Monthly Archives: October 2018

Evergreen 3.2.1 and 3.1.7 Released

The Evergreen community is pleased to announce two maintenance releases of Evergreen, 3.2.1 and 3.1.7. Evergreen 3.2.1 has the following changes improving on Evergreen 3.2.0: * Adds several columns to the items out grid. * Adds the ability to copy patron addresses to the clipboard. * Fixes several issues with […]

Evergreen Contributor of the Month

Who are the unsung heroes of Evergreen? An open source project takes a community effort to be successful, and the Outreach Committee recently decided to start a community acknowledgement program.  We’re looking for nominations of community members who YOU think deserve a bit of extra recognition. Every month, the Outreach Committee […]

Evergreen 3.2.0 Release Available

I’m proud to announce the official release of Evergreen 3.2.0.  The files are available on the downloads page. In addition to the features and fixes noted in the Release Candidate and Beta Release posts, one additional bug fix was added to the final release — — which fixes cases where catalog searches can fail […]