========================================== #evergreen: 2025-03-11 - Developer Meeting ========================================== Meeting started by shulabramble at 15:00:07 US/Eastern. The full logs are available at http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2025/evergreen.2025-03-11-15.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Introductions (shulabramble, 15:00:34) * Dyrcona = Jason Stephenson, CWMARS (Dyrcona, 15:00:38) * kmlussier is Kathy Lussier, NOBLE (kmlussier, 15:00:38) * abneiman = Andrea Buntz Neiman, EOLI (abneiman, 15:00:50) * Bmagic = Blake GH, MOBIUS (Bmagic, 15:00:52) * briank = Brian Kennedy, BCLC (briank, 15:00:53) * phasefx = Jason Etheridg, EOLI (phasefx, 15:00:53) * redavis = Ruth Frasur Davis, Evergreen Collaborative Development Initiative (ECDI) (redavis, 15:00:54) * shulabramble = Shula Link, GCHRL (and Clarabelle the Stuffed Bunny joins me today) (shulabramble, 15:01:00) * mmorgan = Michele Morgan, NOBLE (mmorgan1, 15:01:00) * smayo = Steven Mayo, PINES (smayo, 15:01:23) * mdriscoll = Martha Driscoll, NOBLE (mdriscoll, 15:01:43) * sleary = Stephanie Leary, EOLI (sleary, 15:02:47) * terranm = Terran McCanna, PINES (terranm, 15:03:00) * eeevil = Mike Rylander, EOLI (eeevil, 15:03:19) * Action Items from Last Meeting (shulabramble, 15:04:27) * eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets (shulabramble, 15:04:50) * ACTION: eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets (shulabramble, 15:05:57) * awaiting word from gmcharlt concerning bug 2051946 (shulabramble, 15:06:20) * ACTION: Dyrcona will look into bug 2051946 (shulabramble81, 15:10:34) * ACTION: abneiman will follow up with gmcharlt cf. git POeditor integration (shulabramble, 15:18:28) * ACTION: Bmagic will look into transferring POeditor account ownership to a generic EG account (shulabramble, 15:25:10) * sleary and sandbergja will report progress on test writing wiki pages next month (shulabramble, 15:25:33) * ACTION: sleary and sandbergja will report progress on test writing wiki pages next month (shulabramble, 15:26:36) * abneiman will discuss moving the developer's meeting with shulabramble and poll the community (shulabramble, 15:26:56) * ACTION: abneiman will discuss moving the developer's meeting with shulabramble and poll the community (shulabramble, 15:30:35) * Updates (shulabramble, 15:30:47) * Evergreen (shulabramble, 15:33:23) * Feature Slush is 12-03-2025 (shulabramble, 15:33:45) * request from core committers to review / signoff / merge features prior to freeze, currently scheduled for Tuesday March 18 (abneiman, 15:34:37) * Beta 3.15 scheduled for Wednesday 26-03-2025 (shulabramble, 15:34:45) * https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=faqs:evergreen_roadmap:3.15 (abneiman, 15:34:47) * Feedback fest 3/31-4/4 (shulabramble, 15:35:32) * Point Releases (shulabramble, 15:41:12) * LINK: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aKffVGU_vIWbtFR_vpoHsqodSw-Kdd5yn65RpfkMKKA/edit?gid=0#gid=0 (redavis, 15:42:06) * sign ups are needed for point releases https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aKffVGU_vIWbtFR_vpoHsqodSw-Kdd5yn65RpfkMKKA/edit?gid=0#gid=0 (shulabramble, 15:49:14) * point releases for march postponed until april (shulabramble, 15:50:42) * Documentation (shulabramble, 15:51:20) * DIG met on March 6 (shulabramble, 15:51:58) * Quick meeting, updates on individuals' documentation projects and questions (shulabramble, 15:52:10) * Also got an update on TEP Board's discussion of AI/LLM use with/for documentation. Broader community discussion planned by the Board for Hackfest. (shulabramble, 15:52:19) * Debbie will be working to get previous meeting recordings up on the YouTube site (shulabramble, 15:52:27) * Next meeting, April 3 (shulabramble, 15:52:35) * https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_meetings (shulabramble, 15:52:45) * we have an updated VPAT/ACR for 3.14 and it's a vast improvement since 3.11 https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=accessibility:vpat (shulabramble, 15:54:06) * Launchpad Status (as of noon Eastern) (shulabramble, 15:55:38) * Snapshot (shulabramble, 15:55:39) * Open Bugs - 3250 (shulabramble, 15:55:39) * Pullrequests - 83 (shulabramble, 15:55:40) * Signedoff - 21 (shulabramble, 15:55:40) * Needswork - 88 (shulabramble, 15:55:41) * Needstestplan - 2 (shulabramble, 15:55:41) * Needsrebase - 26 (shulabramble, 15:55:42) * Updates Since Last Meeting (shulabramble, 15:55:42) * Bugs Added - 77 (shulabramble, 15:55:43) * Pullrequest tag Added - 26 (shulabramble, 15:55:43) * Signedoff tag Added - 15 (shulabramble, 15:55:44) * Needswork tag Added - 4 (shulabramble, 15:55:44) * Needstestplan tag Added - 0 (shulabramble, 15:55:45) * Needsrebase tag Added - 1 (shulabramble, 15:55:45) * Fix Committed - 11 (shulabramble, 15:55:46) * New Business (shulabramble, 15:56:35) * https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/2073561 Action before next point releases? (shulabramble, 15:56:57) * LINK: https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=blobdiff;f=Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/1416.data.updated_marc_tag_tables.sql;h=d91c0b6007095d5c7cf54d22052940c8e42a5491;hp=497e2f5a9af547ecec23a40e50664cdaf57c4fd4;hb=41a25170491f727c815ceb7b5bdc283a009d5259;hpb=7b18b3bd51fc72e1b4fba68391085c02d9b92bad (Bmagic, 16:02:55) * LINK: https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=41a25170491f727c815ceb7b5bdc283a009d5259 (Bmagic, 16:04:23) * ACTION: Dyrcona will look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/2073561 (shulabramble, 16:07:23) * Announcements (shulabramble, 16:07:36) * Next Meeting is April 8, 2025 (shulabramble, 16:07:48) Meeting ended at 16:17:47 US/Eastern. Action items, by person ----------------------- * abneiman * abneiman will follow up with gmcharlt cf. git POeditor integration * abneiman will discuss moving the developer's meeting with shulabramble and poll the community * Bmagic * Bmagic will look into transferring POeditor account ownership to a generic EG account * Dyrcona * Dyrcona will look into bug 2051946 * Dyrcona will look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/2073561 * eeevil * eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets * shulabramble * abneiman will discuss moving the developer's meeting with shulabramble and poll the community * sleary * sleary and sandbergja will report progress on test writing wiki pages next month People present (lines said) --------------------------- * shulabramble (101) * redavis (44) * abneiman (34) * Dyrcona (31) * Bmagic (23) * csharp_ (21) * mmorgan (12) * pinesol (11) * sleary (9) * mantis (8) * eeevil (8) * jeffdavis (6) * shulabramble81 (5) * phasefx (3) * kmlussier (2) * mmorgan1 (1) * briank (1) * mdriscoll (1) * terranm (1) * smayo (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4