15:00:53 #startmeeting Evergreen Documentation Interest Group (DIG) Meeting 15:00:53 Meeting started Fri Feb 3 15:00:53 2017 US/Eastern. The chair is sandbergja. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:53 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:53 The meeting name has been set to 'evergreen_documentation_interest_group__dig__meeting' 15:01:02 Welcome, everyone! 15:01:11 You can find the agenda at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_meeting_20170203 15:01:28 #topic Introductions 15:02:10 #info remingtron is Remington Steed, Hekman Library (Calvin College) 15:02:15 #info sandbergja is Jane Sandberg, Linn-Benton Community College 15:02:22 #info Christineb is Christine Burns, BC Libraries Cooperative 15:02:31 #info jlundgren is Jeanette Lundgren, C/W MARS 15:02:31 #info jihpringle is Jennifer Pringle, BC Libraries Cooperative (Sitka) 15:03:21 Thank you everyone for being here, especially on such short notice 15:03:36 #topic Previous action items 15:03:56 jihpringle will research the state of missing RDA content 15:04:23 please defer unless anyone would like to take it over, I just haven't had time 15:05:00 Sure! I'd also be happy to take that over, if you'd like 15:05:19 absolutely 15:05:19 If you'd be able to provide some details about what to look for 15:05:31 I can email you perhaps? 15:05:32 I'll send you what I have 15:05:36 Thanks! 15:05:42 Thanks! 15:05:49 #action sandbergja will research the state of missing RDA content 15:06:09 Next up: Everybody will send useful, Evergreen-related, Creative Commons-licensed videos to Christineb 15:06:31 Christineb, I remembered to do this as I was putting together the agenda 15:06:33 :-) 15:06:41 Have you received any other videos? 15:06:44 #info kmlussier is Kathy Lussier, MassLNC 15:07:22 I have only receive the two you sent - they have been added to the "Evergreen Community Resources" playlist on the BC Libraries Cooperative channel 15:07:36 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdwlgwBNnH4riThcmOwvdLTddsn435RcJ 15:07:47 I can put that action item on for next time as well, then 15:07:59 Before I do that, though, I wanted to clarify 15:08:06 I have a couple questions - does anyone have suggestions for playlist name / description 15:08:31 Should we just send videos from our own consortia? Or from other Evergreen libraries that we find useful? 15:09:03 I think any Evergreen videos we find useful can be added 15:09:35 If we start to get lots of videos we can revisit the idea of creating playlist by function 15:10:27 #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcFof3irsR0 15:10:39 that's from Evergreen Indiana 15:11:10 Nice! Thanks, remingtron! 15:11:26 Any feedback for Christineb on the playlist's name or description? 15:11:27 I will add it right now :) 15:11:57 I personally think the name and description are both good. :-) 15:12:23 We can update the description later if anyone has suggestions 15:12:31 should we get a link to the playlist added to the Evergreen website? - maybe here: https://evergreen-ils.org/eg-documentation/ 15:12:32 Christineb: what about changing "Resources" to "Tutorials"? 15:12:53 I like that remingtron 15:13:08 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdwlgwBNnH4riThcmOwvdLTddsn435RcJ 15:13:14 jihpringle: I like that idea 15:13:24 for now the videos are listed with newest video first 15:13:27 Who would we talk to in order to get a link there? 15:13:35 we can change that to specific or if we want to later 15:14:44 I'm not sure who can edit the website 15:15:00 kmlussier: can you edit the website or know who can? 15:15:33 * kmlussier looks 15:16:10 probable website editors: gmcharlt rhamby 15:16:13 yes 15:16:22 But I can give anyone access who needs it too. 15:16:31 We aren't stingy with WP credentials. :) 15:16:31 yep, both are accurate as well as kmlussier 15:16:54 it is also possible for me to add collaborators on the list so others can add videos - testing required 15:16:57 Sorry, meant to say I can give access *to anyone* who needs it. 15:17:09 if anyone is interested in being a collaborator let me know and I will email you the invite so we can test it out 15:17:12 rhamby: kmlussier: thanks for confirming 15:17:59 Anyone up for getting WP credentials and/or adding this link? 15:18:07 I can add it 15:18:21 Thanks, Christineb! 15:18:26 if kmlussier gives me access :) 15:18:43 Christineb: Yes, I'm just trying to remember how. :) 15:18:50 ok no rush 15:19:02 #action Christineb will add a link from the Web site's documentation page to the new playlist 15:19:07 #action Everybody will send useful, Evergreen-related, Creative Commons-licensed videos to Christineb 15:19:13 Christineb++ 15:19:24 Thanks so much for getting this started! 15:19:54 Last action item from last time: kmlussier will add the Web Client system requirements from Galen's email to the official docs 15:20:30 I think I did that. 15:20:42 Yay! Thanks! 15:21:00 #topic Progress on Web Client docs 15:21:02 http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=c6935c073956c2a7922ba0d8742db7258db161a1 15:21:02 kmlussier: [evergreen|Kathy Lussier] Docs: Add browser requirements for running the web client - 15:22:00 kmlussier++ 15:22:38 kmlussier++ 15:23:09 For Web Client docs, I think we will be able to get a lot done at the hackfest, so let's start discussing that. :-) 15:23:14 #topic Plan for February 17 Doc Hackfest 15:23:41 We need to do some publicity, and also decide on what communication tools we'll be using 15:24:02 I know in the past there's been IRC and Google Hangouts 15:24:12 Any thoughts on either of those pieces? 