1. Evergreen 2.12.10
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.12.9:
The patron bills screen now prevents staff members from double-clicking on the Apply Payment button (which otherwise would apply two payments).
Fixes a performance bug related to patrons logging in by barcode.
1.1. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 2.12.10 point release of Evergreen:
Galen Charlton
Bill Erickson
Jason Stephenson
Dan Wells
2. Evergreen 2.12.9
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.12.8:
NodeJs is now installed from source, rather than using a pre-compiled binary.
NodeJs is now at version 6.11.3, which is the most recent LTS release.
2.1. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 2.12.9 point release of Evergreen:
Jeanette Lundgren
Ben Shum
Remington Steed
3. Evergreen 2.12.8
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.12.7:
Many patron fields have been redacted from the web staff client’s patron and record holds grids, leaving patron name, username, and ID.
Fixes two bugs where patron records could fail to be saved upon editing.
The patron summary in the web staff client now correctly displays primary and secondary ID values.
Patron barcode search completion in the web staff client now allows the user to select from all of the matching patron records.
The web staff print templates for current and historical bills can now include copy barcode and title.
Fixes a bug that resulted in some catalog searches unexpectedly timing out.
Fixes a bug where placing a hold request in the public catalog could result in "forgetting" the type and library of the user’s previous search.
Fixes a bug that made using the volume/copy editor to change a copy’s price problematic.
The administration interface for hard due dates now ensures that new (or edited) ceiling dates have their time component set to end of day, resolving an issue where ceiling dates would not be applied during the ceiling date itself.
Asset merging during bibliographic record merging now correctly recognizes call number prefixes and suffixes and deletes disused call number records.
The Concerto sample data set now includes data allowing for testing placing holds on monographic parts.
Fixes a bug where displaying user surveys could result in PCRUD drone starvation.
Fixes a bug where pg_restore of an Evergreen database could fail to create certain indexes on the
3.1. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 2.12.8 point release of Evergreen:
Alex Cautley
Ben Shum
Bill Erickson
Cesar Velez
Chris Sharp
Galen Charlton
Jason Boyer
Jason Stephenson
Jeff Davis
Jeff Godin
Kathy Lussier
Kyle Huckins
Michele Morgan
Mike Rylander
Remington Steed
Rogan Hamby
4. Evergreen 2.12.7
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.12.6
Fixes a bug in the web staff client that prevented initials from being stored with copy notes.
Adds billing types that may have been missed by systems that were running Evergreen prior to the 1.4 release.
Fixes a web staff client bug with the CSV export option available from the Import Queue in the MARC Batch Import/Export interface.
Adds the missing copy alert field in the web client’s volume/copy editor.
Fixes a bug where the setting to require date of birth in patron registration was not being honored in the web staff client.
Fixes a bug in the web staff client patron registration form where the password wasn’t generating from the last four digits of the patron’s phone number.
Fixes an issue in the web staff client where the complete barcode did not display in some interfaces when partial barcodes were scanned.
4.1. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 2.12.7 point release of Evergreen:
Galen Charlton
Bill Erickson
Jeanette Lundgren
Kathy Lussier
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Remington Steed
Cesar Velez
5. Evergreen 2.12.6
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.12.5.
Removes the option to add a title to My List from Group Formats and Editions searches where the option never worked correctly due to a bad id.
Removes deleted shelving locations from the web client’s volume/copy editor. Since there is no database constraint that prevents a copy from a deleted shelving location, if there are already copies attached to those shelving locations, the copy location selector will be blank. Evergreen admins can identify those items by running the following query:
select acp.id, acp.barcode, acpl.name
from asset.copy acp
join asset.copy_location acpl on (acpl.id = acp.location)
where not acp.deleted
and acpl.deleted
order by acp.id;
Adds the patron opt-in check in the web client whenever a patron is retrieved by barcode scan, patron search, or item circ history.
Fixes a bug where the price and acquisitions cost fields did not display their values.
Fixes a bug where a patron’s circulation history no longer moved to the lead account when merging patron accounts.
Now hides the ebook tabs in My Account for sites that have not yet enabled the Ebook API service.
Trims spaces from patron barcodes in the web client check out interface.
Makes a string in the holds validation alert translatable.
Fixes a bug that prevented the web client patron registration screen from loading when there is an opt-in action triggers, such as the email checkout receipt, t set to be a registration default.
Fixes a bug where barcode validation in the web client patron editor was using the incorrect regular expression.
Replaces an empty string in the mobile carrier dropdown menu with a Please select your mobile carrier label to improve usability and resolve a problem with translations.
Restores the ability to display a photo in the web client patron editor for accounts that have an actor.usr.photo_url.
Fixes a Firefox display issue in the web client that occurred when retrieving a bib record by TCN when the MARC Edit tab was set as the default view.
