14:00:19 #startmeeting EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2020-09-17, agenda: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2020-09-17 14:00:19 Meeting started Thu Sep 17 14:00:19 2020 US/Eastern. The chair is agoben. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:19 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:19 The meeting name has been set to 'eob_evergreen_project_board_meeting_for_2020_09_17__agenda__https___wiki_evergreen_ils_org_doku_php_id_governance_minutes_2020_09_17' 14:00:26 #topic Roll Call 14:00:31 Use the #info command to provide name and affiliation 14:00:37 #info agoben = Anna Goben, Evergreen Indiana 14:00:43 #info tlittle = Tiffany Little, PINES 14:00:44 #info JBoyer = Jason Boyer, Equinox 14:00:45 #info Jeanette Lundgren, CW MARS 14:00:47 #info rhamby = Rogan Hamby, Equinox 14:00:49 #info nfBurton7 = Chris Burton, NFPL 14:00:49 #info gmcharlt = Galen Charlton, Equinox 14:00:51 #info jvwoolf = Jessica Woolford, Bibliomation 14:00:51 #info cowens = Chris Owens, COOL/BPL 14:01:42 #info terranm = Terran McCanna, PINES 14:02:19 Anyone heard from dluch? 14:02:31 #info rfrasur = Ruth Frasur, Evergreen Indiana, ECDI 14:02:37 #info dluch = Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS 14:02:44 #topic Approval of Minutes 14:02:51 Sorry, I got caught up in something and didn't pay attention to time! 14:02:58 #info Minutes from 2020-08-20 meeting: https://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2020/evergreen.2020-08-20-14.00.html 14:03:17 Corrections, updates, suggestions? 14:03:46 No worries, just wanted to make sure we had all of the committee members signed in :) 14:04:06 None here 14:04:10 None here. 14:04:14 #startvote Accept minutes from 2020-08-20? yes, no 14:04:14 Begin voting on: Accept minutes from 2020-08-20? Valid vote options are yes, no. 14:04:14 Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 14:04:16 None here, either 14:04:20 #vote yes 14:04:22 #vote yes 14:04:23 #vote yes 14:04:23 #vote yes 14:04:27 #vote yes 14:04:35 #vote yes 14:04:40 #vote yes 14:05:12 #vote yes 14:05:54 #endvote 14:05:54 Voted on "Accept minutes from 2020-08-20?" Results are 14:05:54 yes (8): JBoyer, agoben, cowens, tlittle, jlundgren, jvwoolf1, gmcharlt, dluch 14:06:01 #topic Chair Report 14:06:06 #info No updates here. 14:06:14 #topic Financial Report 14:06:35 #info No substantial changes to our financial position since the last meeting. 14:06:51 #info Draft of grant report to SFC available to board members here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NEJaLNGFNzZPjVFVD2OOOhfAjP41ALVnSBGN6rVQssI/edit 14:07:05 if you're a board member and that link doesn't work for you, let me know 14:07:31 would appreciate review by end of week unless the rest of you are inclined to give a +1 during this meeting 14:07:53 upon review, I'll wrap it up in some TEP letterhead and submit it 14:08:23 Looks good to me 14:08:30 #info Still working on tax return; now targetting 9/25 to have a draft ready for reivew by board officers and any other intrested board members 14:08:38 and that's it, unless there are questions 14:08:48 Sounds good. And I don't have any additions or changes at this time so I'd be alright if the committee wanted to vote on that today 14:08:48 Looks good to me, other than needing to remove an s from the second word 14:09:02 Looks good to me 14:09:02 Got it. :-) 14:09:07 +1 from me 14:09:13 +1 14:09:16 do you need to include the total $ of expenditures or remaining balance for the report? 14:09:17 there is always that one typo, at least in any documents I author 14:09:41 +1 14:09:43 That's fair. Adding a balance line-item would be good. 14:09:50 +1 14:10:17 +1 14:10:20 +1 14:10:22 +1 14:10:23 jlundgren++ 14:10:24 I've now added a sentence to supply the balance 14:10:33 ++ 14:10:48 gmcharlt++ 14:10:51 jlundgren++ 14:10:56 I think you're good to go once you add the headers! 14:10:58 gmcharlt++ 14:10:58 gmcharlt++ 14:11:04 gmcharlt++ 14:11:10 ok. I'll email the list once the report has been submitted 14:11:17 gmcharlt++ 14:11:30 gmcharlt++ 14:11:40 And we'll be on the lookout for the 990 draft shortly 14:11:57 Anything else on the fiscal front? 