14:00:39 <agoben> #startmeeting EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2020-01-16, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2020-01-16 14:00:39 <pinesol> Meeting started Thu Jan 16 14:00:39 2020 US/Eastern. The chair is agoben. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:39 <pinesol> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:39 <pinesol> The meeting name has been set to 'eob_evergreen_project_board_meeting_for_2020_01_16__agenda_https___wiki_evergreen_ils_org_doku_php_id_governance_minutes_2020_01_16' 14:01:28 <agoben> #topic Roll Call 14:01:28 <agoben> Use the #info command to provide name and affiliation 14:01:38 <agoben> #info agoben = Anna Goben, Evergreen Indiana 14:01:49 <JBoyer> #info JBoyer = Jason Boyer, EOLI 14:01:56 <tlittle> #info @tlittle = Tiffany Little, PINES 14:02:04 <rhamby> #info rhamby = Rogan Hamby, EOLI 14:02:08 <Cowens> #info cowens = Chris Owens, BPL/COOL 14:02:22 <nfBurton> #info nfburton = Chris Burton, NFPL 14:02:24 <gmcharlt> #info gmcharlt = Galen Charlton, EOLI 14:04:02 <agoben> Ok, jvwoolf has called off; guessing hbrennan is out too. 14:04:23 <agoben> I have a vague recollection that csharp might be otherwise occupied. Anyone else remember/know? 14:04:40 <tlittle> I don't think he's attending today--he had another meeting, I believe 14:04:44 <agoben> ++ 14:04:50 <agoben> #topic Approval of Minutes 14:04:56 <agoben> #info Minutes from 2019-12-19 meeting: https://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-12-19-14.03.log.html 14:05:00 <agoben> Corrections, updates, suggestions? 14:05:07 <gmcharlt> no additions 14:05:18 <tlittle> None here 14:05:32 <JBoyer> No 14:05:35 <agoben> #startvote Accept minutes from 2019-12-19? yes, no 14:05:35 <pinesol> Begin voting on: Accept minutes from 2019-12-19? Valid vote options are yes, no. 14:05:35 <pinesol> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 14:05:43 <agoben> #vote yes 14:05:44 <tlittle> #vote yes 14:05:45 <JBoyer> #vote yes 14:05:49 <Cowens> #vote yes 14:05:53 <nfBurton> #vote yes 14:05:57 <gmcharlt> #vote yes 14:05:59 <agoben> #endvote 14:05:59 <pinesol> Voted on "Accept minutes from 2019-12-19?" Results are 14:05:59 <pinesol> yes (6): nfBurton, JBoyer, agoben, Cowens, tlittle, gmcharlt 14:06:05 <agoben> #topic Chair Report 14:06:10 <agoben> Nothing specific to report here. 14:06:15 <agoben> #topic Treasurer's Financial Report 14:06:26 <agoben> gmcharlt, the floor is yours. 14:07:09 <gmcharlt> #info On the Conservancy end, changes include a $12.50 expenditure for domain fees 14:07:29 <gmcharlt> #info I have more information about Conservancy's collection activity which I'll share at the appropriate place in the agenda 14:07:53 <gmcharlt> #info On TEP end, received an invoice for attorney fees, but otherwise no fees 14:08:19 <gmcharlt> #info On the conference front, I know that sponsorships have been a little slow so far but will defer to the conference committee report 14:08:51 <gmcharlt> #info Re grant report = delayed, but draft will be circulated for review today 14:08:56 <gmcharlt> that's it unless there are questions 14:09:19 <agoben> Sounds good. Thanks for everything there! 14:09:46 <agoben> Unless there are other questions, I'll move on 14:10:00 <agoben> #topic SFC Updates: Grant report 14:10:16 <gmcharlt> and for the sake of the minutes... 14:10:17 <gmcharlt> #info Re grant report = delayed, but draft will be circulated for review today 14:10:22 <agoben> ++ 14:10:30 <agoben> #topic SFC Updates: Collection contacts 14:11:04 <agoben> gmcharlt, how'd that go? 14:11:11 <gmcharlt> #info I learned that in December Conservancy explicitly made a decision to try to collect on bad debt to have a bit more to pass along to TEP 14:12:01 <gmcharlt> so, didn't consult us, but it was a good-faith decision on Karen's part in my opinion; just wished that they had given a heads-up 14:12:18 <gmcharlt> #info Awaiting a specific list of invoices they are still trying to collect 14:12:31 <agoben> That was going to be my next question... 14:12:36 <gmcharlt> when I get it, I'll share names of entities 14:12:39 <agoben> ++ 14:12:57 <nfBurton> Hopefully it's not toolong 14:13:11 <agoben> agreed 14:13:50 <agoben> Any other SFC updates? 