1. Upgrade notes

This release adds a new OpenSRF service called open-ils.courses. While strictly speaking this is an optional service and could be omitted if you are not planning on using the new Course Materials module, it is recommended that the service be run in case future work bakes in an assumption that it will always be present.

This release also a new OpenSRF service, open-ils.curbside, which must be enabled and registered with the public router for the Curbside Pickup feature to function.

This release also includes a new experimental public catalog skin based on the Bootstrap framework. Instructions for turning it on can be found below.

This release adds a new Perl module dependency, Config::General.

This release adds two new rows to action_trigger.event_definition, two into action_trigger.hook, and six into action_trigger.environment.

2. New Features

2.1. Acquisitions

The acquisitions search interfaces are now written in Angular and provide a new centralized place for searching Line Items, Purchase Orders, Invoices, and Selection Lists in the Acquisitions module of Evergreen. The Acquisitions Search interface can be accessed under Acquisitions → General Search.

The search interface has four tabs for line item search, purchase order search, invoices search, and selection list search. Each tab offers a search form allowing the user to select one or more fields to search on. Each search tab stores a separate default search that the user can update; for example, a user could have their line item search default to showing all on-order line items from a particular provider.

The grid that displays search results in each tab is filterable.

The line items and PO search interfaces allow the user to navigate to linked POs, invoices, and so forth, but offers no direct actions. The invoices search tab includes a Print Selected Invoices action, while the selection lists search tab offers actions to create, clone, delete, and merge selection lists.

The Angular search page contains a link to the legacy Dojo search interface if needed. The Dojo interface will be removed in a future release of Evergreen.

The Angular search interface offers various usability improvements over the Dojo interface, including:

  • only the search operators that are relevant for a given field are displayed.

  • search fields that are associated with controlled vocabularies will display drop-downs on the search form.

  • results are sortable.

  • the line item and PO state fields have been relabeled to "Status".

  • greater than and less than are now available as search operators.

  • publication date searches are more flexible.

Adjustments to Stock Permissions

As part of this feature, the stock permissions for the Acquisitions and Acquisitions Administrator profiles have been expanded. In particular, the Acquisitions Administrator profile can now be more readily used to perform normal acquisitions work in addition to configuring the acquisitions module.

2.1.2. Angular Providers Interface

The interfaces for searching for and managing Acquisitions provider records have been rewritten in Angular. This rewrite includes the following significant changes:

  • The provider search interface is now available directly from the Acquisitions menu, supplementing its longstanding availability from the Acquisitions Administration page.

  • The search interface is modeled after the patron interface, including a search form that can be hidden or displayed, a provider summary box, and a multi-tabbed interface for managing the provider itself.

  • The grid displaying search results is filterable and sortable.

  • The provider display tabs are

    • Details, allowing the user to view, and if permitted, edit the base provider record.

    • Addresses

    • Contacts

    • Attribute Definitions

    • Holdings Definitions

    • EDI

    • Invoices, providing an interface for viewing the invoices associated with the provider.

    • POs, providing an interface for viewing the purchase orders associated with the provider.

  • The new interface makes it possible to edit contact addresses.

  • The base provider record now has an optional primary contact field. Selecting a contact as the primary one is managed on the Contacts tab. The primary contact, if set, is displayed on the provider summary box.

Interfaces that used to link to the Dojo provider interface now link to the Angular one instead.

2.2. Administration

2.2.1. Changes to Autorenewal Action/Trigger Failure Reasons

Previously the "reason" field in the userdata for an Autorenewal event would contain both the failure code and the description for the failure event as a single string such as "MAX_RENEWALS_REACHED : Circulation has no more renewals remaining."

Now the "reason" field will only contain the description of the issue (Circulation has …) while a new "textcode" field will contain the event code (MAX_RENEWALS_REACHED) if administrators still want to display it in template outputs.

