1. Evergreen 3.0.13
This release contains bug fixes for regressions in Evergreen 3.0.12. All bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
1.1. Bug fixes
Removes the tooltip feature when you mouse over a grid cell because this feature degraded performance.
Fixes an issue with adding two or more copies in cataloging.
Fixes the inability to add copies from Item Status and Holdings View.
1.2. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.13 point release of Evergreen:
Jason Stephenson
Dan Wells
2. Evergreen 3.0.12
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.11. All bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
2.1. Bug fixes
Fixes an issue that caused catalog searches to fail after a new library was added to the org tree.
When you mouse over a grid cell in the client, a tooltip will display the full contents of the cell.
Fixes issues with columns in the Item Status, Holdings View, Checkout, Patron Bill, Recent Circ History,
Fixes various misspellings and capitalization issues in the interface.
Circulation staff can now override a patron block that is placed from Messages/Apply Penalty.
Fixes an issue with checking in hourly loans.
Staff can now approve pending patron addresses in the patron edit interface.
Prevents patron records from being merged with themselves.
Fixes a bug where the patron card dialog would not allow the user to change the primary barcode under certain circumstances.
Fixes issues with duplicate transit records.
Adds the transit cancel time to the Most Recent Transits section of the Item Status Holds / Transit tab.
Improvements to the Item Attribute Editor.
Staff can now set a default search box in the Z39.50 search interface.
Staff can now delete copy notes.
Fixes an issue in which transferring items and vol/items caused statistical categories to disappear.
In the MARC editor, the 007 physical characteristics wizard now has a different icon than the authority linker.
Protects backordered acquisitions items from having their catalog items deleted.
Fixes problems that occur when cloning a report template created in the XUL client.
Fixes bugs that caused activity metric data when performing searches.
Fixes an issue where the "Predict New Issues" button in the Serials module did not use the correct pattern.
The KPAC now respects the
2.2. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.12 point release of Evergreen:
John Amundson
Jason Boyer
Steven Callender
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Amy Constantino
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Jason Etheridge
Joan Kranich
Sam Link
Jeanette Lundgren
Kathy Lussier
Michele Morgan
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Dan Scott
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Jason Stephenson
Dan Wells
Beth Willis
3. Evergreen 3.0.11
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.10. All bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
3.1. Bug fixes
Several strings are now displayed in the correct translation.
Right clicking in grids results in more intuitive behavior.
Usernames and barcodes containging the % character no longer experience problems logging in.
Fixes cases in which the web client stops loading after the toolbar.
Fixes problems in which using the web client in multiple tabs leads to data inconsistency.
Fixes an issue that caused authentication session checks to spam the system and needlessly fill up logs.
Boolean fields within grid views now say "Yes"/"No" instead of "true"/"false".
Fixes sorting issues in the patron search.
Staff can now choose to print out only a selection of items out, instead of having to print them all.
The patron triggered event screen now respects the
library setting. -
Fixes an issue which caused an exception to be thrown during non-cataloged item checkout.
Fixes permission issues related to merging users.
The bibliographic record summary now displays the call number that matches the library’s classification system.
The copy editor now makes shelving locations visible to catalogers from other libraries as needed.
Once a record is overlayed in the Z39.50 screen, it is no longer marked for overlay.
Several fixes to the filters on the Holdings View screen.
Several fixes to how empty volumes are created and displayed.
Fixes to item and call number transfers.
Fixes several issues with the item status list view.
When adding new copies, the circulation library now defaults to the call number’s owning library.
Fixes display issues with the Print Item Labels page.
Fixes an issue in which the staff client and the OPAC displayed different counts of available items.
3.2. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.11 point release of Evergreen:
John Amundson
a. bellenir
Jason Boyer
Garry Collum
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Rogan Hamby
Kathy Lussier
Terran McCanna
Michele Morgan
Mike Rylander
Chris Sharp
Jason Stephenson
4. Evergreen 3.0.10
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.9. Note that all bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
4.1. Bug fixes
Fixes right-click issues with the Web client grids
Fixes an issue with the Default SMS Carrier in the patron edit form.
Fixes an issue that allowed overdue notices to be sent to a patron whose long overdue item has been paid for.
Checking in precat items now displays the "Route to Cataloging" alert each time the item is checked in.
Fixes an issue in which the Adjust to Zero feature does not close a checked-in lost circ.
Deleted copies that are still checked out can now be checked in.
Fixes a mislabeled column in the patron checkout grid.
Fixes an error with the missing pieces functionality.
Courier codes now display in the transit slip receipt preview.
The Item Status grid now displays OU shortnames instead of full names for the "Circulation Library" column.
The Volume/Copy editor now allows users to remove a value from the Age Hold Protection field.
Barcode completion now works in copy buckets.
The Z39.50 interface now notices when another record has been marked for overlay.
Fixes a display issue for the Remove MARC Field Groups checkboxes in the Z39.50 interface.
Fixes a performance issue for the Validate button in the MARC Editor.
Fixes an incorrect close tag in the Print Item Labels toolbar.
Better scoping of copy tags in search results.
Electronic Resource links now open in a new tab.
Fixes an issue with the fiscal year close-out operation.
Improves serials item deletes.
4.2. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.10 point release of Evergreen:
A. Bellenir
Adam Bowling
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Kathy Lussier
Terran McCanna
Michele Morgan
Jennifer Pringle
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Chris Sharp
Jason Stephenson
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
5. Evergreen 3.0.9
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.8. Note that all bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
5.1. Bug fixes
Fixes specific cases in which deleted records appear in search results.
Fixes a performance issue with deleting patrons.
The hold shelf dialog popup now lists the patron’s notification preferences.
Fixes an issue that prevented editing items when a monograph part is present.
Patron information is now available for use in the bills_current and bills_historical receipt templates.
The browser’s "This page may contain unsaved data" warning now appears when users click the update expire date button in a patron account and attempt to navigate away without saving.
The holds tab of the patron record now includes a monograph part column.
The barcode box in the checkout screen no longer hovers above patron record tabs when staff users scroll down.
Fixes an issue with the date of birth in the patron edit scren.
Fixes an issue with the dropdown of billing type options.
The Item Status screen now includes as a floating group column.
5.2. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.9 point release of Evergreen:
BC Libraries Cooperative
A. Bellenir
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Bill Erickson
Blake Graham-Henderson
Jeanette Lundgren
Kathy Lussier
Terran McCanna
Michele Morgan
Dan Pearl
Mike Rylander
Geoff Sams
Jane Sandberg
Chris Sharp
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Cesar Velez
6. Evergreen 3.0.8
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.7. Note that all bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
6.1. Bug fixes
6.1.1. Cataloging
The MARC editor now handles 008 fields better.
Adds spaces between subfields when suggesting a call number for a new volume.
MarcXML exports from the MARC Batch Import/Export → Export Records screen now downloads the file, rather than opening it in the browser.
The Item Status Circulation Library column now displays a shortname rather than the full library name.
The Item Status Remaining Renewals column now displays correctly.
The Item Status now has a "Last Renewal Workstation" column available.
Fixes the circulation counts displayed in Item Status Details.
Fixes an issue where multiple copies with different values for required statistical categories could not be edited and saved in batch.
Add an option to remove floating in the copy editor.
Fixes an issue with the floating dropdown in the copy editor.
Fixes a problem in which the copy template didn’t properly copy certain objects.
Reduces the number of API calls that the MARC Editor requires.
6.1.2. Circulation
Fixes an issue that prevented the offline patron registration screen from loading.
Fixes an issue with searching patrons by permission group.
The barcodes in the patron search are now clickable.
Staff members can now manually override the patron juvenile flag value, regardless of the patron’s date of birth.
Checkboxes on patron registration screen are now properly aligned with other fields.
The user permission group dropdowns in the patron registration, edit, and search interfaces now have scrollbars.