Fixes an bug where setting a patron’s default pickup location in the web client patron editor inadvertently changed the home library. It also disables any locations that are not viable pickup locations.
Fixes a bug where a misscan in a copy bucket failed silently.
5.1. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 2.12.6 point release of Evergreen:
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Jason Etheridge
Blake Henderson
Skye Howard
Kathy Lussier
Terran McCanna
Jane Sandberg
Ben Shum
Cesar Velez
6. Evergreen 2.12.5
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.12.4.
Hides the Hold is Behind Circ Desk checkbox in the XUL client’s patron registration screen for those libraries that have not enabled Behind Desk Pickup support via the Library Settings Editor
Adds a missing error string that appears when marking an item damaged from an aged circulation.
Changes the hold request form so that it no longer defaults to the first SMS carrier for text notifications.
Adds a requirement for users to enter a phone/SMS number when they have enabled that notification method on the hold request form.
Changes the URL pointing to catalog images, CSS and javascript files to a full absolute URL instead of the relative URL previously used. This change fixes an issue with the Open Graph image property, which requires a full URL.
Fixes an issue where payment amounts sent to Stripe can be one cent less than the actual Evergreen payment.
Fixes an issue where the open-ils.storage OpenSRF module fails to start when using perl 5.24 or higher.
Fixes a problem in the web client where marking a transaction as claims returned or claims never checked out at the same time the patron’s record is edited would not increase the count once the patron’s record is saved.
Changes the cursor to a pointer for the record menus in the web client.
Fixes hardcoded patchs in srfsh support scripts.
Prevents a "Use of freed value in iteration" error that appeared in logs when adjusting a transaction to zero.
Prevents the temporary list page from crashing when a user adds the same title to the list more than once.
Removes duplicate rows from localized 950.data.seed-values.sql files.
Fixes the following two issues with conjoined items:
Foreign items previously did not display there was no extra copy attached to the bib record.
Conjoined items did not display unless there were two or more items in a set.
Fixes an issue in the web client where the Hold Verify prompt did not display for items in a Copy Location where the hold verify flag is enabled.
Fixes support for automatic item barcode completion in the web client check in, check out, renew, and item status interfaces.
Makes the courier code variable available for transit slips in the web client.
Fixes the ability to apply funds from the acquisitions selection list, View/Place Order, and MARC Federated Search interfaces.
6.1. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 2.12.5 point release of Evergreen:
Galen Charlton
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Jason Etheridge
Kathy Lussier
Michele Morgan
Mike Rylander
Dan Scott
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Josh Stompro
Cesar Velez
Liam Whalen
Dan Wells
7. Evergreen 2.12.4
7.1. Upgrade Notes
This release of Evergreen contains a fix to the Hold/Copy Ratio per Bib and Pickup Library (and Descendants) data source. Report templates using this data source will need to be re-created to improve accuracy of the data reported from this source.
This release also contains a fix to downloading large checkout histories from My Account. This feature no longer uses the action/trigger mechanism and the OPAC now generates the CSV directly. The old action/trigger code is still present in the database and should be removed at some point in the near future.
7.2. Bug Fixes
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.12.3
A fix to a web client bug where adding copies through the Add Volumes and Copies menu item could fail silently.
A fix to a bug that allowed users to access some web client admin interfaces without a login.
A fix to the display of the loan duration and fine level fields in the web client Item Status Detail view.
A fix to the display of duplicate data on the bib record View Holds page when toggling between the holds and OPAC view.
A fix to a bug that prevented the web client patron registration page from loading.
Support for Org Unit Includes alert text, notice text, event text, header text, and footer text in the web client print templates.
A fix to make the web client MARC Editor’s flat text editor selection sticky.
A fix to make the Patron Search library selector sticky.
A fix to a bug in the web client that prevented the user from saving a new copy after using the MARC Edit Add Item option.
A fix to a patron registration bug that did not require the entry of a required user statistical category for stat cats that do not allow free-text entries.
The addition of the bad bacode image file in the web client.
An improvement to the MARC Batch Edit progress indicator to reduce the likelihood of system backlogs.
Downloading checkout history as a CSV from My Account has been fixed for users with a large circulation history. Previously, this would time out for patrons with more than 100 or so circulations.
A fix to syntax in the Spanish lang.dtd file that was creating an error when using the Closed Date Editor.
Improvements to CSS to silence some Mozilla extension warnings.
A fix to a failure to update targeted circulations when utilzing the recall functionality.
The addition of text wrapping in the copy details table on the bib record to prevent contents from falling off the page.
A fix to the adjust to zero option so that it can be applied correctly to multiple billings.
A fix to the "Hold/Copy Ratio per Bib and Pickup Library (and Descendants)" data source so that it will now include counts of eligible copies at locations that are not a pickup library for bib’s holds.
A fix to the XUL client Item Status → Alternate View → Holds / Transit tab so that it properly refreshes all data when switching between copies.