2.2.2. EZProxy authentication

Evergreen can now provide CGI authentication for EZProxy. To enable this, you will need to:

  1. Add a new User Activity Type to Evergreen for EZProxy CGI authentications.

  2. Add a new Remote Authentication Profile to Evergreen. You will probably want to use EZProxyCGI as the name.

  3. Edit the <Location /api/ezproxy> stanza in Evergreen’s eg_vhost configuration file. In particular, you will need to allow access to from your EZProxy server, fill in the base uri of your EZProxy server, and add a secret to the OILSRemoteAuthEZProxySecret variable.

  4. Restart Apache.

  5. Edit the EZProxy user.txt file. You will likely want to add a stanza such as the following:

Sample user.txt stanza
MD5 <same secret as in eg_vhost config>
Expired; Deny expiredticket.htm

When this feature is enabled, users will see an Evergreen-based login screen. You may customize the look and feel of this login screen by editing the relevant template toolkit files.

2.2.3. Matomo Support

Support for the open source web analytics platform Matomo is now native to Evergreen. Support is on an org unit level so different libraries can have separate or no analytics. Once you setup a Matomo service you will need the URL and site ID. Typically Matomo will give you a block of javascript you can insert into web sites. One line will look like :

var u="http://mylibrary.lib/matomo/";

The full URL in the double quotes will be your URL. Another line will look like:

_paq.push(['setSiteId', '1']);

In this case the number 1 will be your site ID.

These are set by the Library Settings opac.analytics.matomo_url and opac.analytics.matomo_id respectively. A new permission, MATOMO_UPDATE_SETTINGS, controls access to these.

2.2.4. "PatronAPI" authentication

Evergreen now supports the III "PatronAPI" scheme for authenticating patrons and supplying some information about them.

To enable this, you will need to:

  1. Add a new User Activity Type to Evergreen for PatronAPI authentications.

  2. Add a new Remote Authentication Profile to Evergreen. You will probably want to use PatronAPI as the name.

  3. Edit the <Location /api/patronapi> stanza in Evergreen’s eg_vhost configuration file. In particular, you will need to allow access to it from the server(s) wanting to make PatronAPI requests, determine whether to enable the PatronAPI "dump" feature, and specify whether users can be identified by username or barcode.

  4. Restart Apache.

  5. Update the PatronAPI client to use https://your.evergreen.server/api/patronapi as its base URL.

Example PatronAPI URLs look something like this:

PatronAPI URLs
# test a patron's PIN:

# dump some information about the patron. Note that this
# does _not_ require the the patron's password be supplied.

The responses for the pintest and dump actions are specified by Template Toolkit templates under (e.g.) /openils/var/templates/remoteauth.

2.2.5. Preloaded Audio Icon and Search Format

A new search and icon format called Preloaded Audio now exists that overlaps with the eAudio format. If you want to exclude the Preloaded Audio format from overlapping with eAudio you can use the following SQL:

UPDATE config.composite_attr_entry_definition SET definition = '{"0":{"_attr":"item_type","_val":"i"},"1":[{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"o"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"s"}]}'
    WHERE coded_value IN (SELECT id FROM config.coded_value_map WHERE code = 'eaudio');

It is also recommended that you reingest your bibliographic records to updated the fixed field indexes. You can accomplish this by running the following query in your database:

SELECT metabib.reingest_record_attributes(source)
FROM metabib.record_attr_vector_list WHERE
(SELECT id FROM config.coded_value_map WHERE ctype = 'item_form' AND code = 'q') = ANY(vlist)
AND (SELECT id FROM config.coded_value_map WHERE ctype = 'item_type' AND code = 'i') = ANY(vlist);

2.3. API

2.3.1. Override Label for draw_field_label Patron Edit Fields

Evergreen developers may now specify a label for fields in the patron registration/patron edit form (generated by the draw_field_label macro). By default, draw_field_label uses the label of supplied IDL field class. Now a developer may supply an additional third parameter, label_override, which overrides the default IDL-based label. This would typically be done in the course of customizing the web staff client template circ/patron/t_edit.tt2.

