15:02:10 <Bmagic> #startmeeting 2023-10-10 - Developer Meeting 15:02:10 <pinesol> Meeting started Tue Oct 10 15:02:10 2023 US/Eastern. The chair is Bmagic. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:10 <pinesol> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:02:10 <pinesol> The meeting name has been set to '2023_10_10___developer_meeting' 15:02:20 <Bmagic> #info Agenda at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=dev:meetings:2023-10-10 15:02:29 <Bmagic> #topic Introductions 15:02:38 <Bmagic> #info Bmagic = Blake GH, MOBIUS 15:02:45 <terranm> #info terranm = Terran McCanna, PINES 15:02:47 <collum> #info collum = Garry Collum, KCPL 15:02:48 <jeff> #info jeff = Jeff Godin, Traverse Area District Library (TADL) 15:02:48 <dluch> #info dluch = Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS 15:03:02 <mmorgan> #info mmorgan = Michele Morgan, NOBLE 15:03:05 <shulabear> #info shulabear = Shula Link, GCHRL 15:03:19 <Stompro> #info Stompro = Josh Stompro, LARL and NWRL 15:03:32 <berick> #info berick Bill Erickson, KCLS 15:03:49 <abneiman> #info abneiman = Andrea Buntz Neiman, Equinox 15:03:56 <eeevil> #info eeevil = Mike Rylander, EOLI 15:04:02 <Dyrcona> #info Dyrcona = Jason Stephenson, CW MARS 15:04:02 <sleary> #info sleary = Stephanie Leary, EOLI 15:04:17 <Bmagic> feel free to introduce yourselves as you arrive 15:04:24 <Bmagic> #topic Action Items from Last Meeting 15:04:33 <Bmagic> #info jeff will make tutorial: "Add missing field to print template" 15:04:49 <Bmagic> #info jeff will write tutorial "Retrieve a user's setting and do something based on its value" 15:04:56 <jeff> both tutorials remain on my todo list, and I expect that I'll be able to spend time on then by the next dev meeting. 15:05:06 <Bmagic> jeff++ 15:05:29 <Bmagic> #info mmorgan will explore moving LP stats to community site and automating same 15:05:38 <mmorgan> Still exploring capabilities of the Launchpad api for this. That's all I have to report right now. I did add stats to the agenda for this meeting. 15:05:49 <Bmagic> mmorgan++ 15:06:02 <Bmagic> #info sandbergja will write tutorial: "Do a database call (Galen’s cat counter)" 15:06:18 <sandbergja> Partially done! 15:07:07 <sleary> @sandbergja asked me to take a look at the draft, and I have not had a chance. It is on my agenda! 15:07:07 <pinesol> sleary: git diff origin/hamster 15:07:19 <dluch> jeff+ mmorgan++ sandbergja++ 15:07:31 <Bmagic> sandbergja++ 15:07:40 <Bmagic> sleary++ 15:07:53 <Bmagic> #info berick will post something to the email list about merging OpenSRF into Evergreen 15:08:17 <berick> done 15:08:21 <shulabear> Jeff++ mmorgan++ sandbergja++ 15:08:29 <Bmagic> berick++ 15:08:44 <dluch> berick++ 15:08:55 <dluch> sleary++ 15:09:23 <Bmagic> carrying the action forward, incoming 15:09:27 <Bmagic> #action jeff will make tutorial: "Add missing field to print template" 15:09:32 <Bmagic> #action jeff will write tutorial "Retrieve a user's setting and do something based on its value" 15:09:37 <Bmagic> #action mmorgan will explore moving LP stats to community site and automating same 15:09:41 <Bmagic> #action sandbergja will write tutorial: "Do a database call (Galen’s cat counter)" 15:10:03 <Bmagic> #topic OpenSRF 15:10:23 <Bmagic> any last minute things on OpenSRF that didn't make it onto the agenda? 15:11:20 <Bmagic> #topic Evergreen - 3.12 Release Schedule & Roadmap 15:11:30 <Bmagic> #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=faqs:evergreen_roadmap#release_schedule 15:11:54 <Bmagic> #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=faqs:evergreen_roadmap:3.12 15:12:07 <abneiman> the bugs-with-signoffs link is huge & ugly, sorry 15:12:55 <abneiman> anyway, those are the release things, any questions? 15:12:58 <Bmagic> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.structural_subscriber=&field.tag=pullrequest+ 15:12:59 <Bmagic> signedoff&field.tags_combinator=ALL&field.has_cve.used=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.affects_me.used=&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_branches.used=&field.has_branches=on&field.has_no_branches.used=&field.has_no_branches=on&field.has_blueprints.used=&field.has_blueprints=on&field.has_no_blueprints.used=&field.has_no_blueprints=on&search=Search 15:13:02 <Bmagic> eeesh 15:13:06 <abneiman> cough 15:13:15 <abneiman> toldya :) 15:13:16 <mmorgan> gesundheit 15:13:17 <Dyrcona> Well, that's Launchpad for ya. 15:13:21 <Bmagic> hopefully that makes it through the parse 15:13:27 <dluch> Dang, lol 15:13:31 <dluch> https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=dev:meetings:2023-10-10 15:13:44 <dluch> oops, ignore that, sorry 15:13:55 <Bmagic> abneiman++ 15:13:56 <abneiman> anyway, things with signoffs! any committers in the room, please feel free to review and commit! 