1. Evergreen 3.2.10
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.2.9.
1.1. Bug Fixes
Fix MARC View Display Issues (Bug 1843637)
Add missing columns to patron record (Bug 1739607)
Mark the permission.grp_descendants database table as STABLE (Bug 1768141)
Webstaff locale picker repairs (Bug 1560805)
Assign copy alert permissions (Bug 1811442)
Fix issue where reports interface was partially loaded (Bug 1845050)
Handle autorenewals when aging circulations (Bug 1840669)
Default circulation auto_renewal field to FALSE (Bug 1839002)
Add missing Auto Renewal fields to the IDL (Bug 1835577)
Refactor auto_renewal back end code (Bug 1835035)
Update Item Status templates for auto-renewal (Bug 1835085)
Improve permissions when editing user accounts (e.g. editing your own account) (Bug 1842940)
Reduce the cost of utility functions, speeding up search (Bug 1836963)
Fixes Current Date in Date Returned in Circ History CSV (Bug 1813056)
Fix Last Captured Hold Check for Holds Shelf (Bug 1827250)
Only include OPAC-visible copies in SRU/Z39.50 holdings (Bug 1609556)
Re-alphabetize Local & Server Administration Links (Bug 1803790)
Allow saving Bill Full Details grids (Bug 1729435)
Improve usability of Patron Bill History date selector (Bug 1841089)
Fix when the "duplicate barcode" alert appears (Bug 1777698)
Fix paging of pending patrons (Bug 1749970)
Check bib visibility for located URI auto suggest (Bug 1802952)
Patron Prefix and Suffix Display in Summary (Bug 1821969)
Do not include Tag Owner in Tag (Bug 1825403)
Avoid hard-coded paths in Apache config (Bug 1844720)
Require some Storage submodules instead of use them (Bug 1835620)
Remove extra grid refresh from configuration load (Bug 1846038)
1.2. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, testing and documentation patches to the 3.2.10 point release of Evergreen:
Bill Erickson
Chris Sharp
Dan Briem
Dan Wells
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Jane Sandberg
Jason Boyer
Jason Stephenson
Jeff Davis
Jeff Godin
Jennifer Pringle
John Amundson
Josh Stompro
Kyle Huckins
Michele Morgan
Mike Rylander
Remington Steed
Terran McCanna
2. Evergreen 3.2.9
This release is a security release that fixes cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the Evergreen public catalog. This release also includes several other bugfixes improving on Evergreen 3.2.8.
2.1. Security Issue: XSS Vulnerability in Public Catalog
This release fixes several cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
in the public catalog. When upgrading, Evergreen administrators should
review whether any of the following templates have been customized
or overridden. If so, either the template should be replaced with the
stock version or the XSS fix (which entails adding the | html
in several places) applied to the customized version.
They should also review the following templates. If these templates have
been customized or overridden, either the template should be replaced with
the stock version or the XSS fix (which entails adding rel="nofollow
external links) applied to the customized version.
2.2. Other Bugfixes
Evergreen 3.2.9 also includes the following changes:
2.2.1. General
Users can now save sort priorities for grids throughout the client (Bug 1790169)
2.2.2. Circulation
Default hold transit slips no longer include patron’s personal information (Bug 1735847)
Fixes an issue with the reshelving process (Bug 1018011)
2.2.3. Reports
Fixes issues related to cloning templates made in the XUL client (Bug 1796945)
2.3. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.2.9 security release of Evergreen:
Thomas Berezansky
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Jeff Davis
April Durrence
Jason Etheridge
Blake Graham-Henderson
Andrea Buntz Neiman
Debbie Luchenbill
Dan Pearl
Jane Sandberg
Dan Scott
Chris Sharp
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Dan Wells
Derek C. Zoladz
3. Evergreen 3.2.8
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.2.7. All bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
3.1. Bug fixes
3.1.1. General
Accessibility improvements to the date picker calendar button (Bug #1796903)
Blank values in CSV grid downloads now show as blank instead of reading null (Bug #1766982)
Fixes invalid language codes in the staff client and KPAC (Bug #1802593)
Fixes display issue with menus at certain screen resolutions (Bug 1813078)
Removes duplicate columns from several grids (Bug 1683385)
Adds a login failed message to the Angular sign in screen when appropriate (Bug 1834969)
3.1.2. Acquisitions
Adds fund year to Distribution Formula fund dropdown menu (Bug 1329920)
3.1.3. Cataloging
Extra whitespace in 856$9 subfields no longer prevents located URIs from being displayed in electronic resource records. (Bug #1722827)
Fixes issue in Item Status import where spaces or empty lines in barcode files caused an import failure (Bug #1798187)
The Item Status list and detail views now have the same actions available. (Bug #1775920)
Adds record summary display to merge records (Bug #1739292)
Fixes issue in Bucket grids where grid configurations were not saving correctly (Bug# 1805895)
"Local catalog" is now at the top of the list of Z39.50 sources. (Bug #1787676)
Fixes issue with authority_control_field.pl script (Bug #1650409)
Fixes an issue with the "Retrieve Last Bib Record" action. (Bug #1830424)
Fixes an issue with the Edit buttons in the Merge Records interface. (Bug #1836229)
Fixes an issue with the Clear button in the holdings template editor. (Bug #1803584)
3.1.4. Circulation
Fixes slowness issues with checkin and checkout grids (Bug #1777207)
Fixes an issue that allowed staff to renew items to dates in the past. (Bug #1034058)
Fixes an error that occured when checking in lost items when a certain setting was enabled. (Bug #1511765)
Fixes an issue that caused the money summary to be missing from the patron record Bills tab. (Bug #1800484)
Multiple improvements to the Mark Damaged Popup. (Bugs #1759864 and #1742523)
3.1.5. Development