2.4. Architecture

2.4.1. New Action/Trigger reactor for 3rd party signaling

This new Action/Trigger reactor module allows an Evergreen administrator to create event defintions that use HTTP (or HTTPS) to contact external services and let them know that something has happened in Evergreen.

For instance, a discovery layer can be informed when a bib record is updated or when a user’s barcode changes.

Reactor Template Syntax

The new reactor module uses a template to define its behavior. While the template is processed by Template Toolkit, as with any A/T templates, its output format is new to Evergreen.

The template should output data that can be parsed by the Config::General Perl module. See: https://metacpan.org/pod/Config::General

Top level settings should include the HTTP method and the url.

A block called Headers can be used to supply arbitrary HTTP headers.

A block called Parameters can be used to append CGI parameters to the URL, most useful for GET form submission. Repeated parameters are allowed. If this block is used, the URL should /not/ contain any parameters, use one or the other.

A HEREDOC called content can be used with POST or PUT to send an arbitrary block of content to the remote server.

If the requested URL requires Basic or Digest authentication, the template can include top level configuration parameters to supply a user, password, realm, and hostname:port location.

A default user agent string of "EvergreenReactor/1.0" is used when sending requests. This can be overridden using the top level agent setting.

Here is an example template that could be used by a definition attached to the bib.edit hook:

method   post # Valid values are post, get, put, delete, head
url      https://example.com/api/incoming-update
agent    MySpecialAgent/0.1

user     updater
password uPd4t3StufF
realm    "Secret area"
location example.com:443

  Accept-Language en

  type bib
  id   [% target.id %]

content <<MARC
[% target.marc %]

2.4.2. Documentation Now Uses the Antora Toolchain

The core Evergreen documentation under the docs/ subdirectory has been changed to use Antora, a documentation site generator for AsciiDoc. The result of this change is the ability to generate documentation for the docs.evergreen-ils.org website that is searchable, easier to maintain, and readily installable on a local Evergreen site if desired.

For instructions on how to build the documentation, consult the file README.adoc under the docs directory.

2.5. Cataloging

2.5.1. Manage Authorities Angular Port

The Cataloging → Manage Authorities interface has been ported to Angular.

New functionality includes displaying additional authority data, like create and edit dates, etc. It’s also possible to view the list of linked bib records.

2.5.2. MARC Batch Edit UI Angular Port

The MARC Batch Edit interface has been ported to Angular.

2.5.3. Preloaded Audio Icon and Search Format

A new search and icon format called Preloaded Audio now exists using the following atttributes: itemtype i, item form q. This overlaps with the eAudio format. If you want to exclude preloaded audio from eAudio there is a script in the Administration notes to exclude it.

2.5.4. Item Status Allows Pasting a List of Barcodes in csv Format

The item status input box will now accept a string of barcodes, separated with commas, as well as a single barcode.

2.5.5. Fix For "Blank" (Empty String) TCN Source

Previously, it was possible for sparsely-populated MARC records to be saved with a TCN Source of '' (the "empty string"), which caused the 901 $b subfield to be void of data, causing errors when exporting MARC records to such third-party programs as Zotero.

A site that has been running without this patch for a long time might want to check how many bib records they have with an empty tcn_source:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE deleted IS FALSE AND tcn_source = '';

Sites can fix the problem by issuing UPDATE statements to set the 901$b to a value like AUTOGEN or Unknown. They should probably do it per-record, however, to avoid locking the table in a huge commit.

2.6. Circulation

2.6.1. Booking Capture is now in Angular

The interface to capture resources for booking reservations has been re-implemented in Angular. Other booking screens, such as Pick Up and Manage Reservations, now include an option to re-print capture slips.

System administrators can now edit the template for booking capture slips in Administration → Server administration → Print templates.

