14:00:45 #startmeeting DIG Monthly Meeting Evergreen Documentation Interest Group (DIG) Monthly Meeting. 14:00:45 Meeting started Thu May 7 14:00:45 2015 US/Eastern. The chair is yboston. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:45 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:45 The meeting name has been set to 'dig_monthly_meeting_evergreen_documentation_interest_group__dig__monthly_meeting_' 14:00:57 The agenda can be found here http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_meeting_20150507-agenda 14:01:06 #topic Introductions 14:01:11 Please feel free to start introducing yourselves... 14:01:16 #info remingtron = Remington Steed, Hekman Library (Calvin College) 14:01:17 #info yboston is Yamil Suarez @ Berklee College of Music - DIG meeting facilitator 14:01:31 #info kmlussier is Kathy Lussier, MassLNC 14:01:36 #info kbutler is Kate Butler, Rodgers Memorial Library (Hudson, NH) 14:02:28 #info rsoulliere is Robert Soulliere, Mohawk College 14:03:03 thank you everyone for coming 14:03:14 #topic Updates from Content Coordinators 14:03:58 kmlussier or rsoulliere ? 14:04:16 Nothing new this time around. 14:04:25 Sorry, I stepped away 14:04:35 #topic Release Coordinator report 14:05:19 #info During our latest round of point releases, we added release notes for the 2.8.1 point release. 14:06:08 We previously hadn't done release notes before for point releases, but I've had people ask me about them before. I'm hoping it's something we can do for the rest of the 2.8 release cycle and maybe do for future Evegreen releases. 14:06:24 kmlussier++ 14:06:29 kmlussier++ 14:06:34 #link http://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/release/RELEASE_NOTES_2_8.html 14:06:50 I want to tweak them a bit. Maybe something I can do on hackfest day. 14:06:56 That's all I had. 14:07:10 thanks 14:07:26 I will move on to meeting action items 14:07:48 #topic 1) yboston will check in on DIG VM 14:08:15 #info I got some updates from Galen about the DIG VM 14:08:38 #info last I heard we might have it available this week, but not sure if the date slipped 14:09:01 of course we still need the time to set up the VM 14:09:06 any comments or questions? 14:10:16 moving on 14:10:24 #topic 2) yboston will reach out to krvmga for another copy of his docs to push to master 14:11:01 #info I spoke to krvmga but did not get a chance to ask for this, will need to postpone for next meeting 14:11:12 #action yboston will reach out to krvmga for another copy of his docs to push to master 14:11:22 #topic 3) kmlussier will complete the marc stream importer work and check on the status of the RDA docs 14:12:00 kmlussier warned me that she might be too busy to participat fully in this meeting. will postpone her action item 14:12:16 #action kmlussier will complete the marc stream importer work and check on the status of the RDA docs 14:12:20 Sorry - I'll need to defer again. 14:12:29 no worries at all 14:12:33 #topic 4) remingtron will send out email to list about cahnging the file suffix in the docs repo to .asciidoc 14:12:59 I didn't do that yet 14:13:20 I was really busy working on ACRL and IPEDS statistics surveys 14:13:40 no worries, I can defer it 14:13:41 I'll do it after the conference 14:13:43 thanks 14:13:52 #action remingtron will send out email to list about cahnging the file suffix in the docs repo to .asciidoc 14:14:11 #topic 5) all finish outstanding EG 2.8 features listed here http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:2.8_needs 14:14:30 There are no changes on the wiki page since last meeting 14:14:39 pre-conference syndrome? 14:14:57 :) 14:15:16 in some ways I am happy to know exactly what we can all work on at the DIG hackfest 14:15:32 :) 14:15:47 I'll be there in spirit, and remotely if someone has a webcam 14:15:58 also, we can look at web client docs 14:16:12 I have a webcam on two devices 14:16:46 remingtron: lets plan on conencting with you uring the conference 14:17:06 sounds great 14:17:15 shall we move on from this topic or do we want to discuss it further? 