Evergreen 3.12 Release Candidate Available

The Evergreen Community is pleased to announce the release candidate for Evergreen 3.12. Everyone is encouraged to test the release candidate and report any issues on the launchpad bug tracker. At this point, only critical fixes will be included in 3.12.0.

A full list of new features can be found in the release notes.

The Evergreen Community wishes to thank all those who contributed code, testing, documentation and their time to this release. Thanks to all members of the community for their hard work to improve Evergreen.

OpenSRF 3.2.4 is the minimum version for 3.12-rc.

Full information is available on the Evergreen downloads and Open SRF downloads pages.

On behalf of the 3.12 release team:

Garry Collum (Kenton County Public Library)
Ruth Frasur Davis (Evergreen Indiana / Evergreen Community Development Initiative)
Stephanie Leary (Equinox Open Library Initiative)
Steven Mayo (PINES)
Terran McCanna (PINES)
Michele Morgan (NOBLE)
Andrea Buntz Neiman (Equinox Open Library Initiative)
Jane Sandberg (Independent)