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Presentation Slides and Files
Pre-Conference:, or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Program the Evergreen Back End (Jason Stephenson)
Pre-Conference: Finding What Isn’t There : Analyzing Evergreen for Collection Development (Rogan Hamby)
Pre-Conference: Web Client Receipts, It’s Not Magic (Lynn Floyd)
Interest Groups
Interest Group: Cataloging
Interest Group: Circulation
Interest Group: Documentation
Batches, Baskets, Buckets and Bookbags (Elizabeth Thomsen)
Catalogers Know How To Party! Resource Sharing the Cataloging Process (Anna Goben)
Cataloging Comics & Manga (Rogan Hamby & Meg Stroup)
Creating New Relationships with SPARK: A Migration Story (Angie Devers and Mark Sullivan)
The (EDI) Message in the (Acquisitions Module) (Tiffany Little)
Evergreen Documentation: How to Use It for Reference and Training Purposes – AND How to Participate in Making It Better! (Katie Greenleaf Martin and Angela Kilsdonk)
Flying Without a Net: Vendor E-Resource Discovery Within Evergreen Without Bibliographic Records (Elaine Hardy and Mike Pyland)
I Promise It’s Not Rocket Science: An Exploration of Launchpad (Andrea Buntz Neiman)
The Joy of Booking (Jane Sandberg)
Labels, Labels, and More Labels (Lynn Floyd)
Scrubaloging – Formatting and Fixing MARC Records (Ron Eifert, Kate Coleman, Blake Graham Henderson)
Smoldering Embers – SPARK tries Webby! (Lugene Shelly)
There is no XUL, only Webby: New feature highlight for 3.2 and 3.3 (Andrea Buntz Neiman and Bill Erickson)
To Buy or Not to Buy? Using Evergreen to Create Purchase Requests (Christina Thomas and Sylvia Orner)
The Usual Suspects (Deduplication) (Rogan Hamby)
Writing Angular for Evergreen (Galen Charlton)
General Sessions and Lightning Talks
Development Update (Galen Charlton, et al)
Future of Evergreen (Terran McCanna, Jane Sandberg, Jason Boyer, Jennifer Weston, and Tiffany Little)
Lightning Talk: Bite-Sized Bugs Working Group (Terran McCanna)
Lightning Talk: Displaying the Projected Publication Date (Elizabeth Thomsen)
Lightning Talk: Tracking Evergreen’s History (Galen Charlton)