Happy Hatch’s Hoppalong Hootenanny

Bill Erickson, Software Development Engineer, King County Library System

Evergreen Conference, April 6, 2017

…And Technical Review

Thus concludes the whimsy.

Today’s Agenda

Hatch In a Nutshell

"Hatch is the bionic arm of the Evergreen browser client." --Anonymous.

Hatch Architecture

  1. Browser AngularJS Service (egHatch)

    • Browser client print/storage abstraction layer.
  2. Browser Extension

    • Relays messages between the browser and Native Application
  3. Native Application

    • Read files, Write files, talk to printers.

Hatch Message Flow

Hatch Diagram

JS Objects and JSON All The Way Down

    "content":"<b>Hello, World!</b>",
    "clientid":5319,                   // set by extension
    "origin":"https://eg.example.org", // set by extension
    "settings":{"context":"default","printer":"HP-Deskjet-5100", ...}

Hatch Install Recap

  1. Install Java runtime 8 or higher.

  2. Install Java & Extension code (HatchInstaller.exe)

  3. Register the Chrome extension

Install Instructions at evergreen-ils.org



Hatch Extension

Developer Mode Beware!

Hatch Extension Warning

Testing and Debugging

Testing the Java Install

# Linux
% ./hatch.sh test

# Windows
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hatch> hatch.bat test

2017-03-29 13:52:21 FINEST MessageWriter sending: {"clientid":1,"origin":"https://test.hatch...
2017-03-29 13:52:21 INFO   Using data directory: /home/berick/.evergreen
2017-03-29 13:52:21 FINEST MessageReader read: {"clientid":1,"origin":"https://test.hatch....
2017-03-29 13:52:21 INFO   Received message id=1 action=keys
2017-03-29 13:52:21 FINEST MessageWriter sending: {"clientid":1,"msgid":1,"message":"OK",...
2017-03-29 13:52:21 FINEST MessageReader read: {"clientid":1,"msgid":1,"message":"OK",...
2017-03-29 13:52:21 INFO   TestJSON:doReceive(): {"clientid":1,"msgid":1,"message":"OK",...
2017-03-29 13:52:22 FINEST MessageWriter sending: {"clientid":1,"origin":"https://test.hatch...

Debugging Extensions

Hatch Extension

Hatch UI Recap

  1. Enable Hatch

  2. Settings Data

  3. Configure Printing

Enabling Hatch

Administration ⇒ Workstation ⇒ Print/Storage Service ("Hatch")

Hatch Config

Stored Values

Administration ⇒ Workstation ⇒ Stored Preferences

Hatch Stored Values

Hatch Data Files

% cd ~/.evergreen
% ls
hatch.log  hatch.log.lck  https_eg-dev-local  https_test.hatch.evergreen-ils.org

% ls https_eg-dev-local
cat.holdings_show_copies         eg.audio.disable              ...
cat.holdings_show_empty          eg.auth.time                  ...
cat.holdings_show_vols           eg.auth.token                 ...
cat.marcedit.stack_subfields     eg.cat.last_record_retrieved  ...
circ.checkout.strict_barcode     eg.circ.last_patron           ...
current_tag_table_marc21_biblio  eg.grid.circ.patron.search    ...

% cat https_eg-dev-local/eg.workstation.all

Hatch Printing UI

Administration ⇒ Workstation ⇒ Printer Settings

Hatch Print Config

A Quick Word on Rendering Print HTML

What’s Next?

