14:00:19 <dluch> #startmeeting 2020-05-07 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting 14:00:19 <pinesol> Meeting started Thu May 7 14:00:19 2020 US/Eastern. The chair is dluch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:19 <pinesol> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:19 <pinesol> The meeting name has been set to '2020_05_07___documentation_interest_group_meeting' 14:00:30 <dluch> #topic Agenda 14:00:53 <dluch> #info The agenda can be found here: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_meetings:20200507-agenda 14:00:53 <dluch> Welcome everyone! Today's meeting will be business, followed by collaboration and working on documentation, if there's time. 14:01:03 <dluch> #topic Introductions 14:01:14 <dluch> Please paste "#info <username> is <name>, <affiliation>" to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent. 14:01:21 <dluch> #info dluch is Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS 14:01:26 <jihpringle> #info jihpringle is Jennifer Pringle, BC Libraries Cooperative (Sitka) 14:01:44 <abneiman> #info abneiman is Andrea Buntz Neiman, Equinox 14:03:18 <rfrasur> #info rfrasur is Ruth Frasur, Evergreen Indiana / ISL 14:03:34 <alynn26> #info alynn26 is Lynn Floyd, Evergreen Indiana 14:04:01 <rfrasur> (I meant to put ECDI - not ISL, but I guess that's accurate too) 14:04:16 * dluch is listening to a recording of sounds in a library and rain on the roof. It is oddly comforting in my home office. :-) 14:04:32 <rfrasur> ++ 14:04:37 <rfrasur> normal_sounds++ 14:04:44 <remingtron> #info remingtron is Remington Steed, Hekman Library (Calvin University) 14:04:52 <dluch> rfrasur: :-D yep 14:04:52 <remingtron> (mostly lurking today) 14:05:34 <Bmagic> #info Bmagic = Blake GH, MOBIUS 14:05:44 <dluch> Thank you all for coming! If you come in later, feel free to introduce yourself when you arrive. 14:05:58 <dluch> #topic Helpful Information: Documentation contributions and collaboration 14:06:06 <dluch> #info You can find the Documentation Needs List at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:documentation_needs 14:06:15 <dluch> #info DIG Roles can be found at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:digparticipants 14:06:23 <dluch> That's all just FYI for folks (and the minutes) 14:06:32 <dluch> #topic Old and Ongoing Business 14:06:45 <dluch> #info Check-in - How is everyone doing? 14:06:54 <dluch> Are we all still working at home/closed to the public? 14:07:04 <alynn26> Still at home. 14:07:13 <remingtron> Yup 14:07:30 <abneiman> hanging in there. dluch++ for having this question on the agenda :) 14:07:45 <alynn26> We are starting to Open libraries back up. Most are doing sometype of Curbside pickup 14:07:45 * dluch blushes 14:07:46 <Bmagic> yep, at home 14:08:00 * rfrasur is home 14:08:13 <dluch> Yep, we're at home, though our libraries are starting to plan to open/open 14:08:42 <jihpringle> I work from home normally, but our libraries are libraries have all been closed. We're starting to help them with curbside now 14:09:15 <dluch> curbside++ 14:09:53 <dluch> I'm glad that the weather, overall, has been really nice here, so I can walk outside and sometimes have windows open 14:10:22 <dluch> Okay, next topic... 14:10:24 <dluch> #info Previous Action Items 14:10:35 <dluch> How are we doing on these? Has anyone had time for anything outside of COVID Chaos? 14:10:48 <dluch> I'll take them in order... 14:10:58 <dluch> #1 sandbergja will make a video for proof of concept in the Quick Starts section 14:11:07 <dluch> I don't think sandbergja is here? 14:11:27 <jweston> #info jweston is Jennifer Weston, Equinox and she's sorry she is late 14:11:40 <dluch> #action sandbergja will make a video for proof of concept in the Quick Starts section 14:11:47 <dluch> No worries, jweston! 14:11:57 <remingtron> Welcome jweston :) 14:11:58 <dluch> #2 everyone will review all of the docs on Antora, looking for broken things and other fixes needed and report on Launchpad 14:12:03 <dluch> Anyone? 