Updates to the Angular client’s .editorconfig file. (Bug #1838136)
3.1.6. Public catalog
Accessibility improvements to form fields. (Bug #1735768)
3.1.7. Reports
Users can now hard code a list of filter values in a report template (Bug #1785061)
Fixes an issue that caused column labels to re-sort when deleting fields in a template. (Bug #1751800)
Fixes column type for Billing Totals and Billing Paid columns (Bug #1681930)
3.2. Acknowledgments
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, testing and documentation patches to the 3.2.8 point release of Evergreen:
Kristy Bauman
Jason Boyer
Dan Briem
Andrea Buntz Neiman
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Dawn Dale
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
James Fournie
Rogan Hamby
Kyle Huckins
Cheyenne Jones
Tiffany Little
Jeanette Lundgren
Geoff Sams
Jane Sandberg
Chris Sharp
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Josh Stompro
Meg Stroup
Dan Wells
Beth Willis
4. Evergreen 3.2.7
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.2.6. All bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
4.1. Bug fixes
4.1.1. Circulation
Corrects a rounding error that caused fines to exceed the max fines amount (Bug #1704819)
Corrects an issue with printing Items Out receipts (Bug #1790896)
SIP Visa payments are now recorded as credit card, rather than cash payments (Bug #1796942)
Converting change to patron credit no longer requires staff members to refresh the screen to see the new credit (Bug #1775639)
The patron summary now includes tooltips that were available in the XUL client (Bug #1772206)
The patron holds grid now includes a SMS Carrier column (Bug #1748265)
When registering a new patron from Pending Patrons, the address type dropdown now supports a default value (Bug #1816180)
The Items Out grid now includes a Monograph Parts column (Bug #1789257)
The annotate checkbox on the bill payment screen is now sticky (Bug #1759343)
Group member details grid settings can now be saved (Bug #1774707)
The patron registration date of birth field can now display a format example (Bug #1819181)
4.1.2. Cataloging
The MARC editor displays a warning when a cataloger attempts to close the tab without saving (Bug #1538678)
The MARC editor displays a warning when permissions issues prevent a record from saving (Bug #1693580)
The holdings editor saves default values more consistently (Bug #1812900)
The flat-text editor now uses a monospace font (Bug #1817601)
Statistical categories and their entries are now alphabetized in the holdings editor (Bugs Bug #1744386 and Bug #1777184)
The holdings editor now lists monograph parts in reverse alphabetical order (Bug #1760893)
Buckets created from the MARC Batch Import process are now available in the MARC Batch Edit interface (Bug #1440890)
The record bucket interface only displays the Merge action when multiple records are selected (Bug #1760599)
Fixes an issue with the displayed number of items out (Bug #1770217)
4.1.3. Client
Fixes conflicting dependency information caused be the release of Angular 8 (Bug #1830972)
Angular grids include several new accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts (Bug #1816480)
The menu in the top right corner is now named "Logout and more…" (Bug #1796914)
Several dropdown menus now require less scrolling (Bug #1669120)
4.1.4. Public Catalog
Avoids Internal Server Errors on search result page (Bug #1155706)
Double clicking the Place Hold button can no longer result in multiple holds (Bug #1029601)
4.1.5. Reports
Adds a more user-friendly interface for boolean filters (Bug #1642337)
4.1.6. System administration
Improves consistency in terminology in the Local Administration screen (Bug #1776913)
The Library Settings Editor now displays some example timezones for the lib.timezone setting (Bug #1817332)
4.1.7. Automated tests
Fixes an automated test related to translations and internationalization (Bug #1768987)
4.1.8. Database
Adds some foreign key functions that may be missing from your database (Bug #1772028)
4.2. Acknowledgments
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, testing and documentation patches to the 3.2.7 point release of Evergreen:
John Amundson
a. bellenir
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Dawn Dale
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Jason Etheridge
Lynn Floyd
Jeff Godin
Rogan Hamby
Kyle Huckins
Sam Link
Terran McCanna
Michele Morgan
Bill Ott
Suzanne Paterno
Dan Pearl
Mike Risher
Geoff Sams
Janet Schrader
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Josh Stompro
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
5. Evergreen 3.2.6
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.2.5. All bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
5.1. Bug fixes
5.1.1. General
Fixes a compatibility problem with the Item Status screen related to JavaScript arrow functions (Bug #1821196)
5.1.2. Booking
Fixes a bug in the Booking URL path that failed with newer Apache (Bug #1823387)
5.1.3. Circulation
Fixes a display bug with the patron record Group Members list (Bug #1642036)
Fixes title sort on the patron Items Out Screen (Bug #1782014)
Fixes a refresh bug on the catalog record Holds View tab when moving between records (Bug #1792188)
Fixes the ability to place holds from item buckets (Bug #1806394)
5.1.4. Cataloging
Fixes a bug where copy templates would not apply properly (Bug #1788680)
Fixes the default cursor focus on the holdings editor (Bug #1752968)
Fixes a bug that failed to honor the "Retain empty bib records" (cat.bib.keep_on_empty) setting when transferring items (Bug #1333893)
Fixes a bug that failed to include deleted bib records in TCN search (Bug #1813633)
5.1.5. System administration
Added database indexes to speed up purging of Action Trigger event output fields (Bug #1778940)
Fixes the help text in action_trigger_aggregator.pl related to the remote-acct argument (Bug #1803729)
Adds a missing page title for the Closed Dates Editor (Bug #1814943)
