14:01:19 <graced> #startmeeting Evergreen Oversight Board Meeting, October 20, 2016 14:01:19 <pinesol_green> Meeting started Thu Oct 20 14:01:19 2016 US/Eastern. The chair is graced. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:19 <pinesol_green> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:19 <pinesol_green> The meeting name has been set to 'evergreen_oversight_board_meeting__october_20__2016' 14:01:28 <graced> #link Agenda https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2016-10-20 14:01:35 <graced> #topic Introductions 14:01:40 <graced> Oversight Board members, please introduce yourself with #info 14:01:47 <graced> #info graced is Grace Dunbar, Equinox 14:01:57 <miker> #info miker is Mike Rylander, Equinox 14:02:01 <sherbertbc> #info sherbertbc is Sharon Herbert, Sitka/BC Libraries Co-op 14:02:22 <collum> #info collum is Garry Collum, Kenton County Public Library 14:02:24 <tspindler> #info tspindler is Tim Spindler, C/W MARS 14:02:35 <rgagnon> #info rgagnon is Ron Gagnon, NOBLE 14:03:14 <graced> terran and rfrasur are y'all around? 14:03:48 <terran> #info terran is Terran McCanna, PINES 14:04:15 <graced> I know rfrasur is at a seminar or something so she may not be able to join 14:04:21 <graced> Amy is in Spain and can’t join us… I’m sure we all feel very sorry for her. 14:04:42 <graced> But we do have a quorum so let's get started. 14:04:52 <graced> #topic Approve Minutes/Actions from last meeting 14:04:57 <graced> The minutes have been up for review since our last meeting. 14:05:03 <graced> #link http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2016/evergreen.2016-09-22-14.01.html 14:05:08 <graced> Are there any corrections? 14:05:48 <graced> Hearing no requests for corrections... 14:05:55 <graced> #agreed The EOB accepted the minutes from the September 22 meeting 14:06:04 <graced> #topic Old Business and Action items 14:06:17 <graced> #info sherbertbc is continuing to investigate OSS grants. Her research can be found here 14:06:22 <graced> #link http://tinyurl.com/jpjb2no 14:06:28 <graced> sherbertbc: Anything to add? Or does anyone have questions for her? 14:06:44 <sherbertbc> to clarify, Kathy shared with me the spreadsheet that she and Rogan(?) had work on some time ago 14:06:59 <sherbertbc> I went back and reviewed the status of the grants they investigated earlier and some are not currently available or they require that the project is significant or key to internet business. We don’t really seem to fit with most of the typical OSS grants out there. 14:07:01 <terran> Thank you for doing this Sharon! sherbertbc++ 14:07:18 <sherbertbc> IMLS and Mellon grants seemed most promising, but we have no access to these grants in Canada, so I have no experience with them. So, wondering if others here do, if anything there worth pursuing, are they excessively bureaucratic, etc.? 14:07:25 <graced> sherbertbc++ 14:08:39 <sherbertbc> So, shall I dig deeper on IMLS and Mellon then? 14:09:10 <graced> sherbertbc I would say dig deeper on those but it will require lot of output from us 14:09:14 <tspindler> I think one thing ot think about is what Grace said about the 10% for the SFC. I don't know if that would draw red flags? 14:09:19 <terran> I haven't had to go through the grant process myself, but I suspect IMLS would be the best bet. 14:09:28 <graced> In terms of writing the grants as well as reporting on how the money was used 14:09:56 <sherbertbc> yes, time involved is a concern, we'd need to id a project and ROI would need to be worth it 14:10:49 <sherbertbc> happy to dig in a bit more on IMLS, see where we might best fit, get a sense of time involved and grant amount to make it worth our while 14:11:07 <kmlussier> Is there a specific project the EOB is thinking of targeting with these funds? 14:11:42 <rgagnon> Knowing the goal is part of the grant research for a good fit. 14:11:56 <graced> kmlussier: Not yet - I think we're just looking to see what we are eligible for and what the opportunities are at this point. 14:12:26 <sherbertbc> graced +1 14:12:53 <graced> To me, grant s are great opportunities to fund infrastructure or prototyping projects though... 14:13:11 <graced> if we're looking at development. 14:13:25 <sherbertbc> agreed 14:13:30 <graced> But then there's also UX consulting, and other things 14:13:43 <graced> I'm sure kmlussier has a list. :) 14:13:45 <kmlussier> I do think there are probably several Evergreen sites in the community that would be willing to submit the grant on behalf of the community if the SFC is not a good option. 