Call for Proposals
Hotel Reservations
Conference Registration
Programs and Schedule
Keynote Speaker
Social Activities
Travel Information
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Presentation Slides and Files
Pre-Conference: Authority Control and Your Library (Jane Sandberg)
- Slides
- Handout: SQL queries helpful for authority control
- Handout: Where to download MARC authority records
Pre-Conference: Brush Up Your Evergreen Search (Kathy Lussier)
Pre-Conference: More SQL for Librarians (Rogan Hamby)
Attack of the Clones LIVE! Building Evergreen Reports Before Your Eyes! (Jessica Woolford)
Beyond MODS: Customizing Search for Public Libraries (Rogan Hamby and Meg Stroup)
Catalog? But I’m Not a Cataloger! (Felicia Beaudry)
Cataloging, What’s Next? (Galen Charlton, Jonathan Furr, and Jennifer Weston)
Don’t Be An Ostrich! We want YOU to report bugs in Evergreen (Mary Jinglewski and Andrea Buntz Neiman)
Evergreen Catalog Showcase (Debbie Luchenbill, Kathy Lussier, Michael Schell, and Elizabeth Thomsen)
Evergreen Development Update (Galen Charlton, Bill Erickson, Dan Wells, Jason Boyer, and Jason Stephenson)
Five Years on Evergreen: C/W MARS Evaluates the Move (Jeanette Lundgren, Tim Spindler)
Future of Evergreen: Brainstorming Session
Holds and Transits in a Large Consortium (Dawn Dale)
Interest Group Notes
It Just Clicks: What Training My Dogs Taught Me About Working With Evergreen (Jessica Woolford)
Let’s Change Everything! (Rogan Hamby, April Durrence)
Lightning Talks
- AsciiDoc in 5 Minutes (Lynn Floyd)
- Auto-Renewal (Geoff Sams)
- Creating a Forest for the Trees (Ruth Frasur)
- Embedding Information Literacy Principles in InterfaceDesign (Jane Sandberg)
- Evergreen Documentation (Lynn Floyd)
- Evergreen SIP Proxy Server (Blake Henderson)
- I Was Wrong, Wrong, Wrong (Galen Charlton)
March of the Frameworks: How Angular Lost Its JS (Bill Erickson)
More than just Webby: new Features in 3.0 and 3.1 (Kathy Lussier and Andrea Buntz Neiman)
Print Templates in the Web Client (Terran McCanna)
Real World Deduplication (Rogan Hamby, Katie Greenleaf Martin, Sylvia Orner, Lugene Shelly)
SPARKing an interest in Resource Sharing (Elizabeth Davis, Mary Jinglewski, heather Lindskold, Katie Greenleaf Martin, Christina Thomas)
State of Evergreen (Tim Spindler)
Tip of the Iceberg: The Absolute Basics of OpenSRF (Cesar Velez and Rogan Hamby)
Training for Circulation Clerks (Diane Disbro)
What’s HATCH-ing? (Bill Erickson, Jason Boyer, Blake Graham-Henderson, and Chris Sharp)
“You Want Me to do What?” – Providing Migration, Post-Migration, and Ongoing Evergreen Training to Library Staff (Dawn Dale, Lugene Shelly, and Christina Thomas)