The date picker on the checkout screen is now hidden unless circ staff activates a specific due date option.
The check-in screen now includes a copy status column.
The Merge Patrons interface now displays the date of birth.
The user bucket screen now displays the Bucket ID.
The payment button on patron bills screen is now inactive if the Payment Received field is blank.
The Bill History receipt now includes a Finish date and a Last Payment date.
When a patron summary contains an image of the patron, that image tag now has a null alt attribute to remove it from the flow of a screen reader.
Corrects an issue that caused the transit dialog to show the wrong branch.
Corrects an issue with printing transit lists.
"Find another target" on transiting hold no longer leaves the copy "in-transit".
The images now display to distinguish hold and transit slips.
The Clearable Holds list printout now only shows holds that have expired.
Restores the call number prefix and suffix fields to the holds pull list.
The documentation at the top of the hold shelf slip template adds
. -
The cursor in the in-house use screen now automatically goes to the barcode field.
The in-house use screen now shows a copy status column.
Add support for converting change to patron credit in the patron bills interface, consistent with the XUL feature.
Fixes a bug that caused pickup/request library fields to be blank sometimes.
Fixes a bug in the offline org unit tree.
6.1.3. Command-line system administration
The novelist entry in
includes two new parameters. -
Corrects an issue with the
argument on theaction_trigger_runner.pl
support script. -
Corrects an issue with how the
script detects an existing lock file. -
The 3.0.2-3.0.3 upgrade script disables triggers before recalculating bib visibility.
6.1.4. Public catalog
Fixes an issue that caused records with located URIs to be retrieved in Copy Location and Copy Location Group searches.
Fixes an error message that appeared in the search box in the public catalog while placing hold after an advanced search.
Restores the display of copy information for the user’s preferred library in the public catalog.
Fixes regression errors in the search results page.
Removes redundant call numbers from the Show More Details search results.
The cast field in the catalog is now taken from the 511 field when first indicator = 1, rather than the 508.
Fixes a display issue caused by editing holds.
6.1.5. Serials
Fixes an issue that prevented users from searching for receivable issues using Database ID or ISSN in the Serials Batch Receive interface.
6.1.6. General
Adds some padding to the bottom of Web Client interfaces.
Logins now honor all org unit timeout settings.
Evergreen will now identify and handle invalid timezones.
Fixes an issue where a column header in some interfaces were automatically highlighted in green when retrieving the interface.
The parts column in the Item Status screen now displays parts data.
6.2. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.8 point release of Evergreen:
John Amundson
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Dawn Dale
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Lynn Floyd
Rogan Hamby
Kyle Huckins
Sam Link
Jeanette Lundgren
Kathy Lussier
Katie G. Martin
Terran McCanna
Michele Morgan
Dan Pearl
Mike Rylander
Laura Sachjen
Jane Sandberg
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Josh Stompro
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
Bob Wicksall
7. Evergreen 3.0.7
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.6.
Fixes a performance issue with the Patron Billing History screen and other screens that cause Flattener.pm to re-create joins unnecessarily.
Fixes an issue that prevented patron alerts from showing to staff at other libraries.
Corrects the "Holdable" attribute display on the Item Status detailed view.
Fixes the ability to delete multiple copies from Item Status.
7.1. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.7 point release of Evergreen:
Jason Boyer
Bill Erickson
Morkor Quarshie
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Kevin Tran
Dan Wells
8. Evergreen 3.0.6
This release is a security release that fixes cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the Evergreen public catalog. This release also includes several other bugfixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.5.
8.1. Security Issue: XSS Vulnerability in Public Catalog
This release fixes several cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
in the public catalog. When upgrading, Evergreen administrators should
review whether any of the following templates have been customized
or overridden. If so, either the template should be replaced with the
stock version or the XSS fix (which entails adding the | html
in several places) applied to the customized version.
Note that exploiting the XSS vulnerabilities fixed in this release would require either the ability to create maliciously-constructed MARC bibliographic or holdings records or the ability to set a maliciously constructed organizational unit name.
8.2. Other Bugfixes
Evergreen 3.0.6 also includes the following changes:
When using Selection Lists → Edit MARC Order Record in the web staff client, now only one click is required to save the MARC record rather than two.
The volume/copy editor in the web staff client now better handles editing multiple items that have different sets of statistical category values assigned to them.
The act of merging bibliographic records now updates bookbags that referred to the source bibliographic record rather than effectively deleting entries for that record.
Additional columns were added to the Holds Pull List in the web staff client.
The patron registration form in the web staff client now correctly manages setting user preferences.
An error in a pgTAP unit test was corrected.
8.3. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.6 security release of Evergreen:
Galen Charlton
Bill Erickson
Rogan Hamby
Kathy Lussier
Terran McCanna
Andrea Neiman
Mike Rylander
Dan Scott
Chris Sharp
Cesar Velez
9. Evergreen 3.0.5
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.4.
The MARC Editor in the Web staff client now wraps long fields.
The MARC Editor no longer allows catalogers to enter new lines into MARC subfields.
Fixes an issue that prevented serials items from being deleted or modified.
The Web staff client Check In screen no longer reloads the whole page multiple times each time an item is scanned.
Fixes an issue that displayed the oldest — rather than the newest — transit in the Web staff client Item Status page.
Fixes an issue that prevented the reports module from being displayed in the Web client.
Fixes an issue in the Web staff client reports module that caused syntax errors in reports that use virtual fields and joins.
Fixes an issue that prevented several dropdown menus in the Web staff client from activating.
Fixes an issue that created duplicate copy data when copies or volumes with parts were transferred.
Fixes the Trim List feature in the Web staff client Check In screen.
The Item Status grid now displays the Circulation Modifier.
Restores missing data from the Profile column in Place Hold patron search results.
Fixes an issue with the http → https redirect on Apache 2.4.
Fixes an color contrast accessibility issue in the Web staff client and adds underlining to links in grid cells for added accessibility.
Adds automated regression and unit tests for the Web staff client reports module.
Adds a process for spell-checking the official documentation.
Adds a script that simplifies the release process related to translations.
9.1. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.5 point release of Evergreen:
Galen Charlton
Jeff Davis
Blake Graham-Henderson
Kathy Lussier
Morkor Quarshie
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Dan Scott
Chris Sharp
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Kevin Tran
Cesar Velez
10. Evergreen 3.0.4
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.3:
Fixes a bug that caused all searches limited by shelving location to return 0 results.
Fixes a bug that caused EDI orders to be sent with the vendor’s SAN, rather than the ordering agency’s SAN.
Fixes a bug that prevented Safari/iOS users from logging in to the web client.
Fixes a bug that prevented users from using the browse interface.
Fixes a bug in the Item Status List view that caused incorrect due dates to display.
Approval code is now a required field in the web client’s patron credit card payment form.
Fixes a bug with credit card payments that caused a receipt to print showing that the patron paid the bill when the payment had not actually been applied.
Fixes a bug that prevented the EDI translator from being installed on Ubuntu 16.04.
Fixes a bug that caused entries to show up multiple times in the Items Out and Holds tabs in the patron record.
Fixes a bug that caused grids on Bills and Patron Messages screens to not display properly.
The following fields are now available for the Checkout and Items Out receipt templates:
The following fields are now available on the Bill Payment receipt templates:
Payment type is now a column in the payments tab of the patron record Bill History section.
The "Replace Barcode" function now makes it more difficult for staff members to attempt to create blank patron barcodes.
The patron bills screen now prevents staff members from double-clicking on the Apply Payment button (which otherwise would apply two payments).
Fixes a bug that prevented patrons attached to statistical categories from displaying in the patron search-to-hold dialog.
Fixes a performance issue related to uploading CSV files of barcodes to the item status and patron bucket interfaces.
Fixes several small bugs in the Spanish translation.
Fixes a performance bug related to patrons logging in by barcode.