Adds a missing page title for the Statistical Popularity Badges admin page (Bug #1826890)
5.2. Acknowledgments
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, testing and documentation patches to the 3.2.6 point release of Evergreen:
John Amundson
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Blake Graham-Henderson
Rogan Hamby
Millissa Macomber
Terran McCanna
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Janet Schrader
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Josh Stompro
Dan Wells
Beth Willis
John Yorio
6. Evergreen 3.2.5
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.2.4. All bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
6.1. Bug fixes
6.1.1. General
Improves the web client splash screen by linking the images along with their links (Bug #1802662)
6.1.2. Circulation
Allows the Title Hold screen to remember previously selected pickup library (Bug #1665534)
Sorting improvements for printing the Holds Pull List (Bug #1749502)
Better display for non-catalogued checkouts in the offline checkout preview pane (Bug #1818576)
6.1.3. Cataloging
Fixes a bug that changed subfield order in bib record after editing a linked authority (Bug #712490)
Allows opening multiple selected items in Item Status screen from the Holdings View (Bug #1734775)
Adds missing "Deleted?" column choice to Record Buckets (Bug #1746360)
Fixes the batch Call Number label field on the Call Number editor to populate from the MARC record (Bug #1793196)
Fixes a bug to allow editing the call number label for some but not all attached items (Bug #1794588)
Fixes the sort order of Parts on the Holdings View (Bug #1800178)
Adds missing action "Find Originating Acquisition" to Cataloging actions menu (Bug #1705497)
Keeps the Item Status screen updated after editing items (Bug #1721109)
Fixes a bug with the "checked" state of the Item note "Public Note" checkbox (Bug #1778571)
Fixes a bug with Item Alert counts in the Holdings view (Bug #1798628)
Improved display when merging bib records from a bucket (side by side, with optional holdings) (Bug #1739293)
Fixes issues where edits to MARC records would fail to save during merge (Bug #1776736)
6.1.4. System administration
Web client (websocket) logins are now properly tracked as user activity (Bug #1818153)
Fixes some log warnings related to Holds Depth (Bug #1667497)
Fixes a bug in the fine generator related to Bookings (Bug #1819796)
Fixes the Group Penalty Threshold link under the Local Administration menu (Bug #1812389)
Fixes a typo in seed data and all related PO files for translation (Bug #1759238)
Fixes an error in the sitemap_generator script when using the shortname parameter (Bug #1808006)
6.1.5. Angular client
Adds an early copy of the Czech translation to the new Angular pieces of the web client (Bug #1821067)
Adds "Edit Selected" action to the "Actions for Selected Items" menu in the default Angular admin grid (BUG #1807458)
Adds a notification message when updating fails in the default Angular edit dialog (Bug #1807461)
Fixes a bug when creating a new object after editing an existing object in an Angular admin grid (Bug #1821409)
6.2. Acknowledgments
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, testing and documentation patches to the 3.2.5 point release of Evergreen:
John Amundson
Jason Boyer
Adam Bowling
Steven Callender
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Bill Erickson
Jason Etheridge
Rogan Hamby
Elaine Hardy
Kyle Huckins
Sam Link
Tiffany Little
Terran McCanna
Michele Morgan
Geoff Sams
Jane Sandberg
Janet Schrader
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Josh Stompro
Dan Wells
7. Evergreen 3.2.4
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.2.3. All bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
7.1. Bug fixes
7.1.1. Accessibility
Adds appropriate alt text to the Evergreen splash page (Bug #1802594)
The public catalog search box now only autofocuses when searching is the main purpose of the page (Bug #1796225)
7.1.2. Acquisitions
Fixes an issue that prevented purchase orders to not open in a new tab (Bug #1813290)
7.1.3. Circulation
The Billing History grids now save their configuration in the database (Bug #1806709)
7.1.4. Cataloging
Catalogers can now set the Bib Source in the Z39.50 Overlay and Import interfaces (Bug #1727345)
Fixes an issue where publishers display in the publication date column in copy buckets (Bug #1812698)
Electronic reources no longer display a call number called URI in the Volume Editor (Bug #1752665)
Spine/pocket label templates can now include circulation library and owning library (Bug #1726568)
7.1.5. Reports
Fixes an issue where external documentation links can open in the reports module (Bug #1784893)
Fixes an issue where publishers display as a publication date in reports (Bug #1812698)
7.1.6. Search
Staff users can now set their prefered default Advanced Search pane (Bug #1799963)
The public catalog search box now only autofocuses when searching is the main purpose of the page (Bug #1796225)
7.1.7. System administration
The DELETE_COPY_ALERT permission no longer needs to be granted on the consortium level (Bug #1783421)
7.1.8. Angular client
The angular client now uses Angular 7 (Bug #1801984)
The angular client grid actions can now be disabled depending on the criteria of which rows are selected (Bug #1808268)
Angular client pages now display their own titles in the browser tab, rather than AngEG (Bug #1813647)
7.2. Acknowledgments
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.2.4 point release of Evergreen:
John Amundson
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Jeff Davis
James Fournie
Angela Kilsdonk
Sam Link
Tiffany Little
Terran McCanna
Michele Morgan
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Chris Sharp
Jason Stephenson
Ben Shum
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
8. Evergreen 3.2.3
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.2.3. All bug fixes refer to the staff client unless otherwise specified.
