14:00:41 #startmeeting 2018-03-01 – Documentation Interest Group Meeting 14:00:41 Meeting started Thu Mar 1 14:00:41 2018 US/Eastern. The chair is ohiojoe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:41 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:41 The meeting name has been set to '2018_03_01___documentation_interest_group_meeting' 14:00:46 #topic agenda 14:00:52 #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_meeting_20180301-agenda 14:00:59 #topic Introductions: please paste "#info is " to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent 14:00:59 We used to use transits between different collection desks, but at this point, we're transit free. Feels good! 14:01:33 #info ohiojoe is Joe Knueven, Germantown Public Library, Consortium of Ohio Libraries 14:01:41 #info jihpringle is Jennifer Pringle, BC Libraries Cooperative (Sitka) 14:01:44 #info kmlussier is Kathy Lussier, MassLNC 14:01:55 #info sandbergja is Jane Sandberg, Linn-Benton Community College 14:02:00 #info abneiman is Andrea Buntz Neiman, Equinox 14:02:15 #info dluch is Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS 14:02:37 #topic Old Business 14:02:39 (I'm only here for about 25 minutes, though, because of another meeting) 14:02:51 #topic Previous action items 14:03:43 #info jlundgren is jeanette lundgren, CW MARS 14:03:53 I can start this off by saying that I barely got 13 done in time for it to be relevant, my apologies 14:03:56 #info ChristineB is Christine Burns BC Libraries Cooperative / SItka 14:04:32 my old action item #1 is not complete 14:04:55 I've dropped the ball on the status of the web team 14:05:10 ohiojoe: I think that it should be fine; this way it's fresh in peoples' minds. Did we get enough responses to set a date for the doc hack days? 14:06:19 I still need to do #9 14:07:24 We're up to 8 responses on next week and they're still coming in as of a few minutes ago. I was thinking I would leave it open through early tommorow morning and then call it 14:07:41 right now Tues March 6th and Thurs March 8th are tied 14:08:59 #link https://doodle.com/poll/5pz9vxkddqgez4gh 14:09:05 We're only up to 6 responses for April, but I'm less worried about it since it's a few weeks away.. 14:09:25 thank you Kathy :-) 14:09:29 #info alynn26 is Lynn Floyd, Anderson County Library, SCLENDS 14:09:33 [evergreen|Dan Wells] LP#1748924 Enhanced Billing Timestamp Support - 14:09:34 [evergreen|Dan Wells] LP#1748924 Upgrade script for expanding billing timestamps - 14:09:35 [evergreen|Dan Wells] LP#1748924 Add release notes - 14:09:36 [evergreen|Dan Wells] LP#1748924 Disable materialized summary updates in upgrade script - 14:09:37 [evergreen|Jeff Godin] LP#1748924 Stamping upgrade script - 14:12:20 I'm still behind on 4, 7 & 10 as regards action items.. 14:12:47 I'm still working on 11 and 12 14:13:08 * kmlussier needs to defer #3 until next time. Sorry! I keep forgetting about it. 14:13:47 I've only heard good things about the redesign of the docs. It's been usefull as we are upgrading to 3.0 I can just share a section. 14:13:58 with #12 dluch let me know that we can probably put a DIG handout in the conference packets 14:14:18 we'll need to mail them copies in advance 14:14:21 Yep! 14:14:22 alynn26: Yay! 14:14:28 dluch++ 14:14:53 I'm planning on finishing the draft today and then could send it out to the DIG mailing list for edits 14:15:09 excellent.. I'd be willing to print and mail them if need be 14:15:31 ohiojoe: great, I was just about to ask 14:16:07 I figure it'll be easier if they're mailed within the US 14:16:37 oh yeah.. cheaper at least, if nothing else 14:16:57 and no chance of things getting delayed at the border 14:17:08 do we want/can we put the EG logo on the handout? 14:17:38 I don't see why we couldn't, since DIG is an "official" group in the community 14:17:41 I would say yes. 14:18:13 is there someone with the logo handy that could add it to the draft? 14:18:18 Yes, please do add the logo. 14:18:47 I can add it, or send you a link to it. 14:18:56 They're also available here - https://evergreen-ils.org/trademark-policy/ 14:19:16 kmlussier beat me to it 14:19:23 perfect, I'll grab it from there and add it 14:19:24 thanks :) 14:19:26 abneiman: Ha! Better luck next time! 14:19:56 so, that is all encompassed in #12, so I can leave it as is.. 14:21:01 #action ohiojoe will snail mail DIG handouts to the 2018 conference hosts for inclusion in the conference packets 14:22:03 with that, do we have anything more to say about the previous action items? including the ones directed at all of us? 14:22:49 we have 144 people subscribed to the Evergreen Youtube Channel 14:23:03 Nice! 14:23:24 I think that probably covers #6 :) 14:26:37 sorry about that, my little corner of Ohio just lost power for 10 seconds 14:26:48 :) 14:28:53 * dluch waves and is off to the next meeting 14:29:04 * alynn26 wondering if Ohiojoe has lost power again. 14:29:42 ok, I think I'm back... 14:29:46 am I back? 14:29:57 yes you are back 14:30:01 yes! 14:30:01 looks like it for right now. 14:30:03 :) 14:30:07 lol 14:30:15 anyway, were we done with previous action items? 