14:13:53 <kmlussier> Well, of course I have a list. :) 14:14:39 <graced> Okay, so sherbertbc will dig a little deeper and we'll talk more about it next month or on the lists? 14:14:45 <kmlussier> The reason I asked, though, is because MassLNC is also exploring grants for a specific need, and there may be an opportunity to work together on this. But I don't know if our needs align with what the EOB is hoping to do. 14:15:54 <graced> kmlussier: good to know - we'll let you know when we get there 14:15:59 <graced> #action sherbertbc to dig deeper on IMLS and Mellon to get more details on structure and opportunity 14:16:02 <terran> I'm in agreement with kmlussier - it may be more feasible for MassLNC (or another community partner) to apply directly with a letter of support from the EOB. 14:16:35 <sherbertbc> ok, thx graced 14:17:10 <graced> That raises a question - who is going to administer the project at that point? Would we expect MassLNC (or whomever) to do it or would the EOB do the work? 14:17:34 <sherbertbc> joint effort? 14:18:31 <sherbertbc> a bit cart before horse at this point though 14:18:38 <miker> I imagine there would have to be an official leader, and they'd have to be the grantee... but, sherbertbc's research will tell, I bet 14:18:38 <tspindler> I would assume MassLNC would have to. Could the board apply without involving the SFC? 14:19:16 <graced> So long as the Board isn't receiving the grant money we could maybe assist in the grant request/writing. 14:19:18 <miker> tspindler: we'd be using their 501c(3) status, IIUC, so, probably not completely without them 14:19:26 <graced> And we could manage the project to some expent. 14:19:29 <graced> *extent 14:19:31 <kmlussier> I could follow up with sherbertbc directly before the next meeting to see if it's worth doing. 14:19:42 <sherbertbc> kmlussier: +`1 14:20:07 <graced> miker: if MassLNC as the 501c(3) was backing it we don't need to involve the SFC 14:20:28 <graced> But yes, cart before the horse as sherbertbc says 14:20:41 <miker> graced: sure. I interpreted tspindler's question to mean the EOB directly receiving ... sorry if I misunderstood 14:20:44 <graced> Good to bring up the issues we need to be thinking about though 14:21:12 <tspindler> miker: yes your understanding of my question was correct 14:21:30 <graced> any other questions on this one or are we good move on? 14:22:16 <graced> #info miker was to update the EOB Rules of Governance in the git repo. 14:22:20 <graced> miker? 14:22:30 <miker> the git repo is updated 14:22:34 <miker> one note 14:23:03 <miker> I included the executive session language as an appendix as it's large and separate from the main body in purpose 14:23:27 <miker> if the EOB would like me to rework that somehow, I'm happy to do so 14:23:47 <miker> also included the CoI policy as an appendix, and terran's housekeeping updates 14:24:21 <terran> miker++ 14:24:23 <miker> I haven't updated the governance page on the site proper yet 14:24:33 <graced> miker: you read my mind 14:25:07 <miker> but, I don't have the edit privs required, currently 14:25:22 <graced> #action miker to update html format of ROG git changes on governance page 14:25:30 <miker> so, I'll beg assistance from the web team for that 14:25:59 <graced> #action gmcharlt to give miker perms to edit governance page 14:26:07 <graced> miker++ 14:26:26 <graced> questions? 14:26:42 <miker> http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=contrib/governance.git;a=summary 14:26:44 <miker> for reference 14:26:59 <graced> #link http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=contrib/governance.git;a=summary 14:27:13 <graced> ^ for meetbot purposes 14:27:19 <miker> thanks 14:27:28 <graced> okay, moving on 14:27:29 <graced> #info afterl was to follow up with SFC (again) on ledger discrepancy. 14:27:36 <graced> #info I know that Amy did this. And we have some follow up news in the financial update... 14:28:05 <graced> But suffice to say the big NC check is still not credited to the ledger 14:28:09 <graced> more on that later though 14:28:29 <graced> speaking of the ledger... 14:28:32 <graced> #info graced was to follow up with gmcharlt to get more ledger detail. 14:28:40 <graced> #info I have not completed this task but I expect to have an update by the next meeting. 