8.1. Bug fixes
8.1.1. General
Hatch is now deprecated for local data storage. Hatch is still recommended for printing in certain situations.
8.1.2. Acquisitions
The new
now only pushes purchase orders with a state of "on-order", to prevent older purchase orders from being unintentionally pushed to vendors.
8.1.3. Cataloging
The Z39.50 and record bucket interfaces now open relevant catalog records in new tabs.
Fixes a bug that prevented batch importing authority records.
The template dropdown in the holdings editor now provides more space to accommodate longer template names.
The drop-down of copy tag types in the Manage Copy Tags dialog now includes the owning library of the copy tag type.
8.1.4. Circulation
Fixes an issue with recalling checked-out materials.
Added several missing columns to the patron bills grid.
Corrected the display of the Bill Type column in the patron bills grid.
Clarified the names of the "Billing Location" and "Grocery Billing Location" columns in the patron bills grid.
The Bill Full Details grid now includes a billing location column for both circulation and grocery bills, as well as the owning library for circulation bills.
The Billing History transactions grid now remembers any changes that users make to the column settings.
Fixes an issue with printing multiple copies of bills.
Fixes an issue with saving self-registered patron accounts.
Staff can now delete self-registered patron accounts.
8.1.5. System administration
Fixes the marc_stream_importer to be compatible with Vandelay session tracking.
Includes an accessibility improvement for the Acquisitions Administration interfaces.
8.2. Acknowledgments
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.2.3 point release of Evergreen:
John Amundson
Jason Boyer
Andrea Buntz Neiman
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Kyle Huckins
Angela Kilsdonk
Katie G. Martin
Terran McCanna
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Janet Schrader
Chris Sharp
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Cesar Velez
9. Evergreen 3.2.2
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.2.1. All bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
9.1. Bug fixes
9.1.1. General
Fixes a bug that blocked logging in from mobile browsers
Fixes a readability issue with mobile menus
Fixes performance issue related to grid tooltips.
Fixes an issue that caused some grid columns to appear empty.
9.1.2. Cataloging
Improves the functionality of setting a default tab of a bib record
The web client now remembers the most recently selected copy template
Adds help tips to Print Item Labels Settings tab
If you add or edit copies and/or volumes from the Holdings View tab, the view now automatically refreshes to show your changes.
Provides an upgrade to MODS 3.3 for older Evergreen installations.
Improves usability of Z39.50 MARC View.
9.1.3. Circulation
Fixes a daylight savings time-related circulation bug.
Fixes a bug that caused deleted items to show up on the holds shelf.
Staff can now place multiple email addresses into the patron registration/ edit form, depending on the value of the
library setting. -
Fixes an issue with the offline circulation module.
When merging two users, the non-lead account is now completely purged from the database, rather than simply being marked as deleted.
Fixes a bug which prevented the canceling of holds from the title record.
9.1.4. Public catalog
Removes incorrect copy counts from metarecord search results pages
Electronic resources now display in the browse interfaces
Restores ability to request password resets
9.1.5. System administration
The example Apache 2.4 configuration now enables remoteip.
Improves syntax in the fm_idl file.
9.2. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.2.2 point release of Evergreen:
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Bill Erickson
Rogan Hamby
Rosie Le Faive
Jeanette Lundgren
Kathy Lussier
Michele Morgan
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Janet Schrader
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
10. Evergreen 3.2.1
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.2.0.
10.1. Bug fixes
Adds several columns to the items out grid.
Adds the ability to copy patron addresses to the clipboard.
Fixes several issues with adding new items and call numbers.
Adds links to catalog records from the query and pending tabs of the Record Buckets interface.
Corrects the date format used in several bucket interfaces.
Adds a loading spinner to interfaces that are embedded in the web staff client via iframe (such as the catalog).
The new Angular 6 interfaces now use the correct favicon.
10.2. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, tests and documentation patches to the 3.2.1 point release of Evergreen:
John Amundson
a. bellenir
Jason Boyer
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Dawn Dale
Bill Erickson
Kathy Lussier
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Jason Stephenson
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
11. 3.2.0 Upgrade notes
11.1. Disabling of Legacy XUL Staff Client
The legacy XUL staff client is no longer supported in Evergreen 3.2.x and the server-side installation no longer supports a direct connection by a version XUL client by default. All users of Evergreen 3.2.x are strongly urged to complete their switch to the web staff client as part of upgrading to 3.2.x.
Evergreen administrators who for some reason continue to wish
to deploy the XUL staff client can do so at their risk by
during the make install
and using make_release
to create installers for the staff client.
However, no community support will be provided for the XUL client.
11.2. Acq Invoice Reports
Existing Acquisitions report templates that reference the invoice complete field should be modified to check whether the new close_date field is NOT NULL instead.
At deploy time, all invoices with a complete value of TRUE will have their close_date field set to NOW. A value is required, since this field is now the source of whether an invoice is open or closed.
However, no values will be applied to the closed_by field for already closed invoices.
11.3. Angular6 Base Application
11.3.1. System Admin Upgrade Notes
Like the AngularJS application, Evergreen releases will come with all web browser staff client code pre-compiled. Admins only need to add an Apache configuration change.
