15:00:32 <JBoyer> #startmeeting 2022-02-08 - Developer Meeting 15:00:32 <pinesol> Meeting started Tue Feb 8 15:00:32 2022 US/Eastern. The chair is JBoyer. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:32 <pinesol> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:32 <pinesol> The meeting name has been set to '2022_02_08___developer_meeting' 15:00:38 <JBoyer> #info Agenda Available at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=dev:meetings:2022-02-08 15:00:40 <Dyrcona> Third one today! 15:00:45 <JBoyer> #topic Introductions 15:00:58 <JBoyer> #info JBoyer = Jason Boyer, EOLI 15:01:00 <gmcharlt> #info gmcharlt = Galen Charlton, Equinox 15:01:02 <Dyrcona> #info Dyrcona = Jason Stephenson, CWMARS 15:01:04 <miker> #info miker == Mike Rylander, EOLI 15:01:06 <alynn26> #info alynn26 is Lynn Floyd, Evergreen Indiana 15:01:12 <JBoyer> Dyrcona, hopefully not the worst of the day then 15:01:13 <terranm> #info terranm = Terran McCanna, PINES 15:01:23 <shulabear> #info shulabear == Shula Link, GCHR/PINES 15:01:47 <collum> #info collum = Garry Collum, KCPL 15:01:51 <berick> #info berick === Bill Erickson, KCLS 15:02:17 <abowling> #info abowling = Adam Bowling, Emerald Data Networks 15:02:23 <phasefx> #info phasefx = Jason Etheridge, EOLI 15:02:34 <dluch> #info dluch = Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS 15:03:22 <JBoyer> And as ever, folks arriving later can throw an #info to your channel. 15:03:28 <JBoyer> #topic Action Items from Last Meeting 15:03:33 <JBoyer> #info JBoyer will check out sandbergja's GH Actions branch 15:03:39 <JBoyer> Checked out it was; checked-in it is. sandbergja++ 15:04:02 <abneiman> abneiman = Andrea Neiman, EOLI 15:04:03 <mmorgan> #info mmorgan = Michele Morgan, NOBLE 15:04:33 <Dyrcona> sandbergja++ JBoyer++ 15:04:58 <JBoyer> While github isn't the official home of the source it can be used for some useful things. It looks like GH Actions are powerful enough to investigate using for other things as well. (I especially like the ability to only trigger an action when a change is under this or that path.) 15:05:27 <JBoyer> Not a lot happening this month re: release updates, on to docs 15:05:33 <JBoyer> #topic Documentation Updates 15:05:35 <Dyrcona> Gitlab has similar features. 15:05:52 <mantis1> #info mantis = Gina Monti, Bibliomation 15:06:05 <JBoyer> #info February DIG meeting rescheduled to 2/10, same time. 15:06:10 <JBoyer> #info Reviewing documentation and image needs 15:06:32 <JBoyer> DIG members, anything to add to the documentation and image needs review or is that just to say that it's ongoing? 15:07:03 <alynn26> it's ongoing 15:07:11 <JBoyer> right-o 15:07:16 <dluch> Just ongoing. We're going over stuff at the meeting Thursday, and all are welcome 15:07:28 <JBoyer> Sounds good. 15:07:52 <JBoyer> Luckily for everyone I had just enough time to pre-type some of this up, so here we go. 15:07:54 <JBoyer> #topic Launchpad Status as today 15:07:59 <JBoyer> #info Snapshot 15:08:04 <JBoyer> #info Open Bugs - 2657 15:08:08 <JBoyer> #info Pullrequests - 106 15:08:13 <JBoyer> #info Signedoff - 49 15:08:17 <JBoyer> #info Updates Since Last Meeting 15:08:21 <JBoyer> #info Bugs Added - 38 15:08:25 <JBoyer> #info Pullrequest tag Added - 17 15:08:28 <JBoyer> #info Signedoff tag Added - 7 15:08:33 <JBoyer> #info Fix Committed - 3 15:09:08 <JBoyer> Progress is slow, but being made. Onward to better software! 15:10:01 <JBoyer> #topic New Business 15:10:07 <JBoyer> Just the one today, though certainly big enough to merit a full discussion. 15:10:15 <JBoyer> #topic 3.9 Release Manager / Release Team 15:11:10 <JBoyer> Does anyone have strong feelings about steering the ship that is 3.9, or at least want to put a hand on the rudder? 