14:29:26 <graced> #info miker to add conflict of interest policy as an appendix in the git repo 14:29:40 <graced> oh you just said you completed that, too 14:30:24 <miker> aye :) 14:30:54 <graced> #info miker completed the task for great justice 14:30:57 <graced> :) 14:31:29 <graced> #info miker also reported that the next agenda item for housekeeping changes was completed. 14:32:05 <graced> #info graced and rfrasur to work on a timeline for the EOB meetings at the Hackaway 14:32:21 <graced> #info Still working on it! We should have something out by early next week. 14:32:50 <graced> The agenda placeholders are on the wiki 14:33:06 <graced> #info graced was to call for an email vote for travel stipends for our meeting at the Hack-a-way. 14:33:12 <graced> #link http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/eg-oversight-board/2016-September/001576.html 14:33:17 <graced> #info This was completed on September 29 when the Board approved via email (with 8 “yes” votes) a motion to, “Set aside $1,500 of funds from the general Evergreen budget for the purpose of approved travel stipends for the EOB meetings during the Hack-a-way (not to exceed $500 per person) to be distributed on a first come first served basis.” 14:33:33 <graced> Questions or comments on that action item? 14:34:04 <terran> Is Amy the only person who ended up needing the stipend? 14:34:52 <graced> At this point she is the only one who has requested a stipend, yes 14:35:31 <graced> though we didn't put a date limit on the request period... 14:36:03 <graced> #info terran to request revision on the GPLS page to point to the evergreen-ils page for Evergreen trademark 14:36:18 <graced> terran? 14:36:29 <terran> Redirection is completed. 14:36:36 <graced> terran++ 14:37:00 <graced> Whew. That was a lot of action items. 14:37:05 <graced> Is there is any further old business? 14:37:41 <graced> Okay, moving on. 14:37:46 <graced> #topic New Business 14:37:51 <graced> #info Financial Update 14:37:57 <graced> #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:financials:update_2016_10_19 14:38:02 <graced> #info No changes to the bottom line since the last update, but the ledger now reflects the recording of two sponsorship checks that were received last February. However, the ledger still does not yet reflect a check from the State of North Carolina for conference registrations. 14:38:54 <graced> #action graced and afterl to follow up with the SFC on the NC check issue 14:38:55 <terran> When Amy followed up with the SFC, did they offer an explanation for that? 14:39:26 <graced> terran: no. It was pretty much the same discussion as we had when the EOB was on the phone with the SFC 14:40:08 <graced> But we will bring it to their attention again. and we'll let you know what happens. 14:40:51 <graced> any other thoughts or questions on the financials? 14:41:17 <graced> #topic Committee Reports 14:41:22 <graced> #topic Conference Committee 14:42:00 <graced> The conference committees are pulling a lot of things together right now. 14:42:04 <graced> Are there any questions for the Conference Committee? 14:42:44 <tspindler> I can't remember but will any program information out before registrations begin? 14:43:13 <graced> That's the plan. Certianly pre-conference info will be out. 14:43:35 <tspindler> That's good 14:43:49 <graced> But I expect the call for program proposals to begin in a few weeks. 14:44:15 <graced> moving on then 14:44:16 <graced> #topic Outreach Committee Business 14:44:21 <graced> #info kmlussier put her update in the agenda.Minutes from our last Outreach Committee meeting are available at 14:44:25 <graced> #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=outreach:meetings:2016-09-26 14:44:35 <graced> #info Highlights from the meeting are that rhamby is exploring the possibility of using a new merchandising vendor. 14:44:40 <graced> #link https://www.spreadshirt.com/-C3528 14:44:46 <graced> #info We are also turning our attention back to creating a conference kit that Evergreen community members can use at conferences where they are speaking about / promoting Evergreen. 14:44:51 <graced> #info The press release for 2.11 was sent to Marshall Breeding, Library Journal, ALA Direct and the ASIS&T Bulletin. 14:45:28 <graced> kmlussier: anything to add? Or does anyone have questions? 