Add the following stanza to /etc/apache2/eg_vhost.conf.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/eg2/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/eg2/([a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2})/ RewriteRule ^/eg2/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/eg2/en-US/$1 [R=307,L] <Directory "/openils/var/web/eg2/en-US"> FallbackResource /eg2/en-US/index.html </Directory>
For multi-locale sites, see the bottom section of Open-ILS/examples/apache[_24]/eg_vhost.conf.in for a sample fr-CA configuration. The section starts with "/eg2/ client setup and locale configuration"
11.3.2. Developer Upgrade Notes
Developers building Angular code on existing installations need to update their version of NodeJS by re-running the -developer prereqs installer.
sudo make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install <osname>-developer
11.4. Asynchronous Vandelay Imports
Users of NGINX as a reverse proxy may need to set a suitable
value in the NGINX configuration so that large
MARC record uploads are not truncated. Note that this would have
always been necessary, but since this feature allows larger files
to be more reliably queued and imported, the need to set client_max_body_size
became more apparent.
11.5. Browser Client Settings & Preferences Stored on the Server
A new permission APPLY_WORKSTATION_SETTING has been added to control who may apply values to workstation settings. Use something like the following to apply the permission to all staff accounts (mileage may vary):
INSERT INTO permission.grp_perm_map (grp, perm, depth) VALUES ( (SELECT id FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE name = 'Staff'), -- name may vary (SELECT id FROM permission.perm_list WHERE code = 'APPLY_WORKSTATION_SETTING'), 0 -- or 1, 2, etc. );
Workstation setting types matching values previously stored in the browser (via localStorage or Hatch) are created as part of this feature. During upgrade, admins should consider whether any of these new setting types should be transferred to user and/or org unit settings instead. Setting type changes can be made at any time, but when a setting type is deleted all of its data is deleted, so a change in type means re-applying the settings in the browser client.
Values stored in the browser will automatically migrate to server settings as each setting is accessed in the browser client. Once migrated, the in-browser copies are deleted.
If a setting type does not exist where the browser expects one, the value is stored in-browser instead and a warning is issued in the console.
12. 3.2.0 New Features
12.1. Acquisitions
12.1.1. Auto-Cancel Line items When All Copies Are Canceled
When a copy (line item detail) is canceled through the Acquisitions interface, the parent line item is also canceled if all copies for that line item are also canceled. The cancel reason given will come from:
The cancel reason for the just-canceled copy if it’s a Keep Debits true cancel reason.
The cancel reason from any other copy on the lineitem that has a Keep Debits true cancel reason.
The cancel reason for the just-canceled copy if no copies have a Keep Debits true cancel reason.
12.1.2. Invoice Closed Date and Closed By Fields
Acquisitions invoices have 2 new fields:
Close Date — This is set to the time when the ACQ user clicks the "Close" button in the invoice interface.
This field replaces the existing complete field. An invoice is considered complete if a close date value is set.
Closed By — This is set to the logged in staff user who performs the "Close" action.
As with the now-defunct complete field, but new fields are cleared in the event an invoice is reopened.
These new fields are visible in the invoice interface under the Show Details action for closed invoices.
Upgrading Invoice Reports
Existing report templates that reference the invoice complete field should be modified to check whether the new close_date field is NOT NULL instead.
Other Upgrade Considerations
At deploy time, all invoices with a complete value of TRUE will have their close_date field set to NOW. A value is required, since this field is now the source of whether an invoice is open or closed.
However, no values will be applied to the closed_by field for already closed invoices.
12.1.3. Patron Acquisitions Requests
The existing interface for staff-mediated patron acquisition requests has been replaced in the web staff client with a re-implementation written in AngularJS, with some minor bug fixes (including access from the Patron interface) and other improvements.
12.2. Administration
12.2.1. Hold Targeter Script has been Replaced
The original hold_targeter.pl script has been renamed to "hold_targeter_legacy.pl", and the new-style hold targeting script has been renamed to "hold_targeter.pl". Administrators will want to change their crontab files to reflect this.
-*/15 * * * * . ~/.bashrc && $EG_BIN_DIR/hold_targeter.pl $SRF_CORE
-*/15 * * * * . ~/.bashrc && $EG_BIN_DIR/hold_targeter.pl --osrf-config $SRF_CORE
The sample crontab file at Open-ILS/examples/crontab.example
this change.
12.3. Architecture
12.3.1. Angular6 Base Application
With Evergreen 3.2, we introduce the initial infrastructure for migrating to a new version of Angular. The structure of the new code is quite different from the AngularJS code and it runs as a separate application which communicates with the AngularJS app via shared storage and in-page URLs that link back and forth between the two.
For this release, users will only be directed to the new Angular site when navigating to Administration ⇒ Acquisitions Administration. Once on this page, some of the admin interfaces will presented as Angular6 interfaces, while others will direct users back to the AngularJS application. The Angular6 interfaces are the simpler, grid-based interfaces.
Acquisitions Admin Angular6 Interfaces
Cancel Reasons
Claim Event Types
Claim Policies
Claim Policy Actions
Claim Types
Currency Types
EDI Accounts
EDI Messages
Exchange Rates
Fund Tags
Invoice Item Types
Invoice Payment Method
Line Item Alerts
Line Item MARC Attribute Definitions
System Admin Upgrade Notes
Like the AngularJS application, Evergreen releases will come with all web browser staff client code pre-compiled. Admins only need to add an Apache configuration change.
Add the following stanza to /etc/apache2/eg_vhost.conf.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/eg2/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/eg2/([a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2})/ RewriteRule ^/eg2/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/eg2/en-US/$1 [R=307,L] <Directory "/openils/var/web/eg2/en-US"> FallbackResource /eg2/en-US/index.html </Directory>
For multi-locale sites, see the bottom section of Open-ILS/examples/apache[_24]/eg_vhost.conf.in for a sample fr-CA configuration. The section starts with "/eg2/ client setup and locale configuration"
Developer Upgrade Notes
Developers building Angular code on existing installations need to update their version of NodeJS by re-running the -developer prereqs installer.
sudo make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install <osname>-developer
12.4. Cataloging
12.4.1. Add UPC to z39.50 search for OCLC and LOC
Add UPC as a search attribute for both OCLC and LOC targets in z39.50 for cataloging.