10.1. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.4 point release of Evergreen:
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Bill Erickson
Jason Etheridge
Kathy Lussier
Terran McCanna
Mike Rylander
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
11. Evergreen 3.0.3
11.1. Upgrade Notes
The upgrade script for 3.0.3 contains a post-transaction command to forcibly update the visibility attributes of all bibs that make use of Located URIs or bib sources. It may take a while to run on large datasets. If it it running too long, it can be canceled and the following psql commands will create and run a script that will perform the same action serially over time without blocking writes to bibs:
\o /tmp/luri_visibility_update.sql
SELECT 'UPDATE biblio.record_entry SET ' ||
'vis_attr_vector = biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(id) ' ||
'WHERE id = ' || id || '; SELECT ' || id || ';'
FROM biblio.record_entry
FROM asset.call_number cn
WHERE NOT cn.deleted
AND cn.label = '##URI##'
FROM asset.uri_call_number_map m
WHERE m.call_number = cn.id
SELECT id FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE source IS NOT NULL
\i /tmp/luri_visibility_update.sql
It will output the id of each updated bib so that the script can be killed and then edited to remove completed bibs. The remainder can be run at a later time.
When the internal flag ingest.reingest.force_on_same_marc is enabled, we do NOT update the bib’s visibility attributes, as doing so causes a loop and an eventual trigger stack violation. This flag should ONLY be used when forcing reingest of record attributes (NOT visibility attributes), search, facet, and display fields, so if using this flag under normal operation, proceed at your own risk and know that Located URI and bib source changes will not be reflected in the visibility attributes of the record. |
11.2. Bug Fixes
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.1:
Fixes several issues related to the display of located URIs and records with bib sources in search results.
to false for a copy location group now hides only the location group itself, rather than also hiding every single copy in the group. -
Fixes a bug that prevented the copy editor from displaying the fine level and loan duration fields.
The "Edit Items" grid action in the Item Status interface will now open in the combined volume/copy editor in batch. This makes the behavior consistent with the "Edit Selected Items" grid action in the copy buckets interface.
Staff members are now required to choose a billing type when creating a bill on a user account.
The Web client now provides staff users with an alert and option to override when an item with the Lost and Paid status is checked in.
Fixes a bug where the Web client offline circ interface was not able to set its working location.
Fixes an issue that prevented the ADMIN_COPY_TAG permission from being granted.
The MARC editor in the Web staff client now presents bib sources in alphabetical order.
Both circulation and grocery bills are now printed when a staff user selects a patron account and clicks "Print Bills".
Fixes an issue in the XUL serials interface the "Receive move/selected" action from succeeding.
Fixes a typo in the user password testing interface.
11.3. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.3 point release of Evergreen:
Jason Boyer
Bill Erickson
Kyle Huckins
Jeanette Lundgren
Kathy Lussier
Michele Morgan
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Remington Steed
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
12. Evergreen 3.0.2
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.1:
Copy templates created in XUL Holdings Maintenance will now be automatically converted and displayed in the web staff client’s volume/copy editor.
The list of report templates now includes a column indicating whether the template was originally created in the XUL staff client or the web staff client; staff need to know this since report templates created in one interface cannot be edited in the other.
Call number prefixes and suffixes are now displayed in various grids in the web staff client, including
Pending Copy Buckets
Copy Buckets
Checkin/Capture Holds
Holds Shelf
Patron Bills History
Patron Checkout
Patron Holds
Patron Items Out
Copy Editor
In-House Uses
Renew Items
Bib Record View Holds
Transit List
Many patron fields have been redacted from the web staff client’s patron and record holds grids, leaving patron name, username, and ID.
Fixes two bugs where patron records could fail to be saved upon editing.
The web staff patron editor now better warns staff users about duplicate names, IDs, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Human readable labels are now displayed for certain fields in standing penalty records.
The patron summary in the web staff client now correctly displays primary and secondary ID values.
The web staff client’s billing full details page now displays information about the staff user that created a payment.
The web staff client now requires staff users to explicitly set a billing type when adding a manual bill.
The web staff client’s patron bill annotation modal now works.
Patron barcode search completion in the web staff client now allows the user to select from all of the matching patron records.
The Hold Shelf Slip print template in the web staff client now has access to the call number.
The Checkout Receipt print template in the web staff client now can include summary financial information, incuding current balance, total paid on outstanding fines, and total owed.
The web staff print templates for current and historical bills can now include copy barcode and title.
Fixes a bug that resulted in some catalog searches unexpectedly timing out.
Fixes a bug that resulted in catalog searches that specify a location limit returning incorrect results.
Fixes a bug where deleted copies could make records visible in the public catalog.
Fixes a bug where certain queries on copies used in the public catalog could be very slow.
Fixes a bug place a hold request in the public catalog could result in "forgetting" the type and library of the user’s previous search.
The web staff client now respects staff user session timeouts, and will log out all open tabs if a user’s session has timed out.
The web staff Z39.50 page will now give the staff user an alert if they attempt to import a record with a duplicate TCN.
Fixes a bug that prevented copy notes, copy tags, and copy bucket entries from being deleted.
Fixes a bug that made using the volume/copy editor to change a copy’s price problematic.
The administration interface for hard due dates now ensures that new (or edited) ceiling dates have their time component set to end of day, resolving an issue where ceiling dates would not be applied during the ceiling date itself.
The web staff client can now include dynamic information in browser tab titles, e.g., "Smith, Jane - Checkout".
The Concerto sample data set now includes data allowing for testing placing holds on monographic parts.
Asset merging during bibliographic record merging now correctly recognizes call number prefixes and suffixes and deletes disused call number records.
Fixes a bug where displaying user surveys could result in PCRUD drone starvation.
Fixes a bug where pg_restore of an Evergreen database could fail to create certain indexes on the
12.1. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.2 point release of Evergreen:
Andrea Neiman
Alex Cautley
Angela Kilsdonk
Ben Shum
Bill Erickson
Blake Henderson
Cesar Velez
Chris Sharp
Dan Scott
Dan Wells
Galen Charlton
Jane Sandberg
Jason Boyer
Jason Stephenson
Jeanette Lundgren
Jeff Davis
Jeff Godin
Kathy Lussier
Kyle Huckins
Michele Morgan
Mike Rylander
Remington Steed
Rogan Hamby
Skye Howard
Terra McCanna
13. Evergreen 3.0.1
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.0
Fixes a bug in the web staff client that prevented initials from being stored with copy notes.
Adds billing types that may have been missed by systems that were running Evergreen prior to the 1.4 release.
Fixes a web staff client bug with the CSV export option available from the Import Queue in the MARC Batch Import/Export interface.
Adds the missing copy alert field in the web client’s volume/copy editor.
Fixes a bug where the setting to require date of birth in patron registration was not being honored in the web staff client.
Fixes a bug in the web staff client patron registration form where the password wasn’t generating from the last four digits of the patron’s phone number.
Fixes an issue in the web staff client where the complete barcode did not display in some interfaces when partial barcodes were scanned.
Fixes an HTML error in the new copy tags that display on the record summary page.
Fixes a web staff client bug where recording a large number of in-house uses at one time doesn’t display a confirmation dialog once it hits the correct threshold.
Adds a Print Full Grid action in the web staff client holds pull list to allow staff to print the entire pull list as it displays on the screen. This change also changes the Export CSV action to an Export Full CSV option.
Fixes an issue with the Patron Messages interface that prevented it from saving column configuration changes in the web staff client.
Fixes a bug in the web staff client where a billing prompt did not correctly display after marking an item damaged in those systems that have enabled the setting to bill for damaged items.
Adds an option to the specific due date feature that allows saving that due date until logout. This allows all circulations from a given workstation to be due on the same date.