2.6.2. New Fields for AutorenewNotify Event Template

Two new fields, auto_renewal_remaining, and total_renewal_remaining have been added to the AutorenewNotify action/trigger event code. They will report the number of autorenewals and regular renewals, respectively, remaining on the new circulation if renewed, or on the old circulation if not renewed. This is provided as a convenience to avoid possibly inaccurate math in the template. You may access them in the template via the udata:

Automatic Renewals Remaining: [% udata.auto_renewal_remaining %]
Total Renewals Remaining: [% udata.total_renewal_remaining %]

2.6.3. Course Materials Module

This version of Evergreen includes an optional course materials module. Like course reserves modules in other library software, this module makes reserves collections more discoverable and easier to manage. The module also provides similar functionality for library electronic resources and open educational resources, whether they have been cataloged or not.

To enable the course materials module, go to Administration → Local Administration → Library Settings Editor. Find the setting called "Opt Org Unit into the Course Materials Module". Set it to True for the org units that want to use the module.

To use the course materials module effectively, staff will need a new permission called MANAGE_RESERVES. By default, circulation administrators will receive this permission.


Staff members with the MANAGE_RESERVES permission can create courses, attach materials to them, attach users to them, and archive them when they are no longer needed.

When associating physical materials from the catalog to a course, staff members can choose temporary item attributes. These attributes will last until the course is archived or the item is detached from the course, whichever happens first.

Staff can also choose to associate electronic resources from the catalog (which must have a transcendent bib source or a located URI). They can also create a brief bib record to attach to the course from within the course materials module.

Staff members can attach users to the course. These users can have either a public role (e.g. instructor) or private roles (e.g. student). The public roles will be displayed in the OPAC.


If the module is enabled, the OPAC will include a course search and a course browse option.

Other uses

Libraries may also want to use this module to manage their displays. Each display can be treated as a course, and staff can attach the items they wish to display to the course along with the temporary attributes (e.g. a shelving location called "On display"). When the display is over, staff members can archive the course.

2.6.4. Hopeless Holds Interface

A new interface under Local Administration has been added called Hopeless Holds. Using a new Hopeless Date field on hold requests, this interface gives staff a way to resolve issues with hold requests that may have become unfulfillable or "hopeless".

The Hopeless Date is set for a given request by the hold targeter whenever the potential items list for the hold is empty, or when all potential items have a copy status that has been designated as Hopeless Prone (a new boolean field on Item Statuses).

2.6.5. In-house use now records workstations

Evergreen now records the workstation along with each in-house use. Staff can now run reports on which workstation created which in-house use.

2.6.6. Option to Make Effective Date of Checkin Sticky

Adds a checkbox to the Checkin screen that will make the backdate effective until logout.

2.6.7. Purge User Preferred Names

The new, user preferred name fields are now set to NULL in the database when a user account is purged via the staff client or using the actor.usr_delete function in the database.

To clear the preferred name fields from records that have already been purged, run the following SQL update:

UPDATE actor.usr
SET pref_prefix = NULL,
    pref_first_given_name = NULL,
    pref_second_given_name = NULL,
    pref_family_name = NULL,
    pref_suffix = NULL,
    name_keywords = NULL
WHERE usrname ~ ('^' || id || '-PURGED')
AND NOT active
AND deleted
  pref_prefix IS NOT NULL OR
  pref_first_given_name IS NOT NULL OR
  pref_second_given_name IS NOT NULL OR
  pref_family_name IS NOT NULL OR
  pref_suffix IS NOT NULL OR
  name_keywords IS NOT NULL

2.6.8. Test Notification Method

Patrons and staff may request a test notification for a patron’s default email address or SMS number via the Patron Registration interface in the staff client or the OPAC preferences interface. The OPAC_LOGIN permissions are required to request a notification. When a notification is sent, it will be sent to either the user’s default email or default SMS number, depending on what was requested.

Upgrade Notes

This feature adds two new rows to action_trigger.event_definition, two into action_trigger.hook, and six into action_trigger.environment.

2.6.9. Curbside Pickup

The Curbside Pickup feature in Evergreen provides an interface to help facilitate contact-free pickup of library materials. It provides a dedicated interface in the staff client for library staff to track and manage curbside pickup appointments and materials through the various stages of the process. Staff can also schedule pickup appointments on behalf of patrons. This feature also allows patrons to schedule their own curbside pickup appointments in their OPAC account, as well as inform the library when they have arrived and are waiting for their materials.