15:14:13 <shulabear> Abneiman++ 15:14:14 <dluch> abneiman++ 15:14:21 <sandbergja> abneiman++ 15:14:24 <abneiman> feature slush is the Monday after Hackaway, so coming up quick - get those features in for review :) 15:14:26 <sandbergja> I think those monday review meetings have been going well. Please feel free to stop by if you haven't yet had the chance! We've been able to move 5 pull requests forward, including getting 2 committed. 15:14:35 <Bmagic> #topic Evergreen - Jane is hosting weekly review meetings on Mondays at 2pm ET 15:14:37 <abneiman> sandbergja++ for the code review meetings, btw, which I have not yet been able to attend 15:14:39 <Bmagic> :) 15:14:51 <berick> sandbergja++ # indeed, great idea 15:14:52 <dluch> sandbergja++ 15:14:53 <mmorgan> sandbergja++ 15:14:58 <Bmagic> sandbergja++ 15:14:58 <shulabear> Sandbergja++ 15:15:06 <collum> sandbergja++ 15:15:56 <Bmagic> #topic Documentation 15:16:09 <Bmagic> #info DIG Meeting this Thursday, October 12, at 11am/12pm/1pm/2pm 15:16:16 <Bmagic> #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_meetings:20231012-agenda 15:16:22 <dluch> Nothing to add to what I put on the agenda about Thursday's meeting 15:16:33 <Bmagic> dluch++ 15:16:35 <terranm> sandbergja++ 15:17:55 <Bmagic> we're going fast, feel free to type something and slow us down 15:18:00 <Bmagic> #topic Launchpad Status (as of noon Eastern) 15:18:09 <Bmagic> #info Open Bugs - 3072 15:18:09 <Bmagic> #info Pullrequests - 94 15:18:09 <Bmagic> #info Signedoff - 21 15:18:14 <Bmagic> #topic Launchpad Status since last meeting 15:18:19 <Bmagic> #info Bugs Added - 55 15:18:19 <Bmagic> #info Pullrequest tag Added - 19 15:18:19 <Bmagic> #info Signedoff tag Added - 8 15:18:19 <Bmagic> #info Fix Committed - 12 15:18:44 <Bmagic> #topic New Business - Should we interfile nightwatch tests into the typical eg2/src/app directory (bug 2036831)? - Jane 15:18:44 <pinesol> Launchpad bug 2036831 in Evergreen "Move nightwatch tests into the same directory as the code they test" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2036831 15:18:45 <mmorgan> Lots to test, lots to commit :) 15:18:57 <Bmagic> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/2036831 15:19:16 <sandbergja> Ooh, This came up in the newdevs group! Especially from sleary, so please jump in if I get something wrong :-) 15:19:31 <Bmagic> mmorgan++ # thanks for doing the stats! it's nice to see them like that 15:20:04 <sandbergja> the idea was to reduce some of the maintenance burden of the nightwatch tests by making it clear when a particular UI has some nightwatch tests that exercise it 15:20:25 <sandbergja> And one easy way to do that is to just house them in the same directories 15:20:31 <sandbergja> like we already do with the unit tests 15:20:48 <sleary> ah yes! I am 100% on board with doing more Nightwatch tests, but (as I am also rearranging our markup on a daily basis) I want to make sure it's easy to find the test that corresponds to the file you're looking at 15:20:48 <sandbergja> So what do you think? 15:21:31 <Bmagic> I've been confused by this before, but I figured that there was a reason for it that predates me 15:21:38 <berick> any concerns about moving them? 15:21:42 <berick> certainly makes sense 15:22:08 <berick> having the .html and .ts files side by side has been a huge help 15:22:17 <berick> just as an example 15:22:41 <sleary> sandbergja: it's relatively easy to change the command to run all the tests from a directory to a filename pattern, right? 15:22:42 <terranm> It will also be easier to see if there are things that should have Nightwatch tests that do not 15:22:55 <Bmagic> I'm all about file folder organization, and it makes sense to me to have related things together. 15:23:05 <shulabear> +1 to having tests in the same directory as the code being tested 15:23:24 <sandbergja> sleary: theoretically, yes, it should be just changing the config file. I haven't actually tried it though 15:23:34 <sleary> sandbergja++ 15:24:23 <sandbergja> Cool! I'm not hearing any objections. Anybody interested in taking this one on? 15:24:23 <Bmagic> do we vote maybe? 