12.4.2. Asynchronous Vandelay Imports
Vandelay imports are now monitored from the browser client asynchronously, meaning the client requests updates from the server instead of waiting for the server to respond to the original import request. This changes allows for incremental progress updates in the browser client.
New Database Table
This adds a new database table vandelay.session_tracker for tracking in-progress vandelay upload activity. A new tracker row is added for each of "upload", "enqueue", and "import" actions, linked for a given session by the value stored in the "session_key" field.
The table tracks other potentially useful data, like the staff member and workstation where the action was performed.
Upgrade notes
Users of NGINX as a reverse proxy may need to set a suitable
value in the NGINX configuration so that large
MARC record uploads are not truncated. Note that this would have
always been necessary, but since this feature allows larger files
to be more reliably queued and imported, the need to set client_max_body_size
became more apparent.
12.4.3. Support for Last Inventory Date
Evergreen now provides an option to add an inventory date to items to facilitate the process of performing inventory in libraries. Staff can add an inventory date to an item in one of the following ways:
From the check in screen, there is now an Update Inventory check in modifier. When selected, scanned barcodes will have the current date/time added as the inventory date while the item is checked in.
From the Item Status screen, an action is available to add the current date/time as the inventory date to selected items.
This new feature will also store the workstation that was used when the inventory date was updated.
12.4.4. Parallel Ingest with pingest.pl
A program named pingest.pl is now installed to allow faster bibliographic record ingest. It performs ingest in parallel so that multiple batches can be done simultaneously. It operates by splitting the records to be ingested up into batches and running all of the ingest methods on each batch. You may pass in options to control how many batches are run at the same time, how many records there are per batch, and which ingest operations to skip.
The browse ingest is presently done in a single process over all of the input records as it cannot run in parallel with itself. It does, however, run in parallel with the other ingests. |
Command Line Options
pingest.pl accepts the following command line options:
- --host
The server where PostgreSQL runs (either host name or IP address). The default is read from the PGHOST environment variable or "localhost."
- --port
The port that PostgreSQL listens to on host. The default is read from the PGPORT environment variable or 5432.
- --db
The database to connect to on the host. The default is read from the PGDATABASE environment variable or "evergreen."
- --user
The username for database connections. The default is read from the PGUSER environment variable or "evergreen."
- --password
The password for database connections. The default is read from the PGPASSWORD environment variable or "evergreen."
- --batch-size
Number of records to process per batch. The default is 10,000.
- --max-child
Max number of worker processes (i.e. the number of batches to process simultaneously). The default is 8.
- --skip-browse
- --skip-attrs
- --skip-search
- --skip-facets
- --skip-display
Skip the selected reingest component.
- --start-id
Start processing at this record ID.
- --end-id
Stop processing when this record ID is reached.
- --pipe
Read record IDs to reingest from standard input. This option conflicts with --start-id and/or --end-id.
- --max-duration
Stop processing after this many total seconds have passed. The default is to run until all records have been processed.
- --help
Show the help text.
12.4.5. View Authority Record by Database ID
A new interface allows catalogers to retrieve a specific authority record using its database ID. Catalogers can find those IDs in subfield $0 of matching fields in bibliographic records.
To use the new authority record viewer:
Click Cataloging → Retrieve Authority Record by ID.
Type in the ID number of the authority record you are interested in. Don’t include any prefixes, just the ID number.
Click Submit.
View or edit the authority record as needed.
12.5. Circulation
12.5.1. Autorenewal of Loans
Circulation policies in Evergreen can now be configured to automatically renew
certain items checked out on patron accounts. Circulations will be renewed
automatically up to a custom limit (the max_auto_renewal
field) and patrons
will not need to log in to their OPAC accounts or ask library staff to manually
renew materials.
Two new action triggers have been added to Evergreen that permit the Auto-Renew feature. They can be found, configured, and enabled in Administration>Local Administration>Notifications/Action Triggers. They are named Autorenew and AutorenewNotify.
The Autorenew A/T definition uses the checkout.due
hook to automatically
validate and renew (in the reactor) circulations on the day they are due,
grouped by user. The output events of this definition is is the input used by
the related AutorenewNotify A/T that simply uses a new hook called
to notify patrons via email of their currently due or
auto-renewed items.
In the webstaff’s Patron Items Out page, the new column AutoRenewalsRemaining
indicates how many autorenewals are available for a particular circulation.
12.5.2. Emergency Closing Handler
Staff are provided with interfaces and mechanisms to create library closings that, in addition to affecting future circulation and booking due dates, and hold shelf expirations, will automatically move existing circulation and booking due dates and hold shelf expiration times. This new functionality is conceptually described as Emergency Closings and business logic implementing it as the Emergency Closing Handler. It contains additions and adjustments to the user interface, business logic, and database layers. Access to this functionality is available through the Closed Dates Editor interface in the staff client which has been ported to AngularJS.
This development has created new business logic code to inspect, in real time, existing circulation, booking, and hold records, and modify such date and time stamps so that the circulation, booking, or hold will end in the same state it would have if the closing had existed at the time the circulation or booking occurred, or the hold was placed and captured. Of specific note, hourly loans will have their due date adjusted to be the end of the day following the closing.
