14:01:20 <ohiojoe> #startmeeting 2017-07-06 Documentation Interest Group Meeting 14:01:20 <pinesol_green> Meeting started Thu Jul 6 14:01:20 2017 US/Eastern. The chair is ohiojoe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:20 <pinesol_green> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:20 <pinesol_green> The meeting name has been set to '2017_07_06_documentation_interest_group_meeting' 14:01:37 <ohiojoe> #topic Introductions 14:01:58 <ohiojoe> please introduce yourselves, paste "#info <username> is <name> <affiliation>" to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent 14:02:18 <Christineb> #info Christineb is Christine Burns BC Libraries Cooperative / Sitka 14:02:28 <jihpringle> #info jihpringle is Jennifer Pringle, BC Libraries Cooperative (Sitka) 14:02:30 <phasefx> #info phasefx is Jason Etheridge, EOLI, just lurking :) 14:02:31 <dluch> #info dluch is Debbie Luchenbill MOBIUS / Missouri Evergreen 14:02:33 <abneiman> #info abneiman - Andrea Buntz Neiman, EOLI 14:02:35 <jlundgren> #info jlundgren is Jeanette Lundgren, C/W MARS 14:02:42 <fbeaudry> #info fbeaudry is Felicia Beaudry EOLI 14:02:43 <ohiojoe> #info ohiojoe is Joe Knueven, Germantown Public Library, COOL 14:02:48 <jweston> #info jweston is Jennifer Weston, NC Cardinal 14:03:09 <katiemartin> #info katiemartin is Katie Greenleaf Martin, Blair County libraries, SPARK consortium in PA 14:03:15 <Desiree_> #info desiree_ is Desiree Van Tassel practicum student with MOBIUS 14:03:33 <kmlussier> #info kmlussier is Kathy Lussier, MassLNC 14:03:45 <cesardv_> #info cesardv - Cesar Velez, EOLI, lurking 14:03:58 <remingtron> #info remingtron is Remington Steed, Hekman Library (Calvin College) 14:04:53 <ohiojoe> oh, I nearly forgot, I should mention that the agenda is availble at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_meeting_20170706-agenda 14:05:16 <ohiojoe> #topic Old Business 14:06:34 <ohiojoe> Previous action items. I included the action items that came out of the Februrary meeting. That said, that was rather a long time ago.. 14:08:41 <kmlussier> Do we want to go through each of the action items to see if they still need to be done? It doesn't look like sandbergja is around to report on hers. 14:09:04 <ohiojoe> sounds like a good idea. 14:10:04 <ohiojoe> skipping to #2, Christineb you offered to add a link from the Web site's documenation page to the new playlist. Any update? 14:10:51 <Christineb> ohiojoe - I couldn't decide where to put it so I asked the new Web team to consider options 14:11:13 <kmlussier> Christineb: Did we come to a consensus on that? I can't remember. 14:11:17 <Christineb> I will follow up with them to find out if they had a preference 14:11:49 <Christineb> kmlussier - I can't remember I was going to check the call minutes 14:11:54 <Christineb> or irc log 14:12:13 <kmlussier> OK, I'm looking too. We'll figure something out. 14:12:28 <ohiojoe> that sounds like a good plan. lets see, I believe I should.. 14:12:38 <Christineb> there was discussion about changing the list - potentially creating an Evergreen channel 14:13:04 <Christineb> currenlty the playlist is on the BC Libraries Cooperative channel so the banner and branding is Co-op specific 14:13:50 <ohiojoe> #action Christineb will follow up with web team to add a link from the web site's documenation page to the new playlist 14:13:57 <kmlussier> Christineb: Looks like the consensus was to put it in the Doc menu for now, but also that we explore other options for the future. If you need help putting it there, let me know. 14:14:03 <Christineb> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdwlgwBNnH4riThcmOwvdLTddsn435RcJ 14:14:21 <Christineb> kmlussier - I will try and let you know 14:14:26 <Christineb> cheers 14:15:07 <ohiojoe> moving along, item 3, Everybody will send useful, Evergreen-related, Creative Commons-licensed videos to Christineb 14:15:43 <dluch> I totally forgot to send anything. Sorry. 