========================================== #evergreen: 2024-09-10 - Developer Meeting ========================================== Meeting started by Bmagic at 15:00:18 US/Eastern. The full logs are available at http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2024/evergreen.2024-09-10-15.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Agenda at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=dev:meetings:2024-09-10 (Bmagic, 15:00:24) * Introductions (Bmagic, 15:00:28) * Bmagic = Blake GH, MOBIUS (Bmagic, 15:00:32) * Dyrcona = Jason Stephenson, C/W MARS, Inc. (Dyrcona, 15:00:42) * eeevil = Mike Rylander, EOLI (eeevil, 15:00:45) * csharp_ = Chris Sharp, GPLS (csharp_, 15:00:47) * collum = Garry Collum, KCPL (collum, 15:00:49) * shulabramble = Shula Link, GCHRL (shulabramble, 15:00:51) * dluch = Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS (dluch, 15:00:56) * berick Bill Erickson, KCLS (berick, 15:01:32) * abneiman = Andrea Buntz Neiman, EOLI (abneiman, 15:01:44) * mmorgan = Michele Morgan, NOBLE (mmorgan, 15:02:08) * sandbergja = Jane Sandberg, PUL (sandbergja, 15:02:11) * sleary = Stephanie Leary, EOLI (sleary, 15:02:28) * jeff = Jeff Godin, Traverse Area District Library (TADL) (jeff, 15:02:35) * Action Items from Last Meeting (Bmagic, 15:02:50) * eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets (Bmagic, 15:02:55) * ACTION: eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets (Bmagic, 15:03:34) * gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946 (Bmagic, 15:03:59) * terranm = Terran McCanna, PINES (terranm, 15:04:24) * ACTION: gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946 (Bmagic, 15:05:02) * redavis = Ruth Frasur Davis, ECDI (redavis, 15:05:55) * redavis will look at making a regular calendar event for translation work in lock step with point releases (Bmagic, 15:05:56) * jvwoolf is Jessica Woolford, Bibliomation (jvwoolf, 15:10:25) * ACTION: abneiman will intentionally solicit feedback from translators about translation work in lock step with point releases (Bmagic, 15:17:08) * Dyrcona will look into git integration with POEditor (Bmagic, 15:17:49) * ACTION: waiting on (Bmagic, 15:20:08) * ACTION: waiting on gmcharlt for access to POEditor for git integration (Bmagic, 15:20:36) * sleary and sandbergja will create/consolidate the test writing wiki page(s) (Bmagic, 15:20:51) * ACTION: sleary and sandbergja will create/consolidate the test writing wiki page(s) (Bmagic, 15:21:13) * sandbergja will make it easier for folks to know how to run the tests in single file mode and all-mode (Bmagic, 15:21:19) * berick and jeff will look at making Hatch look better in the chrome store, so that it's not removed (Bmagic, 15:21:38) * berick: added pullrequest for bug 2076921 (Bmagic, 15:21:43) * ACTION: bug 2076921 expected to get more testing and merged, and beta uploaded to store (Bmagic, 15:26:02) * Bmagic will work on upgrading the version of DokuWiki (Bmagic, 15:26:11) * Evergreen (Bmagic, 15:27:39) * Point releases 9/18 - signups here BuildMaster Coordination (Bmagic, 15:27:44) * LINK: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gZayHfF7qK0zwLMEAXt-PbKBMiAM_F6EZguqzIYceBY/edit?usp=sharing (Bmagic, 15:27:48) * Documentation (Bmagic, 15:30:37) * Documentation Interest Group (DIG) met on Sept. 5 (Bmagic, 15:30:46) * Defined many terms to run through Vale (https://vale.sh/) for documentation consistency checks (Bmagic, 15:30:51) * Discussed last Vale spreadsheet and getting as many of those fixed by October's meeting as possible (Bmagic, 15:30:56) * October's meeting with focus on 3.14 documentation needs (Bmagic, 15:31:02) * Question (went to listserv, too): This bug: https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/docs/latest/opac/visibility_on_the_web.html is orphaned in the docs. Is it still a valid page? Is the part about SKOS Support that says “This is an experimental, "under-the-hood" feature that will be built upon in subsequent releases.” correct? Is it still an experimental feature? (Bmagic, 15:31:09) * LINK: https://vale.sh/ (Bmagic, 15:31:38) * LINK: https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/docs/latest/opac/visibility_on_the_web.html (Bmagic, 15:31:40) * LINK: https://stuff.coffeecode.net/2017/evergreen-progressive-web-app/#/ (Bmagic, 15:33:11) * Next DIG meeting is October 3. (Bmagic, 15:38:05) * Launchpad Status (as of noon Eastern) (Bmagic, 15:40:45) * Open Bugs - 3141 (Bmagic, 15:40:55) * Pullrequests - 71 (Bmagic, 15:40:55) * Signedoff - 24 (Bmagic, 15:40:55) * Needswork - 87 (Bmagic, 15:40:55) * Needstestplan - 3 (Bmagic, 15:40:55) * Needsrebase - 26 (Bmagic, 15:40:56) * Launchpad Status since last meeting (Bmagic, 15:41:00) * Bugs Added - 61 (Bmagic, 15:41:04) * Pullrequest tag Added - 40 (Bmagic, 15:41:04) * Signedoff tag Added - 10 (Bmagic, 15:41:05) * Needswork tag Added - 13 (Bmagic, 15:41:07) * Needstestplan tag Added - 3 (Bmagic, 15:41:09) * Needsrebase tag Added - 6 (Bmagic, 15:41:11) * Fix Committed - 40 (Bmagic, 15:41:15) * New Business - Preparing for OPAC template upgrade to Bootstrap 5: rewrite jQuery-specific JS wherever possible, please. - SL (Bmagic, 15:41:18) * LINK: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=opac:bootstrap5 (Bmagic, 15:48:26) * redis (Bmagic, 15:53:47) * passing the dev-meet-runner-torch (Bmagic, 15:57:58) * Announcements (Bmagic, 16:01:09) * Next Meeting is October 8, 2024 (Bmagic, 16:01:13) * Hack-A-Way, November 12-14 in Boston, MA (Bmagic, 16:01:17) Meeting ended at 16:01:24 US/Eastern. Action items, by person ----------------------- * abneiman * abneiman will intentionally solicit feedback from translators about translation work in lock step with point releases * eeevil * eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets * sandbergja * sleary and sandbergja will create/consolidate the test writing wiki page(s) * sleary * sleary and sandbergja will create/consolidate the test writing wiki page(s) * **UNASSIGNED** * gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946 * waiting on * waiting on gmcharlt for access to POEditor for git integration * bug 2076921 expected to get more testing and merged, and beta uploaded to store People present (lines said) --------------------------- * Bmagic (122) * sleary (32) * redavis (24) * dluch (22) * sandbergja (12) * abneiman (11) * jeff (11) * pinesol (10) * berick (9) * shulabramble (8) * Dyrcona (8) * csharp_ (7) * mmorgan (5) * jeffdavis (5) * jvwoolf (4) * eeevil (2) * collum (1) * terranm (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4