14:12:54 <remingtron> The agenda mentions "Meta data "Untitled" pages still exist", anyone seen that? I haven't yet. 14:13:01 <dluch> We may address some of this in a minute, so I'm not going to keep this as an action item right now. 14:13:04 <abneiman> no :-/ 14:13:17 <remingtron> Sounds good dluch 14:13:27 <dluch> #3 DIG will work on 3.5 documentation during Bug Squashing Week, March 16-20 14:13:36 <dluch> We talked about this at the last meeting, and no one had really had time to do this, which is totally understandable. 14:13:44 <Bmagic> the untitled pages (lloks like) are due to the heading levels starting too low 14:13:47 <dluch> More on this later. 14:13:57 <rfrasur> And Bug Squash week got kinda squashed. 14:14:15 <dluch> rfrasure, yup, lol 14:14:20 <dluch> #4 bmagic will think about and explore how to query our git repo to see if there are any non-merged branches that touch /doc/* files 14:14:33 <dluch> bmagic: how'd that go? 14:14:36 <Bmagic> That went 14:14:44 <rfrasur> lol 14:14:45 <Bmagic> and the conclusion was zilch 14:14:49 <dluch> lol 14:14:54 <alynn26> lol 14:14:58 <dluch> So that's good, right? 14:15:37 <Bmagic> gmcharlt++ # handy bash loop, sub loop 14:15:39 <alynn26> bmagic++ 14:15:45 <dluch> bmagic++ 14:16:00 <jihpringle> for #3 - we're in the process of updating the Sitka manuals to 3.5 (we upgrade on May 19th) so we'll have docs that can be contributed back later (including a section on the experimental catalogue) 14:16:00 <dluch> I'm assuming we don't need to keep this action item 14:16:14 <Bmagic> The idea was to find any non-merged documentation branches - the git investigation turned up none (for me) 14:16:17 <dluch> jihpringle++ 14:16:23 <abneiman> jihpringle++ 14:16:31 <alynn26> +1 14:16:38 <jweston> jihpringle++ doc on experimental catalogue 14:16:42 <dluch> sitka++ 14:16:57 <jihpringle> it doesn't exist yet, but it will as of next Tuesday :) 14:17:11 <alynn26> jihpringle++ sitka++ 14:17:16 <dluch> bmagic, so...is that good and do we need to keep the action item? 14:17:41 <Bmagic> I think it can turn into an email to the list 14:17:53 <dluch> Okay 14:18:05 <dluch> All of that flows nicely into the next few items, which kind of go together 14:18:15 <dluch> #info Antora progress 14:18:24 <Bmagic> "hey, we are replacing the old docs folder structure, which will break any git branch edits you may have - merge now or forever hold your peace" 14:18:37 <dluch> lol 14:18:56 <dluch> Last meeting, bmagic said that it's up, eg-docs.georgialibraries.org/prod/, and Antora docs are on it. 14:19:00 <dluch> We still needed to transfer the older docs. Did anyone have time to work on it? 14:19:20 <Bmagic> I used my mind for awhile, didn't write anything yet :) 14:19:29 <Bmagic> (to slurp the old stuff) 14:19:39 <alynn26> lol 14:19:41 <dluch> bmagic also added a bunch of points to this line item. We'll take them one at a time in a minute. 14:19:48 <dluch> bmagic lol 14:20:10 <dluch> I did not even think about the docs, lol 14:20:38 <jweston> I confirmed the doc link still works so that's something 14:20:49 <dluch> jweston++ 14:21:21 <dluch> Alrighty, bmagic: you get to lead this part of the discussion 14:21:28 <dluch> #info Meta data "Untitled" pages still exist 14:21:35 <Bmagic> main page: http://eg-docs.georgialibraries.org/prod/docs/latest/shared/about_this_documentation.html is a prime example 14:21:54 <rfrasur> I'm using that line "I used my mind for awhile, didn't write anything yet." 14:22:08 <Bmagic> the untitled pages (looks like) are due to the heading levels starting too low/high 14:22:32 <dluch> rfrasure: +1 :-D 14:22:41 <dluch> rfrasur: +1 :-D 14:23:05 <dluch> So, like where it says Untitled::Evergreen in the browser tab? 14:23:08 <Bmagic> == About This Documentation == needs to be: = About This Documentation = 14:23:11 <Bmagic> should take care of it 14:23:35 <Bmagic> right - the level 0 heading becomes the title of the page 14:23:53 <Bmagic> I am working on a script to hunt these down 14:24:04 <dluch> So someone just needs to go in and change it? 14:24:14 <dluch> Oh, scripting is awesome 14:24:22 <Bmagic> yes - but depending on the page, there might be sub headings that need to follow suit 14:24:45 <Bmagic> so "==" -> =" - then "===" -> "==" 14:24:45 <dluch> That need to be raised up a level? 