14:17:03 <remingtron> sandbergja: welcome! we're having a DIG meeting, isn't that great? 14:17:18 <sandbergja> remingtron: thanks! 14:17:20 <sandbergja> sorry I'm late, everyone! 14:17:40 <ohiojoe> no worries. please, go ahead and introduce yourself 14:18:06 <sandbergja> #info sandbergja is Jane Sandberg, Linn-Benton Community College 14:19:15 <dluch> So, Christineb, did you get any/many videos for the site? 14:20:08 <Christineb> we currently have 6 videos from 4 contributors 14:20:28 <Christineb> I believe one video was removed as it was for an older version 14:20:48 <jweston> NC Cardinal has a few tutorial videos but we are still on 2.9. Would you want these? 14:21:14 <kmlussier> Sorry if this question has been answered in previous meetings, but are we planning to include videos just for currently-supported versions? 14:21:28 <Christineb> I'm not sure that was ever decided 14:22:01 <Christineb> this maybe a reason to consider an evergreen specific channel 14:22:17 <Christineb> then we could have multiple playlists 14:22:23 <sandbergja> It seems like weeding out old versions would be a lot of work for Christineb if the playlist grows too much 14:22:26 <Christineb> version specific, module specific etc 14:22:56 <kmlussier> Yes, it's also tricky. Reports haven't changed much in recent releases, so the intro to reports video is probably still good. Other videos may have a shorter shelflife. 14:22:57 <jihpringle> being able to have a new playlist once web client videos start coming out would probably be a good idea 14:23:00 <Christineb> it is possible for me to share a contibutor url - it allows anyone with the link the ability to add videos or remove (only ones they have added) 14:23:05 <remingtron> Christineb: sounds like a good idea, then people can simply ignore old playlists (e.g. 2.8) 14:24:11 <kmlussier> Yeah, I like the idea of an Evergreen channel with multiple playlists. A video could then be part of multiple playlists too. 14:24:29 <dluch> Yeah, I agree 14:24:47 <jweston> Me, too - - can I say "+1" - - I have always wanted to do that. 14:24:55 <ohiojoe> +1 14:25:06 <ohiojoe> that said, is anyone volunteering to set that up? 14:25:13 <Christineb> I can do it 14:25:13 <kmlussier> jweston: Yes, absolutely! +1 away! :) 14:25:26 <sandbergja> Christineb++ 14:25:37 <kmlussier> Christineb++ 14:25:37 <Christineb> Question - do you think it would be ok to share the account username and password on the Evergreen wiki? 14:25:42 <ohiojoe> Christineb++ 14:25:52 <kmlussier> Christineb: I don't think it's a good idea. 14:25:56 <Christineb> I could create a wiki page and we could use that to write some guidelines 14:25:57 <dluch> Christineb++ 14:26:09 <Christineb> ok I am ok to manage the account 14:26:16 <kmlussier> Christineb: Can the channel be administered by multiple accounts? 14:26:28 <Christineb> I will investigate 14:26:47 <sandbergja> Thanks for all your youtube work, Christineb! 14:27:10 <Christineb> our BC Libraries Cooperative channel is administered by one account but it may be possible 14:27:15 <ohiojoe> #action Christineb will setup an evergreen specific channel with specific playlist 14:27:25 <kmlussier> It looks like there is one owner, but you can have multiple managers. 14:27:30 <Christineb> ok perfect 14:28:49 <ohiojoe> looping back to previous action item 1, sandbergja, do you have anything to report on researching the state of missing RDA content from way back in Februrary? 