1. Upgrade notes
1.1. Database Upgrade Procedure
The database schema upgrade for Evergreen 3.7 has more steps than normal. The general procedure, assuming Evergreen 3.6.2 as the starting point, is:
Run the main 3.6.2 ⇒ to 3.7 schema update script from the Evergreen source directory, supplying database connection parameters as needed:
psql -f Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.6.2-3.7.0-upgrade-db.sql 2>&1 | tee 3.6.2-3.7.0-upgrade-db.log
Create and ingest search suggestions:
Run the following from
to export the strings to files:\a \t \o title select value from metabib.title_field_entry; \o author select value from metabib.author_field_entry; \o subject select value from metabib.subject_field_entry; \o series select value from metabib.series_field_entry; \o identifier select value from metabib.identifier_field_entry; \o keyword select value from metabib.keyword_field_entry; \o \a \t
From the command line, convert the exported words into SQL scripts to load into the database. This step assumes that you are at the top of the Evergreen source tree.
$ ./Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl title > title.sql $ ./Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl author > author.sql $ ./Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl subject > subject.sql $ ./Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl series > series.sql $ ,/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl identifier > identifier.sql $ ./Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl keyword > keyword.sql
Back in
, import the suggestions. This step can take several hours in a large databases, but the\i $FILE.sql`
steps can be run in parallel.ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET UNLOGGED; TRUNCATE search.symspell_dictionary; \i identifier.sql \i author.sql \i title.sql \i subject.sql \i series.sql \i keyword.sql CLUSTER search.symspell_dictionary USING symspell_dictionary_pkey; REINDEX TABLE search.symspell_dictionary; ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET LOGGED; VACUUM ANALYZE search.symspell_dictionary; DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_title; DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_author; DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_subject; DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_series; DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_identifier; DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_keyword;
(optional) Apply the new opt-in setting for overdue and preduce notices. The following query will set the circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled user setting to true (the default value) for all existing users, ensuring they continue to receive overdue/predue emails.
INSERT INTO actor.usr_setting (usr, name, value) SELECT id, circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled, true FROM actor.usr;
The following query will add the circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled user setting as an opt-in setting for all action triggers that send emails based on a circ being due (unless another opt-in setting is already in use).
UPDATE action_trigger.event_definition SET opt_in_setting = circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled, usr_field = usr WHERE opt_in_setting IS NULL AND hook = checkout.due AND reactor = SendEmail;
Evergreen admins who wish to use the new setting should run both of the above queries. Admins who do not wish to use it, or who are already using a custom opt-in setting of their own, do not need to do anything.
Perform a
of the following tables usingpsql
:VACUUM ANALYZE authority.full_rec; VACUUM ANALYZE authority.simple_heading; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.identifier_field_entry; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.combined_identifier_field_entry; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.title_field_entry; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.combined_title_field_entry; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.author_field_entry; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.combined_author_field_entry; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.subject_field_entry; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.combined_subject_field_entry; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.keyword_field_entry; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.combined_keyword_field_entry; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.series_field_entry; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.combined_series_field_entry; VACUUM ANALYZE metabib.real_full_rec;
1.2. New Seed Data
1.2.1. New Permissions
Administer geographic location services (
) -
Administer library groups (
) -
Manage batch (subscription) hold events (
) -
Modify patron SSO settings (
) -
View geographic location services (
1.2.2. New Global Flags
Block the ability of expired user with the STAFF_LOGIN permission to log into Evergreen (
) -
Offer use of geographic location services in the public catalog (
1.2.3. New Internal Flags
Maximum search result count at which spelling suggestions may be offered (
1.2.4. New Library Settings
Allow both Shibboleth and native OPAC authentication (
) -
Allow renewal request if renewal recipient privileges have expired (
) -
Enable Holdings Sort by Geographic Proximity ('opac.holdings_sort_by_geographic_proximity`)
Enable Shibboleth SSO for the OPAC (
) -
Evergreen SSO matchpoint (
) -
Geographic Location Service to use for Addresses (
) -
Keyboard distance score weighting in OPAC spelling suggestions (
) -
Log out of the Shibboleth IdP (
) -
Minimum required uses of a spelling suggestions that may be offered (
) -
Pg_trgm score weighting in OPAC spelling suggestions (
) -
Randomize group hold order (
) -
Shibboleth SSO Entity ID (
) -
Shibboleth SSO matchpoint (
) -
Show Geographic Proximity in Miles (
) -
Soundex score weighting in OPAC spelling suggestions (
1.2.5. New Stock Action/Trigger Event Definitions
Hold Group Hold Placed for Patron Email Notification
2. New Features
2.1. Administration
2.1.1. Single Sign On (Shibboleth) Public Catalog integration
The Evergreen OPAC can now be used as a Service Provider (SP) in a Single Sign On infrastructure. This allows system administrators to connect the Evergreen OPAC to an identity provider (IdP). Such a scenario offers significant usability improvements to patrons:
They can use the same, IdP-provided login screen and credentials that they use for other applications (SPs).