When the Emergency Closing is saved, any fines accrued during the closing may be voided, as settings dictate, with the exception of circulations that have been marked as LOST or LONG OVERDUE. That is, even for LOST and LONG OVERDUE circulations with due dates that fall within the Emergency Closing, no fine adjustment will be applied. Emergency Closing processing is permanent, and cannot be rolled back.
This functionality is explicitly initiated by staff action. If staff do not request an Emergency Closing, existing circulations, bookings, and holds will not be processed and adjusted. However, if staff request any Closing that starts nearer in time than the length of the longest circulation duration configured for use in the Evergreen instance they will be prompted with the option to create the closing as an Emergency Closing.
Action/Trigger hooks have been created for circulations and bookings that are adjusted by the Emergency Closing Handler. These will facilitate the creation of notifications to patrons that the due date has changed and to alert them to potential changes in accrued fines.
Booking start dates are explicitly ignored in this implementation. Because an Emergency Closing is, by its nature, an unexpected event, it will be up to staff to address any bookings which intersect with a new Emergency Closings. Reports can be used to identify booking start dates that overlap with a closing and that may require staff intervention.
Staff requesting and Emergency Closing must have the new EMERGENCY_CLOSING permission. Some text describing the feature.
12.5.3. Patron Preferred Name and Name Search Keywords
Preferred Name
Adds a new set of patron preferred name fields for prefix, first, middle, last, and suffix allowing patrons to provide preferred name information. Preferred names are optional and each acts as an overlay to the analogous primary name field, making it possible to provide preferred name values for individual fields.
For example, a patron named William Erickson may have a preferred first name (pref_first_given_name) of Bill, in which case the preferred name would be Bill Erickson. Note a preferred last name is not required in this case as the code uses primary name values as defaults when not replaced with a preferred version.
Patrons will see primary names displayed in the catalog when set.
Staff will see both primary name and preferred name in the patron summary side bar.
Patron searches for any given name field will search both the primary and preferred name data.
Preferred name fields are available in Action/Trigger templates and are present in various patron-focused print templates.
Name Keywords
Adds a new field to store miscellaneous patron name search terms. These values are only for searching and do not appear in any interfaces, apart from the patron summary side bar and the patron edit UI.
Included is a new search field in the patron search UI which searches keyword values and all other name fields. It’s essentially a global patron name keyword search.
12.6. Client
12.6.1. Disabling of legacy XUL staff client
The legacy XUL staff client is no longer supported in Evergreen 3.2.x and the server-side installation no longer supports a direct connection by a version XUL client by default. All users of Evergreen 3.2.x are strongly urged to complete their switch to the web staff client as part of upgrading to 3.2.x.
Evergreen administrators who for some reason continue to wish
to deploy the XUL staff client can do so at their risk by
during the make install
and using make_release
to create installers for the staff client.
However, no community support will be provided for the XUL client.
12.6.2. Permission Group Display Entries
In some cases, it is useful to have the ability to reorder permission, or to make only specific groups available in the permission group selector for specific Org Units. An interface has been made available to allow this.
Group Tree Display Entry Interface
Permission Group Display Entries can be reordered, added, or removed via Administration → Local Admin → Permission Tree Display Entries. Select the Org Unit you wish to edit the entries in.
Entries may be added using the Add functionality, creating entries based on permission groups that have not been added to the tree for the Org Unit you wish to add them to.

Moving an Entry
Moving an entry will shift its position up or down in the patron profile selector for a given Org Unit.
Select an entry
Press either the Move Up or Move Down button. The entry will be moved up or down, accordingly.
Click Save to save your edits.
You may only move up or down entries that have sibling entries. |
Removing an Entry
If you want a particular Org Unit to not have access to specific entries, you may remove an entry. Removing an entry will remove it from view. The entry will be removed from the database.
Select an entry and press the Remove button.
Adding an Entry
You may add entries from permission groups that are not currently reflected in the permission group tree. This is useful for moving entries to different parents, or making them root entries.

If desired, select an entry to be used as the parent entry.
Press the Add button.
Select a permission group from the dropdown.
If you’ve selected a parent entry, you may check the Add Root Entry box to override that parent and add the entry on the root level.
If you did not select a parent entry, the entry will be added on the root level of the tree.
12.6.3. Browser Client Settings & Preferences Stored on the Server
Browser client settings and preferences that should persist over time are now stored as settings on the server. This allows settings to follow users and workstations and reduces problems associated with losing settings as a result of clearing browser data.
The browser client honors setting values stored as user settings, workstation settings, and org unit settings, depending on which setting types are locally configured.
Setting Types
No setting can be both a user and workstation setting. They are mutually exclusive.
Any setting can be an org unit setting in addition to being a user or workstation setting.
Read-Only Settings
Read-only settings are useful for defining values that staff can use but not modify. For example, admins may wish to prevent users from locally modifying the grid configuration for a given interface so it remains consistent for all users.
A setting is read-only when an org unit setting type exists (regardless of whether a value is applied) and no user or workstation setting type exists.
Server-Stored Workstation Settings Workstation Admin View
There’s a new "Server Workstation Prefs" tab to the stored preferences workstation admin interface. From here, users can view which preferences are stored as server-stored workstation preferences and delete select values.
