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There are three programming tracks, and we hope to have a broad spectrum of programming within each track:
- End user: best practices and techniques for using Evergreen in day-to-day library operations.
- General: programs on administration, training, making the decision to move to Evergreen, participating in the Evergreen community, and other topics related to using Evergreen and open source software in consortial and standalone environments.
- Technical: Topics related to system administration, software development, implementation, hardware, and integration with other software.
Tips for Prospective Presenters
- There is a suggested list of programs that may fit well with each user track, see the full list below. These suggestions are intended to give prospective presenters some inspiration in crafting their proposals.
- Prospective presenters are encouraged to contact possible co-presenters and submit a proposal together.
- For proposal ideas, view the 2016 Conference Schedule and Presentations from Raleigh.
- Presentation sessions will be roughly an hour in length – multi-part presentations will be considered if your presentation requires more time.
- Proposals that are largely sales pitches or that focus only on one particular vendor/service/product other than Evergreen will not be accepted.
- All submissions must include a session title, short description appropriate for the conference program (no more than 200 words), and the names, institutions, job titles and email addresses of those who will be presenting the material at the conference.
- Note your intended track (End User, General, Technical) and presumed technical level of your audience.
- Let us know of any accessibility requirements.
- Please submit your proposals to
- The deadline to submit a proposal is Friday, January 20, 2017.
As proposals are received, they will be published here.
Please contact Garry Collum at ( or Anna Goben at ( with any questions.
Sample Program Topics
The following programs are sample topics that may fit within a given track.
End User Track
- Reports
- Circ rule tips
- Cataloging
- Authorities
- Serials
- Importing/Exporting MARC records
- Global updates to MARC records
- Using Buckets
- Handling e-resource records
- Handling catalog record maintenance in a consortium environment: ie “cleaning-up” bad records, holdings, etc.
- Acquisitions
- Acquisitions EDI setup
- Inventory
- Integrated online payment models
- Understanding tables / column headings to build more effective reports or “databases for dummies”
- Billings
- Hold policy configuration settings and potential conflicts
- Something that explains to “lay” users what the internal structure of EG data is like, and how it is organized and manipulated.
- Receipt template magic
- Evergreen Configuration 101
- Adding new toolbar buttons
General Track
- Cloud hosting pros and cons
- New feature overview
- A program for local admins for a consortium
- Documenting change (including features that are eliminated/retired)
- Bookmobiles and Evergreen
- Mobile catalog
- Learning from experience: lessons that new Evergreen libraries and consortia can learn from systems that have been around longer
- FulfILLment
- Contributing and maintaining Evergreen documentation
- Developing the Helpdesk in an Open Source Environment (Best Practices, Open Source software, ideas…)
- How front-line users or “nearly front-line” users can get involved with the community
- Cross-consortium/system collaboration on development projects including how to approach RFP, funding, etc.
- “Techie/developer translation” talks
- A community welcome panel and/or Intro to Evergreen session somewhere near the beginning of the programs.
- Intro to EG staff client
- Planned/potential Enhancements
- Community collaboration and development
- Long term planning
- eContent (ebooks, music, movies) catalog integration
- Consultation on library workflows upon bringing a new library into the established consortium.
- Community involvement
Technical Track
- How to read Evergreen log files – what is logged where, what to look for when troubleshooting.
- Updating the database using SQL – tricks, tips, pitfalls. When to do it and when to avoid it.
- Backup best practices – how much logging to keep, how many backups to keep and in what form, disaster planning. How to restore.
- Database replication – how to set it up, keep it functioning, manage it.
- Production build process, HOW TO pull from git, build and deploy to production as a standard operating procedure.
- How to use git
- Online catalog customization – how fancy is your catalog?
- Duties and responsibilities for a system administrator – what is typically expected of a system administrator? What are the most important issues that they need to address?
- Emergency planning and system options
- Customizing notices
- Help on contributing code, bugs, etc.
- Linked Data
- Evergreen Database Administration
- Introductory Evergreen Development
- Packaging Evergreen for Mainline Linux Distros
- Database best practices (purging patrons, deleting, etc.)
- Using Marc Search/Facet tables to customize OPAC searching