If they have already logged into another participating application, when they arrive at the Evergreen OPAC, they can be logged in without needing to enter any credentials at all.
Evergreen can be configured to offer a Single Sign-out service, where logging out of the Evergreen OPAC will also log the user out of all other SPs.
It can also offer security benefits, if it enables a Shibboleth-enabled Evergreen installation to move away from insecure autogenerated user passwords (e.g. year of birth or last four digits of a phone number).
Different Org Units can use different IdPs. This development also supports a mix of Shibboleth and non-Shibboleth libraries.
Note that only the OPAC can be integrated with Shibboleth at this time; no such support exists for the staff client, self-check, etc.
Also note that this development does not include automatic provisioning of accounts. At this time, matching accounts must already exist in Evergreen for a patron to successfully authenticate into the OPAC via Single Sign On.
Installing and configuring Shibboleth support is a complex project. In broad strokes, the process includes:
Installing Shibboleth and the Shibboleth Apache module (
apt install libapache2-mod-shib2
on Debian and Ubuntu) -
Configuring Shibboleth, including:
Setting up a certificate
assigning an Entity ID
getting metadata about the IdP from the IdP (perhaps "locally maintained metadata", where an XML file from the IdP is copied into place on your Evergreen server)
Understanding what attributes the IdP will provide about your users, and describing them in the
Providing your Entity ID, information about possible bindings, and any other requested information to the IdP administrator. Much of this information will be available at http://YOUR_EVERGREEN_DOMAIN/Shibboleth.sso/Metadata
Configuring Apache, including:
Enabling Shibboleth authentication in the
file -
(Optional) Using the new sso_loc Apache variable to identify which org unit should be used as the context location when fetching Shibboleth-related library settings.
As a user with the new
permission, configure Evergreen using the Library Settings Editor, including:-
Enable Shibboleth SSO for the OPAC
(Optional) Configure whether you will use SSO exclusively, or offer patrons a choice between SSO and standard Evergreen authentication
(Optional) Configure whether or not you will use Single Log Out
(Optional) In scenarios where a single Evergreen installation is connected to multiple IdPs, assign org units to the relevant IdPs, referenced by the IdP’s Entity Id.
Of the attributes defined in
, configure which one should be used to match users in the Evergreen database. This defaults to uid. -
For the attribute you chose in the previous step, configure which Evergreen field it should match against. Options are usrname (default), barcode, and email.
This video on the SAML protocol can be very helpful for introducing the basic concepts used in the installation and configuration processes.
2.2. Architecture
2.2.1. Block Login of Expired Staff Accounts
Evergreen now has the ability to prevent staff users whose
accounts have expired from logging in. This is controlled
by the new global flag "auth.block_expired_staff_login", which
is not enabled by default. If that flag is turned on, accounts
that have the STAFF_LOGIN
permission and whose expiration date
is in the past are prevented from logging into any Evergreen
interface, including the staff client, the public catalog, and SIP2.
It should be noted that ordinary patrons are allowed to log into the public catalog if their circulation privileges have expired. This feature prevents expired staff users from logging into the public catalog (and all other Evergreen interfaces and APIs) outright in order to prevent them from getting into the staff interface anyway by creative use of Evergreen’s authentication APIs.
Evergreen admins are advised to check the expiration status of staff accounts before turning on the global flag, as otherwise it is possible to lock staff users out unexpectedly. The following SQL query will identify expired but otherwise un-deleted users that would be blocked by turning on the flag:
SELECT DISTINCT usrname, expire_date FROM actor.usr au, permission.usr_has_perm_at_all(id, 'STAFF_LOGIN') WHERE active AND NOT deleted AND NOT barred AND expire_date < NOW()
Note that this query can take a long time to run in large databases
given the general way that it checks for users that have the
permission. Replacing the use of
with a query on expired users
with profiles known to have the STAFF_LOGIN
permission will
be much faster.
