OpenSRF 2.2.2 released

OpenSRF 2.2.2 is now available for download and use. This is a small bugfix release, and includes the following changes: Compatibility with version 3.0 and later of the Perl module JSON::XS. Subrequests (AKA method_lookup()-based API calls) sometimes append final-lvalue responses to the response list even after respond_complete() has been called […]

OpenSRF 2.2.1 released

OpenSRF 2.2.1 is now available for download and use. This is a small enhancement and bugfix release, and includes the following major changes: Due to Mozilla withdrawing support for multipart XHR responses from Firefox as of version 22, multipart message support is now disabled for all clients except the Evergreen […]

Evergreen 2.4 Beta1

The first (and likely only, barring major bugs) beta release of Evergreen 2.4 is now available for download and testing.  This marks the official feature-freeze point for the 2.4 series of Evergreen.  Notable features include: Significant TPAC enhancements Streamlined and enhanced Acquisitions functionality Expanded options for the configuration of Holds […]