Evergreen 2.11.0 released
On behalf of the build-master team and myself, I am pleased to announce the release of Evergreen 2.11.0. Included in Evergreen 2.11.0 are the following new features: Add Date Header to Action Trigger Email/SMS Templates Support for Ubuntu 16.04 Purge User Activity Authority Record Import Updates Editor, Edit Date. Authority Propagation Updates Bib Editor, Edit … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.11.0 released →
Evergreen 2.9.8 and 2.10.7 released
We are pleased to announce the release of Evergreen 2.9.8 and 2.10.7, both bugfix releases. Evergreen 2.9.8 fixes the following issues: When adding a price to the Acquisitions Brief Record price field, it will now propogate to the lineitem estimated price field. Declares UTF-8 encoding when printing from the catalog to resolve issues where non-ASCII … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.9.8 and 2.10.7 released →
Evergreen 2.9.7 and 2.10.6 released
We are pleased to announce the release of Evergreen 2.9.7 and 2.10.6, both bugfix releases. Evergreen 2.9.7 fixes the following issues: The claims never checked out counter on the patron record is now incremented correctly when marking a lost loan as claims-never-checked-out. When a transit is canceled, the copy’s status is changed only if its … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.9.7 and 2.10.6 released →