2.2.2. Migration From GIST to GIN Indexes for Full Text Search
Evergreen now uses GIN indexes for full text search in PostgreSQL. GIN indexes offer better performance than GIST. For more information on the differences in the two index types, please refer to the PostgreSQL documentation.
An upgrade script is provided as part of this migration. If you
upgrade normally from a previous release of Evergreen, this upgrade
script should run as part of the upgrade process. The migration
script recommends that you run a VACUUM ANALYZE
in PostgreSQL on the
tables that had the indexes changed. The migration process does not
do this for you, so you should do it as soon as is convenient after
the upgrade.
Updating Your Own Indexes
If you have added your own full text indexes of type GIST, and you wish to migrate them to GIN, you may do so. The following query, when run in your Evergreen databsase after the migration from GIST to GIN, will identify the remaining GIST indexes in your database:
SELECT schemaname, indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexdef ~* 'gist';
If the above query produces output, you can run the next query to output a SQL script to migrate the remaining indexes from GIST to GIN:
SELECT 'DROP INDEX ' || schemaname || '.' || indexname || E';\n' || REGEXP_REPLACE(indexdef, 'gist', 'gin', 'i') || E';\n' || 'VACUUM ANAlYZE ' || schemaname || '.' || tablename || ';' FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexdef ~* 'gist';
2.2.3. Removal of Custom Dojo Build
Evergreen had a method of making a custom build of the Dojo JavaScript library. Following this procedure could improve the load times for the OPAC and other interfaces that use Dojo. However, very few sites took advantage of this process or even knew of its existence.
As a part of the process, an openils_dojo.js
file was built and
installed along with the other Dojo files. Evergreen had many
references to load this optional file. For the majority of sites that
did not use this custom Dojo process, this file did not exist.
Browsers would spend time and resources requesting this nonexistent
file. This situation also contributed noise to the Apache logs with
the 404 errors from these requests.
In keeping with the goal of eliminating Dojo from Evergreen, all
references to openils_dojo.js
have been removed from the OPAC and
other files. The profile script required to make the custom Dojo
build has also been removed.
2.3. Cataloging
2.3.1. Czech language records in sample data
This release adds 7 Czech-language MARC records to the sample data set (also known as Concerto data set).
2.3.2. Publisher Catalog Display Includes 264 Tag
Publisher values are now extracted for display from tags 260 OR 264.
Upgrade Notes
A partial reingest is required to extract the new publisher data for display. This query may be long-running.
WITH affected_bibs AS ( SELECT DISTINCT(bre.id) AS id FROM biblio.record_entry bre JOIN metabib.real_full_rec mrfr ON (mrfr.record = bre.id AND mrfr.tag = '264') WHERE NOT bre.deleted ) SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(id, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE) FROM affected_bibs;
2.4. Circulation
2.4.1. Hold Groups
This feature allows staff to add multiple users to a named hold group bucket and place title-level holds for a record for that entire set of users. Users can be added to such a hold group bucket from either the patron search result interface, via the Add to Bucket dropdown, or through a dedicated Hold Group interface available from the Circulation menu. Adding new patrons to a hold group bucket will require staff have the PLACE_HOLD permission.
Holds can be placed for the users in a hold group bucket either directly from the normal staff-place hold interface in the embedded OPAC, or by supplying the record ID within the hold group bucket interface. In the latter case, the list of users for which a hold was attempted but failed to be placed can be downloaded by staff in order to address any placement issues. Placing a hold group bucket hold will requires staff have the MANAGE_HOLD_GROUPS permission, which is new with this development.
In the event of a mistaken hold group hold, staff with the MANAGE_HOLD_GROUPS permission will have the ability to cancel all unfulfilled holds created as part of a hold group event.
A link to the title’s hold interface is available from the list of hold group events in the dedicated hold group interface.
2.4.2. Scan Item as Missing Pieces Angular Port
The Scan Item As Missing Pieces interface is now an Angular interface. The functionality is the same, but the interface displays more details on the item in question (title/author/callnum) before proceeding with the missing pieces process.
2.4.3. Opt-In Setting for Overdue and Predue Emails
The "Receive Overdue and Courtesy Emails" user setting permits users to control whether they receive email notifications about overdue items.