7.3. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 2.12.4 point release of Evergreen:
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Jason Etherige
Pasi Kallinen
Angela Kilsdonk
Kathy Lussier
Michele Morgan
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Dan Scott
Ben Shum
Jason Stephenson
Josh Stompro
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
8. Evergreen 2.12.3
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.12.2.
8.1. Web Client Bug Fixes
The web client, which is available for trial production use in libraries, received several fixes in this release:
The receipt on payment checkbox now prints a receipt at time of payment.
The Items Out count in the patron screen now includes long overdue items.
A fix was added to prevent values from a previously-edited patron from appearing in the edit form of a subsequent patron.
User notification preferences now save correctly in the patron registration and edit forms.
The UPDATE_MARC permission is no longer requested when performing a search from the staff catalog.
Non-cataloged circulations now display in the Items Out screen without requiring a refresh.
Required statistical categories are now required to be entered in the copy editor. (A similar bug for the patron editor was fixed in the 2.12.1 release).
Voiding bills now requires confirmation.
Staff can no longer use the copy editor to put items into or out of the following statuses: checked out, lost, in transit, on holds shelf, long overdue, and canceled transit.
The contrast is improved for alert text showing the amount a patron owes in bills.
Circ modifiers now sort alphabetically in the copy editor.
8.2. Other Bug Fixes
Code to prevent a hold already on the Holds Shelf from being transferred to another title.
A fix to a bug that prevented users from scheduling reports with a relative month if the report template used a date that applied the Year
Month transform with the On or After (>=) operator. -
A fix to a bug where the max fines threshold was reached prematurely due to the presence of account adjustments.
A check that prevents a SMS message from attempting to sending when the SMS carrier is null.
For systems that provide search format as a filter on the advanced search page, a fix so that the format selected in the search bar when launching a new search from the results page overrides any previously-set formats.
The addition of an optional new Apache/mod_perl configuration variable for defining the port Apache listens on for HTTP traffic. This resolves an issue where added content lookups attempting HTTP requests on the local Apache instance on port 80 failed because Apache was using non-standard ports.
A fix to the public catalog’s My List page responsive design so that it now displays properly on mobile devices and allows users to place holds from My List.
A fix to a bug where the second (and subsequent) pages of search results in the public catalog (when group formats and editions is in effect) does not correctly generate links to hits that are not part of of a multi-bib metarecords.
8.3. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, testing and documentation patches to the 2.12.3 point release of Evergreen:
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Jason Etheridge
Kathy Lussier
Terran McCanna
Dan Scott
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Remington Steed
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
9. Evergreen 2.12.2
This release is a security release that also contains several other bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.12.1.
9.1. Security Issue: XSS Vulnerability in Public Catalog
This release fixes several cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
in the public catalog. When upgrading, Evergreen administrators should
review whether any of the following templates have been customized
or overridden. If so, either the template should be replaced with the
stock version or the XSS fix (which entails adding the | html
in several places) applied to the customized version.
9.2. Upgrade Notes
Administrators of Evergreen who use RTL locales and who have customized
should now incorporate their customizations intostyle.css.tt2
. -
view, which is part of some extra views defined inOpen-ILS/src/sql/Pg/example.reporter-extension.sql
, has been fixed to not exclude loans for patrons who do not have a billing address set. Users of this view should rerunOpen-ILS/src/sql/Pg/example.reporter-extension.sql
during upgrade.
9.3. Hold Targeter Repairs and Improvements
A series of changes were made to the new hold targeter available in 2.12.
Make the batch targeter more resilient to a single-hold failure.
Additional batch targeter info logging.
Set OSRF_LOG_CLIENT in hold_targeter_v2.pl for log tracing
Removes the confusingly named --target-all option
The same behavior can be achieved by using --retarget-interval "0s"
Removes --skip-viable (see --soft-retarget-interval below)
New --next-check-interval Option
Specify how long after the current run time the targeter will retarget the currently affected holds. Applying a specific interval is useful when the retarget-interval is shorter than the time between targeter runs.
For example, if the targeter is run nightly at midnight with a --retarget-interval 36h, you would set --next-check-interval to 48hr, since the holds won’t be processed again until 48 hours later. This ensures that the org unit closed date checks are looking at the correct date.
This setting overrides the default behavior of calculating the next retarget time from the retarget-interval.
New --soft-retarget-interval Option
This is a replacement for (and rebranding of) the --skip-viable option. The new option allows for time-based soft-targeting instead simple binary on/off soft-targeting.
How soft-targeting works: * Update hold copy maps for all affected holds * Holds with viable targets (on the pull list) are otherwise left alone. * Holds without viable targets are retargeted in the usual manner.
9.4. Other Bug Fixes
A fix to remove the Chilifresh patron reviews header for Evergreen sites that do not use Chilifresh.
A fix that marks acquisitions POs as received when all line items on the PO are received or canceled.