15:24:43 <sandbergja> ooh, vote sounds fun 15:25:31 <Bmagic> hah, lets see if I can pull that off 15:26:31 <Bmagic> #startvote Shall we move the tests to related places in the Evergreen codebase yes, or no 15:26:31 <pinesol> Unable to parse vote topic and options. 15:26:36 <Bmagic> lol 15:27:02 <Bmagic> #startvote Shall we move the tests to related places in the Evergreen codebase? yes, no 15:27:02 <pinesol> Begin voting on: Shall we move the tests to related places in the Evergreen codebase? Valid vote options are yes, no. 15:27:02 <pinesol> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 15:27:15 <Bmagic> #vote yes 15:27:17 <shulabear> #vote yes 15:27:22 <Dyrcona> #vote yes 15:27:26 <sandbergja> #vote yes 15:27:26 <collum> #vote yes 15:27:34 <mmorgan> #vote yes 15:27:38 <Bmagic> #showvote 15:27:38 <pinesol> yes (6): shulabear, sandbergja, mmorgan, Bmagic, Dyrcona, collum 15:27:46 <Bmagic> voting is still open 15:27:59 <Bmagic> #endvote 15:27:59 <pinesol> Voted on "Shall we move the tests to related places in the Evergreen codebase?" Results are 15:27:59 <pinesol> yes (6): shulabear, sandbergja, mmorgan, Bmagic, Dyrcona, collum 15:28:04 <Bmagic> that was fun 15:28:07 <berick> heh, "the tests" to "the places". we're still talking about nightwatch yes? 15:28:12 <terranm> Sorry, "yes" - heh 15:28:17 <dluch> lol 15:28:27 <berick> #vote yes 15:28:30 <Bmagic> yeah, nightwatch, sorry I didn't specify 15:28:39 <terranm> #vote yes 15:29:14 <Bmagic> thanks all, moving on 15:29:15 <sleary> #vote yes 15:29:15 <Bmagic> #topic Announcements 15:29:25 <Bmagic> Anyone want to announce anything? 15:29:32 <Dyrcona> Bmagic, you have to #endvote 15:29:49 <Bmagic> Dyrcona: I did, at least it shows that for me 15:29:54 <dluch> yep 15:29:57 <Dyrcona> Yeah, I missed it, sorry. 15:30:09 <Dyrcona> Someone voted late. 15:30:44 <Bmagic> The bot didn't count the three late votes, but the results are clear: yes 15:32:12 <Bmagic> looping back to that topic actually, do we need volunteers to do the work? 15:33:38 <Bmagic> Crickets 15:33:41 <abneiman> lol 15:33:50 <shulabear> I'm not sure what all would be involved, but I'd be willing to learn 15:34:05 <sandbergja> shulabear++ 15:34:18 <shulabear> If it's more than "move files and make a consistent naming scheme" 15:34:33 <Bmagic> sandbergja: maybe at your next meeting, we can go over it? 15:34:57 <sandbergja> Sure, if you're available then shulabear 15:35:25 <terranm> sandbergja++ shulabear++ 15:35:33 <mmorgan> shulabear++ 15:35:42 <sandbergja> if not, I'm happy to be on hand with any questions you have shulabear 15:35:57 <sandbergja> ^on hand to answer 15:36:11 <shulabear> Assuming my girlfriend's surgical consult that morning doesn't run long, I should be free 15:36:29 <Bmagic> #action sandbergja will go over the Nightwatch test reorg with folks at the Monday at 2pm ET meeting or another time as available 15:36:30 <shulabear> Put it on my calendar 15:36:51 <shulabear> Sandbergja++ 15:37:17 <Bmagic> sandbergja++ 15:37:35 <Bmagic> We're technically in the Announcements topic so.. 15:37:38 <Bmagic> #info Next Meeting is Tuesday, November 14th 15:38:31 <Bmagic> Anyone want to add anything before we close? 15:38:41 <mmorgan> I didn't put this on the agenda, bug just want to throw bug 2002693 out there for additional eyes. 15:38:41 <pinesol> Launchpad bug 2002693 in Evergreen "Logging out on a page with a pcrud call floods browser with errors" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2002693 15:39:06 <mmorgan> I'll be adding comments soon and would appreciate anyone's attention. 15:39:13 <dluch> shulabear++ sandbergja++ 15:39:14 <sandbergja> mmorgan++ 15:39:23 <shulabear> Mmorgan++ 15:39:40 <dluch> mmorgan++ 15:39:40 <Bmagic> #info Hack-a-way is coming up! 15:39:45 <Bmagic> #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=hack-a-way:hack-a-way-2023 15:39:56 <sandbergja> it occured to me that we should probably merge bug 2035287 before moving the nightwatch tests. Make them work first before messing with them hahaha 15:39:56 <pinesol> Launchpad bug 2035287 in Evergreen "e2e tests are failing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2035287 15:39:59 <Bmagic> mmorgan++ 15:41:36 <Bmagic> thanks sandbergja, that looks like a good one to take care of 15:42:14 <Bmagic> alrighty, see some of you in a couple weeks! 15:42:21 <Bmagic> #endmeeting