14:17:47 one thought 14:18:06 jeff: http://cgi.galion.lib.oh.us/evergreen-things/ejabberd.cfg 14:18:22 maybe at the conference someone can update the wiki page with status of the assigned but not completed tasks on the 2.8 docs page 14:18:40 Dyrcona: All I did to the DB was the step in the instructions that creates the schemata and stuff. I haven't attempted to import any data to this install. 14:19:00 Oh, meeting, sorry. 14:19:12 jonadab: no problem 14:19:34 remingtron: like add a small update with soem additonal information like "need screenshots", etc 14:20:25 yboston: or just "in progress" or remove a person's name if they have to back out 14:20:34 OK 14:20:41 or post whatever files they have that need review 14:20:48 thanks 14:22:17 #action all update the 2.8 outstanding features list; remove names of those that cannot continue working on asignement; post compelted or incomplete files 14:22:38 jonadab: you missed changing one of your maxrate values to 500000 -- you still have 1000 14:22:54 jonadab, The problem is in your ejabberd.cfg, your shaper maxrate needs to be increased.... dang, Jeff beat me. 14:23:11 anything else for this topic? 14:23:42 not from me 14:23:48 OK 14:23:58 #topic 6) remingtron will add information of older outstanding doc needs to the 2.8 new feature doceumentation wiki page 14:24:06 ack. sorry, missed that the meeting was still in progress! 14:24:30 that is done, though I'm correcting some formatting as we speak 14:24:41 jeff: no worries 14:24:48 cool 14:24:59 #topic 7) kmlussier will review submitted web client docs to be included in repository 14:25:11 I will defer this item for her 14:25:13 Sigh... 14:25:17 I have a lot of work to do at the hackfest 14:25:41 #action kmlussier will review submitted web client docs to be included in repository 14:26:03 don't forget we can work on the plane ride over :) 14:26:36 planeride_hackfest++ 14:27:14 for the record, we are reffering to hacking our community documentation; and not affectign any other systems :) 14:27:24 My laptop is too big for the itty bitty trays. 14:28:12 At this point I can go into old action items, but I am in need of ending this meeting early if possible 14:28:33 sorry, I mean "old business" ite,s 14:28:36 *itmes 14:28:39 *items 14:29:17 I quickly wanted to ask who will be attending the DIG hackfest? 14:29:34 me, remotely 14:29:41 I'm planning on attending. 14:29:50 me, also remotely 14:30:25 Stompro: FYI, I would love to have you join us, but we are probably in a seperate room from the dev hackfest 14:31:10 kbutler: that is too bad we won't see you at the conference, we can try to connect with you 14:31:48 I wish I was going, too. Maybe next year. 14:32:29 In terms of planning for the DIG hackfest, remingtron, kmlussier, and I can help with pushing content into the repo. Josh can help with that too 14:32:48 I can work with newcomers and give them a short tutorial 14:33:03 I'll be there, but I'll also be going to the dev hackfest for part of the day. 14:33:03 the rest of us can look at the 2.8 features list 14:33:16 kmlussier: I expected that 14:33:31 kmlussier: my boss would prefer that I go to the dev one too :) 14:33:40 heh 14:33:49 any questions or comments about the hackfest? 14:34:14 I guess DIG is a gateway group to being a dev 14:34:14 oops, I forgot that we can also work on web cleitn docs. For example, reviweing submitted docs 14:34:24 yes 14:34:48 kmlussier is following my plans to the letter 14:35:33 unbeknownst to her 14:35:51 anything else? 14:36:58 I need to exit the meeting early, if that is OK with everyone 14:37:06 if it's useful, you could use this page for tracking hackfest work 14:37:07 http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:todo 14:37:17 yboston++ #for leading meetings 14:37:30 yboston++ 14:37:43 thanks 14:38:41 yboston++ 14:38:58 OK folks I will wrap up, amd thanks for coming 14:39:07 #endmeeting