14:24:53 <Bmagic> yepper 14:24:54 <dluch> lol, yeah, okay 14:25:39 <Bmagic> I'll work out a list of affected pages and see if I can't handle it. If not, I'll share the list and we can all attack 14:25:48 <dluch> So, if you're writing a script to id the places this exists, are you going to export it somewhere for us to work on 14:25:49 <alynn26> thanks 14:25:56 <dluch> Hahaha 14:26:11 <dluch> bmagic: we are on the same wavelength 14:26:38 <Bmagic> wavelength's are sweet 14:27:16 <dluch> #action bmagic is writing a script to identify places in Antora docs that need headers raised up a level. DIG will help with making the changes then. 14:27:20 <alynn26> we will need to update the style guide to reflect this. 14:27:40 <dluch> alynn26++ 14:27:50 <dluch> I can do that, unless someone else wants to 14:28:43 <dluch> #action dluch will update the style guide to reflect new header stuff 14:28:58 <dluch> (my brain spaced what I meant to say there, so stuff will do) 14:29:07 <dluch> bmagic++ 14:29:19 <dluch> #info Should the server-side generation script(s) be in the EG repo? 14:29:45 <Bmagic> yeah - should it? 14:29:51 <Bmagic> I vote yes 14:29:55 <dluch> lol 14:29:56 <alynn26> I vote yes 14:30:52 <Bmagic> keeping all server-related doc generation scripts should go into the repo for preservation IMO - we don't have that currently, and it's a bit confusing needing to ask around about it 14:31:25 <dluch> sounds reasonable to me 14:31:43 <Bmagic> The only reason we wouldn't might* be privacy? Some of the scripts might mention real paths on the doc server where things will be rsynced/generated... 14:31:52 <dluch> any other discussion around the idea? Any reasons we wouldn't want to? 14:32:38 <Bmagic> it wouldn't be generic.... could mention real URL's like "http://eg-docs.georgialibraries.org" etc 14:33:03 <abneiman> Bmagic: what is the security risk there? 14:33:31 <Bmagic> revealing publicly the file system path on the server is the only thing I can think of 14:34:02 <dluch> I'm not understanding why that's a security risk? 14:34:50 <Bmagic> I don't really know for sure if it is, just that it would be there 14:34:59 <Dyrcona> If it's not generic enough to let someone build it on their own, I might be opposed to adding it to the main repository. Is there a reason that the documentation generation tools cannot have their own repository? 14:36:00 <Bmagic> the site is static HTML, no scripts, so in theory, no hacker could do anything server-side, but Intel had a security issue on the CPU die 14:36:20 <Bmagic> so, anything is possible these days 14:37:20 <dluch> I am not knowledgable on the repositories. Can anyone address Dyrcona's question? 14:37:43 <Bmagic> Dyrcona: the scripts don't exist yet - probably re-eval once we've got something working - one thing is pretty clear: site.yml will need to mention the URL root 14:38:17 <Dyrcona> Bmagic: site.yaml could be generated at build time, too, like other things. 14:38:23 <Bmagic> and needs committed to the repo for Antora to work - so we can't just change the line at run time 14:38:58 <Dyrcona> I'm just pointing out that there may be some resistance from core devs about adding more to the main Evergreen code base, particularly for something that is used in only 1 place. 14:39:16 <dluch> So, can we move on and revisit this when scripts ARE written? 14:39:32 <Bmagic> probably a good idea - let's talk about it once we have the code we need 14:39:35 <Dyrcona> dluch: That would be my recommendation. :) 14:39:42 <abneiman> +1 to revisiting & perhaps consulting some more core committers 14:39:56 <alynn26> +1 for revisiting 14:40:13 <dluch> Okay, good 14:40:42 <dluch> #action We will revisit the topic "#info Should the server-side generation script(s) be in the EG repo?" when scripts are done 14:41:52 <dluch> bmagic, we have 20 minutes left. Are there items on your list that are particularly important to talk about today? 14:42:55 <Bmagic> lets see how far we can get? 14:43:02 <Bmagic> or you want to skip down to d. ? 14:43:08 <dluch> Well, we have other things to talk about besides your items, lol 14:43:44 <dluch> Yeah, so let's go to 14:43:45 <dluch> #info 3.5 Documentation 14:43:57 <dluch> As mentioned above, none of us got to this before the last DIG meeting. 