14:12:11 no 14:12:25 Thank you for all of your work on that! 14:12:26 #topic SFC Updates 14:12:35 I don't have anything here; does anyone else? 14:12:40 none from me 14:12:45 No 14:12:48 No. 14:12:56 ok, moving on then. 14:12:57 #topic Release Manager update 14:13:04 Cheers on the 3.6 beta drop! 14:13:16 Yay! 14:13:18 #info 3.6-beta was released on 2020-09-17 14:13:33 So exciting! 14:13:36 #info Bug Squashing Week will run the week of 2020-09-21 14:13:48 featureful release 14:13:55 Very much so 14:14:11 the main thing I would like to highlight in terms of long term implications is the new Bootstrap OPAC skin 14:15:15 most notably, discussions about (a) when to make it the default skin and (b) when/if to deprecate, then remove the TPAC skin 14:15:49 so, I'm raising this mostly as an FYI for the Board, but it is the one factor where they may be some community disagreement 14:15:54 Same with the new staff only catalog, right? 14:16:02 indeed 14:16:14 As far as it being up in the air on final default status, anyway. 14:16:34 yeah 14:16:45 Looking forward to seeing it all in action! 14:17:12 I know some of the other members of the team are on today, any comments from you? 14:17:28 As long as the current TPAC is available, it shouldn't be much of an issue moving it to default because you can always roll back? 14:17:35 I think Galen said it all gmcharlt++ 14:17:47 Nothing much to add. Looking forward to it being finished and available. :) 14:17:53 nfBurton7: yeah, the question of default isn't that big of a deal, IMO 14:18:14 Congrats to you all on all of the hard work so far. I know I'm excited to see several of the features in action officially! 14:18:16 the bigger question is how long multiple OPAC skins can reasonably be supported by the community 14:18:18 Yeah, I think a longer term for the TPAC is valid because others built their OPAC off of it 14:18:47 as we've historically /not/ have a great experience trying to maintain two separate primary OPAC skins 14:19:02 and we're not presently setup up to do theming as (relatively) easily as (say) WordPress 14:19:15 I'm hoping to eventually maybe lol 14:19:32 Like have a page for style choices so a librarian could do it 14:20:06 nfBurton7++ PINES is really looking forward to moving to it 14:20:07 ++ 14:20:15 Anything else on the release front then? 14:20:23 none from me 14:20:34 nfBurton7++ 14:20:40 gmcharlt++ 14:20:50 #topic Hack-A-Way Update 14:20:55 #info Registration is currently open for the Hack-A-Way 14:21:11 rhamby, do you have other updates about the HAW? 14:21:14 I sent an update to the list but the short version is that we are moving ahead on all fronts. 14:21:37 Some content will be out in the next few weeks to show folks how to setup their own sessions. 14:22:02 Also the surveys indicated some areas people are interested in common work groups so we may reach out to some community members who would be qualified to lead those discussions. 14:22:35 #info Full update here: http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/board/2020-September/000150.html 14:22:35 The list of intersts is pretty long though and will probably have to be scaled back lest it become a mini-conference. 14:22:52 interests even 14:22:56 rhamby++ 14:23:05 rhamby++ 14:23:06 rhamby++ 14:23:08 We will capture all the info for future events though. 14:23:11 rhamby++ 14:23:12 rhamby++ 14:23:16 rhamby++ 14:23:20 rhamby++ 14:23:22 rhamby++ 14:23:25 Looking forward to it! 14:23:31 Agreed! 14:24:15 #topic 2021 Conference Committee 14:24:22 Ok, dluch, how'd it go? 14:24:28 I talked with Mark Champa, the Director of Sales and Marketing for Loews. Krystal, the sales person with whom we initially worked, is still on leave. 14:24:40 We chatted about their attitude toward canceling - namely that events in 2021 are not considered force majure, since they're currently holding events (WHY?!) Anyway, he asked if I could tell him about the Evergreen Community, which I did, and about budget cuts and travel restrictions, etc. 14:24:51 He's reviewing our contract terms and so forth and will get back to me ASAP. I was hoping this morning, since I told him we were meeting today, but I guess it'll be this afternoon or tomorrow, since I haven't heard yet. 14:25:07 There will be the financial penalty, but he'll look at what might be able to be done, especially if we book for 2022. I will email the Board list as soon as I hear back from him. I was clear that our next penalty deadline was October 9 and that we definitely wanted to make our official decision to cancel and/or reschedule before then. 14:26:19 Are you thinking maybe no financial penalty if we book for 2022? 