Since the previous update, another 30 patches have been committed to the master branch.
This was the week of the first feedback fest in the 3.0 release cycle. A total of 57 bugs were identified last week as having an active pull request but no signoff; an additional bug was add to the wiki page today. Of those 58 bugs, 43 received substantive feedback, and 17 of them had their patches merged.
I would like to acknowledge the following people who left feedback for fest bugs:
- Galen Charlton
- Jeff Davis
- Bill Erickson
- Jason Etheridge
- Rogan Hamby
- Kathy Lussier
- Mike Rylander
- Ben Shum
- Jason Stephenson
- Dan Wells
A special shout-out also goes to Andrea Neiman, who helped keep the fest’s wiki page up to date this week.
There was also a fair amount of activity outside of the feedback fest, including a number of bug reports filed by folks testing the web staff client.
Duck trivia
Ducks occasionally need to be rescued from Library of Congress buildings. To date, no duck has been known to request a book whose call number starts with QL696.A52.
Updates on the progress to Evergreen 3.0 will be published every Friday until general release of 3.0.0. If you have material to contribute to the updates, please get them to Galen Charlton by Thursday morning.