Evergreen 3.13.0 Released
The Evergreen Community is pleased to announce Evergreen 3.13.0. This is a major feature release, and we are especially proud to note that the multiyear project of converting pre-webclient interfaces to Angular is complete with this release.
Other notable features of 3.13.0 include:
- A fully rewritten enhanced MARC editor interface
- Angular ports of the Reports, Invoices, Claims, Circ Policies, and Z39.50 interfaces
- A tool for administrators to redact or obfuscate selected SIP data, as well as a new SIP management component ‘SIP2Mediator’
- Numerous accessibility improvements, including updates to Evergreen’s grid component, color contrast updates, button placement improvements, and more.
Please see the release notes for more information about 3.13.0.
The Evergreen Community thanks everyone who contributed to this release! An full list can be seen in the Acknowledgments section of the release notes.
Download files and additional information available on the Evergreen downloads page.
On behalf of the 3.13 release team,
Bill Erickson (King County Library System)
Blake Graham-Henderson (MOBIUS)
Stephanie Leary (Equinox Open Library Initiative)
Shula Link (Greater Clarks Hill Regional Library)
Andrea Buntz Neiman (Equinox Open Library Initiative)
Evergreen API Deprecation Notice: Several Disused Methods for Holds
The following Evergreen API methods will be deprecated:
- open-ils.circ.holds.create
- open-ils.circ.holds.create.override
- open-ils.circ.holds.create.batch
- open-ils.circ.holds.create.override.batch
The deprecation will occur in two phases:
- Evergreen 3.13: formal deprecation. Evergreen will warn about use of these APIs in its logs.
- The major Evergreen release that follows 3.13: removal of the methods
Any applications using the deprecated APIs should instead use the methods “open-ils.circ.holds.test_and_create.batch” and/or “open-ils.circ.holds.test_and_create.batch.override”. This switch can and should be made at any time; it need not wait on the formal deprecation.
For assistance with updating your application, please feel free to raise questions on the evergreen-dev mailing list or on the #evergreen IRC channel.
Additional information and discussion about this deprecation can be found in bug 1017990.
This announcement supersedes a previous, retracted announcement that incorrectly stated that “open-ils.circ.title_hold.is_possible” will be deprecated. That method will NOT be deprecated
-Evergreen community