A typo fix to the long overdue override permission that prevented staff from being able to override long overdue check ins.
A fix to use a library’s configured currency in SIP patron responses instead of always using US dollars.
A fix to SIP timeouts caused by invalid sessions
A fix that allows boolean fields to be recognized in queries to the Z39.50 server.
A fix to use the correct method during adjust to zero on negative balances.
A correction to the datatype for the Vandelay Default Record Match Set setting.
The removal of the Keep field from MARC Batch Import Item Attributes. The field was not previously implemented.
A fix to set the complete time value for grouped Action/Trigger events when an event’s state reach complete, consistent with non-grouped events.
A fix to a bug in the rollover_phone_to_print.pl script that kept failed call files from being moved.
A new index for acq.edi_message that speeds up the check for duplicate EDI messages.
A fix that ensures JSON strings are converted to UTF8, ensuring that non-ASCII data display correctly.
A fix to avoid an erroneous unsaved data popup to appear during MARC record creation.
A typo fix in the web client’s bill payment receipt template.
A correction to ebook account links on the My Account Summary page.
Improved responsive design for the ebook My Account screens so that they display better on mobile devices.
A fix to a bug that prevented a patron opt-in dialog from loading.
The RTL stylesheet for the public catalog,
, has been merged into the LTR one (templates/opac/css/style.css.tt2
). The combined stylesheet template will emit RTL or LTR styles based on the value of thertl
flag of the active locale. Anrtl
variable is also available in the template to allow the correct style to be chosen. -
A fix to leaking of the internal port number to the client when Apache is configured to use nonstandard ports in combination with a proxy server.
The addition of the vandelay.auto_overlay_bib_record upgrade script, which was missed in a 2.1-2.2 era upgrade script. It isn’t necessary for sites that began using Evergreen since then to run the script, but it is harmless to run.
A web staff client fix that will hid the behind-desk option for for libraries that do not support "Behind Desk Pickup".
A web staff client fix that caused hold transit check ins to fail silently when the transit destination does not have a holds address.
A web staff client fix that now requires the entry of user statistical categories in the patron editor if those stat cats are configured to be required.
A fix to a problem with the "Exclude Electronic Resources" checkbox that prevented users from removing a selection from the box.
The removal of the search format limiters from the new advanced search limiter block on the search results page. The search format limiters should not display there because they can be selected from the search bar.
9.5. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, testing and documentation patches to the 2.12.2 point release of Evergreen:
Galen Charlton
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Jason Etheridge
Jeff Godin
Blake Henderson
Linda Jansova
Kathy Lussier
Jillianne Presley
Jane Sandberg
Dan Scott
Chris Sharp
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Josh Stompro
Remington Steed
10. Evergreen 2.12.1
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.12.0
A fix to the 2.12 upgrade of the subject|temporal and subject|geographic indexes, where the above-mentioned browse indexes were not turned off in favor of new browse versions of the indexes. Sites that are upgrading from 2.12.0 can cancel the browse reingest that comes with the new upgrade script.
A change to the default pickup library when staff place a hold. The place hold screen will now default to the preferred pickup location for the patron. If the patron does not have a preferred pickup location, it will default to the patron’s home library.
A fix to a problem where users could not change the selected Org Unit on the MARC Tag Tables server admin page.
A fix to the seed data for translations for some Coded Value Map entries.
The ability to skip the XUL staff client build when in make_release.
Revised layout and styling for the advanced search limiter block that displays on the search results page.
A fix that silences a log warning that appears for every checkout where a hard due date is not used.
Tweaks for sounds that are used in the web staff client.
The addition of f4 and ctrl-f2 as hotkeys in the web staff client.
Additional help text for receipt templates in the web staff client.
The reinstatement of the Reprint Last Receipt functionality in the web staff client.
The ability in the web staff client copy editor to add new volumes to libraries that were not selected in holdings view.
A fix to a billing issue where transactions were not re-opened after they acquired a non-zero balance at check in.
A change to the web staff client work log to prevent it from storing unnecessary data.
A fix to a translation issue for the record attributes displayed in the advanced search limiter block on the search results page.
A fix to hold targeting for metarecord holds when the new hold targeter is run in parallel mode.
10.1. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, testing and documentation patches to the 2.12.1 point release of Evergreen:
Eva Cerniňáková
Galen Charlton
Bill Erickson
Jason Etherige
Jeanette Lundgren
Kathy Lussier
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Dan Scott
Ben Shum
Robert Soulliere
Jason Stephenson
Josh Stompro
Dan Wells
11. 2.12.0 Upgrade notes
Evergreen 2.12 now requires OpenSRF 2.5 or later; certain functionality will not work if you attempt to run Evergreen 2.12 on OpenSRF 2.4. Evergreen 2.12 recommends PostgreSQL 9.4. The minimum supported version of PostgreSQL is 9.3.