14:45:38 <kmlussier> Nothing to add 14:45:54 <tspindler> I think I saw a tweet from Marshall Breeding on the release, I think its the first time I've seen him do that for Evergreen 14:46:11 <terran> The conference kit is an interesting idea 14:46:26 <kmlussier> tspindler: No, actually, he's usually pretty good about sending out those tweets as soon as he gets our press releases. 14:46:57 <graced> kmlussier++ 14:47:26 <graced> as always, the outreach committee is doing great work 14:47:39 <kmlussier> terran: Once we're a little further along with the conference kit, we can share it more widely for broader feedback. I think it could be useful. 14:47:47 * kmlussier wishes she had it earlier this week. 14:48:24 <graced> if no further questions or comments... 14:48:41 <graced> moving on 14:48:42 <graced> #topic Release Manager's Report 14:48:47 <graced> miker? 14:49:01 <miker> we'll be doing one soon... there are a few updates 14:49:18 <miker> one, in particular, I'll be bringing to the community: 14:49:43 <miker> we have a signoff on the timezone branch that addresses (among many other things) some web client issues 14:50:02 <miker> but, that will require an upgrade of opensrf 14:50:10 <miker> which we usually don't require 14:50:37 <miker> so ... I'll be soliciting input on that point, and depending on the feedback, that may or may not go in 14:50:53 <miker> nothing big past that 14:51:05 <graced> thanks for the heads up on that 14:51:26 <graced> any questions or comments? 14:51:59 <graced> moving on 14:52:28 <graced> other new business 14:52:39 <graced> I have one bit of new business 14:52:44 <graced> #topic EOB Hack-a-way meetings 14:52:49 <graced> #action rfrasur will be putting out a call for general and committee specific agenda items next week 14:52:54 <graced> #action graced created agenda placeholders on the wiki and will flesh out times and topics over the next week 14:53:23 <graced> So please, please send all your requests for topics for the EOB as a whole or for a committee to me or Ruth asap 14:54:07 <graced> any other new business? 14:54:17 <graced> or questions on the above topic? 14:54:57 <graced> questions about why it's still so hot when it's supposed to be autumn? 14:55:45 <tspindler> because 14:55:49 <terran> I tried wearing a sweater the other day, just to try to convince myself that Halloween is almost here. No success. 14:56:11 <kmlussier> @weather 14:56:12 <pinesol_green> kmlussier: Seekonk, MA :: Mostly Cloudy :: 0871F/0822C | Thursday: A mix of clouds and sun. Slight chance of a rain shower. High near 70F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Thursday Night: Overcast with rain showers at times. Thunder possible. Low 58F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%. 14:56:28 <graced> @weather 14:56:28 <pinesol_green> graced: Error: I did not find a preset location for you. Set via setweather <location> 14:56:30 <sherbertbc> want some wet coast rain, anyone? anyone? 14:56:33 <graced> dang it! 14:56:40 <kmlussier> I was thinking it wasn't that hot, but I guess it is above normal. 14:56:46 <kmlussier> sherbertbc: No! 14:56:50 <sherbertbc> haha 14:56:51 <graced> sherbertbc: we'll take it! 14:56:52 <tspindler> @weather 01605 14:56:53 <pinesol_green> tspindler: Worcester, MA :: Overcast :: 0361F/0316C | Thursday: Cloudy skies. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 63F. Winds E at 10 to 15 mph. Thursday Night: Considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers. Thunder possible. Low 54F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%. | Updated: 2m ago 14:57:07 <terran> sherbertbc: I would like your rain, please. I'm going to have an enormous water bill from trying to keep my shrubs alive this month. 14:57:12 <tspindler> quite a temperature difference from seekonk 14:57:22 <sherbertbc> I'll push some your way terran 14:57:23 <graced> Well enjoy your rain and your cooler than Atlanta temps. 14:57:28 <terran> @weather 30083 14:57:30 <pinesol_green> terran: Stone Mountain, GA :: Scattered Clouds :: 0786F/0730C | Heat Index: 0785F/0729C | Thursday: Sun and clouds mixed. Near record high temperatures. High 87F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Thursday Night: Partly cloudy this evening, then becoming cloudy after midnight. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 61F. W winds at less than 5 mph, increasing to 10 to 20 mph. | (1 more message) 14:57:54 <graced> Thank you to everyone for being here. 14:57:58 <graced> Have a great week! 14:58:05 <tspindler> graced+ 14:58:05 <sherbertbc> graced +1 14:58:10 <terran> Ciao 14:58:11 <graced> #endmeeting