14:29:04 <sandbergja> nope, sorry 14:29:34 <sandbergja> could you add that as an action item for me to work on for next time? 14:29:43 <ohiojoe> absolutely 14:29:55 <ohiojoe> #action sandbergja will research the state of missing RDA content 14:30:08 <phasefx> just an aside, we can partition parts of the wiki off for users with specific credentials 14:30:39 <phasefx> (he says 5 minutes later) 14:31:50 <ohiojoe> ok, it looks like pervious action item #4 pertained to either the conference or plans from back in March or April 14:32:09 <sandbergja> Yes, I think that one's old 14:32:38 <ohiojoe> #topic Progress on Web Client docs 14:32:59 <ohiojoe> (I just realized that I should have done that with the "Previous action items") 14:33:50 <remingtron> ohiojoe: you're doing great! 14:34:00 <sandbergja> agreed! 14:36:16 <remingtron> I've been reviewing the webclient wiki page 14:36:18 <remingtron> #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:webclient 14:37:06 <remingtron> Looks like anything marked "DONE" has been committed to the 2.12+ docs 14:37:26 <remingtron> any other links in the left-hand column are still needing review 14:40:36 <jweston> Even if the progress says "No Change", it still needs to be reviewed, correct? 14:40:45 <dluch> Okay, so, "DONE" and "NO CHANGE" are all set? And the ones that say "New Draft" and "ready for Review", etc.? 14:41:03 <dluch> lol. on the same wavelength as jweston... 14:41:33 <sandbergja> jweston: my understanding was that if something says "No change", it's already been reviewed 14:41:34 <remingtron> if it says "no change", that should mean "no change required", meaning it's done 14:41:52 <dluch> And if that column is totally blank, no one's reviewed it yet at all ? 14:42:12 <remingtron> correct, blank means it needs initial review 14:42:18 <kmlussier> Do you think we should schedule a couple of more web client documentation days between now and the 3.0 release? 14:42:19 <dluch> k, thx 14:42:27 <jweston> Got it. 14:43:21 <dluch> I think that would be a good idea. 14:45:10 <jweston> +1 14:45:40 <kmlussier> I could send out the Doodle poll. 14:45:48 <kmlussier> Maybe we could schedule one for August and one for September? 14:45:48 <sandbergja> kmlussier++ 14:46:01 <ohiojoe> kmlussier++ 14:46:22 <ohiojoe> I agree, I also think one each of the next 2 months is probably a good diea.. 14:46:51 <ohiojoe> kmlussier - if you don't mind sending out a poll, I think that would be good.. 14:47:07 <kmlussier> ohiojoe: Sure. Do you want to add it as an action item so I don't forget? 14:47:34 <ohiojoe> #action kmlussier will send out a poll to schedule web client documentation days for August and September 14:48:14 <ohiojoe> #topic New Business 14:48:29 <ohiojoe> #topic new DIG Facilitator 14:48:53 <kmlussier> I nominate ohiojoe 14:49:03 <ohiojoe> I volunteered to facilitate going forward. Are there any objections? 14:49:16 <remingtron> no objections! 14:49:27 <Christineb> ohiojoe++ 14:49:28 <dluch> No objections! ohiojoe++ 14:49:32 <ohiojoe> we could actually vote on this if we'd like 14:50:23 <kmlussier> Sure! 14:50:31 <kmlussier> Let's make it all official. 14:50:48 <ohiojoe> ok 14:51:37 <ohiojoe> #startvote Should ohiojoe be the DIG Facilitator? yes, no, abstain 14:51:37 <pinesol_green> Begin voting on: Should ohiojoe be the DIG Facilitator? Valid vote options are yes, no, abstain. 14:51:37 <pinesol_green> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 14:51:53 <sandbergja> #vote yes 14:51:54 <jweston> #vote Yes 14:51:58 <jlundgren> #vote yes 14:51:58 <dluch> #vote yes 14:52:01 <jihpringle> #vote yes 14:52:01 <remingtron> #vote YES 14:52:06 <Christineb> yes 14:52:09 <fbeaudry> #vote yes 14:52:19 <Christineb> #vote yes 14:52:27 <kmlussier> #vote yes 14:53:03 <katiemartin> #vote yes 14:53:17 <ohiojoe> I will make a point of trying to bring this quesiton up once a year to make sure no one else wants the opportunity.. 