The stock schema upgrade script performs a browse and facet reingest, recalculates bib fingerprints, and remaps metarecords.
This version also adds two new services, open-ils.ebook_api
12. 2.12.0 New Features
12.1. Acquisitions
12.1.1. Default status for received line items
A new Library Setting has been added to allow libraries to set the default status for received line items. The previous behavior was to use the "In process" status for all acquisitions items that are received.
12.2. Administration
12.2.1. Additional SMS Carriers
SMS carrier definitions are now included for Google Fi and Republic Wireless. These will be automatically loaded when installing a new Evergreen system; admins who wish to add these definitions during an upgrade can use the following email gateway values:
Google Fi:
Republic Wireless:
12.2.2. Bibliographic Fingerprint Improvements
The bibliographic fingerprint will now incorporate subfields $n and $p from MARC title fields to better distinguish among records of the same series that may share the same title but have a different part. With this change, these MARC records will no longer be grouped together in a Group Formats & Editions search.
The bibliographic fingerprint was also changed to better distinguish among the fields contributing to the fingerprint. This change will help the system distinguish between a record for the movie Blue Steel and another record for the book Blue written by Danielle Steel.
12.2.3. Batch Hold Targeter Speed-up and New Features
Adds a new open-ils.hold-targeter
service, supporting new targeting options
and runtime optimizations to speed up targeting. The service is launched
from a new targeting script, hold_targeter_v2.pl
(default location:
This code has no effect on the existing hold targeter, which is still available as of this release and functions as before.
New Features/Options
Adds a global configuration flag circ.holds.retarget_interval for setting the hold retarget interval.
option forces the targeter to process all active holds, regardless of when they were last targeted. -
option make is possible to override the new circ.holds.retarget_interval setting via the command line when calling the hold targeter. -
option causes the hold targeter to avoid modifying the currently targeted copy (i.e. the copy on the pull list) for holds that target a viable (capturable) copy.
For skipped holds, no entry is added to the unfulfilled_hold_list. The set of potential copies (hold copy maps) are refreshed for all processed holds, regardless of target viability.
This option is useful for 1.) finding targets for holds that require new targets and 2.) adding new/modified copies to the potential copy lists (for opportunistic capture) more frequently than you may want to do full retargeting of all holds. -
option processes holds in reverse order of request_time, so that newer holds are (re)targeted first. This is primarily useful when a large backlog of old, un-targetable holds exist. With--newest-first
, the older holds will be processed last. -
option overrides the parallel settings found inopensrf.xml
for simpler modification and testing. -
option allows the caller to specify a lock file instead of using the default /tmp/hold_targeter-LOCK -
option prints progress info to STDOUT, showing the number of holds processed per parallel targeter instance. -
When configured, hold target loops cycle through all org units (with targetable copies) instead of repeatedly targeting copies at the pickup library when multiple targetable copies exist at the pickup library.
When configured, hold target loops prioritize (targetable) org units first by the number of previous target attempts, then by their weight/proximity. This effectively back-fills org units that had no targetable copies during earlier target loops so that they are targeted as many times as other org units (to the extent possible, anyway).
Traditional daily hold targeter with a value set for circ.holds.retarget_interval.
(Re)target non-viable holds twice a day, only processing holds that have never been targeter or those that have not been re-targeted in the last 12 hours.
/openils/bin/hold_targeter_v2.pl --skip-viable --retarget-interval "12h"
(Re)target non-viable holds twice a day, processing all holds regardless of when or if they were targeted before, running 3 targeters in parallel.
/openils/bin/hold_targeter_v2.pl --skip-viable --target-all --parallel 3
12.2.4. Add separate make target for translators
For those only interested in building Evergreen translations, a separate "translator" make target has been added to allow for easier installation of i18n prerequisites.
12.2.5. Allow admin to specify where Perl modules will be installed
Add --with-perlbase
option to configure
to specify an alternative
location for installing the Perl modules. This can be useful for setups
that want to run the Perl modules from a shared filesystem or
environments that need to run multiple versions of Evergreen
Users of --with-perlbase
are responsible for ensuring that PERL5LIB
is set appropriately.
12.2.6. Addition of missing permissions
Required permissions that were previously missing from the stock data have now been added. If Evergreen sites have already manually added these permissions, the upgrade script will remove the old permission and create the new one, maintaining any maps to permission groups, with the stock permission ID.
12.2.7. get_org_unit_ancestor_at_depth Helper Added to Action Trigger Reactor Helpers
In action trigger templates it’s now possible to call
helpers.get_org_unit_ancestor_at_depth($id_or_aou, $depth)
in order to retrieve
a fleshed aou for the target aou’s ancestor at the chosen depth. This could be
used to retrieve the name of the library system rather than a specific branch
name, for instance.
