Update: 2009-10-14 8:20 PM EDT: Correct the title so that it accurately reflects the real date of the meeting: Friday, October 16, 2009 @ 10:00 AM EDT.
As discussed on the Evergreen Development mailing list, a public meeting for Evergreen developers that will be held on the #evergreen channel on the Freenode IRC network. All members of the community with an interest in contributing to the development of Evergreen are welcome to attend – and if you are unable to attend at the designated time, please feel free to submit comments for any of the agenda items in advance to the Evergreen development mailing list.
The agenda is continuing to evolve – please, feel free to extend and amend the agenda to ensure that it meets the immediate concerns of the project. We should be able to make the meeting go a bit smoother by doing some work in advance; for example, I’ve taken a few minutes to try and clean up the bugs/features in Trac that I should have closed months ago or deferred to a subsequent release.
For agenda items that have the potential to be too long to express during a single IRC meeting, it would probably make sense to post more considered opinions in advance on this mailing list. Examples of such agenda items might include major release process changes or drastically revising our bug tracking processes. If a given discussion item starts eating up too much meeting time and a decision is not immediately necessary, we can also delegate the responsibility to a volunteer sub-team for investigating alternatives and coming up with a proposal for adoption at the next meeting.
Lastly, all of this is new, so I’m sure there will be plenty of learning as we go!