13.1. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.0.1 point release of Evergreen:
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Bill Erickson
Kyle Huckins
Jeanette Lundgren
Kathy Lussier
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Remington Steed
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
14. 3.0.0 Upgrade notes
The minimum version of PostgreSQL required to run Evergreen 3.0 is PostgreSQL 9.4. Evergreen 3.0 also requires OpenSRF 3.0.0 or later.
14.1. Change to Names of Shared Libraries
OpenSRF 3.0 changes how the shared libraries for services written in
C are named. If upgrading from an earlier version of Evergreen,
should be edited so that shared library file names
listed in the <implementation>
tag start with "lib". For example,
<open-ils.cstore> <language>C</language> <implementation>oils_cstore.so</implementation>
should be changed to:
<open-ils.cstore> <language>C</language> <implementation>liboils_cstore.so</implementation>
14.2. SIP Bugfix Requires SIPServer Upgrade
The fix for Launchpad Bug 1542495: "OpenILS::SIP::clean_text() can crash" requires that you also upgrade SIPServer with the fix for Launchpad Bug 1463943: "Non-ascii Unicode characters in messages cause SIP client problems." This means that if you use SIP2 with Evergreen, you must also upgrade SIPServer to the latest commit in the Git repository. Conversely, if you upgrade SIPServer to the latest commit in Git, you must also upgrade Evergreen or, at least, apply the patch for Launchpad Bug 1542495. These two patches are complementary and cannot be applied independently of one another.
14.3. open-ils.auth.login
The new open-ils.auth.login
API must be added to the list of <log_protect>
API’s in the opensrf_core.xml
Sample diff:
--- a/Open-ILS/examples/opensrf_core.xml.example +++ b/Open-ILS/examples/opensrf_core.xml.example @@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ Example OpenSRF bootstrap configuration file for Evergreen <log_protect> <match_string>open-ils.auth.authenticate.verify</match_string> <match_string>open-ils.auth.authenticate.complete</match_string> + <match_string>open-ils.auth.login</match_string> <match_string>open-ils.auth_proxy.login</match_string> <match_string>open-ils.actor.patron.password_reset.commit</match_string> <match_string>open-ils.actor.user.password</match_string>
14.4. RTL CSS Stylesheet
Administrators of Evergreen who use RTL locales and who have customized
should now incorporate their customizations into
14.5. Multi-Time Zone Installations
For Evergreen consortia that span more than one time zone, the following query will adjust all historical, unaged circulations so that if their due date field is pushed to the end of the day, it is done in the circulating library’s time zone, and not the server time zone.
It is safe to run this after any change to library time zones.
Running this is not required, as no code before this change has depended on the time string of 23:59:59. It is also not necessary if all of your libraries are in the same time zone, and that time zone is the same as the database’s configured time zone.
DO $$ declare new_tz text; ou_id int; begin for ou_id in select id from actor.org_unit loop for new_tz in select oils_json_to_text(value) from actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('lib.timezone',ou_id) loop if new_tz is not null then update action.circulation set due_date = (due_date::timestamp || ' ' || new_tz)::timestamptz where circ_lib = ou_id and substring((due_date at time zone new_tz)::time::text from 1 for 8) <> '23:59:59'; end if; end loop; end loop; end; $$;
15. Deprecation of XUL staff client
Starting with the release of 3.0.0, patches that fix XUL bugs will not be merged into master or backported unless they meet one or more of the following conditions:
the bug is a security issue
the bug involves the destruction of data
the bug is a regression of functionality in the XUL staff client introduced by other work done to Evergreen
Under no circumstances will XUL staff client feature enhancements be merged.
This policy will continue through the 3.0.x and 3.1.x maintenance release cycles, and will become moot upon the release of 3.2.0, when the XUL staff client is slated to be entirely removed.
16. 3.0.0 New Features
16.1. New Staff Client
Evergreen 3.0 features a new, modern staff client that runs in the web browser and can be used on desktop and mobile devices. All functional areas of the system, including circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, serials, reports, booking, administration, and offline circulation, are available in the new staff client. Chrome and Firefox are officially supported for use with the web client.
Library staff will no longer need to download separate software to perform most actions in Evergreen. A Chrome plugin called Hatch will be available as a separate installation for workstations that require seamless, dialog-free printing to multiple printers.
In addition to adding more portability and stability, the new staff client also presents a cleaner and more modern interface for users. By virtue of running in a browser, actions that users are accustomed to performing on other web sites should now be available in the Evergreen client.
The old, XUL client will continue to be available to allow for a gradual transition to the browser-based client, but no new features will be added. The old client will totally be removed from Evergreen in the Fall 2018 3.2.0 release.
16.2. Administration
16.2.1. New EDI Order Generator
New database tables exist for configuring vendor-specific EDI order attributes.
`acq.edi_attr .
List of EDI order generation toggles, e.g. "INCLUDE_COPIES" to add GIR segments
Collection of
edi_attr`s. Each edi_account may be linked to one `edi_attr_set
. -
per known vendor is added to the stock data, matching the stock configuration found in the JEDI template.
Link between `edi_attr`s and `edi_attr_set`s.
EDI Attribute Sets are manged via a new (browser client only) configuration interface at Administration → Acquisitions Administration → EDI Attribute Sets.
should be linked to anacq.edi_attr_set
. If a link is not set, default values will be used. Links between an EDI account and an attribute set are managed in the EDI Accounts configuration interface. -
Local modifications to the stock EG JEDI template are managed by modifying and/or adding additional `edi_att_set`s as needed.
A new
script is added which replaces the functionality ofedi_pusher.pl
is still available. -
After moving to
, the JEDI Action/Trigger event definition is no longer required and can be disabled.
EDI accounts have a new boolean field Use EDI Attributes (use_attrs
) that
specifies whether PO’s generated via the account should be built using
EDI attributes or fall back to traditional JEDI A/T template generation.
This allows sites to activate EDI attributes on a per-account basis, making it possible to migrate piecemeal to EDI attributes. For the initial roll out of this new feature, no accounts will be configured to use EDI attributes by default.
16.2.2. 3 Day Courtesy Notice by SMS
New optional SMS text notification to be sent out 3 days prior to the due date of any circulating item for patrons who have an SMS text number and carrier stored in their accounts. This action trigger is disabled by default, but can be enabled and modified by going into Administration → Local Administration → Notifications / Action Triggers.
You may wish to make use of granularity so that these messages are batched and sent at the same time each day.
16.2.3. Add Description Field to Circulation and Hold Configuration Entries
The circulation and hold policy configuration rules now each have a description field. This allows administrators to add comments to describe the purpose of each rule.
16.2.4. Apache Internal Port Configuration Option
Apache configuration now supports a new variable which allows admins to specify the port used by Apache to handle HTTP traffic. The value is used for HTTP requests routed from Perl handlers back to the same Apache instance, like added content requests. Use this when running Apache with a non-standard port, typical with a proxy setup. Defaults to "80".
<Location /eg> ... PerlSetVar OILSWebInternalHTTPPort "7080" ... </Location>
16.2.5. Configurable Bib Record Display Fields
Administration → Server Administration → MARC Search/Facet Fields have 2 new configuration fields: Display Field? and Display XPath.
When Display Field is set to true, data from the field will be extracted from each record and added to a new table of display data for each bib record.
If a value is present in the Display XPath field, this XPath will be applied to the extracted data after the base XPath (from the XPath field) is applied to each field.
This data acts as a replacement for the various and sundry ways bib record data is currently extracted, including inline XPath in the TPAC, reporter views, real-time MVR compilation from MODS, etc. and will be available to the user interface, notification templates, etc. for rendering bib records.
The browser client gets a new service egBibDisplay which is capable of translating the display field data from various formats into data more suitable for JavaScript usage.
The database gets 3 new views for representing display data in various formats:
List of all display fields linked to their configuration.