This is an extension of the existing holds functionality in Evergreen. A hold must be placed for an item to be eligible for curbside pickup. After an item has been captured for a hold and is available for pickup from the holds shelf, a curbside pickup appointment can be scheduled to allow the materials to be obtained in a contact-free transaction.

It can accommodate several different workflows depending on how the library decides to implement curbside pickup services. It can help library staff track and checkout batches of items to be picked up curbside and help facilitate communication between library staff and patrons. It does not prescribe nor require a specific workflow for curbside pickup.

It can be used alongside regular (i.e. inside the library) hold pickup. Curbside pickup can be an option offered patrons in addition to regular pickup or it can be the primary pickup option depending on the library’s current service plan.

It assumes the library will have a staff member assigned to managing curbside pickup throughout the day.

Library Settings

This feature adds the following library settings:

  • circ.curbside: whether to enable curbside appointments for picking up available hold requests. This defaults to off.

  • circ.curbside.granularity: interval between appointment slots. This defaults to 15 minutes.

  • circ.curbside.max_concurrent: how many appointments to permit per time slot. This defaults to 10.

  • circ.curbside.disable_patron_input: if turned on, display scheduled and pending appointments in My Account in the public catalog but do not give the patron the ability to change them from My Account. This defaults to false, i.e., allowing patrons to modify appointments from My Account.

Notifications And Action Triggers

There are several new patron notice options related to curbside pickup.

When a patron’s holds are marked as ready for pickup in Evergreen, an email or text/SMS notification can be sent to let them know that curbside pickup is an option at their library. This notice can be used to promote this service and the default message will prompt patrons to log in to their OPAC account to schedule an appointment or call the library to schedule an appointment. Notice message is customizable. The Trigger Event Definitions for this notice are called:

  • Curbside offer Email notification, triggered by CurbsideSlot reactor on a definition attached to the hold available hook.

  • Curbside offer SMS notification, triggered by CurbsideSlot reactor on a definition attached to the hold available hook.

If a patron has scheduled a curbside pickup appointment, an email or text/SMS notification can be sent to confirm the appointment. It will also prompt them to log into their account or call the library when they have arrived for their pickup appointment. The Trigger Event Definitions for this notice are called:

  • Curbside confirmation Email notification.

  • Curbside confirmation SMS notification.

Patrons can receive an email with a list of the items they checked out. To receive this notice patrons must have an email address associated with their account and the option for “Email checkout receipts by default?” must be selected in their account. This is an existing notice in Evergreen that ties in to the curbside pickup workflow.

There is another action trigger called “Trigger curbside offer events and create a placeholder for the patron, where applicable”. This action trigger does not send a notice to patrons or staff. It is a silent action behind the scenes that initiates the curbside offer email or SMS notification described above.

Upgrade Notes

This feature adds a new OpenSRF service, open-ils.curbside, which must be enabled and registered with the public router for the feature to function.

This feature adds no new staff permissions.

2.6.10. Allow Use of Adjusted Proximity for Age-protection

Introduces a new library setting to consult adjusted proximity for age-protected items at hold placement time.

2.7. Client

2.7.1. New Angular Staff Catalog Default

The experimental Angular staff catalog has been promoted to operate as the default catalog in the browser staff client. It will be used for all catalog entry points, except for the menu entries for the traditional catalog and any links within the traditional catalog.

Menu Changes
  • Search → Search The Catalog now searches to new catalog.

  • Cataloging → Search The Catalog now searches to new catalog.

  • Cataloging → Search The Catalog (Traditional) searches the traditional TPAC-style catalog.

  • Staff client splash page → Search the catalog inline form uses the new catalog.

2.7.2. Basket To Bucket Action Now Allows Adding To Shared Buckets

The Angular staff catalog’s Add Basket to Bucket action now gives the user the option of adding the contents of the basket to a shared bucket.