To use the setting, modify any action trigger event definitions which send emails about overdue items, setting the "Opt In Setting" to "circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled" and the "User Field" to "usr". You can accomplish this by running the following query in your database:
UPDATE action_trigger.event_definition
SET opt_in_setting = 'circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled',
usr_field = 'usr'
WHERE opt_in_setting IS NULL
AND hook = 'checkout.due'
AND reactor = 'SendEmail';
Once this is done, the patron registration screen in the staff client will show a "Receive Overdue and Courtesy Emails" checkbox, which will be checked by default. To ensure that existing patrons continue to recieve email notifications, you will need to add the user setting to their accounts, which you can do by running the following query in your database:
INSERT INTO actor.usr_setting (usr, name, value)
FROM actor.usr;
2.4.4. Allow Circulation Renewal for Expired Patrons
The "Allow renewal request if renewal recipient privileges have expired" organizational unit setting can be set to true to permit expired patrons to renew circulations. Allowing renewals for expired patrons reduces the number of auto-renewal failures and assumes that a patron with items out eligible for renewals has not been expired for very long and that such patrons are likely to renew their privileges in a timely manner.
The setting is referenced based on the current circulation library for the renewal. It takes into account the global flags for "Circ: Use original circulation library on desk renewal instead of the workstation library" and "Circ: Use original circulation library on opac renewal instead of user home library."
2.5. OPAC
2.5.1. Consistent Ordering for Carousels
Carousel ordering is now stable and predictable:
Newly Cataloged Item and Newest Items by Shelving Location carousels are ordered from most recently cataloged to least recently cataloged.
Recently Returned Item carousels is ordered is from most recently returned to least recently returned.
Top Circulated Items carousels is ordered is from most circulated to least circulated.
Manual carousels (as of now, without the ability to adjust the position of items) are in the order they are added to the backing bucket.
Emptying and refilling the bucket allows reordering.
2.5.2. Default Public Catalog to the Bootstrap Skin
The public catalog now defaults to the Bootstrap skin rather than the legacy TPAC skin.
Bootstrap is now the default in order to encourage more testing, but users should be aware of the following issues; certain specific functionality is available only in the TPAC skin.
The TPAC skin remains available for use, but current Evergreen users should start actively considering migrating to the Bootstrap skin.
In order to continue to use the TPAC skin, comment out the following
line in eg_vhost.conf
PerlAddVar OILSWebTemplatePath "@localstatedir@/templates-bootstrap" # Comment this line out to use the legacy TPAC
2.5.3. Did You Mean? Single word search suggestions
This feature is the first in the series to add native search suggestions to the Evergreen search logic. A significant portion of the code is dedicated to infrastructure that will be used in later enhancements to the functionality.
When searching the public or staff catalog in a single search class (title, author, subject, series, identifier, or keyword) with a single search term users can be presented with alternate search terms. Depending on how the instance has been configured, suggestions may be provided for only misspelled words (as defined by existence in the bibliographic corpus), terms that are spelled properly but occur very few times, or on every single-term search.
The following new library settings control the behavior of the suggestions:
Maximum search result count at which spelling suggestions may be offered
Minimum required uses of a spelling suggestions that may be offered
Maximum number of spelling suggestions that may be offered
Pg_trgm score weighting in OPAC spelling suggestions
Soundex score weighting in OPAC spelling suggestions
QWERTY Keyboard similarity score weighting in OPAC spelling suggestions
There are also two new internal flags:
This feature requires the addition of new Perl module dependencies. Please run the app server and database server dependency Makefiles before applying the database and code updates.
At the end of the database upgrade script, the administrator is presented with a set of instructions necessary to precompute the suggestion dictionary based on the current bibliographic database. The first half of this procedure can be started even before the upgrade begins, as soon as the Evergreen database is no longer accessible to users that might cause changes to bibliographic records. For very large instances, this dictionary generation can take several hours and needs to be run on a server with significant RAM and CPU resources. Please look at the upgrade script before beginning an upgrade and plan this dictionary creation as part of the overall upgrade procedure.
Given a server, such as a database server with 64G of RAM, you should be able to run all six of the shell commands in parallel in screen sessions or with a tool such as GNU parallel.
These commands invoke a script that will generate a class-specific sub-set of the dictionary, and can be used to recreate the dictionary if necessary in the future.