Same as
except there’s one row per display field type, with multi rows compressed into JSON arrays. Non-multi fields are represented as JSON strings/numbers.
Tabular view of display field data, one column per well-known field. Values are represented JSON, consistent with
. The view does not contain locally configured display fields, as each field must be encoded in the view and IDL definition. This is essentially a replacement forreporter.simple_record
After making changes to display field configuration, it’s possible to reingest only display field data in the database using the following:
SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(id, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::INT[] FROM config.metabib_field WHERE display_field)) FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE NOT deleted AND id > 0;
16.2.6. Fix COPY_STATUS_LONGOVERDUE.override Permission Typo
The existing permission was incorrectly created with a code of
, while the event thrown requires a
permission with a code of COPY_STATUS_LONG_OVERDUE.override
. This
update changes the permission code to match what the event requires.
16.2.7. Hold Targeter V2 Repairs and Improvements
Make the batch targeter more resilient to a single-hold failure.
Additional batch targeter info logging.
for log tracing -
Removes the confusingly named
The same behavior can be achieved by using
--retarget-interval "0s"
New --next-check-interval Option
Specify how long after the current run time the targeter will retarget the currently affected holds. Applying a specific interval is useful when the retarget-interval is shorter than the time between targeter runs.
For example, if the targeter is run nightly at midnight with a
--retarget-interval 36h
, you would set --next-check-interval
to 48hr
since the holds won’t be processed again until 48 hours later. This
ensures that the org unit closed date checks are looking at the correct
This setting overrides the default behavior of calculating the next retarget time from the retarget-interval.
New --soft-retarget-interval Option
This is a replacement for (and rebranding of) the --skip-viable
The new option allows for time-based soft-targeting instead simple binary
on/off soft-targeting.
How soft-targeting works:
Update hold copy maps for all affected holds
Holds with viable targets (on the pull list) are otherwise left alone.
Holds without viable targets are retargeted in the usual manner.
16.2.8. New marc_export --descendants Option
The marc_export
script has a new option, --descendants
. This option
takes one argument of an organizational unit shortname. It works much
like the existing --library
option except that it is aware of the
org. tree and will export records with holdings at the specified
organizational unit and all of its descendants. This is handy if you
want to export the records for all of the branches of a system. You
can do that by specifying this option and the system’s shortname,
instead of specifying multiple --library
options for each branch.
The --descendants
option can be repeated, as the --library
option can.
All of the specified org. units and their descendants will be included
in the output. It can also be combined with individual --library
options when necessary.
16.2.9. RTL and LTR Public Catalog Stylesheets Merged
The RTL stylesheet for the public catalog,
, has been merged into the LTR
one (templates/opac/css/style.css.tt2
). The combined stylesheet
template will provide RTL or LTR styles based on the value of
the rtl
flag of the active locale. An rtl
variable is also available
in the template to allow the correct style to be chosen.
16.2.10. Miscellaneous Improvements
If a filter is in effect in the Library Settings Editor, the filter will continue to be applied after a user changes the selected library.
Copy templates used for serials now correctly link to age protection rules and MARC item type values (for the "Circ as Type" field). During upgrade, the database update will set to NULL any age protection and circ as type fields in serial copy templates that do not point to defined values.
16.2.11. Obsolete Internal Flag Removed
An obsolete and unused ingest.disable_metabib_field_entry
flag was removed from the config.internal_flags
table. It was
rendered obsolete by the addition of the 3 flags to control the
browse, search, and facet indexing.
16.2.12. Tweaks to Caching/Expiry of Public Catalog Assets
The default cache expiration time for static assets (e.g.,
CSS, image, and JavaScript files) in the public catalog and
the Kid’s PAC has been increased to one year. Links to all
such assets now have a cache-busting value tacked on as a
query parameter. This value is refreshed when autogen.sh
run, but it can also be manually set by adjusting the
Template Toolkit variable.
16.2.13. Action/Trigger Events Data Purging
Action/Trigger event definitions have a new field called Retention Interval. When an optional interval value is applied, events and template output data linked to the event definition will be deleted from the database once they reach the specified age.
Retention Interval Restrictions for Passive Hooks
Restrictions are placed on retention interval values for event definitions using passive hooks to prevent data from being deleted while it’s still needed by the system.
The presence of event data is how the system knows not to send duplicate events. As long as a scenario exists where a duplicate event may be generated, the events must be retained.
To apply a retention interval value to a passive-hook event definition:
The event definition must have a max_delay value.
The retention interval must be larger than the difference between the
For example, if the delay
is 7 days and max_delay
is 10 days, the retention
interval must be greater than 3 days to ensure no duplicate events are
created between the first event on day 7 and the end of the event validity
window on day 10.
A new purge_at_events.sh
script is installed in the bin directory
(typically /openils/bin
) which should be added to CRON for regular
On large data sets, this script can take a long time to run and create higher than normal I/O load as it churns though the event and event_output tables. You may wish to run the script by hand the first time so it can be monitored. It can be run in psql like so: |
SELECT action_trigger.purge_events();
On very large data sets (10s to 100s of millions of event and
event_output rows), it may be advisable to first repopulate the event
and event_output tables with only the desired data before starting
regular purges. This can be done, for example, using the copy to temp
table, truncate source table, repopulate source table from temp table
approach. This will be much faster than the purge_events() function
in cases where most of the data will be purged. |
Hook Data Cleanup
A number of action_trigger.hook
entries which have always been treated
as active hooks, though are configured as passive hooks, have been
updated to properly reflect the non-passive-ness. This allows for
simpler configuration of their retention interval values.
16.2.14. Remove JSPAC Redirects
Future versions of Evergreen will no longer contain automatic redirects
from JSPAC URLs to TPAC URLs, with the exception of myopac.xml
, given
that the JSPAC is no longer supported. Existing sites, however, may
wish to retain JSPAC redirects in their Apache configuration files since
JSPAC URLs may still be used in the wild to access their catalogs.
The original JSPAC URL redirects are all retained in the file
for reference.
16.3. API
16.3.1. New open-ils.auth.login API
The open-ils.auth
service has a new API for requesting an authentication
token. It performs the same steps as the
and .complete
APIs in a single call,
using the bare password. No intermediate password hashing is required.
The paramaters are the same as the .complete
call with a few modifications.
Using the generic identifier parameter in combination with the org parameter allows the API to reliably determine if an identifier value is a username or barcode. The caller is no longer required to make that determination up front.
The nonce parameter is no longer used.
16.3.2. Batch Patron Contact Invalidation
The following methods are used to mark patron contact fields as invalid by moving the invalid value to a standing penalty:
These methods now accept a fifth argument specifying the value of the contact field, e.g., a specific phone number or email address. If supplied, and if a specific patron ID (the first argument) is not supplied, all patrons with that specific contact value will have it marked invalid.
16.4. Architecture
16.4.1. Pure-SQL catalog searching
Public and staff catalog search is now both more accurate and faster by redesigning how the visibility of records is calculated.
16.5. Cataloging
16.5.1. Authority Record and Headings Browse Improvements
Various improvements are made to support for authority records and headings browsing:
The MARC to MADS XSLT stylesheet is now used as part of parsing headings from authority records. Since the MODS and MADS stylesheets extract headings in similar ways, duplicate browse entries are now much less likely to occur.
A new configuration table,
, is now used to specify how headings should be extracted from authority records. -
Related headings can now be identified as narrower or broader when browsing in the public catalog.
See references are now more reliably included in the browse list.
Scope (public) notes now display only under the main heading.
There is now a global flag, Display related headings (see-also) in browse, that can be used to control whether related headings (see-alsos) are displayed in the public catalog list.
A complete set of thesauruses are now included in the seed data. Thesauruses can now be identified using short and long codes.
The labels for see and see-also references in the public catalog are a bit more patron-friendly, and can now be tweaked via TPAC template customization in the browse.tt2 file.
