========================================== #evergreen: 2025-01-14 - Developer Meeting ========================================== Meeting started by shulabramble at 15:00:03 US/Eastern. The full logs are available at http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2025/evergreen.2025-01-14-15.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Introductions (shulabramble, 15:00:18) * shulabramble = Shula Link, GCHRL (shulabramble, 15:00:36) * redavis = Ruth Frasur Davis, ECDI (redavis, 15:00:40) * terranm = Terran McCanna, PINES (terranm, 15:00:43) * collum = Garry Collum, KCPL (collum, 15:01:06) * mmorgan = Michele Morgan, NOBLE (mmorgan, 15:01:10) * phasefx = Jason Etheridge, EOLI :-) (phasefx, 15:01:13) * sleary = Stephanie Leary, EOLI (sleary, 15:01:15) * eeevil = Mike Rylander, EOLI (eeevil, 15:01:31) * Bmagic = Blake GH, MOBIUS (Bmagic, 15:02:01) * berick Bill Erickson, KCLS (berick, 15:02:13) * sandbergja = Jane Sandberg, PUL (sandbergja, 15:02:20) * Dyrcona = Jason Stephenson, C/W MARS (Dyrcona, 15:02:38) * abneiman = Andrea Buntz Neiman, EOLI (abneiman, 15:02:49) * Action Items from Last Meeting (shulabramble, 15:03:38) * eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets (shulabramble, 15:03:51) * jeff = Jeff Godin, Traverse Area District Library (TADL) (jeff, 15:04:26) * ACTION: eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets (shulabramble, 15:04:32) * gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946 (shulabramble, 15:04:48) * ACTION: abneiman will reach out to gmcharlt concerning bug 2051946 and POEditor git integration (shulabramble, 15:08:01) * ACTION: sleary and sandbergja will report progress on test writing wiki pages next month (shulabramble, 15:08:22) * sleary will make a new LP tag denoting bugs that involve string changes (shulabramble, 15:09:06) * ACTION: sleary will make a new LP tag denoting bugs that involve string changes (shulabramble, 15:09:30) * sandbergja and sleary will revisit feasibility of automated testing for string changes (shulabramble, 15:09:45) * ACTION: sandbergja and sleary will revisit feasibility of automated testing for string changes (shulabramble, 15:10:12) * abneiman will poll concerning moving the developer's meeting from IRC to a different platform (shulabramble, 15:10:23) * ACTION: abneiman will poll concerning moving the developer's meeting from IRC to a different platform (shulabramble, 15:11:32) * Updates (shulabramble, 15:11:50) * Evergreen - Monthly maintenance releases for 3.13.8 and 3.14.3 are in process right now. They're due out tomorrow, but it will likely be Thursday, January 16 before they're announced. (shulabramble, 15:14:46) * 3.15 has a schedule up and team meetings have commenced! (shulabramble, 15:15:00) * 3.15 -- please populate roadmap if you have features (shulabramble, 15:15:28) * BSW at the end of the month (shulabramble, 15:16:06) * BSW Jan 27-31 (shulabramble, 15:16:19) * Feedback Fest for 3.15 March 31 - April 4 (shulabramble, 15:16:39) * Launchpad Status (as of noon Eastern) (shulabramble, 15:17:41) * Snapshot (shulabramble, 15:17:42) * Open Bugs - 3198 (shulabramble, 15:17:42) * Pullrequests - 99 (shulabramble, 15:17:43) * Signedoff - 5 (shulabramble, 15:17:43) * Needswork - 85 (shulabramble, 15:17:44) * Needstestplan - 2 (shulabramble, 15:17:44) * Needsrebase - 24 (shulabramble, 15:17:45) * Updates Since Last Meeting (shulabramble, 15:17:45) * Bugs Added - 66 (shulabramble, 15:17:46) * Pullrequest tag Added - 18 (shulabramble, 15:17:46) * Signedoff tag Added - 13 (shulabramble, 15:17:47) * Needswork tag Added - 1 (shulabramble, 15:17:47) * Needstestplan tag Added - 0 (shulabramble, 15:17:48) * Needsrebase tag Added - 1 (shulabramble, 15:17:48) * Fix Committed - 20 (shulabramble, 15:17:49) * New Business (shulabramble, 15:18:22) * Evergreen Online Conference 2025 -- Emerging Technologies (shulabramble, 15:22:09) * Call for session proposals is live. Deadline is January 31 -- https://evergreen-ils.org/2025-evergreen-international-online-conference/ (shulabramble, 15:22:40) Meeting ended at 15:27:07 US/Eastern. Action items, by person ----------------------- * abneiman * abneiman will reach out to gmcharlt concerning bug 2051946 and POEditor git integration * abneiman will poll concerning moving the developer's meeting from IRC to a different platform * eeevil * eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets * sandbergja * sleary and sandbergja will report progress on test writing wiki pages next month * sandbergja and sleary will revisit feasibility of automated testing for string changes * sleary * sleary and sandbergja will report progress on test writing wiki pages next month * sleary will make a new LP tag denoting bugs that involve string changes * sandbergja and sleary will revisit feasibility of automated testing for string changes People present (lines said) --------------------------- * shulabramble (68) * redavis (21) * abneiman (11) * mmorgan (7) * sleary (6) * pinesol (6) * terranm (5) * Dyrcona (4) * sandbergja (3) * collum (3) * jeff (3) * eeevil (3) * berick (2) * phasefx (2) * csharp_ (1) * Bmagic (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4