14:44:05 <dluch> Anyone had time since the April meeting? 14:44:15 <dluch> Are there any critical things to get done before the 3.5 release? 14:44:48 <jihpringle> there aren't a lot of big visible changes between 3.3 and 3.5 14:45:02 <dluch> And, as per bmagic, it looks like we missed 3.5 for Antora, I think 14:45:15 <Bmagic> see dev meeting minutes 14:45:41 <jihpringle> (we're jumping from 3.3 to 3.5 so haven't really looked at 3.4) 14:46:16 <abneiman> I have some docs for the features we wrote for 3.5 - was unsure where to put them (and TBH didn't have time to really dive into it) 14:47:12 <dluch> abneiman: where to place them in the docs or where the docs are into which they should be put? 14:47:21 <dluch> (did that make any sense, lol?) 14:47:59 <abneiman> um. no, LOL. but what I meant was - with all the changes w/r/t Antora, I wasn't sure if I should be committing them to the regular docs branch or hold off. 14:48:59 <dluch> haha, that's what I was trying to get at, in my incomprehensible way. 14:49:04 <abneiman> :) 14:49:13 <dluch> What do we all think? 14:49:21 <dluch> (or know?) 14:49:39 <abneiman> I'd been meaning to touch base with sandbergja about it but honestly haven't had a chance 14:50:01 <alynn26> Commit to regular docs, would be my opinion. As we will still be using that for 3.4 and 3.5 14:50:02 <rfrasur> If it's stuff for 3.5 and there's been a miss of including Antora in 3.5, seems like it should go in the regular branch 14:50:31 <dluch> That sounds logical to me 14:50:34 <rfrasur> alynn26++ GMTA 14:50:37 <abneiman> +1 14:50:43 <jweston> +1 14:51:01 <dluch> okay. I'm going to mark this, so it's in the minutes... 14:51:27 <dluch> #agreed Make docs commits to regular docs branch 14:51:40 <dluch> #info Experimental catalog documentation work 14:51:46 <alynn26> Once the official switch then Commit to Antora docs, as we should migrate the docs at that part to Antora 14:51:55 <Bmagic> that was one of the points in the agenda - make everyone aware that any docs changes from now until Antora is merged - will need to be kept in sync 14:51:56 <dluch> jihpringle said she's working on this. Anyone else 14:51:58 <dluch> ? 14:52:19 <Bmagic> it would be really sweet if doc merges were merged onto both branches 14:52:41 <alynn26> bmagic is there a way to do that? 14:52:46 <Bmagic> hunting down the changes and "backporting" is painful - Dyrcona and I messed with that yesterday 14:53:07 <dluch> +1 to alynn26's question 14:53:27 <Bmagic> There isn't a way to magically connect changes from docs/* to docs-antora/* - the contributer or someone will need to make the same changes to the sister documents in the antora branch 14:53:42 <Bmagic> I linked the commit from Jane where she did exactly that a couple of months ago 14:53:47 <alynn26> ouch 14:53:52 <dluch> So same work in two places? 14:53:54 <abneiman> hm 14:54:14 <Bmagic> Dyrcona and I got close, but no cigar 14:54:54 <abneiman> so the answer to my question is actually docs commits need to go in both places 14:55:08 <dluch> Sounds like it, yes 14:55:18 <abneiman> or else the painful backporting, noted by Bmagic 14:55:29 <Bmagic> There are some cases when (because of Antora) - we've combined a few docs into a single - and the heading levels are different. Tricks Git - the best way is manual 14:56:01 <Bmagic> at least until we merge to master 14:56:13 <Bmagic> would be great if we could do that sooner rather than later 14:56:15 <abneiman> how long will we need to commit in both places? would it make more sense to declare a moritorium on new docs til Anotora is fully running? 14:56:33 <Bmagic> That's the thing - it is fully running 14:56:43 <Bmagic> it's a mirror of the current docs atm 14:56:51 <dluch> And what do we need to do, then, to get it in master? 