16.5.2. Copy Tags and Digital Bookplates
Copy tags will allow staff to apply custom, pre-defined labels or tags to copies. Copy tags are searchable in both the staff client and public catalog. This feature was designed to be used for Digital Bookplates to attach donation or memorial information to copies, but may be used for broader purposes to tag items.
Each copy tag can either be publicly-visible or visible only to staff. Copy tags also have types that can be used for restricting catalog searches on copy tags to particular types.
Copy tags are displayed in the copy table in the record summary page in the public catalog, and a new library setting can be used to add a "Digital Bookplate" search field. Copy tags can also be used as a search filter, e.g.,
copy_tag(bookplate, jane smith)
: search for records that have a copy tag of type bookplate whose value contains jane smith. -
copy_tag(*, jane smith)
: search for records that have a copy tag of any type whose value contains jane smith.
All staff-side interfaces related to copy tags exist only in the web staff client. There are two new administration interfaces for managing copy tags and copy tag types. The copy editor now has a Copy Tags button for applying copy tags to copies; that interface can also be used to create new copy tags on the fly. Furthermore, the copy buckets interface now has an Apply Tags action for assigning tags to groups of copies.
Two new permission are included:
: required to create a new tag type under Administration → Server Administration → Copy Tag Types -
: required to create a new tag under Administration → Local Administration → Copy Tags
The existing permission UPDATE_COPY
controls whether or not a user
can link copies to tags.
Library Settings
A new library setting, Enable Digital Bookplate Search, controls whether to display a Digital Bookplate field in the search index drop-downs in the catalog. A Digital Bookplate search will include all records that have a copy that matches the tag specified by the user. It should be noted that this library setting does not affect the display of copy tags on the catalog record summary page.
16.5.3. Include Call Number Prefixes and Suffixes in Export and Z39.50 output
The call number prefix and suffix, when present, are now included in
subfields $k and $m of the 852 field when running marc_export
the --items
switch. Similarly, when using Evergreen as a Z39.50
server configured to embed item data in 852 fields, the affixes are now
included in subfields $k and $m.
16.6. Circulation
16.6.1. Batch Editing of Patron Records
There is a now a new interface analogous to the Copy Bucket interface to select and group a set of users into a User Bucket. The addition of users to a User Bucket is possible from the Patron Search interface by the use of a new grid Action, and directly on the User Bucket interface by user barcode. It is also possible to add users to a User Bucket by uploading a text file that contains a list of user barcodes.
From this interface it is possible to perform a set of specific batch update operations on user records.
Editing Users
These fields can now be changed in batch via an action on the User Bucket
grid if the staff user has the UPDATE_USER
Active flag
Primary Permission Group (group application permissions consulted)
Juvenile flag
Home Library (
checked against both old and new value) -
Privilege Expiration Date
Barred flag (
permission consulted) -
Internet Access Level
Changes made in this interface can be rolled back.
As a batch process, rather than a direct edit, this mechanism explicitly skips processing of Action/Trigger event definitions for user update.
Deleting Users
The batch edit mechanism also allows for the batch deletion of user. The staff
user must have both the UPDATE_USER
Changes made in this interface can be rolled back.
As a batch process, rather than a direct edit, this mechanism explicitly skips processing of Action/Trigger event definitions for user deletion.
This mechanism does not use the Purge User functionality, but instead simply marks the users as deleted.
Editing Statistical Category Entries
All users in the bucket can have their Statistical Category Entries modified. Unlike user data field updates, modification of Statistical Category Entries is permanent and cannot be rolled back.
As a batch process, rather than a direct edit, this mechanism explicitly skips processing of Action/Trigger event definitions for user update.
New Service Requirement
This new functionality makes use of the QStore service (open-ils.qstore
), which was previously
unused in production. If this service has been removed from the configuration
of a live Evergreen instances, it will need to be added back in order for
batch user editing to succeed.
16.6.2. Honor Timezone of the Acting Library
Display day-granular due dates in the circulating library’s timezone.
Only display the date portion of the due date for day-granular circulations.
Display the full timestamp, in the client’s timezone rather than the circulation library’s, for hourly circulations.
Provide infrastructure for more advanced formatting of timestamps.
Override the built-in AngularJS date filter with an implementation that uses moment.js, providing consistency and better standards compliance.
This is a followup to the work done for 2.12, where we added the ability for the client to specify a timezone in which timestamps should be interpreted in business logic and the database.
Most specifically, this work focuses on circulation due dates and the closed date editor. Due dates, where displayed using stock templates (including receipt templates) and used for fine calculation, are now manipulated in the library’s configured timezone. This is controlled by the new lib.timezone setting available via the Library Settings Editor, loaded from the server when required. Additionally, closings are recorded in the library’s timezone so that due date calculation is more accurate. The closed date editor is also taught how to display closings in the closed library’s timezone. Closed date entries also explicitly record if they are a full day closing, or a multi-day closing. This significantly simplifies the editor, and may be useful in other contexts.
To accomplish this, we use the moment.js library and the moment-timezone addon. This is necessary because the stock AngularJS date filter does not understand locale-aware timezone values, which are required to support DST. A simple mapper translates the differences in format values from AngularJS date to moment.js.
Of special note are a set of new filters used for formatting timestamps under certain circumstances. The new egOrgDateInContext, egOrgDate, and egDueDate filters provide the functionality, and autogrid is enhanced to make use of these where applicable. egGrid and egGridField are also taught to accept default and field-specific options for applying date filters. These filters may be useful in other or related contexts.
The egDueDate filter, used for all existing displays of due date via Angular code, intentionally interprets timestamps in two different ways WRT timezone, based on the circulation duration. If the duration is day-granular (that is, the number of seconds in the duration is divisible by 86,400, or 24 hours worth of seconds) then the date is interpreted as being in the circulation library’s timezone. If it is an hourly loan (any duration that does not meet the day-granular criterium) then it is instead displayed in the client’s timezone, just as all other timestamps currently are, because of the previous Evergreen timezone work.
The public catalog is adjusted to always display the due date in the circulating library’s timezone. Because the public catalog displays only the date portion of the due date field, this difference is currently considered acceptable. If this proves to be a problem in the future, a minor adjustment can be made to match the egDueDate filter logic.
Now that due dates are globally stored in the configured timezone of the circulating library, the automatic adjustment to day-granular due dates needs to take those timezones into account.
An optional SQL command is provided by the upgrade script to retroactively adjust existing due dates after library configuration is complete.
16.6.3. Enhancements to Hard Due Date Functionality
It will now be possible to delete Hard Due Date Values for dates that have passed. Also, the Hard Due Date updater will no longer change Ceiling Dates to a past date. This allows editing Ceiling Dates directly in a Hard Due Date as well as scheduling Ceiling Date changes via Hard Due Date Values.
16.6.4. Patron Search by Birth Date
Now you can include the patron birth year and/or birth month and/or birth day when searching for patrons using the web staff client.
Day and month values are exact matches. E.g. month "1" (or "01") matches January, "12" matches December.
Year searches are "contains" searches. E.g. year "15" matches 2015, 1915, 1599, etc. For exact matches use the full 4-digit year.
16.6.5. Patron Search from Place Hold
This feature allows staff members, when placing a hold on behalf of a patron in the web staff client, to search for patrons by names and other searchable patron information, rather than relying on barcode alone. In particular, after performing a catalog search or going to a specific bib record and clicking the Place Hold button, the form now includes a Patron Search button. This button will open a dialog allowing the staff member search for and select a patron record.
16.6.6. Retrieve Recent Patrons
Adds a new library setting Number of Retrievable Recent Patrons (ui.staff.max_recent_patrons) that specifies the number of recently retrieved patrons that can be re-fetched from the staff client.
A value of 0 means no recent patrons can be retrieved. A value greater than 1 means staff will be able to retrieve multiple recent patrons via a new Circulation Retrieve Recent Patrons menu entry.
