With this week’s work, we can strike out one more line on the 3.0 road map: canceling or aborting a transit will no longer delete the record of the transit outright. Instead, the record of the transit will get updated with its cancellation time, but remain available for reporting and spelunking. The gremlins that hide books that get lost in transit between libraries will presumably have to satisfy themselves with hoarding unpaired socks. Credit goes to Chris Sharp for the initial patches and to Bill Erickson for reviewing them and writing follow-ups.
Another set of patches to note are the ones for bug 1681943, which improve how the public catalog “my lists” page displays on mobile devices. This is a good example of how a patchset can evolve as it gets feedback; in particular, I’d like to note what may be a shift in how we do responsive design, with a less use of hiding stuff in the mobile view in favor of rearranging everything to better fit. Credit goes to Terran McCanna with contributions from Ben Shum and me and feedback from Dan Scott.
We also had a development meeting on 7 June. The minutes and log are available. The next meeting is scheduled for 15:00 EDT / 20:00 UTC on 5 July.
After some discussion on the mailing lists, Terran McCanna has set the next block of Bug Squashing Days for 17 to 21 July. On a personal note, 19 July happens to be my birthday; the best present that anybody active in Evergreen development can give me is to write, test, sign off on, and commit patches and documentation that week.
Duck trivia
I think somebody really, really wants a duck to visit Chicago. Can we make it happen by ALA Annual? Then again, better luck might be had visiting the Chicago Botanic Garden.
Updates on the progress to Evergreen 3.0 will be published every Friday until general release of 3.0.0. If you have material to contribute to the updates, please get them to Galen Charlton by Thursday morning.