12.2.8. Removed unused selfcheck password setting
There was an unused duplicate selfcheck password setting that was removed to avoid confusion over which library setting was supposed to be set to enable passwords for selfcheck. After upgrading, verify that your library policy remains consistent for this setting.
12.2.9. Credit Processor Stripe Settings Permissions
Unprivileged users can retrieve organizational unit setting values for setting types lacking a "view" permission. When the feature adding Stripe credit card processing was added, the upgrade script neglected to add the VIEW_CREDIT_CARD_PROCESSING permission to the organizational unit setting type. This means that anyone can retrieve and view the settings for Stripe credit card processing.
Any system that upgraded from Evergreen version 2.5 to 2.6 is affected. If you use Stripe for credit card processing, it is strongly recommended that you apply this upgrade. Even if you do not use Stripe, applying this upgrade is still recommended. If you did not upgrade from version 2.5 to 2.6 of Evergreen, but started with a later version, applying this upgrade is harmless.
12.3. Cataloging
12.3.1. New Access Points for MARC Merge/Overlay Profiles
Catalogers can now select a MARC merge/overlay profile to apply when merging records in the (browser client) record bucket merge and Z39.50 record overlay interfaces. In both interfaces, if the user selects a merge profile, the results of the merge are displayed, giving the user the opportunity to choose a different merge profile or edit the records involved prior to committing to the merge.
A new library setting, "Default Merge Profile (Z39.50 and Record Buckets)", specifies the merge profile to preselect in the new merge profile selectors in the record bucket merge and Z39.50 overlay logs. The selectors will also remember the last selection that the user made.
12.4. Circulation
12.4.1. Display Copy Alerts With In-House-Use
Two library settings are used to control the display of copy alert messages or copy location check in alerts when recording in-house-use in Evergreen.
Setting Display copy alert for in-house-use to true for an organization will cause an alert to appear with the copy’s alert message, if it has one, when recording in-house-use for the copy.
Setting Display copy location check in alert for in-house-use to true for an organization will cause an alert to display a message indicating that the item needs to be routed to its location if the location has check in alert set to true.
The settings are independent of one another because you may want to display one and not the other when recording in-house-use.
12.5. Client
12.5.1. Active Date Column Picker Option
The active date will now be available as a column picker option in the Item Status screen.
12.5.2. Punctuation Insensitive Patron Search
When performing a patron search, punctuation characters will be ignored. So if the patron is named O’Brien, then you can enter Obrien, O’Brien, O Brien, etc. in the search box.
This behavior affects the Last Name (internally: family_name), First Name (first_given_name), and Middle Name (second_given_name) fields of the search.
12.5.3. Touch screen improvements for Evergreen self-check interface
Improvements were made to the Evergreen self-check interface to make it easier to use in a touch-screen environment.
The pay fines link is now a pay fines button, matching other buttons on the page.
The checkboxes have been enlarged, making them easier to activate when using a touch screen.
12.5.4. Trial Production Use of the Web Staff Client
The new web staff client is ready for trial production use in all functional areas with the exception of serials and offline transactions. In addition to many bug fixes in the areas of circulation, cataloging, administration and reporting, Release 2.12 sees the following additions to web client functionality.
Acquisitions interfaces and functionality have been integrated into the web staff client.
Booking interfaces and functionality have been integrated into the web staff client.
Hatch, the program that will allow for unmediated printing to multiple printers, sharing of workstation settings, and, eventually, offline transactions is now available. A windows installer for Hatch will be available on the Evergreen-ILS Downloads page.
The Evergreen developers will keep pilot libraries updated about known web client issues by posting known bugs to https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=dev:browser_staff:known_issues .
About Hatch
Hatch is not required to use the web client, but should be used for workstations that need to perform the following tasks.
Unmediated printing to multiple printers. Workstations can print to multiple printers without Hatch, but will need to click through a dialog to select a printer. Hatch allows workstations to automatically print, without dialog, to different printers.
Storage of workstation settings in a place outside the browser. Storing local preferences in hatch will prevent tampering with preferences via the browser developer tools and protect the settings from possible deletion if the browser deletes settings in local storage.
When offline functionality is available, hatch will be required to perform offline transactions.
Hatch is currently run as a Chrome extension and is not available in Firefox. To use hatch on Windows, Evergreen sites should:
install a java runtime environment version 8 (or higher) if not already installed,
download and execute the installer from the Evergreen downloads page,
open Chrome and navigate to chrome://extensions,
enable Developer Mode along the top right of the page,
click the Load Unpacked Extension button,
load the directory at Hatch → extension → app,
In Windows, the default location for the app directory will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Hatch\extension\app
enable hatch features in the web client by going to Administration → Workstation Administration → Print/Storage Service ("Hatch") and choosing which services to use with Hatch.
this page will also inform you that hatch is connected.
12.6. Infrastructure
12.6.1. Client Timezone Awareness
Previously, adjusting the time zone in which a database session operates could not be done in any way except globally, directly within the database. However, allowing modification of the timezone parameter now supports localization efforts for those consortia that span multiple time zones.
