
  • Bower

    • Dependency retrieval

  • Jasmine

    • Headless unit tests runner

  • Grunt

    • Coordinating the build

    • Concatenation + minification of JS and CSS

These are all Node.js plugins, so start by installing Node.js

Install Node.js

Node.js does not have have Debian Wheezy build target. For now, I’ve opted to install from source. For more, see also Node.js Installation

% git clone
% cd node
% git checkout -b v0.10.28 v0.10.28

# set -j to number of CPU cores + 1
% ./configure && make -j5 && sudo make install

# update packages
% sudo npm update

Install Grunt CLI

% sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

Install Bower

% sudo npm install -g bower

Building, Testing, Minification

The remaining steps all take place within the staff JS web root:

% cd $EVERGREEN_ROOT/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/staff/

Install Project-local Dependencies

npm inspects the package.json file for dependencies and fetches them from the Node package network.

% npm install   # fetch Grunt dependencies
% bower install # fetch JS dependencies

Running the Build Scripts

# build, run tests
% grunt test

# build, concat+minify
% grunt uglify

# build, run tests, concat+minify
% grunt all


  • Minification of app-specific JS files

  • Integrate this into the Evergreen Makefile test and install targets

    • Avoid installing test, node_modules, etc. into the web dir.

  • Support fetching JS deps (angularjs, etc.) via direct retrieval for installation without test + concat + minify (i.e. w/o requiring Node.js)?