Circulation Demo Release

For now, let’s look at the Patron Search interface. Click Search -> Patrons from the top menubar.

Patron Search

A search for GA in the State field will retrieve most of the test patrons we created. There are no real patrons in this demo. You can choose what columns appear in the search results and in what order (try dragging the column headers), and eventually you’ll be able to sort on any column.

Patron Results

Notice how we can step through each patron and have summary information appear in the left pane. Anytime you deal with patrons in an interface, you will have the same patron summary pane on the left. It also serves as a launch pad for other services you can perform for that patron, such as Check Out and Holds.

Patron Results

Let’s edit this patron by clicking on the Edit button in the patron summary pane:

Patron Edit

Right now we don’t have a lot of input-validation and error-checking in this interface, however, almost everything is available for editing. The Patron Registration interface (Circulation -> Register Patron) is identical to the edit interface.

One useful feature is that we allow libraries to create local statistical categories that they may assign to patrons (and copies, for that matter).

Statistical Categories

These show up on the patron summary pane, and the values for a patron’s stat cats are editable in the patron edit interface. The stat cats themselves can be defined and edited under Admin -> Patron Stat Cat Editor:

Statistical Categories