#evergreen: 2024-07-09 Developer Meeting

Meeting started by abneiman at 15:00:17 US/Eastern (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. agenda: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=dev:meetings:2024-07-09#new_business (abneiman, 15:00:33)

  1. Introductions (abneiman, 15:01:01)
    1. redavis = Ruth Frasur Davis, ECDI (redavis, 15:01:24)
    2. dluch = Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS (dluch, 15:01:30)
    3. mmorgan = Michele Morgan, NOBLE (mmorgan, 15:01:35)
    4. phasefx_ = Jason Etheridge, EOLI (phasefx_, 15:01:40)
    5. abneiman = Andrea Buntz Neiman, EOLI (abneiman, 15:01:46)
    6. smayo = Steven Mayo, PINES (smayo, 15:01:47)
    7. sandbergja = Jane Sandberg, PUL (sandbergja, 15:01:49)
    8. terranm = Terran McCanna, PINES (terranm, 15:01:55)
    9. berick Bill Erickson, KCLS (berick, 15:02:21)

  2. Action Items from Last Meeting (abneiman, 15:03:00)
    1. gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946 (abneiman, 15:03:11)
    2. eeevil = Mike Rylander, EOLI (eeevil, 15:03:31)
    3. Dyrcona = Jason Stephenson, CWMARS (Dyrcona, 15:03:37)
    4. mmorgan will explore moving LP stats to community site and automating same (abneiman, 15:04:14)
    5. JBoyer = Jason Boyer, EOLI (JBoyer, 15:04:32)
    6. collum = Garry Collum, kcpl (collum, 15:04:50)
    7. ACTION: mmorgan will open a ticket for moving LP stats to community site & automating same (abneiman, 15:05:20)
    8. eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets (abneiman, 15:05:42)
    9. shulabear = Shula Link, GCHRL (shulabear, 15:06:11)
    10. ACTION: eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets (abneiman, 15:06:38)
    11. ACTION: gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946 (abneiman, 15:06:48)
    12. Dyrcona will take a look at bug 1017990 (abneiman, 15:07:08)
    13. kmlussier will update wiki (commit message standards) to include details about shared components/pullrequest rule for LP tagging on multi-commits (abneiman, 15:08:26)
    14. kmlussier has done this: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=dev:git&do=diff&rev2%5B0%5D=1712683062&rev2%5B1%5D=1720473693&difftype=sidebyside (abneiman, 15:08:40)
    15. redavis, Dyrcona, abneiman, LindaJansova, EvaCe will investigate and see what it will take to move our translations to POEditor (abneiman, 15:09:32)
    16. scottangel = Scott Angel, MOBIUS (scottangel, 15:11:33)
    17. quoting redavis: We did walk through POEditor plans and Galen was able to get some new functionality added. Because of the Project's non-profit status, it didn't cost anything. But now, we're looking at what it'll take to make decisions and port stuff (if deemed useful) from Launchpad to POEditor. (abneiman, 15:12:27)
    18. redavis will look at making a regular calendar event for translation work in lock step with point releases (abneiman, 15:13:01)
    19. ACTION: redavis will look at making a regular calendar event for translation work in lock step with point releases (abneiman, 15:16:05)
    20. ACTION: : Dyrcona will look into git integration with POEditor (abneiman, 15:18:19)
    21. redavis clarifies that POEditor offers no subscription fee to open source projects - not non-profit. (abneiman, 15:19:27)

  3. Release info (abneiman, 15:19:56)
    1. two OpenSRF releases! https://evergreen-ils.org/evergreen-and-opensrf-security-releases-evergreen-3-10-5-3-11-6-3-12-4-3-13-1-opensrf-3-2-5-and-3-3-1/ (abneiman, 15:20:16)
    2. also, Evergreen security releases! https://evergreen-ils.org/evergreen-and-opensrf-security-releases-evergreen-3-10-5-3-11-6-3-12-4-3-13-1-opensrf-3-2-5-and-3-3-1/ (abneiman, 15:20:38)
    3. 3.14 Roadmap is here: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=faqs:evergreen_roadmap - mark your calendars! (abneiman, 15:21:39)
    4. given that we just did a security release, is there any intent to do a further July point release (for non-security bugfixes) or are we waiting til August? (abneiman, 15:22:53)
    5. yes, Virginia, there will be a July point release (abneiman, 15:25:15)
    6. ACTION: sandbergja, abneiman, redavis, and mmorgan will put out said point release (abneiman, 15:25:38)

  4. Launchpad stats (abneiman, 15:26:09)
  5. New Business (abneiman, 15:27:49)
    1. Can we make some progress on some of these issues? http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen/2024-03-12#i_547284 (abneiman, 15:28:14)
    2. agreed upon the following: 1) sandbergja will create a needstestplan tag, which will be appplied to PR'd bugs if a test plan is lacking and needed; 2) we prefer if all PR'd bugs ALREADY have a test plan from the patch author, but if not, anyone can provide them; 3) mmorgan will update the LP stats monthly pull to include new uses of needswork, needsrebase, and needstestplan (abneiman, 15:49:08)
    3. several items on the 3.14 roadmap are already pullrequested, and two are signed off - can these get some eyes to avoid last minute merge scrambling? (abneiman, 15:50:57)
    4. ACTION: abneiman will review existing EOLI PRs for test plans (abneiman, 15:52:35)
    5. ACTION: discussion item for next meeting: test plans for big features (abneiman, 16:03:36)
    6. AGREED: we're all gonna stay hydrated (abneiman, 16:04:47)

Meeting ended at 16:05:22 US/Eastern (full logs).

Action items

  1. mmorgan will open a ticket for moving LP stats to community site & automating same
  2. eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets
  3. gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946
  4. redavis will look at making a regular calendar event for translation work in lock step with point releases
  5. : Dyrcona will look into git integration with POEditor
  6. sandbergja, abneiman, redavis, and mmorgan will put out said point release
  7. abneiman will review existing EOLI PRs for test plans
  8. discussion item for next meeting: test plans for big features

Action items, by person

  1. abneiman
    1. sandbergja, abneiman, redavis, and mmorgan will put out said point release
    2. abneiman will review existing EOLI PRs for test plans
  2. Dyrcona
    1. : Dyrcona will look into git integration with POEditor
  3. eeevil
    1. eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets
  4. mmorgan
    1. mmorgan will open a ticket for moving LP stats to community site & automating same
    2. sandbergja, abneiman, redavis, and mmorgan will put out said point release
  5. redavis
    1. redavis will look at making a regular calendar event for translation work in lock step with point releases
    2. sandbergja, abneiman, redavis, and mmorgan will put out said point release
  6. sandbergja
    1. sandbergja, abneiman, redavis, and mmorgan will put out said point release
    1. gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946
    2. discussion item for next meeting: test plans for big features

People present (lines said)

  1. abneiman (141)
  2. redavis (47)
  3. Dyrcona (22)
  4. mmorgan (19)
  5. sandbergja (19)
  6. sleary (16)
  7. pinesol (13)
  8. dluch (12)
  9. jeffdavis (8)
  10. shulabear (7)
  11. terranm (7)
  12. eeevil (6)
  13. smayo (3)
  14. phasefx_ (3)
  15. JBoyer (2)
  16. berick (2)
  17. scottangel (1)
  18. collum (1)

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