CStore and other services that interact with the primary Evergreen database make use of the functionality provided by LP#1485371 in OpenSRF in order to set the time zone configuration parameter available in PostgreSQL. This has the effect of interpreting all timestamps written to or read from the database in the client’s time zone.
Within CStore (and related, C-based services), all stateful sessions make use of this capability, setting the database time zone upon a successful CONNECT message from the client. The time zone is reset to the database default when a session is terminated either due to client DISCONNECT or server keepalive timeout.
All stateless requests record the current database time zone, set the database time zone to that of the client’s, run the query, and then reset the database time zone on each request that carries a client time zone value. It is expected that this will not cause any noticeable increase in latency or query execution time, as this setting is local to the specific PostgreSQL server backend process.
Within the Storage service, the timezone will be set automatically by a simple wrapper method used by the existing method registration mechanism for method publishing. Disconnect and error callbacks are registered to revert the time zone setting within the database. This provides completely transparent time zone manipulation for backend services that make use of open-ils.storage.
12.7. Public Catalog
12.7.1. New Subject Browse Index Definitions
New subject browse index definitions have been added that display the entire heading as a unit with hyphens between terms instead of displaying individual terms separately.
For example, the browse heading for:
=650 \0$aCats$zUnited States$vCorrespondence.
will display in a single entry as:
Cats — United States — Correspondence
Rather than separate entries for Cats and United States.
Name subjects will continue to display as separate entries because additional work would be required for the heading to be punctuated correctly.
12.7.2. Advanced Search Limiters Enhancement
Advanced search limiters will no longer propagate to the basic search box in the catalog. Instead, the limiters applied to the search will appear underneath the search box where they can be easily cleared by clicking an x. On a small, mobile device, the advanced search limiters can be seen by clicking an x filter applied link.
The selected limiters will be applied to any search from the search bar until: * The user actively removes the filters from the search or * The user starts a new basic or advanced search from scratch.
12.7.3. Arabic and Right-to-Left Language Support for the catalog
New stylesheets and other changes to the catalog to allow for better support of right-to-left (RTL) languages, such as Arabic.
Also adds Arabic (Jordan) as a new supported language.
12.7.4. Ebook API integration
Evergreen 2.12 supports partial integration with third-party APIs provided by OverDrive and OneClickdigital. When ebook API integration is enabled, bibliographic records from these vendors that appear in your public catalog will include vendor holdings and availability information. Also, when a user is logged in, the public catalog dashboard and My Account interface will include information about that user’s checkouts and holds for supported vendors.
For API integration to work, you need to request API access from the
vendor and configure your Evergreen system according to the instructions
below. You also need to configure the new open-ils.ebook_api
This feature assumes that you are importing MARC records supplied by the vendor into your Evergreen system, using Vandelay or some other MARC import method. This feature does not search the vendor’s online collections or automatically import vendor records into your system; it merely augments records that are already in Evergreen.
A future Evergreen release will add the ability for users to check out titles, place holds, etc., directly via the public catalog.
Ebook API service configuration
This feature uses the new open-ils.ebook_api
OpenSRF service. This
service must be configured in your opensrf.xml
and opensrf_core.xml
config files for ebook API integration to work. See
and opensrf_core.xml.example
for guidance.
OverDrive API integration
Before enabling OverDrive API integration, you will need to request API access from OverDrive. OverDrive will provide the values to be used for the following new org unit settings:
OverDrive Basic Token: The basic token used for API client authentication. To generate your basic token, combine your client key and client secret provided by OverDrive into a single string ("key:secret"), and then base64-encode that string. On Linux, you can use the following command:
echo -n "key:secret" | base64 -
OverDrive Account ID: The account ID (a.k.a. library ID) for your OverDrive API account.
OverDrive Website ID: The website ID for your OverDrive API account.
OverDrive Authorization Name: The authorization name (a.k.a. library name) designated by OverDrive for your library. If your OverDrive subscription includes multiple Evergreen libraries, you will need to add a separate value for this setting for each participating library.
OverDrive Password Required: If your library’s OverDrive subscription requires the patron’s PIN (password) to be provided during patron authentication, set this setting to "true." If you do not require the patron’s PIN for OverDrive authentication, set this setting to "false." (If set to "true," the password entered by a patron when logging into the public catalog will be cached in plain text in memcached.)
OverDrive Discovery API Base URI and OverDrive Circulation API Base URI: By default, Evergreen uses OverDrive’s production API, so you should not need to set a value for these settings. If you want to use OverDrive’s integration environment, you will need to add the appropriate base URIs for the discovery and circulation APIs. See OverDrive’s developer documentation for details.
OverDrive Granted Authorization Redirect URI: Evergreen does not currently support granted authorization with OverDrive, so this setting is not currently in use.
