Some of those patches were routine ones made as part of building this week’s bug fix and security releases. If you have not yet applied the security update, which closes several cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, it would be a good idea to do so now. I’ll wait. This is also a good time to remind folks about how you can report security bugs.
Some notable changes that made their way in this week include:
- Grids in the web staff client can now be moved more easily — in addition to using drag-and-drop, “Configure Columns” now includes buttons for moving columns around.
- Action/Trigger event definitions can now have a retention interval set; events that are older than the retention period can be deleted from the database using a new cronjob. This feature will both protect patron privacy (by getting rid of information about old notifications from the database) and save disk space on database servers.
- Copy locations now have a URL field; when set, the copy location name in the OPAC is linked to the URL.
Duck trivia
The incubation period for waterfowl typically ranges from 21 to 31 days.
Updates on the progress to Evergreen 3.0 will be published every Friday until general release of 3.0.0. If you have material to contribute to the updates, please get them to Galen Charlton by Thursday morning.