14:53:23 <ohiojoe> or I'll try to remember, at any rate 14:53:32 <jweston> ohiojoe++ 14:53:37 <ohiojoe> #endvote 14:53:37 <pinesol_green> Voted on "Should ohiojoe be the DIG Facilitator?" Results are 14:53:37 <pinesol_green> yes (10): kmlussier, katiemartin, sandbergja, jlundgren, jweston, remingtron, dluch, jihpringle, fbeaudry, Christineb 14:53:45 <ohiojoe> moving along 14:53:46 <kmlussier> ohiojoe: I think that's a good idea for any committee, even if we end up electing you every year. 14:53:50 <kmlussier> ohiojoe++ 14:53:53 <ohiojoe> #topic DIG meeting time going forward 14:54:44 <ohiojoe> would you all like to discuss this now, or would you rather I send out another doodle poll? I thought it was interesting to see that the winning time was the old regular date/time 14:55:03 <sandbergja> Doodle poll sounds good to me 14:55:25 <remingtron> especially for summer, Doodle poll seems good 14:55:27 <kmlussier> Oh, it is the same time. I hadn't even noticed that. 14:56:45 <dluch> Doodle poll is good. 14:58:15 <ohiojoe> #action ohiojoe will send out a doodle poll to pick a regular DIG meeting date and time 14:58:59 <ohiojoe> ok, question for you all, we are coming up on 1 hour. do we normally soldier on or try to wrap it up? 14:59:37 <remingtron> I prefer keeping it to 1 hour 14:59:54 <remingtron> I think that has been our "normal" 15:00:09 <jweston> Newbie here - but if the next items are about progress on documentation. Couldn't we just cover that during the web client documentation days? 15:00:19 <sandbergja> I have an announcement about ongoing business (b), but I can send that out to the email list 15:01:10 <kmlussier> +1 to wrapping up in the hour. 15:01:30 <kmlussier> We can talk about progress on documentation at the next meeting. For now, I think we should try to focus on web client documentation as much as we can. 15:01:52 <kmlussier> However, I am curious about sandbergja's announcement. :) 15:02:37 <sandbergja> kmlussier: I'm typing it up now. :-) 15:02:38 <ohiojoe> sandbergja , why if you don't mind, why do you share your announcement? we can wrap up after that, and I'll start with ongoing business next time around 15:02:48 <ohiojoe> #topic Ongoing Business 15:02:52 <sandbergja> Sure! 15:03:13 <ohiojoe> Progress on Docs Reorganization project 15:03:41 <sandbergja> With the help of a student here, we were able to put together a proof-of-concept 15:04:00 <sandbergja> that divides the big monolith of official documentation into different manuals for different folks in the library 15:04:09 <sandbergja> #link http://docs-testing.evergreen-ils.org/ 15:04:30 <sandbergja> there's something wrong with the serials module, but the others should be ready to explore 15:04:44 <katiemartin> neat! 15:05:02 <sandbergja> they are not perfect by any means, but should help to give us a feel for what our docs would look like in a more audience-focused format 15:05:10 <jihpringle> that's awesome! 15:05:12 <jweston> very cool 15:05:22 <sandbergja> Send any thoughts, critiques, etc. my way. :-) 15:05:44 <dluch> Sweet! sandbergja++ 15:05:46 <ohiojoe> that does look very nice 15:05:47 <kmlussier> sandbergja++ 15:05:50 <dluch> (ad student!) 15:05:50 <ohiojoe> sandbergja++ 15:05:54 <sandbergja> ^ something wrong with the serials *manual*, not module 15:06:00 <sandbergja> thanks, everyone! 15:06:04 <jihpringle> sandbergja++ 15:06:15 <sandbergja> The student is jillianne 15:06:21 <sandbergja> jillianne++ 15:06:30 <remingtron> sandbergja++ 15:06:31 <kmlussier> jillianne++ 15:06:35 <sandbergja> but she couldn't make it today :-) 15:06:36 <jihpringle> jillianne++ 15:06:49 <dluch> jillianne++ 15:06:59 <ohiojoe> jillianne++ 15:07:12 <ohiojoe> with that said.. 15:07:20 <ohiojoe> #endmeeting