We’ve had some questions about what kind of hardware we’re developing the software on, so I’ve decided to write an entry about it. As we describe in the FAQ, we’ve decided on Linux on x86 as the target platform, and we’ve built a development cluster accordingly. We have 5 Linux servers of varying configuration: 1 database server, 2 application servers, and 2 load balancer/firewall servers:
This part of the Open ILS website is referred to as a blog, or web log. We intend to use this page for sharing more technical updates on the project’s development than what you find on the project’s homepage. Think of this area as the place for diary or journal entries from the developers. We may also ask questions of you, the reader, and we invite you to post comments in response to our entries.
As always, if you wish to contact us directly, you may send email to: feedback@open-ils.org
Jason Etheridge
PINES Developer