15:25:04 I generally like to go strictly with the IRC piece because it helps me focus on the docs. 15:25:28 I'm sometimes in and out of my office, so Hangouts isn't the best for me 15:25:51 IRC also requires no set-up, which is nice 15:25:54 but I'm happy to join the Hangout if someone pings me on IRC with a question 15:26:52 Any objections to just having IRC? 15:27:38 no objections, but we may want to offer an irc refresher/intro in case there's anyone who would like to join but doesn't currently use irc 15:28:09 No objections from me. 15:28:13 jihpringle: good point 15:29:02 As far as publicity goes 15:29:13 I really like how kmlussier has been identifying important bugs and sending those out with hackfest announcements 15:29:29 Maybe we can highlight really important 2.11 or web client documentation needs in publicity for the DIG hackfest? 15:30:00 I think that's a great idea, I find what kmlussier's been doing really helpful 15:30:20 Well, I obviously am not going to object to the idea. ;) 15:30:32 But I think it's helpful for people who don't know where to get started. 15:30:38 I agree, highlighting specific needs is helpful 15:30:45 Want to decide on some right now? 15:31:09 #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:2.11_needs 15:31:17 #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:webclient 15:32:06 also note the link to Andrea's document that shows wording changes, etc. 15:32:17 #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O0m89RblpKvS5IfYlgTT4PJe-fPI6jOFyNstyyJmlbc/edit#gid=1391769354 15:34:00 maybe we should focus on front line staff first 15:34:08 have we decided how we want to handle new features for 2.11 that are only available in the web client? 15:34:17 like Circ, Cataloging 15:34:19 ie. Email Checkout Receipts 15:34:27 maybe Acq if that part of the client is stable now 15:34:35 (serials isn't ready yet, I think) 15:35:33 I don't think anything changed in acq between 2.10 and 2.11 (other than some minor fixes) based on the release notes 15:35:40 jihpringle: I don't think there are many 2.11 libraries using the web client. 15:36:07 remingtron: from the peanut gallery, serials is indeed not ready yet in WSC 15:36:30 abneiman: thanks, any work being done on it? 15:37:24 remingtron: shortly forthcoming :) 15:37:41 :) 15:37:56 (not by Feb 17th though) 15:38:54 I think we'll have plenty to do with circ, cat, and acq :-) 15:39:38 is that too broad? we can certainly focus on just circ if we want 15:39:52 might help us see progress if we focus in more 15:39:58 I would like to prioritize circ and cat for the web client. I think that's what people will most likely start with. Also, there shouldn't be too many differences in acq since they are Dojo interfaces. 15:40:02 (but of course, anyone can help with anything) 15:40:35 Circ and cat sounds good to me! 15:41:02 I can send out some email blasts, and try to identify some juicy circ and cat needs to highlight 15:41:26 Do we want to advertise a specific start and end time? 15:41:58 I think that's hard with the different timezones 15:42:44 sandbergja: I don't think a start/end time is important, as long as there's some docs related noise on IRC and the email list to remind people 15:43:00 All right, I can just say to join us when you're able :-) 15:43:22 #action sandbergja will send out emails about the upcoming DIG hackfest 15:44:04 Any other thoughts? 15:44:39 I want to skip ahead in the agenda a bit 15:44:46 #DIG at the 2017 Conference 15:44:48 would it help people very much if the DIG html pages linked to the file on GitHub for easy editing? 15:45:06 that's my latest idea for enabling more helpers 15:45:16 but I want to know if people think it would help much 15:45:47 remingtron showed me an example, and I thought it was pretty neat 15:46:06 remingtron: Yes, I think it would. 15:46:07 if it's not a big hurdle, then I'd rather focus on a bigger hurdle 15:47:02 Well, I don't know if it's a big hurdle, to be honest, but I do think it opens the door to more people who haven't dipped their toe in the water yet. 15:48:35 Question for the group 15:49:00 sandbergja: sorry, back to the new topic 15:49:10 remingtron: no worries! 15:49:13 In the current conference schedule, DIG has a 45 minute session (at 8am!) 15:49:31 Should we contact the conference peeps to request a pre-conference instead (or something a little more extensive)? 15:49:46 What is the ideal amount of DIG? 15:50:00 sandbergja: jlundgren and I talked a bit about the conference after the last meeting. 15:50:14 oh! Good to know! 15:50:30 For this year, I don't think we have the DIG people available to do a pre-conference thing like we have the last few years. 15:50:58 The few DIG people who are going either want to spend some time in the hackfest or are planning to attend one of the other pre-conference sessions. 15:51:13 That makes sense 15:51:32 I was thinking that if people wanted to work on docs on Wednesday, if the hackfest room is large enough, maybe DIG folks could work there. 15:51:47 That's why we used to do before we had our own Wednesday hackfest. 15:52:14 In addition to the 45-minute session, there is also the session Lynn is doing on AsciiDoc, which should help out too. 15:52:26 kmlussier++ jlundgren++ for doing this planning work! 15:53:30 Before our time runs out, does anybody else have any discussion items? 15:53:35 Well, it wasn't much planning. It was more of a 10 minute discussion. We never followed up with the conference folks because I wanted to run our thoughts by all of you first. 15:55:36 kmlussier: I think that makes a lot of sense! 15:56:59 Thanks to everyone for all your work! 15:57:21 sandbergja++ 15:57:25 #endmeeting