2.5.4. Sort Holdings by Geographical Proximity
This functionality integrates 3rd party geographic lookup services to allow patrons to enter an address on the record details page in the OPAC and sort the holdings for that record based on proximity of their circulating libraries to the entered address. To support this, latitude and longitude coordinates may be associated with each org unit. Care is given to not log or leak patron provided addresses or the context in which they are used.
Requires the following Perl modules: Geo::Coder::Free
, Geo::Coder::Google
, and Geo::Coder::OSM
Configuration instructions:
Register an account with a third party geographic location service and copy the API Key.
Configure the Geographic Location Service (Server Administration > Geographic Location Service > New Geographic Location Service).
Enable Global Flag by navigating to Server Administration → Global Flags and locating the
flag. (Any entry in the Value field will be ignored.) -
Enable Library Setting: Enable Holdings Sort by Geographic Proximity (set to True).
Enable Library Setting: Geographic Location Service to use for Addresses (use the value from the Name field entered in the Geographic Location Services Configuration entry).
Enable Library Setting: Show Geographic Proximity in Miles (if not set, it will default to kilometers).
Set the geographic coordinates for each location by navigating to Server Administration > Organizational Units. Select the org unit, switch to the Physical Address subtab and either manually enter Latitude and Longitude values or use the Get Coordinate button.
Two new permissions, VIEW_GEOLOCATION_SERVICES and ADMIN_GEOLOCATION_SERVICES, control viewing and editing values in the Geolocation Location Services interface. They are added to the System Administrator and Global Administrator permissions groups by default.
2.5.5. Library Groups
The Library Groups search feature revives a longstanding internal concept in Evergreen called “Lassos,” which allows an administrator to define a group of organizational units for searching outside of the standard organizational unit hierarchy.
Use case examples include creating a group of law or science libraries within a university consortium, or grouping all school libraries together within a mixed school/public library consortium.
Searches can be restricted to a particular Library Group from the library selector in the public catalog basic search page and from the new "Where" selector on the advanced search page.
Restricting catalog searches by Library Group is available only in the public catalog and "traditional" staff catalog; it is not available in the Angular staff catalog.
This feature adds a new permission, ADMIN_LIBRARY_GROUPS
, that
allows updating Library Groups and Library Group Maps. This permission
is not associated with any profiles by default, and replaces
To define new library groups, use the Server Administration Library Groups and Library Group Maps pages. An autogen and a reload of Apache should be performed after making changes to Library Groups.
2.5.6. Easier Styling of Public Catalog Logo and Cart Images
Evergreen now has IDs associated with logos and cart images in the TPAC and Bootstrap OPACs to aid in customization. Images are as follows:
small Evergreen logo in navigation bar is topnav_logo_image
the large Evergreen logo in the center of the splash page of the TPAC is homesearch_main_logo_image
the cart icon is cart_icon_image
the small logo in the footer is footer_logo_image
The Bootstrap OPAC does not have a homesearch logo icon as it is added in the background by CSS and can be directly styled through the CSS.
2.5.7. Easier TPAC Customization via colors.tt2
Twelve new colors for TPAC have been added to the colors.tt2 file as well as having corresponding changes to the style.css.tt2 file. These use descriptive rather than abstract names. These changes help avoid situations were unreadable values are placed on top of each other and where different values are wanted for elements that only refernece a single color previously. Guidelines are below for setting values that correspond to the previous values used in the colors.tt2 file. For more diverse customizations the OPAC should be reviewed before a production load.
footer is used for the background color of the footer. It replaces the primary.
footer_text sets the text color in the footer and replaces text_invert
header sets the background of the header and replaces primary_fade
header_text sets the color of text in the header and replaces text_invert
header_links_bar sets the background of the links bar that separates the header on the front page of the opac and replaces background_invert
header_links_text sets the text on the links bar and replaces text_invert
header_links_text_hover set the hover text color on the links bar and replaces primary
opac_button sets the background color of the My Opac button and replaces control
opac_button_text explicitly sets the text color on the My Opac button
opac_button_hover sets the background color of the My Opac button when the mouse is hovering over it and replaces primary
opac_button_hover_text sets the text color of the My Opac button when the mouse is hovering over it and replaces text invert
Note that is patch is primarily meant for users who wish to continue using TPAC rather than the Bootstrap skin for a while; new Evergreen users are advised to use the now-default Bootstrap skin.
