On Friday, December 17th, the PINES Software Development staff conducted presentations on the Evergreen project at the PINES Executive Committee meeting in Dawsonville, Georgia. We covered widely varying areas of the software in these presentations. In this written report, I am going to glean some of the more interesting or important points from those presentations and also add a little additional in-depth information.
November Executive Committee Report
This is the first of what I hope will be informative and helpful progress reports for the Evergreen software development project. In this report I plan on giving a broad, project-wide overview of events, decisions, issues, and milestones that have occurred recently within the project. I also hope this report elicits responses and comments from you, the reader. My goal is to compile this sort of report at least monthly. The official target audience for this report is the PINES Executive Committee, but, of course, I welcome anyone to read and comment. I should also mention that since this is my first report, and I have to cover multiple months, this will most likely be one of my larger reports.