13 <gmcharlt> StephenGWills: thanks 14:44:32 <gmcharlt> and since the motion has carried, for the purpose of the minutes, we can say this 14:44:53 <gmcharlt> #agreed nominations [will] be taken for chair and vice chair and the vote be held today 14:45:13 <kmlussier> Do you want the nominations separately or together? 14:45:44 <gmcharlt> kmlussier: separately, I think 14:45:58 <kmlussier> Are there any other nominations for chair? 14:46:48 <kmlussier> #info Kathy Lussier nominates Galen Charlton to serve as chair of the Evergreen Oversight Board. 14:47:44 <montgoc1> #info montgoc1 seconds 14:48:11 <bhyman> kmlussier +1 for Galen as Chair 14:48:39 <EMcKinney> So, do we need a motion? Or was the motion above for the nominations? I'm confused. 14:49:00 <gmcharlt> EMcKinney: I think at this point we're just calling for nominations 14:50:19 <gmcharlt> and to move this along, bhyman self-nominated as vice chair 14:50:35 <gmcharlt> are there any other nominations? 14:51:43 <EMcKinney> Can I make a motion then to accept the nominations for Ben as VC and Galen as Chair? 14:51:54 <StephenGWills> We still need a secretary to post meetbot to web? 14:52:12 <kmlussier> I think we're just dealing with the chair and vice chair positions for now. 14:52:20 <StephenGWills> ok 14:52:36 <StephenGWills> so 2nd 14:55:53 <gmcharlt_alt> sorry for the radio silience -- technical difficulty 14:57:36 <gmcharlt_alt> would somebody mind summarizing the last few minutes for me? 14:57:58 <kmlussier> gmcharlt_alt: EMcKinney made a motion to nominate you and Ben. StephenGWills seconded it. 14:58:01 <kmlussier> I think we just need to vote 14:58:52 <gmcharlt_alt> OK, so let's have it -- I guess +1/0/-1 for the question of accepting those two nominations 14:58:56 <kmlussier> +1 14:59:01 <bhyman> 0 14:59:06 <StephenGWills> +1 14:59:07 <sborger> +1 14:59:10 <yboston> +1 14:59:29 <abneiman> +1 14:59:33 <montgoc1> +1 14:59:44 <gmcharlt_alt> 0 15:02:24 <montgoc1> Unfortunately, I need to leave. Have a good day. 15:02:31 <gmcharlt_alt> montgoc1: thanks 15:04:43 <kmlussier> #agreed Galen Charlton will serve as Chair and Ben Hyman will serve as Vice Chair of the Evergreen Oversight Board 15:05:27 <gmcharlt> thanks 15:05:31 * gmcharlt promises not to talk to gmcharlt_alt 15:05:33 <gmcharlt> OK, very briefly 15:05:40 <gmcharlt> is there anybody willing to nominate (or self-nominate) to be secretary? 15:06:15 <gmcharlt> if not, let's take that question to email 15:06:31 <kmlussier> #agreed Galen Charlton will serve as Chair and Ben Hyman will serve as Vice Chair of the Evergreen Oversight Board 15:06:54 <kmlussier> Sorry bshum informs me I didn't have the authority to do that last time, but I do now. 15:07:00 <kmlussier> And I'll self nominate. 15:07:20 <kmlussier> But if somebody else wants it, I won't argue. :) 15:09:08 <EMcKinney> I make a motion to accept KMLUSSIER as secretary. 15:11:07 <gmcharlt> we have a motion on the table. Any seconds? 15:11:30 <yboston> I second the motion 15:11:47 <gmcharlt> OK, let's vote - +1/0/-1 for Kathy Lussier as EOB secretary 15:11:53 <sborger> +1 15:12:09 <kmlussier> 0 15:12:16 <yboston> +1 15:12:25 <gmcharlt> +1 15:12:27 <bhyman> +1 15:12:29 <abneiman> +1 15:12:33 <EMcKinney> +1 15:13:35 <gmcharlt> that's a majority, so 15:13:37 <gmcharlt> #agreed Kathy Lussier will serve as EOB Secretary 15:14:04 <gmcharlt> so moving on, since we're past an hour 15:14:05 <gmcharlt> #topic 2013/2014 goals 15:14:17 <gmcharlt> #info minutes of previous minute are at http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2013-4-12 15:14:44 <gmcharlt> #info at prevous meeting, EOB agreed to take on the following themes: Community Outreach and Improving Evergreen 15:15:39 <gmcharlt> one topic that Rogan (who couldn't attend today) had brought up was having the EOB more actively pursue grants 15:16:08 <gmcharlt> and there's been some interest regarding some of the QA projects that various community members are pursuing 15:17:23 <gmcharlt> any comments? my inclination is to suggest that we begin a serious email conversation and follow it up at the next meeting in June 15:18:12 <kmlussier> gmcharlt: I think e-mail lends itself way to this type of discussion. 15:19:10 <kmlussier> s/way/well - sorry can't type 15:19:40 <gmcharlt> OK, then absent other EOB members jumping in now, let's kick that off in email 15:19:50 <bhyman> gmcharlt: agree that an email thread will work well 15:19:52 <gmcharlt> I think we also have a question to decide about the format of the next meeting 15:19:55 <gmcharlt> #info Next EOB meeting is scheduled for June 20th at 2 p.m. EDT 15:20:23 <gmcharlt> any last-minute announcements or queries that folks would like to make before we adjourn? 15:20:52 <kmlussier> none here 15:20:55 <bhyman> I'm unable to attend the next meeting, look forward to the one following. Best 15:21:18 <sborger> Nothing here 15:21:44 <yboston> gmcharlt++ 15:21:53 <gmcharlt> thanks, everybody! 15:21:55 <gmcharlt> #endmeeting