2.5.8. Configurable Read More Accordion for OPAC Search and Record View (TPAC)
Read More Button
Public catalog record fields (in the TPAC skin only) now truncate themselves based on a configurable amount of characters. The full field may be displayed upon hitting a (Read More) link, which will then toggle into a (Read Less) link to re-truncate the field.
contains two new
configuration variables:
(default: 1) -
(default: 50).
Setting truncate_contents
to 0 will disable the read more
functionality. The variable contents_truncate_length
to the amount of characters to display before truncating the text.
If contents_truncate_length
is removed, it will default to 100.
Additional configuration for note fields can be made in
, allowing a
variable for each individual type of note, which will
override contents_truncate_length
for that specific
type of note.
Adding Read More Functionality to further fields
To add Read More functionality to any additional fields, you may use
the macro accordion()
, defined in misc_util.tt2
. It can take three
variables: str
, trunc_length
, and element
. str
corresponds to
the string you want to apply it to, trunc_length
(optional) will
override contents_truncate_length
if supplied, and element
(optional) provides an alternative HTML element to look at for the
truncation process (useful in situations such as the Authors and Cast
fields, where each field is processed individually, but needs to be
treated as a single field).
2.6. Reports
2.6.1. Reports Scheduler Improvements
Previously, the reports scheduler allowed duplicated reports under certain circumstances. A uniqueness constraint now disallows this without adversely affecting the reports process.
3. Miscellaneous
The Create Reservation form in the Booking module now includes an option to search for the patron by attributes other than just their barcode. (Bug 1816655)
The form to add a user to a Course now includes an option to search for the patron by attributes other than just their barcode. (Bug 1907921)
For consistency with the menu action Cataloging ⇒ Retrieve Record by TCN Value, the staff catalog Numeric Search ⇒ TCN search now includes deleted bib records. (Bug 1881650)
Add a new command-line script,
, for testing the OverDrive API. (Bug 1696825) -
The Shelving Location Groups editor is ported to Angular. (Bug 1852321)
The staff catalog now has the ability to add all search results (up to 1,000 titles) to the basket in one fell swoop. (Bug 1885179)
Add All Videos as a search format. (Bug 1917826)
Server-side print templates can now have print contexts set. (Bug 1891550)
Add ability to set the print context for a print template to "No-Print" to specify, well, that a given receipt should never be printed. (Bug 1891550)
Add Check Number as an available column to the Bill History grids. (Bug 1705693)
Adds a new control to the item table in the TPAC public catalog only to specify that only items that are available should be displayed. (Bug 1853006)
Adds warning before deleting bib records with holds (Bug 1398107)
Library scope on (Angular) Administration pages now defaults to workstation location rather than consortium (Bug 173322)
Pending users now set last four digits of phone number as password when library setting is enabled (Bug 1887852)
4. Acknowledgments
The Evergreen project would like to acknowledge the following organizations that commissioned developments in this release of Evergreen:
BC Libraries Cooperative
Community Library (Sunbury)
Consortium of Ohio Libraries (COOL)
Evergreen Community Development Initiative
Evergreen Indiana
Georgia PINES
Linn-Benton Community College
Pennsylvania Integrated Library System (PaILS)
We would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed code, translations, documentation, patches, and tests to this release of Evergreen:
John Amundson
Zavier Banks
Felicia Beaudry
Jason Boyer
Dan Briem
Andrea Buntz Neiman
Christine Burns
Galen Charlton
Garry Collum
Eva Cerniňáková
Dawn Dale
Elizabeth Davis
Jeff Davis
Martha Driscoll
Bill Erickson
Jason Etheridge
Ruth Frasur
Blake Graham-Henderson
Katie Greenleaf Martin
Rogan Hamby
Elaine Hardy
Kyle Huckins
Angela Kilsdonk
Tiffany Little
Mary Llewellyn
Terran McCanna
Chauncey Montgomery
Gina Monti
Michele Morgan
Carmen Oleskevich
Jennifer Pringle
Mike Risher
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Remington Steed
Jason Stephenson
Jennifer Weston
Beth Willis
We also thank the following organizations whose employees contributed patches:
BC Libraries Cooperative
Calvin College
Equinox Open Library Initiative
Georgia Public Library Service
Kenton County Public Library
King County Library System
Linn-Benton Community College
Westchester Library System
We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertently missed, please open a bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/ with a correction.