14:30:21 yes 14:30:27 ok, moving along 14:30:33 #topic Ongoing Business 14:30:43 #topic Progress on documenting new features in Evergreen 3.0 (and previous) and the Web client Web Client docs 14:32:36 Sitka is upgrading in May so we are getting ready to do a lot of doc work and videos 14:33:31 Same here. I know a have a the Library Settings Editor edited. Just not quite ready to commit yet. 14:34:37 remingtron isn't at this meeting, but he is working with two of our student workers to complete some of the web client docs, so you should see some results of that soon. 14:34:47 Also working on the Receipts and making sure those are correct with the edits from PINES. 14:37:09 excellent to hear so much going on :-) 14:39:43 any other discussion here? 14:40:46 no 14:40:49 #topic Progress on documentation launchpad bugs 14:40:56 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bugs?field.tag=documentation 14:41:04 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1642023 14:41:05 Launchpad bug 1642023 in Evergreen "Docs: Web Client Print / Receipt Templates" [Medium,Triaged] 14:41:09 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1494736 14:41:09 Launchpad bug 1494736 in Evergreen "Docs: Self Check docs additions" [Undecided,New] 14:41:15 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1744358 14:41:16 Launchpad bug 1744358 in Evergreen "Fix and improve Action Trigger Reactor docs" [Undecided,Confirmed] 14:41:21 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1426120 14:41:22 Launchpad bug 1426120 in Evergreen "Documentation: Best-hold selection Sort Order options" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Josh Stompro (u-launchpad-stompro-org) 14:43:36 I'm working on bug 164202 14:43:37 Launchpad bug 164167 in git-core (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #164202 git-core fails to install" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164167 14:43:58 its bug 1642023 14:43:59 Launchpad bug 1642023 in Evergreen "Docs: Web Client Print / Receipt Templates" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1642023 14:44:30 Hopefully i'll have it finished next week. 14:45:30 alynn26++ 14:46:26 I just finished all of my receipts templates. 14:49:13 anything else here? 14:50:16 #topic New Business 14:50:40 does anyone have any new business to bring up? (feels so strange getting through a full agenda..) 14:50:59 yes, our participants page 14:51:00 https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:digparticipants 14:51:35 I think it's a bit out of date 14:52:18 I remember stumbling across it back when I was a going to offer to facilitate.. it could really use some updating 14:53:10 Maybe we send it out to the dig list for everyone to check and update. 14:53:35 At this point, I think we only have the facilitator, release coordinator, and conversion coordinator roles. 14:53:45 Jane is the release coordinator now. I can update that. 14:53:58 if we send it out to the DIG list should we be removing anyone who doesn't respond from the participants list? 14:54:09 I don't think we had much success with the other roles. 14:55:02 remingtron: I vote for only moving participants who explicitly "retire" from DIG, like yboston did. 14:55:07 I was thinking we could either remove them, or move them into a sort of "former active participants" area at the bottom 14:55:18 #info remingtron is Remington Steed, Hekman Library (Calvin College) 14:55:57 ohiojoe_: there is exactly such a section already 14:56:09 I like the moving idea. 14:56:25 I've gotta remember to scroll down all the way.. lol 14:56:53 +1 to moving them to inactibe 14:56:57 so, move those who don't respond into past participants? 14:57:38 sounds good to me 14:57:46 ok, unless someone else wants to, I'll send out said emails and take a stab at updating the page.. 14:58:02 ohiojoe++ 14:58:09 while we're still here, do we know if the list of members with access to edit the main Git repo is up to date? 14:58:42 One of the git admins would know. 14:58:50 That would be gmcharlt, dbs or Dyrcona . 14:59:01 ok, I'll ask them.. 14:59:08 ohiojoe_: docs? 14:59:37 #action ohiojoe will update the DIG participants page and make an effort to contact listed active members in the process 15:00:21 gmcharlt: yeah, the official docs in the main Git repository 15:00:29 with that, thank you everyone 15:00:32 #end meeting 15:00:43 #endmeeting 15:01:41 Adding a note that in addition to the wiki page, the list of participants needs to be updated in the official docs too - http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/3.0/attributions.html 15:01:49 ohiojoe_: the following folks have access (in addition to all of the core committers): rsoulliere, ysuarez, Hilary Caws-Elwitt, akilsdonk, rsteed, stompro, sandbergja, snf jpresley 15:01:53 s/snf/and/ 15:02:07 hmm.. it appears that my power outage quirk is making ending the meeeting difficult.. lets see if dropping out and coming back in would help 15:02:24 gmcharlt: thank you :-) 15:02:25 ohiojoe_: I think if you change your nick back to ohiojoe, it would work. 15:02:55 Type /nick ohiojoe 15:03:09 ahh 15:03:12 #endmeeting