14:27:09 I wouldn't assume so though hopefully it's significantly more reasonable that it would otherwise be. 14:27:11 What is the October 9th penalty? 14:27:17 No, I'm pretty sure there will be one. But maybe they can reduce the amount we'll owe by canceling before Oct. 9. I really couldn't get a sense about it from him. Though he was very nice. 14:27:27 I guess we'll wait and watch. Thanks for starting the conversation. 14:27:29 $29K-something 14:27:35 yikes 14:27:36 That was the increase. 14:27:38 Yeah 14:27:48 If we cancel by then, it's still almost $60K 14:27:50 Well, minus the deposit we already paid 14:28:23 I'm sorry, so if we cancelled right now the penalty would be...29k? 14:28:29 Unless they cut us a deal, right? 14:28:31 No, $60K 14:28:38 Oh, gotcha. Thanks, I was getting confused 14:28:45 It goes up by 29k on 10/9 14:28:58 It'll be closer to $90K if we wait. And we don't have that kind of money. 14:29:06 Definitely 14:29:14 Right. And I told him that, too. 14:29:22 Hoping they'll be reasonable about a reschedule! 14:29:54 Got my fingers and toes crossed. But he did indicate we aren't the first groups to ask about this and for them to consider 14:30:06 dluch++ These are difficult and stressful conversations. Thank you for doing what you can. 14:30:06 Alright, we'll see what comes. Thanks again, dluch! 14:30:08 (though not what they decided, of course) 14:30:16 You're welcome! 14:30:20 dluch++ 14:30:26 dluch++ 14:30:27 dluch++ 14:30:29 That couldn't have been very much fun 14:30:30 dluch++ 14:30:30 dluch++ 14:30:31 dluch++ 14:30:33 dluch++ 14:30:41 dluch++ 14:30:55 #topic Outreach Committee 14:30:58 I sent an update to the list but one thing I neglected to mention was that the idea was proposed for a User Group style online event. There is a lot of support right now but we are waiting until after the Hack-A-Way to discuss it more so that we can take our experience with Hopin.to into consideration. 14:31:01 #info The Outreach report is available here: http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/board/2020-September/000149.html 14:31:10 jvwoolf1: No, and I was super-nervous, lol, but he was very pleasant about not having gotten my email and in the conversation! :-) 14:31:38 And it sounds like we may have to keep the idea of an online conference like event in mind for next year as a distinct possibility as well. 14:31:52 Yup 14:32:33 I have it on my notes to revisit the possiblity of a project sub to hop.in and the like once we know the status of the 2021 conference, so we should have that up for review in Oct/Nov. 14:32:42 Yep. 14:33:01 Anything else from or for outreach? 14:33:08 We're getting a lot of experience with the platforms and use needs in a short time but adapt and push forward is all we can do. 14:33:13 Nope, that's it. 14:33:18 ++ 14:33:20 rhamby++ 14:33:25 Thanks! rhamby++ 14:33:32 rhamby++ 14:33:33 rhamby++ 14:33:40 rhamby++ 14:33:46 rhamby++ 14:33:51 rhamby++ 14:33:53 rhamby++ 14:34:14 ok, on to old business. 14:34:16 #topic Unfinished Business : NFP Status - 1023 submission status 14:34:21 Slightly disappointing news. 14:34:26 #info 1023 application is still pending. The IRS is still working on applications from late March, so maybe next month we'll hear something. 14:34:34 The date for applications under active review is currently anything submitted prior to March 24, 2020. 14:35:01 Getting closer! 14:35:21 Inch by inch, I guess. 14:36:26 They're remarkably Definite about not wanting you to contact them for a status update... 14:36:41 (Until the case has been assigned, anyway.) 14:37:04 Kicking the can on that then. 14:37:12 #topic New Business 14:37:21 I have none. Anyone else? 14:37:26 No 14:37:33 None here. 14:37:35 Nope! 14:38:17 Ok, well, thanks to everyone who's mid-project, again. We appreciate your extra time and effort! 14:38:19 #topic Next meeting 14:38:24 #info Our next formal meeting will be on October 15, 2020. 14:38:46 #endmeeting