2.7.3. Angular catalog recall/force/part holds

The Angular staff catalog now has entry points for placing Recall, Force, and Part-level holds.

For any item-level hold type, the user now has the option to cycle between Item, Recall, and Force hold types. The selected type affects the full batch of holds.

For title-level holds, the user now has the option to select a part as the hold target for each record in the list. Part selection is optional.

2.8. OPAC

2.8.1. New Bootstrap-based OPAC

This release includes a new experimental OPAC with a cleaner, more modern design.

To enable the new OPAC design, open the /etc/apache2/eg_vhost.conf file.

Find the following line:

PerlAddVar OILSWebTemplatePath "/openils/var/templates"

Add the following line directly below it:

PerlAddVar OILSWebTemplatePath "/openils/var/templates-bootstrap"

Be sure that, if you have any local customizations, that they are referenced below this line. This way, your customizations will still appear in the new OPAC design (although they may need to be adjusted to better fit the new style).

You can also turn on the new OPAC for some virtual hosts only, by adding it to the appropriate virtual host entry. Be sure to reference the OILSWebTemplatePath for the templates-bootstrap directory before referencing any local customizations used by that virtual host.

To emphasize, the new OPAC skin is considered experimental for 3.6.x. There are some discrepancies between its functionality and the functionality present in the original "TPAC" skin. The Evergreen community aims to resolve those discrepancies and make the Bootstrap skin become the default OPAC for the Spring 2021 release (though the original TPAC skin will still be available). Using the Bootstrap skin in production for 3.6 is at your own risk.

2.8.2. Enhanced Public Catalog Printing and Email

Evergreen now provides additional functionality for printing and emailing bibliographic record and holdings information from the catalog, including from an individual record or from a list or basket.

After selecting Print or Email, the user will be presented with a preview of the printout or email, respectively. From the preview users can chose to view Brief or Full record information (Full includes holdings information) and how records should be sorted (Author, Title, Publication Date). Holdings information can also be limited to a certain library.

Users can be required to log in to their OPAC account to send an email, or this feature can be configured to allow sending an email without signing in to the public catalog. If the option to allow emailing without signing in is enabled (by turning on the new Allow record emailing without login library setting), user will be asked to solve an arithmetic CAPTCHA in order to send the email.


Two new interfaces have been added to Local Administration: Event Definition Groups and Event Definition Group Members. The Event Definition Groups defines the various groups for Action Trigger Event Definitions — currently Print Record(s) or Email Record(s). The Event Definition Group Members defines the options within each group — currently Brief or Full record information.

These two interfaces expose the infrastructure behind the new print and email functionality and library staff will not need to make any changes to these interfaces to use the existing print and email options. The stock print and email Action Trigger Event Definitions can be cloned and modified to provide additional bibliographic format options. After creating the custom Event Definition, add it to the appropriate Event Definition Group (Print Record or Email Record) and the new format will be available in the catalog.

2.8.3. Credit card payments using Stripe now on version 3 (Elements)

When Stripe payments are enabled, the public catalog will now use version 3 of the Stripe client library, as well as its Elements API for building the credit card form. For technical reasons, this more easily lends a site to PCI compliance.

On the staff side, the credit card option is disabled for Stripe, as that has not been implemented and in the past would just give an error.

2.8.4. Improve Access to Libray Info in OPAC

Adds the library’s address, email, phone, and website link to the myopac patron account preferences page.

2.9. Reports

2.9.1. Combined Aged and Active Circulations Source Naming

A recent improvement to aid web client data retrieval speed resulted in a new reports source that was named nearly identically to a long-existing one, and both were appearing in the "Core Sources" section of reports. The newer source has been renamed for clarity and removed from the core sources to prevent confusion:

  • "Combined Aged and Active Circulations" is now named "Combined Aged and Active Circulations (Slim Version)" and is removed from the Core Sources.

