Evergreen 2.10.8 and 2.11.1 released

We are pleased to announce the release of Evergreen 2.10.8 and 2.11.1, both bugfix releases.

Evergreen 2.10.8 fixes the following issues:

  • A fix to that provides alphabetical sorting to the fund selector in the Acquisitions Selection List -> Copies interface.
  • The addition of a progress bar that displays when conducting a patron search in the web client.
  • A fix to the web client patron interface so that total Items Out in the patron summary now includes overdue and long overdue items. It will also include Lost and Claims Returned items when the appropriate library setting is enabled.
  • A change to the public catalog My Account screen where the font for leading articles will now be smaller when sorting a list by title.
  • A fix to subject links in the catalog’s record summary page so that periods are no longer stripped from resulting subject searches, leading to more accurate results when those links are clicked.
  • A fix to avoid avoid unint warnings in the logs for prox_cache in open-ils.circ.hold.is_possible.
  • A fix to rounding errors that occured when summing owed/paid totals for display in the catalog’s credit card payment form.
  • A change to sort behavior in the My Account screens. Previously, a third click on a column header returned the list to its original sort order. Clicking column headers will now simply toggle the sort between ascending and descending order.
  • The Permalink option on the catalog’s record summary page will now be hidden in the staff client because clicking the link in the client led to no discernable change for users.
  • A fix to the text of a notice that displays when migrating circulation history during the upgrade to 2.10.
  • An improvement to the performance for the lookup of a user’s circ history by adding an index on action.usr_circ_history(usr).
  • A fix so that when a bib record’s fingerprint changes, it gets correctly moved to a different metarecord.

In additional, the Spanish translation is now fully enabled.

Evergreen 2.11.1 fixes the same issues fixed in 2.10.8, and also fixes the following:

  • A fix to the display of permanent lists in the catalog, which had broken in 2.11.0.
  • A fix to the web client checkin screen allowing users to click the title of the checked-in item to retrieve the bib record for that item.

Please visit the downloads page to retrieve the server software and staff clients.