The default value is 1 for backwards compatibility.
16.6.7. Fuller title in XUL client Simplified Pull List
The Simplified Pull List in the XUL client will now display subfields 245$n and $p in the title field. The addition will make it easier for staff to distinguish between different parts or seasons in a series.
16.6.8. Transit Cancel Time and Terminology Change
Transit Cancel Time
Previously, Evergreen deleted canceled (aborted) transits from the database. Now
the rows in action.transit_copy
, action.hold_transit_copy
, and action.reservation_transit_copy
are preserved in the database, though still not visible to the end user in the staff client.
This allows for better tracking of when transits are canceled for the purposes of knowing
which staff member canceled the transit, etc.
This change may require the re-creation of transit reports to filter out canceled transits from the results. Cloning the template and adding a Base Filter of Cancel Time Is NULL will suffice. |
"Canceled Transit" Terminology Change
The term "abort" has been replaced with "cancel" in all of the affected user interfaces. For internal continuity, however, the following permission codes have not changed:
16.7. Client
16.7.1. Offline Circulation Available in Web Staff Client
Offline circulation is now available in the web staff client. In order to use the offline interface, users must first log into the web staff client, perform a patron search, select a user from the results, and open the patron editor interface to collect all the relevent configuration information for the workstation. In addition, the offline interface available from the Circulation menu provides a Download block list button for users who are logged in.
As is the case in the old staff client, users can check materials in and out, renew items, and create new patron accounts while offline. The patron fields available in the offline patron registration editor are the same ones that are available to staff when working online.
16.7.2. Add Circ Modifier to Record Detail Page in Staff TPAC
The circulation modifier field is added to the table of copies to make more information available to staff without having to open the Holdings View.
16.7.3. Date+Time Format Settings for Web Client
This change deprecates the existing Format Dates and Format Times settings and adds two settings for use with the webstaff client:
Format Dates with this pattern
Format Date+Time with this pattern
These settings use format strings as documented here:
There is overlap with how the Dojo formats worked, but also some differences.
The original Format Dates and Format Times settings worked together, but the new settings work independently. Certain field elements will use one, and certain field elements will use the other. These distinctions are hard-coded in the various UI templates, with the idea being that timestamp fields in which the date component alone is sufficient information (for example, date of birth) will use the Format Dates setting. Fields where the time component is important (for example, checkout time) will use the Format Date+Time setting.
When the settings Format Dates and Format Date+Time are unset, we will default to "shortDate" (M/d/yy) and "short" (M/d/yy h:mm a), respectively.
16.7.4. Global Option to Remove Sound for a Specific Event
A new nosound.wav
file has been added to the web client. The file can be used
to globally disable audio alerts for a specific event on an Evergreen system.
For example, to silence the alert that sounds after a successful patron search:
mkdir -p /openils/var/web/audio/notifications/success/patron/ cd /openils/var/web/audio/notifications/success/patron/ ln -s ../../nosound.wav by_search.wav
16.8. Documentation
The official Evergreen manual has been split into eight new manuals, each designed for a specific audience. This new approach is designed to make the documentation more readable and usable.
The specific audiences for the new manuals are:
Acquisitions staff
Circulation staff
Cataloging staff
Public services staff who use the public catalog
Serials staff
System administrators who use the command line
System administrators who use the Web client
System administrators and programmers who wish to integrate Evergreen with other technologies
All manuals are available at http://docs.evergreen-ils.org
16.9. Public catalog
16.9.1. Improvements to ebook API
Evergreen now supports checking out and placing holds on OverDrive and OneClickdigital ebook titles from within the public catalog. This is an experimental feature. It is not recommended for production use without careful testing.
When ebook integration is enabled, a "Check Out E-Item" link will be displayed when viewing an ebook title from a supported vendor in the catalog. Clicking on the link allows the user to check out and download that title from the vendor directly within the catalog.
If no copies are available for the title, a "Place Hold on E-Item" link is displayed instead, and the user may place a hold on the title. (Note that some vendors require the user’s account to have an email address before permitting a hold.)
My Account includes the ability to view current ebook checkouts and holds, download already-checked-out titles, and cancel holds.
For API integration to work, you need to request API access from the vendor, and the vendor must have a way of authenticating your patrons. Your Evergreen system also needs to be configured for ebook API integration, following the instructions in the command line system administration manual
This feature assumes that you are importing MARC records supplied by the vendor into your Evergreen system, using Vandelay or some other MARC import method. This feature does not search the vendor’s online collections or automatically import vendor records into your system; it merely augments records that are already in Evergreen.
16.9.2. Improvements to Bill Payment Pages
The bill payment pages in the public catalog have been revamped to
use the term "charges" instead of "fees"
include images of credit cards accepted
make the default print receipt template match other itemized receipts; note that this change is not automatically applied when upgrading.
display billing type
add button to pay only selected charges
reformat the credit card number input page
16.9.3. Clickable Copy Locations
Adds a URL field to the copy locations editor. When a URL is entered in this field, the associated copy location will display as a link in the public catalog summary display. This link can be useful for retrieving maps or other directions to the copy location to aid users in finding material.
16.9.4. Download Checkout History CSV Fixed for Large Number of Circulations
Downloading checkout history as a CSV from My Account has been fixed for users with a large circulation history. Previously, this would time out for patrons with more than 100 or so circulations.
This feature no longer uses the action/trigger mechanism and the public catalog now generates the CSV directly. The old action/trigger code is still present in the database and should be removed at some point in the near future.
16.9.5. Google Books Preview Rewrite
The Google Books Preview functionality in record detail pages has been rewritten to modernize its style and optimize its performance:
The Dojo JavaScript framework is no longer used, saving approximately 150K of JavaScript and CSS and four network requests per page load.
The Embedded Viewer is not loaded unless a possible preview is found, saving more network and memory overhead.
The Google Books Loader is used to load the Embedded Viewer instead of the deprecated Google Loader.
All variables are self-contained and do not pollute the global namespace.
Event listeners are registered to handle clicks, rather than attaching
to <a> elements. -
Book previews are displayed in a panel sized according to the viewport of the browser, improving its appearance on both mobile and desktop browsers.
The rewritten code is now served up directly from
rather than as a TT2 template.
16.9.6. jQuery for the Public Catalog
This release adds optional support for jQuery in the public catalog. This support
is enabled by setting the ctx.want_jquery
variable to a true value in the
16.9.7. New Popularity Parameters
New popularity parameters for in-house use over time and for count of distinct organizational units that own a title are now available. Evergreen sites can use these parameters to create new statistical popularity badges for sorting in the catalog by Most Popular or by Popularity-Adjusted Relevance.
The in-house use parameters will apply a badge to titles that have the most in-house use activity over time. The organizational unit count parameter will apply a badge to titles owned by the most number of libraries in a consortium. Ownership is determined by the copy’s circulation library.
16.9.8. Option to Suspend Holds at the Time They are Placed
Users now have the option to suspend a hold at the same time they place the hold. The Place Hold screen has a checkbox that can be enabled for users who want to suspend a hold at the time it is placed. There is also an option to set the activation date at the same time. This option is also available when placing holds on a batch of titles from My List and will apply to all the titles in the batch.
16.10. Reports
16.10.1. Fix to reporter.classic_current_circ View
The reporter.classic_current_circ
view, which is part of some
extra views defined in Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/example.reporter-extension.sql
has been fixed to not exclude loans for patrons who do not have a
billing address set. Users of this view should rerun
during upgrade.
16.10.2. New Report Source Table Allowing Report of "Last" Deleted copy
This source table allows you to construct a clever aggregate report template which will report bibliographic IDs where a library or a group of libraries no longer have a copy attached but had a copy attached. This is especially useful when a holdings sync is required with an external vendor.
