Since the previous update in this series noting steps along the path to 3.0, a lot has happened. Evergreen 3.0.0 was released on 3 October and 3.0.1 was released on 19 October. Many libraries are now laying plans for their upgrades to 3.0.
On the one hand, a major release is an important event; on the other hand, life (and Evergreen development) carries on, step by step, patch by patch, bug report by bug report, thought by thought. Tomorrow the Evergreen community will select the release manager for 3.1, the spring 2018 release, which will be the best Evergreen release yet.
But for this final update post for the 3.0 series, I would like to express a personal note: gratitude. Gratitude for those who directed their time, their money, their consideration, their passion towards improving Evergreen; for those who use Evergreen every day; for those who work to maintain our community.
Thank you for helping to launch 3.0 aloft.
Duck trivia
The fastest duck ever recorded was a merganser observed flying in excess of 100 mph.