14:14:08 <gmcharlt> none from me 14:14:19 <agoben> Hearing none... 14:14:19 <agoben> #topic Release Manager Update 14:14:32 <agoben> Any one have any updates on the software side of things? 14:15:35 <agoben> Seems all quiet, so moving on: 14:15:37 <agoben> #topic 2020 Conference Committee 14:15:43 <agoben> tlittle, any news? 14:15:57 <tlittle> #info We now have enough proposals so that we have a full slate of programs. 14:16:06 <agoben> Hooray! 14:16:22 <tlittle> #info Sponsorships are slow coming in, but we're hoping that some are in transit in the mail. We're also reaching out to possible other contacts in orgs that haven't responded. 14:16:37 <tlittle> JBoyer Did I leave anything out? 14:17:03 <JBoyer> tlittle, no, that's a good summary of where we're at. 14:17:15 <JBoyer> Thanks to everyone that's submitted programs! 14:17:24 <gmcharlt> question: when will submitters be formally notified about their presentation proposals? 14:17:59 <tlittle> That is a good question. Soon, I think? Terran has already done a draft of the program lineup, so I don't think it will be too much longer. 14:18:26 <agoben> Great! Sounds like things are coming along well. 14:18:48 <agoben> Any other questions about the 2020 conference? 14:19:17 <agoben> #topic 2021 Site Selection Committee 14:19:36 <agoben> Ok, I'm going to ping dluch, but I'm not sure she's available currently. 14:20:16 <tlittle> #info We've had a site officially put in an proposal, and the selection committee will be meeting in the next few days to review it. 14:20:39 <agoben> Ok, you got the application then. 14:20:55 <tlittle> Yep! 14:21:03 <agoben> Wasn't sure if the Board was going to have to make the call since it's a rather short window. 14:21:31 <agoben> We'll leave that to the committee then! 14:21:38 <agoben> #topic Outreach Committee 14:21:38 <tlittle> We're trying to get together tomorrow for a call so hopefully shouldn't take too long 14:21:43 <agoben> kk 14:21:57 <agoben> rhamby? 14:22:07 <rhamby> I sent an email just before the meeting. 14:22:10 <agoben> Anything else to share? 14:22:17 <rhamby> The gist of it is that we skipped meeting but are working hard on the annual report. 14:22:25 <rhamby> And I have nothing else to share but welcome questions as always. 14:22:37 <rhamby> And if anyone has pictures to share from 2019 local Evergreen events they would be welcome. 14:22:49 <rhamby> email going out to that effect in just a few :) 14:23:42 <agoben> Great! 14:24:08 <agoben> #topic Unfinished Business: NPF Status - 1023 14:25:14 <agoben> gmcharlt and I coordinated to get the draft done before the holidays. I sent it to Dilly for review on the 23rd. He's reviewed it and come back with a couple of minor fixes. on the whole, seemed happy with it. 14:25:29 <tlittle> Great! 14:25:36 <JBoyer> agoben++ 14:25:37 <agoben> I need to update the draft for you all to review, but will try to get that done tomorrow. 14:25:38 <JBoyer> gmcharlt++ 14:26:03 <nfBurton> nice! 14:26:23 <agoben> Once there's one more round of eyes, we should be good to send it in finally. We do have to file a 990 for 2019, so that'll be up next. 14:26:56 <agoben> Will be relieved when it's out the door. 14:27:31 <agoben> Any questions or thoughts on the last draft? 14:28:20 <agoben> Seems quiet, so... 14:28:24 <agoben> #topic Unfinished Business: 2020 Election 14:28:57 <agoben> jvwoolf just sent a note saying if we had any further notes about her planned process to let her know. Otherwise will move forward as planned. 14:29:29 <agoben> #info jvwoolf sent plans to listserv for review and discussion 14:29:46 <agoben> Any other thoughts to be shared here? 14:29:58 <tlittle> No, I thought her plan sounded solid 14:30:06 <agoben> Same. 14:30:27 <JBoyer> Same here 14:30:35 <agoben> Ok, I had no new business for the committee. Does anyone else have anything they want to raise? 14:31:01 <nfBurton> None 14:31:14 <gmcharlt> none 14:31:23 <Cowens> No 14:31:25 <tlittle> None from me. 14:31:25 <JBoyer> No 14:31:30 <agoben> In that case: 14:31:31 <agoben> #topic Next meeting 14:31:35 <agoben> #info Our next meeting will be on February 20, 2020. 14:31:51 <agoben> #endmeeting