The Evergreen community participates along with hundreds of other websites in raising awareness about two pieces of U.S. legislation, SOPA and PIPA, by posting the following banner on the official website.
End Of Life Announcement – Evergreen 1.6
The development team has announced an End of Life for the 1.6 release series of Evergreen. The series is no longer maintained and will not receive any updates effective 2011-11-04.
It is advised that installations running a 1.6 version of Evergreen upgrade to the 2.0 or 2.1 series. To get the latest release and view upgrade instructions please visit
Evergreen Releases: 2.1.1 and 2.2-alpha1
Evergreen 2.1.1 and 2.2-alpha1 were released on November 17, 2011.
Evergreen 2.1.1 represents the first major bug fix release of the 2.1 series. You can view the full changelog here.
Evergreen 2.2-alpha1 is the first cut of the next 2.2 series. Come be among the first to help test new features and functionality. This release includes many new features, including the Template Toolkit OPAC (or Tpac, for short). As always, please report any new bugs to Launchpad.