We are pleased to announce the release of Evergreen 2.9.8 and 2.10.7, both bugfix releases.
Evergreen 2.9.8 fixes the following issues:
- When adding a price to the Acquisitions Brief Record price field, it will now propogate to the lineitem estimated price field.
- Declares UTF-8 encoding when printing from the catalog to resolve issues where non-ASCII characters printed incorrectly in some browsers.
- Fixes an issue where the circ module sometimes skipped over booking logic even when booking was running on a system.
Evergreen 2.10.7 fixes the same issues fixed in 2.9.8, and also fixes the following:
- Fixes an issue where the workstation parameter was not passed through the AuthProxy.pm login function, causing problems with opt-in settings and transit behaviors.
Please visit the downloads page to retrieve the server software and staff clients.