Two new Evergreen releases
Evergreen offered two new releases to the community in August: 3.5.1 and 3.4.4. Both releases include over 45 new bug fixes in Evergreen’s administration, cataloging, circulation, feeds, public catalog, and search functionality. 26 different individuals contributed to these releases. You can find information about the improvements included in these releases in the 3.5 release notes, … Continue Reading about Two new Evergreen releases →
Evergreen Release 3.6 is off to a Great Start!
Release 3.6 is taking shape quickly in an accelerated timetable Lots of great features have already been added to the Release 3.6 roadmap. This is the first in a series of biweekly updates as we progress quickly to Evergreen 3.6 which will be released in October. Release info: 3.6 Roadmap Highlights: Angular Acquisitions Rewrite … Continue Reading about Evergreen Release 3.6 is off to a Great Start! →
Evergreen Community Spotlight: Linda Jansová
The Evergreen Outreach Committee is pleased to announce that July’s Community Spotlight is Linda Jansová. Linda is an information specialist for the Librarianship Institute, which is a part of the National Library of the Czech Republic. Linda is also the founder and current vice president of the nonprofit Osvobozená knihovna, z. s., which is an … Continue Reading about Evergreen Community Spotlight: Linda Jansová →