Upgrade Notes
A new permission APPLY_WORKSTATION_SETTING has been added to control who may apply values to workstation settings. Use something like the following to apply the permission to all staff accounts (mileage may vary):
INSERT INTO permission.grp_perm_map (grp, perm, depth) VALUES ( (SELECT id FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE name = 'Staff'), -- name may vary (SELECT id FROM permission.perm_list WHERE code = 'APPLY_WORKSTATION_SETTING'), 0 -- or 1, 2, etc. );
Workstation setting types matching values previously stored in the browser (via localStorage or Hatch) are created as part of this feature. During upgrade, admins should consider whether any of these new setting types should be transferred to user and/or org unit settings instead. Setting type changes can be made at any time, but when a setting type is deleted all of its data is deleted, so a change in type means re-applying the settings in the browser client.
Values stored in the browser will automatically migrate to server settings as each setting is accessed in the browser client. Once migrated, the in-browser copies are deleted.
If a setting type does not exist where the browser expects one, the value is stored in-browser instead and a warning is issued in the console.
12.6.4. More consistent terminology in the client
Terminology has been updated in the staff client so that we consistently use the same name to describe the same thing. The following updates have been made:
The term item is now consistently used to describe the barcoded entity that had been previously been called both an item and a copy. As a result, we now use the terms item buckets, item tags, and item alerts.
The term volume is no longer used in the client, with the exception of serials, where the term is used to describe serial volumes. The term call number will replace volume in most other places.
Holdings is a more general term used to describe a combination of items and call numbers.
The term Shelving Location is used consistently in favor of Copy Location.
12.7. OPAC
12.7.1. Batch Actions In the Public Catalog
The public catalog now displays checkboxes on the bibliographic and metarecord constituents results pages. Selecting one or more titles by using the checkboxes will dynamically add those title to the temporary list, which is now renamed the cart.
Above the results lists there is now a bar with a select-all checkbox, a link to the cart management page that also indicates the number of of titles in the cart, and a link to remove from the cart titles that are selected on the currently displayed results page.
The search bar now includes an icon of a cart and displays the number of titles currently in the cart. Next to that icon is a menu of cart actions.
The cart actions available are Place Hold, Print Title Details, Email Title Details, Add Cart to Saved List, and Clear Cart. In the web staff client, the cart actions also include Add Cart to Bucket. When an action is selected from this menu, the user is given an opportunity to confirm the action and to optionally empty the cart when the action is complete. The action is applied to all titles in the cart.
Clicking on the cart icon brings the user to a page listing the titles in the cart. From there, the user can select specific records to request, print, email, add to a list, or remove from the cart.
The list of actions on the record details page now provides separate links for adding the title to a cart or to a permanent list.
The permanent list management page in the public catalog now also includes batch print and email actions.
Additional information
The checkboxes do not display on the metarecord results page, as metarecords currently cannot be put into carts or lists.
The checkboxes are displayed only if JavaScript is enabled. However, users can still add items to the cart and perform batch actions on the cart and on lists.
A template
, can be used to set a soft limit on the number of titles that can be added to the cart. If this limit is reached, checkboxes to add more records to the cart are disabled unless existing titles in the cart are removed first. The default value for this setting is 500.
Developer notes
This patch adds to the public catalog two routes that return JSON rather than HTML:
GET /eg/opac/api/mylist/add?record=45
GET /eg/opac/api/mylist/delete?record=45
The JSON response is a hash containing a mylist key pointing to the list of bib IDs of contents of the cart.
The record parameter can be repeated to allow adding or removing
records as an atomic operation. Note that this change also now available
to /eg/opac/mylist/{add,delete}
More generally, this adds a way for EGWeb context loaders to specify that
a response should be emitted as JSON rather than rendering an HTML
page using Template::Toolkit
Specifically, if the context as munged by the context loader contains
a json_response
key, the contents of that key will to provide a
JSON response. The json_response_cookie
key, if present, can be used
to set a cookie as part of the response.
Template Toolkit processing is bypassed entirely when emitting a JSON response, so the context loader would be entirely responsible for localization of strings in the response meant for direct human consumption.
12.7.2. New class for searchbar when on the homepage
This adds the .searchbar-home
class to the div that contains the searchbar
when on the homepage. This allows sites to customize the searchbar differently
on the homepage than in other places the search bar appears (for example,
offering a large, Google-style search bar on the homepage only).
12.7.3. Username Login Hint
To make customization easier, the username hint on the OPAC login page ("Please include leading zeros…") has been moved to a separate TT2 template. If you have customized the hint text, you will need to add your modifications to username_hint.tt2.
13. Acknowledgments
The Evergreen project would like to acknowledge the following organizations that commissioned developments in this release of Evergreen:
BC Libraries Cooperative
Consortium Of Ohio Libraries
Georgia Public Library Service
Indiana State Library
Lake Agassiz Regrional Library
North Texas Library Consortium
Northwest Regional Library
Pennsylvania Integrated Library System
South Carolina State Library
We would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, translations, documentations patches and tests to this release of Evergreen:
Felicia Beaudry
Jason Boyer
Andrea Buntz Neiman
Eva Cerninakova
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Jeff Davis
Bill Erickson
Jason Etheridge
Lynn Floyd
Jeff Godin
Blake Graham-Henderson
Francisco J Guel-Mendoza
Kyle Huckins
Mary Jinglewski
Angela Kilsdonk
Kathy Lussier
Katie G. Martin
Jennifer Pringle
Morkor Quarshie
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Cesar Velez
Dan Wells
Stephan Woidowski
We also thank the following organizations whose employees contributed patches:
BC Libraries Cooperative
Calvin College
Equinox Open Library Initiative
Government of Manitoba
Kenton County Public Library
King County Library System
Linn-Benton Community College
We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertently missed, please open a bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/ with a correction.