For more information, consult the OverDrive API documentation.
To enable OverDrive API integration, adjust the following public catalog settings
in config.tt2
: set to "true". -
: set to "true". -
: list of regular expressions matching OverDrive URLs found in the 856$9 field of older OverDrive MARC records. As of fall 2016, OverDrive’s URL format has changed, and the record identifier is now found in the 037$a field of their MARC records, with "OverDrive" in 037$b. Evergreen will check the 037 field for OverDrive record identifiers; if your system includes older-style OverDrive records with the record identifier embedded in the 856 URL, you need to specify URL patterns with this setting.
OneClickdigital API integration
Before enabling OneClickdigital API integration, you will need to request API access from OneClickdigital. OneClickdigital will provide the values to be used for the following new org unit settings:
OneClickdigital Library ID: The identifier assigned to your library by OneClickdigital.
OneClickdigital Basic Token: Your client authentication token, supplied by OneClickdigital when you request access to their API.
For more information, consult the OneClickdigital API documentation.
To enable OneClickdigital API integration, adjust the following public catalog
settings in config.tt2
: set to "true". -
: set to "true". -
: list of regular expressions matching OneClickdigital URLs found in the 859$9 field of your MARC records. Evergreen uses the patterns specified here to extract record identifiers for OneClickdigital titles.
Additional configuration
Evergreen communicates with third-party vendor APIs using the new
module. This module is configured using
settings in opensrf.xml
. The default settings should work for most
environments by default, but you may need to specify a custom location
for the CA certificates installed on your server. You can also disable
SSL certificate verification on HTTPClient requests altogether, but
doing so is emphatically discouraged.
12.7.5. Links to Other Formats and Editions
The record summary pages in the catalog will now link to other formats and editions of a title. The links will allow users to quickly jump to another format of the title or an edition written in another language.
12.7.6. Metarecord Search Improvements
This release brings several improvement to the Group Formats and Editions search.
Limiters on the advanced search page can now be successfully applied to Group Formats and Editions searches,
Electronic resources are now retrievable through these searches,
Paged navigation has improved.
12.7.7. Allow Metarecord Search by default
Before the TPAC, a site could configure the public catalog to use metarecord searching by default, via a configuration file. Here we bring that back.
A new setting called search.metarecord_default is present in
to enable this feature. By setting this to
a true value (normally 1) the TPAC will silently include the #metabib search
modifier in the search form on any interfaces that do not have a UI component
that allows the user to control the setting.
12.7.8. RDA Improvements
Author fields are now normalized to strip ending periods so that authors from RDA and non-RDA records are collapsed in browse and facet headings.
All author/contributor roles will now display in the record detail page. Previously, some of the roles were omitted or were duplicated.
12.7.9. Obalkyknih.cz Integration
Evergreen now integrates with Czech added content provider obalkyknih.cz. A new
setting called obalkyknih_cz.enabled is available in
to enable this new feature.
13. 2.12.0 Acknowledgments
The Evergreen project would like to acknowledge the following organizations that commissioned developments in this release of Evergreen:
British Columbia Libraries Cooperative
Georgia PINES
King County Library System
Linn Libraries Consortium
Pennsylvania Integrated Library System
Pioneer Library System
We would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, translations, documentations patches and tests to this release of Evergreen:
Adam Bowling
Anahi Valdez
Ben Shum
Bill Erickson
Billy Horn
Blake Henderson
Bob Wicksall
Chris Sharp
Christine Burns
Christine Morgan
Clare Sobotka
Dan Pearl
Dan Scott
Dan Wells
Darrell Rodgers
Debbie Luchenbill
Eva Cerninakova
Fares Othman
Galen Charlton
Jakub Kotrla
Jane Sandberg
Jason Boyer
Jason Etheridge
Jason Stephenson
Jeanette Lundgren
Jeff Davis
Jeff Godin
Jennifer Pringle
Jillianne Presley
Jim Keenan
Job Diógenes Ribeiro Borges
Jonathan Schatz
Josh Stompro
Kate Butler
Kathy Lussier
Kyle Huckins
Linda Jansová
Michele Morgan
Michelle Purcell
Mike Rylander
Nawras Othman
Remington Steed
Rogan Hamby
Terran McCanna
Thomas Berezansky
Victoria Lewis
We also thank the following organizations whose employees contributed patches:
British Columbia Libraries Cooperative
Calvin College
Catalyst DevWorks
Emerald Data Networks, Inc.
Equinox Open Library Initiative
Georgia PINES
Indiana State Library
The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague
Jabok Library
Jordanian Library and Information Association
King County Library System
Lake Agassiz Regional Library
Laurentian University
Linn-Benton Community College
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
MOBIUS Consortium
North of Boston Library Exchange
Pioneer Library System
Rodgers Memorial Library
Traverse Area District Library
We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertently missed, please open a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/ with a correction.