Evergreen now stores less data about credit card transactions. The stock print and email payment templates have been modified to no longer use these fields, but only when the existing templates matched the stock templates. If local changes have been applied, it will be necessary to modify local templates to avoid referencing these fields which no longer exist.

Dropped columns:
All existing data within these fields will be deleted during the upgrade. Reports using this data will no longer function.
Templates Affected

Any templates whose hook is "money.format.payment_receipt.print" or "money.format.payment_receipt.email" may need modification. In stock Evergreen, these are templates:

  1. "money.payment_receipt.email" (stock id 29)

  2. "money.payment_receipt.print" (stock id 30)

Sample Template Repair Diff
-  [% CASE "credit_card_payment" %]credit card (
-      [%- SET cc_chunks = mp.credit_card_payment.cc_number.replace(' ','').chunk(4); -%]
-      [%- cc_chunks.slice(0, -1+cc_chunks.max).join.replace('\S','X') -%]
-      [% cc_chunks.last -%]
-      exp [% mp.credit_card_payment.expire_month %]/[% mp.credit_card_payment.expire_year -%]
-  )
+  [% CASE "credit_card_payment" %]credit card