14:57:30 <Bmagic> I'm not sure really :) - some of the things that I put in the agenda is all I could think of 14:57:51 <jweston> sidenote as I need to go to 3:00 mtg -- for Experimental catalog documentation work, jihpringle - I'm happy to help or just review 14:58:04 <jihpringle> we're hoping to have basic docs on it for May 19th and then fill them in as we have time after our upgrade. We have some libraries very eager to try out the experimental catalogue 14:58:14 <dluch> jweston++ 14:58:23 <jihpringle> jweston++ 14:58:26 <dluch> jihpringle++ 14:58:39 <jweston> jihpringle++ great! I'll follow up with you later 14:58:46 <Bmagic> probably need an action item to explore what really is required to merge to master 14:58:57 <jihpringle> jweston sounds good, thanks! 14:59:16 <dluch> So, 14:59:21 <dluch> #info In order to get this merged to master - should we create some sort of roadmap? 14:59:25 <abneiman> Bmagic: agreed, would be nice to have a clean cutover as opposed to long-term merging in tow places 14:59:30 <abneiman> or two places, even 14:59:47 <Bmagic> I believe we can merge to master anytime - doesn't need tied to a release cycle 15:00:57 <dluch> So, has there been/is there some issue with doing that 15:01:07 <abneiman> Bmagic: so, just the standard process? pullrequest, a couple signoffs, committer merge? 15:01:53 <Bmagic> I believe so, yes 15:02:39 <dluch> Can we make that happen? 15:03:16 <Bmagic> the output of the Antora docs are online (linked above) - for anyone to test, for a sign off 15:04:00 <dluch> So, do we have a pullreequest already? 15:04:04 <Bmagic> There are two seperate sets of concerns: merging this branch to master, setting up the new documentation to a server. I don't think they need to be closely linked 15:04:09 <dluch> Just need testing and signoff? 15:04:26 <Bmagic> seperate/separate 15:05:23 <dluch> But we have the new docs server...did we not put Antora stuff there? 15:05:54 <Bmagic> that's the way it is - but it has not been linked officially on the Evergreen page 15:06:30 <Bmagic> I think we are aiming to take this URL: http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/ 15:06:37 <dluch> So, can we make that happen? 15:06:51 <Bmagic> I think it's a different topic alltogether 15:08:16 <dluch> Okay, we're over time now, so I'm going to move on, unless anyone has action items they want to add for this 15:08:30 <abneiman> I think we need someone from GPLS to do the URL change 15:09:26 <Bmagic> I'll reach out 15:09:43 <dluch> bmagic++ 15:09:56 <dluch> #topic New Business 15:10:05 <dluch> #info Evergreen International Online Conference plans! 15:10:12 <dluch> This is really more informational 15:10:24 <dluch> As you have (hopefully) seen, the Evergreen Conference has been rescheduled as an online conference for June 9-11 from 12-5 in the afternoons, EDT. 15:10:38 <dluch> In DIG-related sessions, we have: 15:10:47 <dluch> alynn26's AsciiDoc, Let's get started (Wednesday, June 10, 1 p.m.) 15:11:02 <dluch> Bmagic's Antora, Antora, Antora: An Evergreen Documentation Bombshell (Wednesday, June 10, 2 p.m.) 15:11:13 <dluch> [Schedule subject to change] 15:11:24 <dluch> alynn26++ 15:11:24 <dluch> Bmagic++ 15:11:35 <dluch> Any I missed? 15:11:42 <jihpringle> dluch: eastern time? 15:11:47 <dluch> abneiman, anything else you want to talk about related to the conference? 15:11:53 <rfrasur> jihpringle, yes 15:11:53 <dluch> jihpringle: Yes 15:12:01 <jihpringle> thanks :) 15:12:22 <abneiman> dluch: nope, lots of thanks to our presenters and sponsors and Outreach/Conference Committees! I'm so happy we're going to get to have some kind of event. 15:12:33 <dluch> Yes!! 15:12:38 <dluch> abneiman++ 15:12:38 <dluch> outreachcommittee++ 15:12:38 <dluch> otherconferenceplanners++ 15:12:54 <dluch> #info June Meeting 15:13:02 <dluch> I was thinking we would hold the June meeting during our regular time, June 4. Would anyone prefer to hold it the following week, during the conference? 15:13:05 <jihpringle> abneiman++ 15:13:15 <abneiman> keep an eye on the website for more info: https://evergreen-ils.org/conference/2020-evergreen-international-online-conference/ 15:13:34 <abneiman> I'd prefer June 4 15:13:43 <alynn26> June 4 +1 15:14:08 <dluch> Awesome, thanks! 15:14:10 <dluch> Is there any other new business we need to discuss? 15:15:09 <dluch> Hearing none, next meeting will be June 4. Same bat time, same bat channel. It will be primarily collaboration time. But probably Antora, too. 15:15:21 <dluch> Thanks for coming, everyone! Sorry to go long! 15:15:29 <dluch> #endmeeting