Instructions for creating a report template with this source:
Create a new report template using "Library Holdings Count with Deleted" as the source
Add "Has Only Deleted Copies 0/1" (Min) to the Aggregate Filters → Change Value to "1"
Add "Last Edit Date" (Max) to Aggregate Filters. In Aggregate Filters, change the operator to "Between"
Add Circulation Library → "Organizational Unit ID" to Base Filters, with the Raw Data transform. In the list of Base Filters, change the operator to "In list"
Add "Bib ID" to Displayed Fields
Add "Last Edit Date" to Displayed Fields and Change Transform to Max
Add "Has Only Deleted Copies 0/1" to Displayed Fields and Change Transform to Min
Add "Total copies attached" to Displayed Fields and Change Transform to Sum
This template will only output bibliographic IDs where all of the copies for the specified branch(es) are deleted. Furthermore, it will only output bibs whose copies were edited (deleted) during the specified date range. Unfortunately the user will have to manually type the date range without the date picker. This view will also allow you to answer questions like "Show me bibs where I have one visible copy and more than two deleted copies."
16.10.3. Add Provider to Provider Note Link
The Provider reporting source now includes a link to the Provider Note reporting source.
16.10.4. Link ILS User and Working Location Reporting Sources
The Working Location reporting source now has labels and it is now linked to the ILS User reporting source, allowing reports to display or filter on staff working location.
16.10.5. New Circulation Report Source "All Circulation Combined Types"
This report source will allow you to create a single report template for all of the following:
In-house uses
In-house uses of non-cataloged items
Circulations of non-cataloged items
To distinguish between these different types of library use, it’s important to display these columns in your report templates:
Item Type
Circulation Type
16.10.6. Reports Template Searching
A new form appears along the top of the reports interface for searching report templates. Once found, typical template actions (e.g. create new report) are available from within the results interface.
Searches may be performed across selected (visible) folders or all folders visible to the logged in user.
Searches are case-insensitive, any word order, with left-anchored words. All searched words must appear in at least one of the searched fields.
Searching for stat cat matches:
stat cat
statistical category
categories, statistical
patrons (stat cat)
Searching for stat cat does not match:
both words must be present in the searched field(s)
stat location
location contains cat but it’s not left-anchored.
Reporter Paging
The templates, reports, and output interfaces now support paging via new Next, Prev, and Start links next to the output limit selector.
16.11. Serials
16.11.1. Web Staff Client Serials Module
The serials module has been ported over to the web staff client, implementing a unified serials interface that combines ideas from both the serial control view and alternate serials control view from the old staff client.
In addition to carrying over functionality that was available in the old staff client, several new features are included:
the ability to save prediction pattern codes as templates that can be shared and reused within an Evergreen database
a more streamlined interface for managing subscriptions, distributions, and streams
it is no longer necessary to create a starting issue in order to predict a run of issues; the dialog box for generating a set of predicted issues now lets you specify the starting point directly.
the ability to more directly edit MFHDs
The new serials interfaces can be accessed from the record details page via a Serials drop-down button that links to a subscription management page, a quick-receive action, and a MFHD management page. There is also a new Serials Administration page where prediction pattern and serial copy templates can be managed.
16.12. SIP
16.12.1. SIP Bugfix Changes How Encoding Is Determined in Configuration
The combined fix for the above mentioned SIP bugs alters the way that
SIPServer looks up the output encoding in the configuration file (typically
). SIPServer now looks for the encoding in the following
attribute on theaccount
element for the currently active SIP account. -
element that is a child of theinstitution
element of the currently active SIP account. -
element that is a child of theimplementation_config
element that is itself a child of theinstitution
element of the currently active SIP account. -
If none of the above exist, then the default encoding (ASCII) is used.
Number 3 is provided to ease the transition to the new code. It is
the current location of the encoding
element in the sample
configuration file and as such, where it is likely to be found in
actual files. It is recommended that you alter your configuration to
move this element out of the implementation_config
element and into
its parent institution
element. Ideally, SIPServer should not look into
the implementation config, and this check may be removed at some time
in the future.
17. Acknowledgments
17.1. Web Client Acknowledgments
The project to develop a new browser-based web client launched four years ago at the September 2013 Evergreen developer hack-a-way when the developer community voted to move away from the XUL client and explore other platforms. The first web client preview became available in Evergreen 2.7 when circulation was available in the new platform.
The browser-based client is available due to the work of many coders, testers, bug reporters, documentors, translators, project managers, spec writers, funders and other contributors over the past four years.
The Evergreen project would like to acknowledge the following organizations that funded development of the Web Staff Client:
British Columbia Libraries Cooperative
Consortium of Ohio Libraries
Georgia Public Library Service
Grand Rapids Public Library
The Howe Library
Kenton County Public Library
King County Library System
NC Cardinal
Pennsylvania Integrated Library System
Pioneer Library System
The Evergreen project would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, translations, documentation patches, tests, bug reports, technical specifications, and project management to the Web Staff Client:
Jason Boyer
Adam Bowling
Christine Burns
Steve Callender
Eva Cerniňáková
Galen Charlton
Dawn Dale
Jeff Davis
Grace Dunbar
Bill Erickson
Jason Etheridge
Lynn Floyd
Sally Fortin
Jeff Godin
Rogan Hamby
Elaine Hardy
Blake Henderson
Billy Horn
Skye Howard
Kyle Huckins
Linda Jansová
Tina Ji
Mary Jinglewski
Angela Kilsdonk
Joan Kranich
Victoria Lewis
Mary Llewelyn
Jeanette Lundgren
Kathy Lussier
Terran McCanna
Christine Morgan
Michele Morgan
Stephen Moss
Andrea Neiman
Nawras Othman
Freddy Enrique Pelayo Huapalla
Jillianne Presley
Jennifer Pringle
Michelle Purcell
Erica Rohlfs
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Janet Schrader
Dan Scott
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Clare Sobotka
Tim Spindler
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Josh Stompro
Yamil Suarez
Amy Terlaga
Scott Thomas
Anahi Valdez
Cesar Velez
Jessica Venturo
Dan Wells
Beth Willis
Tigran Zargaryan
17.2. Evergreen 3.0 Acknowledgments
The Evergreen project would like to acknowledge the following organizations that commissioned developments in this release of Evergreen:
British Columbia Libraries Cooperative (BC Sitka)
Georgia Public Library Service
King County Library System
Pennsylvania Integrated Library System
Pioneer Library System
We would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, translations, documentation patches, and tests to this release of Evergreen:
Adam Bowling
Jason Boyer
Eva Cerniňáková
Galen Charlton
Dawn Dale
Jeff Davis
Martha Driscoll
Bill Erickson
Jason Etheridge
Lynn Floyd
Jeff Godin
Rogan Hamby
Blake Henderson
Billy Horn
Skye Howard
Kyle Huckins
Linda Jansova
Tina Ji
Pasi Kallinen
Angela Kilsdonk
Debbie Luchenbill
Jeanette Lundgren
Kathy Lussier
Terran McCanna
Christine Morgan
Michele Morgan
Andrea Neiman
Bill Ott
Suzanne Paterno
Dan Pearl
Jillianne Presley
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Dan Scott
Srey Seng
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Josh Stompro
Scott Thomas
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
Liam Whalen
Beth Willis
We also thank the following organizations whose employees contributed patches:
British Columba Libraries Cooperative
Calvin College
Emerald Data Networks, Inc.
Equinox Open Library Initiative
Georgia PINES
Grand Rapids Public Library
Indiana State Library
Jabok Library
King County Library System
Lake Agassiz Regional Library
Laurentian University
Linn-Benton Community College
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
MOBIUS Consortium
North of Boston Library Exchange
Pennsylvania Integrated Library System
Pohjois-Karjalan Tietotekniikkakeskus Oy
Traverse Area District Library
We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertently missed, please open a bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/ with a correction.