15:11:38 <JBoyer> Specifically Evergreen 3.9, as I never actually mentioned the software by name there. 15:11:45 <miker> after a restful hiatus since 3.0 (IIRC?) I'm willing to throw my hat in the ring 15:12:02 <berick> miker++ 15:12:12 <mmorgan> miker++ 15:12:19 <phasefx> miker++ 15:12:30 <shulabear> What are the duties of the release team? 15:12:43 <terranm> miker++ 15:13:03 <miker> shulabear: coordinating, prodding folks to test/signoff/commit, release building 15:13:17 <gmcharlt> miker++ 15:13:31 <terranm> I'm happy to be bug squash/feedback fest wrangler again 15:13:36 <phasefx> I didn't help a lick with the last team I was on; I'm willing to, but may need some help/direction 15:13:37 <miker> terranm++ 15:13:47 <miker> that was... going to be a question from me :) 15:14:02 <mmorgan> terranm++ 15:14:22 <shulabear> I'm willing to volunteer, though I'm not sure how much help I'll be with the building part. 15:14:43 <miker> shulabear++ # the more the merrier on the release team 15:14:59 <miker> phasefx: c',mon in, the water's fine 15:15:06 <phasefx> +1 15:15:29 <miker> terranm: do you have a plan (or sense of one) for timing on FBF and BSW? 15:15:33 <shulabear> Then I'm in! 15:16:03 <JBoyer> Anyone else interested in helping out? 4 person teams are common but not necessarily required. 15:16:08 <miker> looking at 3.7's schedule, we're starting a little late (not a problem, just an observation) 15:16:10 <terranm> miker: I usually try to work back from whenever the targets are 15:16:18 * mmorgan is also willing to help out again, if there's room in the pool. 15:16:33 <mmorgan> Unless someone else wants to jump in. 15:16:46 <miker> mmorgan++ # please do! you can commit ALL THE THINGS now :) 15:16:48 <JBoyer> Ooh, an opportunity to try out the shiny new commit bit. :) 15:16:57 <mmorgan> :-D 15:17:10 <JBoyer> In that case, 15:17:12 <terranm> Last year we did FF mid-Feb and BSW mid-March 15:17:57 <miker> terranm: ok ... then I will endeavor to put together a rough schedule in an email to -dev for release timing planning, does that work for you? 15:18:08 <terranm> miker: sounds good! 15:18:28 <JBoyer> #info The Evergreen 3.9 release team is miker, shulabear, phasefx, and mmorgan. 15:19:11 <miker> cool. just looking at last year's spring release, I think we can plan on that + a week or two 15:20:05 <miker> IMO, FF and BSW are probably the most important parts of the release process, so 15:20:08 <miker> terranm++ 15:20:19 <JBoyer> miker++ 15:20:21 <JBoyer> shulabear++ 15:20:23 <JBoyer> phasefx++ 15:20:25 <JBoyer> mmorgan++ 15:20:43 <JBoyer> and indeed, terranm++ because those bugs need squashing. 15:21:04 <mmorgan> terranm is masterful at coordinating those weeks! 15:21:14 <JBoyer> Any other last minute new business that's too fresh for the agenda? 15:22:00 <JBoyer> OR, any discussion re: release team before machinations begin? 15:22:17 <gmcharlt> I have a minor announcement when you're ready 15:22:22 <miker> I have a request for past RM teams 15:22:48 <JBoyer> Quick Q from miker since it's relteam related, then on to gmcharlt 15:23:45 <miker> if you have any preexisting mechanisms that have been useful and productive in the past (side IRC channels, locations of buried skeletons, pot-holes to avoid) please feel free to throw them at me 15:23:52 <miker> that is all 15:24:03 <miker> gmcharlt: the floor is yours 15:24:18 <gmcharlt> miker: I encourage the use of duck imagery in regular community updates 15:24:37 <miker> quack quack 15:24:38 <gmcharlt> which, more seriously, means aiming for more regular updates from the release team; ducks are optional 15:24:49 <terranm> gmcharlt++ 15:25:01 <shulabear> gmcharlt++ 15:25:02 <mmorgan> gmcharlt++ 15:25:06 <gmcharlt> anyway, the update I have is in regards to users of the Evergreen to OverDrive integration, specifically the checkout/download API 15:25:29 <gmcharlt> as noted in bug 1951021, OverDrive is changing how downloads happen 15:25:31 <pinesol> Launchpad bug 1951021 in Evergreen "Support changes to Overdrive Checkouts API" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1951021 15:25:37 <gmcharlt> more details http://developer.overdrive.com/overdrive-api-notices/01-sep-2021-coming-soon-changes-to-overdrive-checkouts-api 15:25:57 <gmcharlt> as I understand it, the drop-dead date has slipped over the past few months 15:26:16 <gmcharlt> but per an OverDrive rep, they're intending to flip the switch and remove the old download mechanism next week 15:26:38 <gmcharlt> so, one request: commiters looking at the pull request for that bug and signing off on my and jeffdavis' work 15:27:04 <gmcharlt> and second request: take note that you'll need that patch if you're a user of that integration and are responsible for applying your own patches 15:27:06 <gmcharlt> fub 15:27:10 <gmcharlt> er, fin 15:27:18 <Dyrcona> gmcharlt: Does it still use Dojo? 15:27:28 <gmcharlt> Dyrcona: correct, that hasn't changed 15:28:06 <Dyrcona> Do we have plans to replace it with something that doesn't use Dojo? 15:29:02 <JBoyer> I assume the choicest signoffs will involve using an Overdrive testing account, which I ... have gotten in the past but no longer remember the level of hassle one is required to endure. Have you and jeffdavis verified the actual downloading bits so that "Doesn't break my system and looks sane" type signoffs are sufficient? 15:29:25 <gmcharlt> JBoyer: yes, we've verified it w.r.t. to real OverDrive credentials 15:29:33 <JBoyer> gmcharlt++ 15:29:36 <JBoyer> jeffdavis++ 15:29:57 <Dyrcona> JBoyer: Even if you have credentials the Overdrive test environment is a pain to use. 15:31:15 <JBoyer> Though to guess at the answer to your Q Dyrcona, I haven't seen specific mention of a major update to the feature that I can recall. Depending on what Dojo is doing it could be a major undertaking. 15:31:57 <JBoyer> And I can't say I'm surprised that it's a hassle to work with their backend. I'm still salty about the time they took away ftp access to new records. 15:32:11 <gmcharlt> eh, a plain vanilla rewrite is not huge IMO; just a question of tuits 15:32:30 <jeffdavis> it's been on my todo list forever, but yeah, finding time is the hard part 15:32:46 <JBoyer> That's good to know. 15:33:02 <Dyrcona> I completely understand. I know about not having time for things, too. :( 15:34:23 <JBoyer> Onward then, to saying things for the minutes. 15:34:27 <JBoyer> #topic Announcements 15:34:35 <JBoyer> #info Congratulations to new Core Committer Michele Morgan! 15:34:40 <JBoyer> mmorgan++ 15:34:45 <Bmagic> mmorgan++ 15:34:45 <shulabear> mmorgan++ 15:34:57 <alynn26> mmorgan++ 15:35:01 <collum> mmorgan++ 15:35:01 <mantis1> mmorgan++ 15:35:14 <jeffdavis> mmorgan++ # yay! 15:35:15 <gmcharlt> mmorgan++ 15:35:24 <abneiman> mmorgan++ 15:35:35 * mmorgan hopes folks will be available to help figure out exactly how to wield that shiny new bit! :) 15:35:39 <terranm> mmorgan++ 15:35:41 <Dyrcona> mmorgan++ 15:35:53 <dluch> mmorgan++ 15:36:22 <mmorgan> Thanks all! 15:36:24 <miker> mmorgan++ 15:37:14 <JBoyer> I feel like there's an easy joke about spinning up a new git-admins email list but having to wipe it out and start over every few months, but I've become too lazy to craft such a work correctly. 15:37:22 <JBoyer> #info Next Meeting is March 08, 2022 15:37:33 <JBoyer> poof 15:37:34 <JBoyer> #endmeeting