  • "Combined Aged and Active Circulations", which contains more linkages to other data sources, remains in the Core Sources list.

2.9.2. Reports Subtotals

Reports now allow group subtotals and grand totals. By checking the new "Calculate grouping subtotals" checkbox under "Output Options", a new unlabeled row or column is created with the subtotals for each grouping and an unlabeled grand total row or column.

This takes advantage of PostreSQL’s built-in ROLLUP feature. See the PostgreSQL documentation for details:

An example of a report that could use this new feature is one based on the Circulation source with the following fields:

  • Circulation → Checkout / Renewal Library → Short (Policy) Name (Raw Data)

  • Circulation → Checkout Date/Time (Year)

  • Circulation → Shelving Location → Name (Raw Data)

  • Circulation → Circ ID (Count Distinct)

Turning on the "Calculate grouping subtotals" checkbox would make the report show subtotals for each combination of short name, checkout year, and shelving location name.

2.10. SIP

2.10.1. Allow Username in Patron ID

Evergreen now accepts a patron’s username in the SIP2 Patron ID field (AA) in addition to the barcode. This modification is useful for vendors, such as Overdrive, who can accept a user’s username. Additionally, it is easier for a patron to find and remember their username over their barcode.

The new feature determines if the value in the Patron ID field is a barcode or username by comparing the field value against the opac.barcode_regex setting for the organizational unit of the logged in SIP2 account as configured in the oils_sip.xml file. This is similar to what the OPAC does when a patron logs in.

This feature requires activation. To activate, uncomment (or add) the following line in the oils_sip.xml configuration file and change the value from false to true.

<option name='support_patron_username_login' value='true' />

3. Acknowledgments

The Evergreen project would like to acknowledge the following organizations that commissioned developments in this release of Evergreen:

  • C/W MARS

  • Equinox Open Library Initiative

  • Evergreen Community Development Initiative

  • Georgia Public Library Service

  • Indiana State Library

  • Linn-Benton Community College

  • MassLNC


  • PaILS

  • Treasure Valley Community College

We would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, translations, documentation, patches, and tests to this release of Evergreen:

  • John Amundson

  • Nelson Appell

  • Zavier Banks

  • a. bellenir

  • Felicia Beaudry

  • Jason Boyer

  • Dan Briem

  • Chris Burton

  • Steven Callender

  • Lisa Carlucci

  • Galen Charlton

  • Garry Collum

  • Dawn Dale

  • Jeff Davis

  • Diane Disbro

  • Bill Erickson

  • Jason Etheridge

  • Lynn Floyd

  • Ruth Frasur

  • Blake Graham-Henderson

  • Rogan Hamby

  • Elaine Hardy

  • Kyle Huckins

  • Angela Kilsdonk

  • Owen Leonard

  • Troy Leonard

  • Shula Link

  • Tiffany Little

  • Mary Llewellyn

  • Terran McCanna

  • Gina Monti

  • Christine Morgan

  • Michele Morgan

  • Andrea Buntz Neiman

  • Jennifer Pringle

  • Mike Risher

  • Mike Rylander

  • Jane Sandberg

  • Dan Scott

  • Chris Sharp

  • Remington Steed

  • Jason Stephenson

  • Josh Stompro

  • Dan Wells

  • Jennifer Weston

  • Beth Willis

  • John Yorio

We also thank the following organizations whose employees contributed patches:

  • Ann Arbor District Library

  • BC Libraries Cooperative

  • Bibliomation

  • Calvin College

  • Catalyte

  • C/W MARS

  • Equinox Open Library Initiative

  • Georgia Public Library Service

  • Grand Rapids Public Library

  • Greater Clark Hills Regional Library System

  • Indiana State Library

  • Kenton County Public Library

  • King County Library System

  • Laurentian University

  • Linn-Benton Community College


  • Niagara Falls Public Library


  • Scenic Regional Library

  • Sigio

  • Washington County (MO) Public Library

  • Westchester Library System

  • Zivot Design

We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertently missed, please open a bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/ with a correction.