Hi folks, this is a solicitation. We need your help. 🙂
We started acquisitions and serials development with a series of focus groups throughout the state of Georgia, and received a lot of useful input, insight, and suggestions from public librarians, academic librarians, and book vendors for what is needed in such a system.
We have what we believe is a useful framework for this, and some notions on how to further build on it, but what we’d like now is more end-to-end descriptions of your current (or ideal) acquisitions process, as well as your patterns for serials prediction, to rub off any rough edges we might have in our minds. And of course, we’d like this information in vendor-neutral language, so as to not to step on the toes, trademarks, or trade secrets of other library automation vendors. 😀
Here are two examples from the public OPEN-ILS-DEV mailing list, courtesy of Dan Scott: here and here.
And here are two examples of serials patterns on the development wiki.
Even if you don’t have the time to write up entries like these, if you could even comment on the ones we have (and the ones we get), it would really help us out.
Subscription and archive information for OPEN-ILS-DEV is here.
Write-access to the wiki is available on request (either to OPEN-ILS-DEV or to feedback@open-ils.org).
Or feel free to leave comments on this blog entry (and let us know through feedback@open-ils.org if you have any trouble with its anti-spam measures).
Thanks again!
— Jason